The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

C582 Ghost lions

C582 Ghost lions

Lin Tian's words made everyone even more curious, and that drunkard even tried to pull Lin Tian closer as he laughed, "Brat, let's chat properly."    


"I just want to know why you two are here. So, tell me, I can also tell you two why I can see through you two." With Lin Tian's words, everyone fell into deep thought.    


But in the end, everyone shook their heads, especially the woodcutter. "Youngster, don't ask anymore. No one will say anything, or you'll be stuck here forever."    


Lin Tianhu thought, "I will always be trapped here."    


"Yes, I told you, we are sinners." After the axman finished speaking, he did not speak anymore, and the drunkard also moved aside, pointing towards the front and said, "The array is over there, you go ahead, but there is a ghost beast there, it will eat the vital soul, you better be careful."    


Seeing that they weren't willing to speak, Lin Tian didn't pursue the matter any further, and could only walk towards the front of the valley, step by step.    


A while later, a huge stone statue appeared in front of Lin Tian. Furthermore, this stone statue was a 'lion'.    


There were about ten men, tall and covered in black fur.    


Lin Tian saw him and said, "Stop blocking, show yourself!"    


The stone on the ghost beast Lion's body gradually disappeared and turned into a living being. At the same time, its eyes flashed with red light and it lowered its head to look at Lin Tian, "You only have this many cultivation level, you dare to break through the array?"    


Lin Tian did not say anything, but the spectators were all curious, whether or not Lin Tian could withstand the Ghost Lions's attack.    


As for the Ghost Lions, when he saw that Lin Tian did not speak, he started to get angry and glared at Lin Tian, "Puny human, do you want to die?"    


"I'm in a hurry." With just one sentence, Lin Tian completely enraged the lion, and then, it opened its mouth and pounced towards Lin Tian with its enormous mouth.    


Lin Tian took out his whip and swung it with force. The lion face was smashed, although it was not really hurt, it was still a great humiliation to it.    


As such, the Ghost Lions roared in anger, and the surrounding earth trembled, while the surrounding people all exclaimed in shock, "He's angry, that guy is angry!"    


"That kid is finished." The drunkard knew that once this Ghost Lions got angry, Lin Tian had no chance of surviving.    


Just then, two Soul Devouring Flames shot out from Ghost Lions's eyes, but Lin Tian just stood there, doing nothing to defend, and directly blocking the flames.    


Everyone at the scene was stunned. Some of them even rubbed their eyes.    


"Is this still a mortal?" Others thought the same, and the drunk gasped.    


But the Ghost Lions was getting angrier and angrier, and in the end, he used his strength to stomp on Lin Tian, but Lin Tian just stood there and let him stomp on him.    


Not only that, when Lin Tian opened it, the Ghost Lions immediately felt as if his feet were being "burnt". He was so scared that he raised it up high and roared, "Bastard!"    


Everyone never thought that Lin Tian would be able to cause Ghost Lions to become like this, and Lin Tian was even able to recover his composure. He stared at the Ghost Lions and said, "Be obedient and lie down."    


"Get down? Who do you think you are? " Ghost Lions did not listen to his orders at all, but in the next moment, when Lin Tian opened it again, the Ghost Lions found out that Lin Tian was very attractive.    


The Ghost Lions was so scared that he started to struggle and jump all over the place.    


The onlookers were all curious, while the drunkard also looked confused, "What, what's going on?"    


The axman's power could be retracted and released freely, and it was even from his immortal soul. Thus, he was able to see through what was going on at a glance, and said, "He wants to devour this ghost beast."    


"What?" The drunkard's eyes widened, and the others felt that this was even more unbelievable.    


At this time, the Ghost Lions was already scared, and admitted defeat, "I told you to go, is that not okay?"    


"Just now, not now." Lin Tian did not stop, the Ghost Lions was depressed to the extreme, "As long as you don't kill me, I'll do whatever you want to me."    


Lin Tian knew that this Ghost Lions was not simple, if he could tame it, it would be a good choice, thus he smiled strangely, "Alright, then I will be my mount."    


After Lin Tian finished speaking, he immediately used the Soul Controlling Ghostly Arts, and that Ghost Lions didn't dare to struggle, only obediently submitting to him, as his body slowly grew smaller.    


After a while, this huge lion became as big as a normal lion and even took the initiative to lie there like a obedient little dog.    


Everyone were dumbstruck, while Lin Tian walked towards the rear of the formation that was covered in a layer of dense fog. As for the Ghost Lions, he silently followed behind, feeling wronged.    


"He has completely subdued this Ghost Lions." The woodcutter's eyes widened, and the drunkard and the others rushed over.    


However, this formation prevented them from seeing what was going on inside.    


"This." The drunkard couldn't believe it, and he even glanced at the woodcutter, who said helplessly, "Don't look at me, I don't know much about him either."    


"Then how did you bring him here?" The drunkard asked, but the axman told him what Lin Tian had told him.    


After the drunk finished listening, his eyes widened, "What?" He exterminated the black crow, and then chased away the Extradition? "    


"That's what he said in the beginning, but I felt that he was lying so I didn't think much of it. Now it seems that what he said was true." The woodcutter was stunned.    


The drunkard and the others were all dumbstruck, but they had no way of knowing where Lin Tian came from. They could only spread out helplessly and continue to stay in this strange valley.    


The woodcutter stared at the layer of fog and muttered to himself, "We will definitely meet again!"    




Lin Tian had already arrived at one of the transfer array s, and the Ghost Lions stood beside him and said respectfully, "Master, where are you going?"    


"Yin Sha Palace."    


The Ghost Lions warned Lin Tian, "Then stand still, I want to activate this transfer array."    


Lin Tian replied graciously, while Ghost Lions sent a surge of energy into the transfer array, activating it. However, Ghost Lions said, "There is some distance between here and Yin Sha Palace, I think it will take one day to pass through."    


Lin Tian revealed a curious expression, "transfer array, do you need that long?"    


"Master, you might not know this, but our ancient transfer array is useless like this." The Ghost Lions said embarrassedly.    


Lin Tian asked curiously, "And why are you guarding the transfer array here?"    


"I've been guarding the spell formation since I could remember."    


"You don't intend to leave?" Lin Tian felt that it was a little strange. The Ghost Lions shook his head and said, "Before you control me, there is a strange power in my body. Once I leave the valley, I will be burned by a flame."    


Lin Tian curiously checked on the Ghost Lions and found that there was still some energy left in his soul, but it had disappeared.    


"So you don't even know how you got here or why you did it?" Lin Tian returned to his senses and asked.    


"When I remember, there was a voice that told me that I had to guard the formation and prevent anyone from entering. Only if I could not do so would I allow that person to leave through the transfer array."    


Lin Tian felt weird, as though there was something wrong, but Ghost Lions thought that Lin Tian was suspicious of him, and he said nervously, "Master, what I said was all true!"    


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