The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

C507 Order of appearance derided

C507 Order of appearance derided

When they reached the main hall of the palace, Xie Daotian quickly prepared two seats for Mu Ming and white-browed eagle elder, while Chasing Soul Sect and Tianshui Sect sat on both sides.    


Patriarch Zhuo was naturally seated together with the group of Chasing Soul Sect. Xie Daotian, on the other hand, smiled and said to Mu Ming and white-browed eagle elder, "Can the two of you please begin the selection of this competition mode?"    


white-browed eagle elder laughed and said, "This sect's challenge is not under my control. You can just ask Lord Mu.    


Xie Daotian replied, but he was never at peace with Mu Ming here. After the white-browed eagle elder had finished speaking, he laughed and said, "The white-browed elder, do you mean to say that you will not participate in the competition between the two sects?"    


"What am I involved in? Do you think I have the qualifications to participate? " white-browed eagle elder smiled at Mu Ming.    


Mu Ming had a smile on his face, "That's right, leave this to us Cloud Prefecture."    


"Please." The white-browed eagle elder just looked at Mu Ming silently, and Mu Ming looked at the Tianshui Sect and the rest and felt disgusted, but she still had to say what she had to say, so he smiled and said to the white-browed eagle elder, "White-browed Elder, if I have anything wrong with you later, please forgive me."    


"It's fine, go ahead." white-browed eagle elder replied, while Mu Ming immediately straightened his back, and looked at everyone, "Today, I am replacing Cloud Prefecture to participate in the fair competition, so no matter who it is, no one is allowed to cheat, understand?"    


"Yes." The people of the Chasing Soul Sect were naturally listening to him, and what Mu Ming had said was merely for the white-browed eagle elder to hear.    


white-browed eagle elder acted as if nothing had happened and allowed Mu Ming to speak, but Nangong Yan and the others did not hear anything.    


This made Mu Ming smile at Nangong Yan and the others, "What? What's wrong with that? "    


Nangong Yan did not say anything, but Tian Bing laughed and said, "No, Lord Mu will continue with your speech."    


Mu Ming felt like he was a clown, but he had to endure it and ask, "Who is in charge of your Heavenly Water Sect?"    


Nangong Yan and the other two did not say anything, but the Patriarch Zhuo started to cheer, "Lord Mu, the person in charge of all of them is missing this person."    


"Oh? Absence? Could it be that Tianshui Sect did not want to compete anymore? Or did she escape at the last moment? " Mu Ming was slightly unhappy, and stared at Xie Daotian with the look of someone about to interrogate him.    


At this moment, a voice came from outside the door, "I'm here."    


When Lin Tian appeared, everyone turned to look at him as if he was the main character of the show, and if not for the presence of here, he would have nearly gone into a rage.    


However, Song Jin intentionally laughed and said, "Tianshui Sect sure has a high profile. Everyone is waiting for you."    


"I'm sorry, I lost track of time when I was cultivating." Lin Tian smiled as he came beside Nangong Yan and the other two and sat down.    


Nangong Yan and the other two were overjoyed, because they knew that Lin Tian was purposely trying to intimidate them.    


But Song Jin did not buy it, and continued to make things difficult for him, "Cultivating in sudden insight? What method are you cultivating? "    


"Does it have anything to do with you?" Lin Tian asked this Song Jin, but Song Jin only sneered, "It's fine, but it's wrong of you to keep Lord Mu waiting!"    


Patriarch Zhuo also said, "That's right, a member of a small sect actually wants Lord Mu to wait for you, do you think that's the right choice?"    


"Cloud Prefecture has a rule. Do I have to come early?" Lin Tian stared at the two and asked, while the other two remained silent.    


However, Mu Ming just laughed and said, "Alright, stop arguing!"    


The Patriarch Zhuo and Song Jin calmed down, but Mu Ming continued to speak, "To think that the Tianshui Sect would challenge the Chasing Soul Sect today. According to the rules, I will choose this method, but before I decide, you all talk about the mode you guys want to challenge the most."    


These words were very obvious. It was to tell Lin Tian and the others that the rules were set, and the so-called idea was just to make people laugh.    


Therefore, Lin Tian laughed and said, "All models are the same, why aren't you deciding?"    


Mu Ming laughed as he looked at Lin Tian, "Youngster, you actually said that. Alright then, let's see what Chasing Soul Sect has in mind."    


Song Jin did not expect the Tianshui Sect to give up and say smilingly, "We plan to fight three against three, Nascent Soul, Spirit Soul and Spirit Divide into three groups!"    


Mu Ming laughed when he heard this, "Alright then, three against three. List the participants and announce to the entire city that they will set up a stage outside the City Lord's Mansion tomorrow!"    


Song Jin had already thought of a name list, so he sent someone to deliver it to Mu Ming, and after looking at it, Mu Ming turned to Lin Tian and the others and laughed, "Everyone, what about you guys?"    


Before Lin Tian could open his mouth, Nangong Yan had already rushed forward, "I'm in the Spirit Transformation realm."    


After Tian Bing and Fen Qingqing looked at each other, Tian Bing smiled and said, "Senior Sister Fen, can you let me go?"    


"This." Fen Qingqing looked at Lin Tian, and Lin Tian said while smiling, "You guys decide, no matter who it is, it will be the same."    


Fen Qingqing could only look at Tian Bing and said, "If I let you go this time, then I won't let you go next time."    


"Thank you, Senior Sister Fen." Therefore, Tian Bing said, "I'll split the attention into groups."    


In the end, everyone stared at Lin Tian, and Mu Ming laughed and said, "So you're saying, the middle level of the Nascent Soul Stage represents the Nascent Soul Stage?"    




However, Mu Ming stared at the namelist and laughed, "This Chasing Soul Sect is of the great circle of the Nascent Soul stage, the great circle of the Spirit Severing stage, and every spiritual root is of the great circle of the Spirit Severing stage. Are you sure you can do it?"    


Lin Tian did not say anything, but Tian Bing laughed and said, "As long as we compete, there is nothing that we cannot win."    


"Crazy, you're crazy." Mu Ming laughed coldly, but Lin Tian said, "Line up!"    


Mu Ming looked at Song Jin and the others and laughed, "Speak, which group should we start first."    


However, Song Jin humbly laughed and said, "Let them choose, we will win no matter what the order is!"    


Who knew that Nangong Yan and Tian Bing would immediately look at Lin Tian, especially that Nangong Yan who pleaded, "Big brother, you should be the last one."    


"That's right, Ancestor, we won the first two matches. We won't need to trouble you to take action then."    


Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what the two meant, until Lin Tian looked at the two of them, "Alright then, I'll leave the first two matches to you two. If you win, then I won't take action."    


Nangong Yan was overjoyed, "Then I'll fight first."    


"I'm second." Tian Bing laughed, but Lin Tian did not say a word. As for Mu Ming who was laughing strangely, "I thought you, the person in charge, would be so fierce, it turns out you were hiding in the last group."    


Patriarch Zhuo was even more mocking, "He lost in the first two groups, there's no need for him to compete."    


Song Jin was also smiling, "Just so that I won't lose face!"    


However, Nangong Yan and the rest did not think that way, especially when Tian Bing said, "Our Ancestor only disdains to intervene!"    


"How laughable!" As for Mu Ming, he looked at Xie Daotian and said with a smile, "Mayor Xie, the name list is out, I'll leave it for you to announce."    


Xie Daotian hurried over, but after looking at Lin Tian, he politely spoke to the white-browed eagle elder, "An elder with white eyebrows, are you interested in visiting the table?"    


"No need, you go." The white-browed eagle elder rejected while Mu Ming stood up, and laughed at Lin Tian when she passed by, "Brat, although you seem very arrogant on the surface, in order to not die, you actually put yourself last, it is truly embarrassing!"    


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