Ultimate Martial Divine King

C5 Beidou Wandering Dragon Steps Great Waterfall of the Mountain Destroying Palm

C5 Beidou Wandering Dragon Steps Great Waterfall of the Mountain Destroying Palm

During the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, all living things flourished!    


In the back area of the Qi-Shen Mountain, there were colorful flowers blooming.    


In a spacious area by the lake, Chu Hen was practicing a set of exquisite pugilistic arts. Strong aura continued to radiate from Chu Hen's body.    


The airflow within a radius of a dozen meters became turbulent.    


The dried branches and leaves on the ground recklessly danced in the air.    


The set of Chu Hen’s pugilistic arts was not only vigorous but also natural and smooth. What’s more, it was graceful and mixed with the hidden strength, agile yet not lacking in ferocity. The thick and powerful fist strength continued to create layers of Qi waves one after another, displaying its powerful might.    




Abruptly, Chu Hen's aura rose as a cold light flashed in the corners of his sharp eyes. The right fist that was wrapped in the Strength of True Essence, with the power that could confront a thousand kilograms, smashed straightly towards the ground.    


"Dark Aura Fist!"    




Along with Chu Hen's shout, an astonishing fist strength firmly struck down.    


The ground shook endlessly, dense cracks spread out in all directions like a spider web, rocks and dust of various sizes flew everywhere like Swarm of Moths that were scared.    


Dust and dirt flew everywhere.    


Chu Hen absorbed his Strength of True Essence back to his body, and his face was filled with joy and surprise.    


"I never thought that the Body of Chaos would actually have such strength. My flesh and bones are much stronger than they were two months ago," Chu Hen muttered as he looked at his own hands.    


More than a month ago, Chu Hen had accidentally discovered that other than the Holy Body of Demon Eye, he also possessed another kind of mysterious Boundary of Blood Lineage.    


After naming the other Boundary of Blood Lineage as the Body of Chaos, Chu Hen controlled and circulated the power of the Holy Body of Demon Eye during the daytime with Li Wushang's help. At night, he tried to use the bloodline power of the Body of Chaos and to communicate with it alone.    


Later on, after careful research, he discovered that the Body of Chaos could actually strengthen his own physique in all aspects. With the strengthening of his body, the power of the Martial Arts was even stronger than before.    


"This is only the power of the initial stage of Body of Chaos. I wonder what it will become in the future."    


A few traces of anticipation emerged within Chu Hen's eyes.    


Not long after he awakened, his physical body's strength could be improved and his strength could increase a lot. Even the Holy Body of Demon Eye at this stage did not possess this ability.    


Of course, a majority of Blood Lineage of Demonic Pupil's strength is reflected in their Pupil Arts.    


With Chu Hen's current understanding, it was obvious that the Holy Body of Demon Eye possessed the power that was even more captivating.    


Anyway, Chu Hen knew very well that his future path was still very long. Whether he would be able to display the true power of the Holy Body in the future, it would still be a long process.    


"Seems like you've recovered quite well!"    


Right at this moment, there came Li Wushang's gentle and faint laughter.    


Chu Hen turned back, only to see Li Wushang walking towards him in a smooth gait with his hands behind his back.    


"Senior Li!"    


Chu Hen walked up. Then he cupped his fists, and bowed slightly.    


Li Wushang roughly glanced at the surrounding that had been 'destroyed' by Chu Hen, and more or less he looked a little surprised, "It's only been less than three months, you’re talented to be able to use the Strength of Demonic Eye to this extent. Not bad."    


Not bad!    


Chu Hen rubbed his nose coyly. In the past, when he was in Young Sect College, he had never heard of such words like "not bad".    


They were mainly all praises such as 'excellent talent', 'extremely high aptitude' and 'outstanding talent'.    


But it was not surprised for Chu Hen to hear such words from Li Wushang, because Li was a skilled man with broaden horizons, and it was beyond doubt that he had seen a lot of Genius Evil. 'Not bad’ was already an extremely splendid comment.    


"I should give the credit to your great guidance!"    


Li Wushang smiled. Without waiting for him to speak, Chu Hen continued to speak, "Senior Li, you have come at just the right time. I was just about to go look for you."    


"What’s the matter?" Li Wushang revealed a questioning look.    


Chu Hen took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Senior Li, I will leave the Qi-Shen Mountain tomorrow."    


With regard to what Chu Hen had said, Li Wushang was not surprised at all. After slight hesitation, he said, "Based on your current progress, you can breakthrough to the One Star Demon Eye within three months. Are you sure you are leaving now?"    


"Thank you for your kind intentions, Senior Li!"    


However, Chu Hen rejected without even thinking, as traces of coldness flashed across his ice-cold eyes, "In a few more days, there will be the examination of 'Difeng Martial Mansion'. I have prepared for three years for this day. And I will definitely make those who hurt me pay a price!"    


Li Wushang's pupils contracted. Chu Hen was so gifted that no High-Class Martial Mansion would reject him.    


However, what happened before had already left a 'knot' in Chu Hen's heart. If he did not untie this 'knot', then Chu Hen's future cultivation would be affected.    


So Li Wushang no longer tried to persuade him.    


"It’s fate that makes us be acquainted with each other. I have something for you." As Li Wushang spoke, he took out a set of Jade Slip.    


"What is it?"    


"Only those who possess the Blood Lineage of Demonic Pupil can look up the Martial Arts in the Jade Slip. However, most of the Martial Arts inside had Inhibition Formations. Only if your Cultivation makes a breakthrough to a certain level can you conduct a search."    


Then Li Wushang handed the Jade Slip over to Chu Hen.    


Holding the thick Jade Slip in his palm, Chu Hen felt indescribable gratitude.    


Gratitude for saving his life, for solving his problems, for teaching, and for giving the Jade Slip as a gift.    


Chu Hen clenched his fists, and immediately knelt down on both knees in gratitude for Li Wushang’s help.    


"Thank you for your great favor. Chu Hen will definitely remember it forever. I’ll repay to you if there are chances."    


"Please stand up!"    


Li Wushang reached out to help Chu Hen up from the ground, then said with a gentle smile, "We will meet again in the future."    


As he finished speaking, Li Wushang raised his left hand, and a bright golden dot of light flashed on the tip of his forefinger. Li Wushang casually flicked his finger, and that golden dot of light shot into the center of Chu Hen's brows like a fluorescent light.    


"What’s that?" Chu Hen looked at him in puzzlement.    


"This is a Seal that I set up specifically for your Holy Body of Demon Eye. When you normally use the Strength of Demonic Eye, the color of your eyes will not change too drastically. Do you understand what I mean?"    


"Yes!" Chu Hen earnestly nodded his head and agreed, "I will definitely not talk about anything regarding the boundary of Blood Lineage of Demonic Pupil and you, Senior Li."    


"You're very smart!"    


Li Wushang's face revealed a look of appreciation, "The Holy Body of Demon Eye is of great importance. Once the matter of you having a Blood Lineage of Demonic Pupil's boundary is spread out, I'm afraid that there will be no peace in the future, and you should be clear on this point."    


"Yes sir!"    


"Then have a good rest today, and go down the mountain tomorrow morning!"    


Li Wushang raised his hand and waved his sleeves, showing the demeanor of a transcendent expert.    


"Thank you, Senior Li!"    


Even though they had only known each other for less than three months, Chu Hen's gratitude towards Li Wushang was not something that could be expressed with a few words.    


The kindness of 'saving his life' was enough for Chu Hen to engrave it onto his memory for the rest of his life.    


At night!    


After having dinner and conversing happily with Li Wushang, Chu Hen returned to his room.    


Looking at the room that he had lived for nearly three months, Chu Hen somewhat hated to part with it. At the same time, he also thought about the various things and people he was going to face when returning to his Huoyan City tomorrow. Thinking about those, there was some kind of cold light flickering in his eyes.    


Immediately, Chu Hen did not lie down to rest, but took out the Jade Slip that Li Wushang gifted him.    


Holding the thick Jade Slip in the palm of his hand, Chu Hen felt comfortable.    


"There are still a few days of journey from Qi-Shen Mountain to the Huoyan City. I can also study the Martial Arts during my journey."    


With that, Chu Hen opened the Jade Slip, only to see that it was completely blank, and there were no words written on it.    


With a thought, Chu Hen activated the Strength of Demonic Eye in his body. A faint burning sensation rushed into his eyes and Chu Hen's pupils flashed with an obscure purple luster.    


Just as Li Wushang had said before, the Seal could change the color of the Demon Eye.    


Even if someone were to stare into Chu Hen's eyes face to face, they would only be able to see traces of a blurry purple light. Under normal circumstances, it was difficult to be discovered.    


Of course, this Seal would not have any effect on the power of the Holy Body of Demon Eye.    




It was also at this time that a strange energy wave surged out from the blank Jade Slip in front of Chu Hen. Chu Hen's pupils contracted slightly as he quickly concentrated his consciousness on the Jade Slip.    




Chu Hen felt white light flash, and his consciousness was pulled by some kind of strength.    


The next moment, in front of Chu Hen's eyes floated one strange ball of light after another. The ball of light was about the size of a fist, and it was divided into two colors. Most of them were red, while only a few were gold.    


Chu Hen understood that each of these balls of light represented a type of Martial Arts.    


Only the Martial Arts that had golden colors could be cultivated by him. As for those Martial Arts that were emitting red ball of light, it would require one's own Cultivation to be raised to a corresponding level in order to possess them.    


Chu Hen secretly sighed, "Senior Li is truly thoughtful."    


Without any delay, Chu Hen immediately rushed towards the closest two balls of golden light. The moment he touched the two balls of light, two different pieces of information immediately appeared in Chu Hen's mind.    


"Dipper Roaming Dragon Steps. A movement Martial Arts deduced from the formation of the Big Dipper. The one that possesses the Martial Arts is able to wander flexibly at the seven positions of stars like a dragon. Once one reaches the great perfection stage, he will come and go like the wind, and his figure is like a ghost!”    


"Waterfall Destroying Mountain Palm. A firm and gentle palm arts that gathers the Strength of True Essence in both palms. It can be used in an instant, coupling hardness with softness. The external strength is mixed with the hidden strength, making it hard to guard against!"    


Receiving the information in his mind, Chu Hen became even more pleasantly surprised.    


The Martial Arts bestowed to him by Senior Li Wushang, was indeed a boutique. Taking the ‘Waterfall Destroying Mountain Palm’ for an example, it definitely exceeded the ’Seven Murderous Dark Aura Fist’, which was already the strongest Martial Arts that he had mastered so far.    


Chu Hen's heart was filled with increasing anticipation. He couldn’t wait to know what ranks of Martial Arts those balls of light that flickered with red light were.    


After calming his restless heart for a bit, Chu Hen immediately selected the two Martial Arts: “Dipper Roaming Dragon Step” and “Waterfall Destroying Mountain Palm”. Although there were only a few days before the Examination of Difeng Martial Mansion, with Chu Hen's exceptional talent, he was still confident that he would be able to grasp the basics.    


What's more, he had the power of two Boundary of Blood Lineages, the Holy Body of Demon Eye and the Body of Chaos.    


The night flew by.    


In the early morning, the morning mist in the forest showed some feelings of coldness.    


"Senior Li, I’m leaving now. I will definitely come back to visit once I get chances."    


"Go ahead! The fate will bring us together again."    


On the road down the mountain, which was paved with green paving-stones, the silhouette of Chu Hen was drifting away.    


Li Wushang looked at the silhouette of the youth that was gradually becoming blurry, and his deep pupils revealed a complex feeling that was hard to describe.    


"I can only help you up to this point at present. How far can you see with your demonic eyes in the future?"    


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