Ultimate Martial Divine King

C82 Di Feng

C82 Di Feng

In the plaza in front of Nebula Pavilion.    


Chu Hen looked at Mu Feng beside him with a faint smile. The latter's face was gloomy, and his body was covered with dust.    


"This smelly Old Man has such sharp ears!"    


Previously, when they had gone to Nebula Pavilion to find Elder Ying to refresh their Star Scores and exchange for materials, Mu Feng, after exchanging his points for an Origin Accumulation Pill, had almost left the door when he muttered in a mosquito-like voice, "Strange old man, if there is a coffin, you will be the one to use it first." Immediately after that, a miserable scream sounded out and Mu Feng was forced out directly from inside, falling on the ground with his face down, just like a dog.    


"Will you die if you talk less?" Chu Hen was both angry and amused as he replied.    


"I will." Mu Feng was also incomparably depressed. He rolled his eyes and laughed sinisterly, "Hehe, smelly Old Man, you dare to kick me. Then tell your daughter to be careful on her way home. Maybe I'll make you have a grandson someday."    


"Judging from Elder Ying's age, his daughter should be at least forty to fifty years old." Chu Hen replied casually.    


Mu Feng stared at him, and the smile on his face immediately froze, "What does it have to do with you? I’m fine with it, OK?"    


"Senior Brother Chu Hen!"    


At the same time, Li Huiye and Zhou Lu had already exited Nebula Pavilion.    


"Is everything ready?" Chu Hen said.    


"Alright, Senior Sister Zhou Lu received a Bone Pill. I do not have enough Star Score, , so I will temporarily save it aside until there is enough score for me to exchange for something.” Li Huiye replied.    


Chu Hen nodded, "Then let's go!"    


"Junior Brother Chu Hen, we are in trouble!" Just as they were about to return, an eighteen-year-old man hurriedly ran over.    


This person was none other than Gu Qing, who had received Chu Hen on the first day of his admission.    


"Senior brother Gu Qing, what's the matter? Why are you in such a hurry?" Chu Hen laughed.    


"Junior Brother, the people from Difeng Martial Mansion have come looking for you. They said that you killed Ren Chong, and if Heavenly Star Martial Mansion does not hand you over today, they will not let us off! Go and hide!"    


"Damn, how can they be so shameless?" Mu Feng jumped up and cursed.    


Chu Hen frowned and asked, "What's the situation now?"    


"There are a lot of mentors and students from the Difeng Martial Mansion. Mentor Song Chenglie is currently mediating with them in the Seven Stars Plaza! I was afraid that you would pass by when you go back, so I came to notify you not to go out for the time being."    


Hearing that, Li Huiye and Zhou Lu's expressions could not help but change slightly.    


"Damn, this Difeng Martial Mansion is too much of a bully. The life and death of others on the stage is up to the fate, so why are they still looking for trouble this time?" Li Huiye scolded.    


Chu Hen's eyes became focused, and after some thought, he resolutely headed in a certain direction.    


"Damn, do you want to die?" Mu Feng shouted.    


"This whole thing started because of me. If I do not resolve the trouble today, there will be a second one and a third one. Since I could not avoid it, there is no need to hide. Hiding will make others laugh!"    


But seeing Chu Hen's resolute figure, Gu Qing and the others could not help but admire him in their heart.    


Of course, Chu Hen also knew clearly that the Heavenly Star Martial Mansion would definitely not hand him over so easily. Otherwise, the academy would lose face.    


If Chu Hen hid somewhere and did not show up, he would be laughed to death.    


Seven Stars Plaza!    


At this moment, the entire plaza was in chaos.    


The situation in the square was divided into two factions. The two sides faced off against each other, causing a restless atmosphere.    


"Song Chenglie, if you don't hand over that brat Chu Hen today, the Difeng Martial Mansion will definitely not leave this matter at that!"    


The one who spoke was a middle-aged man around thirty to forty years old. His expression was dark, and his eyes that were filled with surging fury were fiercely staring at Song Chenglie and the rest of the Heavenly Star Martial Mansion.    


There were about a hundred people behind the middle-aged man.    


There were about ten mentors, and the rest were all students of the Difeng Martial Mansion. Anger appeared on the faces of these students as well, and their faces were all filled with hatred and resentment.    


Last night, when Chu Hen was at the Star Rifle Conference, in front of tens of thousands of people, killing the Newbie King Ren Chong of Difeng Martial Mansion with one move could be considered a great humiliation to the entire Difeng Martial Mansion.    


"Xi Hui, Difeng Martial Mansion is too preposterous!" Song Chenglie took a few steps forward, and his vigorous voice surged out like the tide. “In the arena matches since ancient times, life and death are solely up to fate. You brought so many people over to make trouble today, aren't you looking down on Heavenly Star Martial Mansion a little too much?"    


"That’s right. It is too absurd."    


"This is simply bullying."    


"We will never hand him over."    


Many of the Heavenly Star Martial Mansion mentors and students behind Song Chenglie retorted in dissatisfaction.    


The face of the middle-aged man called Xi Hui darkened even further as he said angrily, "Humph, Song Chenglie, you must give me an explanation today. Otherwise, this matter will not end."    


Xi Hui's attitude was also very unyielding.    


Amongst all the teams of mentors in the Imperial Capital in the city, he was one of the most renowned.    


The most important reason was because the Ren Chong that was killed by Chu Hen was a his direct student.    


As the current Newbie King of Difeng, Ren Chong not only had the strength of Rank Three of Essence Mastering Stage, he also had the Spirit Locking War Body on him. His talent and potential had always been appreciated by Xi Hui.    


But who would have thought that within only one or two months after admission, Ren Chong had already lost his life on the Arena at the Star Rifle Conference.    


How could Xi Hui not be angry? How could he not be furious?    


Looking at the other party, he was definitely going to make Song Chenglie hand Chu Hen over.    


Honestly speaking, Heavenly Star Martial Mansion was also full of grievance, as they had been bullied to their doorsteps by others.    


If it was still in its prime before, no High-Class Martial Mansion dared to come and challenge it in this way. At present, however, Difeng Martial Mansion really did not put Heavenly Star Martial Mansion in their eyes at all.    


He felt a little helpless just thinking about it!    


"Chu Hen is here!"    


Just when both sides were in a state of anxiety, a cry of alarm broke the current stalemate.    


Everyone's gaze turned towards the same spot, only to see a slender and elegant figure heading in their direction.    


Beneath his amiable appearance, there was a hint of sharpness.    


"This guy really dares to come?"    


Wu Ze said coldly from the side. Even though he was also a direct student of Mentor Xi Lan, he didn't look worried at all, and on his face, there were even some traces of schadenfreude.    


It seemed that Wu Ze was still brooding over how Chu Hen had forced him to retreat from the Wooden Pile Array at the Maple Forest Stance a few days ago.    


Beside him stood He Qingyuan, Liu Yue, Bian Hong and a few other direct students of Mentor Xi Lan.    


"Heh, it's most likely because he knows well that Mentor Song Chenglie would not hand him over." Bian Hong smiled with interest.    


He Qingyuan and Liu Yue both slightly frowned.    


Honestly speaking, the two of them had quite a good impression of Chu Hen. They were more or less dissatisfied when they heard their own mates mock him.    


Seeing Chu Hen, who were coming over with Li Huiye, Zhou Lu and a few other students, Song Chenglie frowned and used his eyes to signal Chu Hen to come over.    


However, Chu Hen did not do so. Instead, he turned to look at the people from the Difeng Martial Mansion, neither arrogant nor menial, and said: "Chu Hen is here. May I ask why you have come from afar?"    


"Heh." Xi Hui sneered, his eyes flashing with a ruthless glint. "So you're Chu Hen. Good!"    




Before his finished his words, Xi Hui's figure moved, and instantly shot out, as the waves of Strength of True Essence surged towards Chu Hen.    


The biting cold aura was comparable to a mountain pressing down on one's body. The violent aura caused one to be unable to move.    


"Humph!" Song Chenglie's face darkened. Without hesitation, he rushed forward and the resplendent golden Holy Light blossomed like a Scorching Sun, bringing about a gust of wind that blew against one's face, causing great pain to those standing around.    




When Xi Hui was less than two meters away from Chu Hen, Song Chenglie successfully stopped him with the speed of lightning.    


The two of them struck their palms together forcefully, causing a thunder-like sound to explode in the plaza. The scattered Strength of True Essence wantonly clashed with each other, and a powerful shockwave swept away all the dust and leaves on the ground.    


The crowd on both sides were also knocked back a few steps by the shockwave.    


“Xi Hui, how shameless of you! A dignified core mentor of Difeng Martial Mansion as you are, you actually dare to publicly attack a newbie student. Don't you think you're no better than a dog?”    


Song Chenglie stood in front of Chu Hen to protect him, pointed at Xi Hui and shouted.    


Being scolded in such a way, Xi Hui's face turned ashen. He clenched his fists and shouted coldly, "Humph, a life for a life. It is perfectly justified for me to kill him. This bastard killed my student. Why am I not able to teach him a lesson?"    


Song Chenglie was just about to curse again, but Chu Hen opened his mouth first, "Let me ask, is there a rule that no one can be killed during the Star Rifle Conference?"    




"According to the agreement before the Martial Competition, there are no specific rules in Star Rifle Conference, only victory or defeat. Since there is no rule forbidding one from killing others, so I wonder what my mistake is?"    


Chu Hen took a step forward, his pitch black deep eyes flashing with a sharp glint, and he shouted again, "Furthermore, Ren Chong's every move indicated that he tried me. Could it be that only he can kill me, but I can't kill him? The Difeng Martial Mansion is making trouble here today, so how can you justify yourselves?"    




People of the Heavenly Star Martial Mansion burst into applause.    


"He is right. Senior Brother Chu Hen is right."    


"The life and death of Arena is up to fate. There's no rule forbidding people from killing."    


Being scolded by Chu Hen in such a way, Xi Hui actually did not know how to refute him. He tightly clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth in anger.    


Then, just at this moment, a valiant and extraordinary young figure walked out of the Difeng Martial Mansion group. Everyone in the audience was startled, and their gazes unconsciously swept towards him.    


"Junior brother Chu Hen is not only smarter than others, but he also knows how to talk. I truly admire you. If someone had the ability to kill Ren Chong, his Cultivation was definitely powerful. I am Ren Wei, and I hope that I can seek advice from you, Junior Brother Chu Hen. Junior Brother Chu Hen, please grant my wish."    


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