Ultimate Martial Divine King

C1727 Predation Killing

C1727 Predation Killing



Six Heart Beast s!    


In an instant, he was struck by the Seal!    


The power of the Evil God directly shook everyone within the Six Daos Realm.    


Looking at the six gigantic dark Hexagram Demon Arrays that were sealing the Alchemist Star Dragon Bat, Fierce-Star Nine-Winged Hou, Eight Desolate Snakes and the other Heart Beast, everyone's heart felt as if they were trapped by a huge net that covered the sky.    


What was strong?    


This was it!    


Even though the Chaos Abyss had been suppressed for countless of years, once it had just appeared, the Evil God would still proclaim the entire world. This was the power of the ruler of the God Forbidden Blood Jail.    


"Buzz …"    


The formless pressure was so majestic that it was like a mountain was crushing down on the heartstrings.    




Every face in the room.    


A hint of surprise also flashed through Great Emperor Rebirth's eyes, but he quickly calmed down and said, "Although there's no need for this, there won't be any changes in the end …"    


"That's only natural …" "I just hope that this place can end quickly. Once you've completed what you've promised me …"    


Without a doubt!    


In the entire Domain of Human Clan, to date, only Great Emperor Rebirth was able to have such a calm and composed conversation with him.    


This also directly caused the other great emperors of the Holy Clan Alliance to feel their hearts explode.    


The six Heart Beast that they had summoned were all affected by the Seal, and they lost a large portion of their powerful support in an instant.    


"Yushen Guji, you really want to go along with Devil Clan?" The Great Emperor Star rebuked.    


"Hmph, Yushen Guji, you are playing with fire to burn yourself. Even if we say that you had replaced the 'Celestial Emperor Token', in this kind of situation, you can't stop the Devil Clan from devouring it …"    


The Great Emperor Devouring scolded.    


The terrifying power displayed by the Evil God had already made it impossible for them to ignore.    


However, the Great Emperor Rebirth still replied calmly, "Your ignorant appearances are laughable and pitiful …"    


"Stop wasting time with him, he's already gone mad." The Great Emperor Nine Netherworld said coldly.    


"That's right, first get rid of him, then think of a way to deal with Evil God."    




Originally, in this kind of situation, the ten clans should have put aside their contradictions and joined together to resist the Devil Clan's invasion.    


But Great Emperor Rebirth did not have such thoughts.    


The Holy Clan Alliance already had no other choice.    


Immediately, the Great Emperor Star, the Emperor Huang, the Great Emperor Devouring, and the Great Emperor Nine Netherworld all unleashed a shocking wave of power towards the Great Emperor Rebirth.    


"Wherever the moon reaches, there will be nine nether regions …"    


An illusory pair of translucent wings of light appeared behind Great Emperor Nine Netherworld's back. A beautiful crescent moon mark flashed between her eyebrows.    


"Buzz buzz …"    


Then, the Nine Clouds Heavenly Vault suddenly went dark, and a bright moon appeared in the sky.    


In an instant, the surrounding space around Great Emperor Rebirth immediately sunk into the domain of the Great Emperor Nine Netherworld.    


"Great Desolate Breaking Forbidden …"    


At the same time, the Emperor Huang also released an extremely overbearing and terrifying aura. The desolate aura that filled the skies was like a sandstorm, engulfing everything within and outside the Heaven Dao City.    


The wind rose and the clouds surged, the universe trembled.    


The four great emperors all unleashed their icy-cold attacks as though they were from the Aurora. When the Great Emperor Rebirth held onto the Heaven Smiting Sword, his holy and demonic pair of eyes did not emit the slightest bit of ripples.    




The main battlefield erupted once again.    


The other battlefields didn't have any stops either.    


Just after halting the chaotic battle of Six Daos Realm for a short while, it had once again exploded in all directions.    


However, along with Devouring Holy Clan, Beast Subduing Holy Clan, Storm Holy Clan and other forces of the Holy Clan, the forces of reincarnation, prehistoric era, and Dragonblood Holy Clan seemed to be lacking in power.    


However, the smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger.    


The countless demons that were floating in the air above Six Daos Realm had become extremely restless.    


Blood-thirsty greed flashed through the rows of sharp Vertical Pupil s.    




Killing intent!    


After unceasingly brewing, it was finally like an uncontrollable flood that came pouring down in all directions.    








"Hehehe, this really is exciting new blood."    


"Predator, it's starting!"    


"Tsk tsk!"    




Predator, begin!    


Hunting, performance!    


In an instant, countless vicious and evil demons surged down and began to wildly tear and slaughter everyone within the Heavenly Law World.    


No distinction between friend or foe!    


The Vicious Devil's methods were extremely cruel, its claws were like blades, its fangs were like saws, and each of its claws were as sharp as a guillotine, constantly slicing apart the human expert's chest.    


Broken limbs fell apart.    


Fresh blood sprayed out in all directions.    




"Damn it!" Everyone was furious.    


All the experts of the Holy Clan were enraged, they immediately brandished their swords and slashed at the fierce demon.    


For a time, the dark green devil blood and the scarlet human blood clashed against each other in the air. It was especially dazzling.    




"Those who offend against the human race of the earth, die!"    




With the Vicious Devil army charging in like a swarm of locusts, how could the word "chaotic" be used throughout the Six Daos Realm?    




Absolute chaos!    


A chaotic battle between ten races!    


The battle between humans and demons!    


The three forces clashed wantonly in a chaotic mess.    


For a time, the Six Daos Realm was in complete chaos.    




"Sect Master Mu Fei?" Looking at the world-shaking battle in front of him, Yan Fushu looked at Master of Palace of Nature's Mystery beside him with a serious expression.    


The latter frowned and shouted, "Kill the strange demon first!"    


"Yes sir!"    


The turret on top of the Floating Cloud Giant Boat at the back released a large amount of divine light, accompanied by the dazzling light of the Rune as it moved up and down. Extremely strong energy fluctuations were gathered into the crystal at the top of the turret.    








Powerful space rippled as one deadly beam after another was shot out, breaking the demons into pieces.    








The shock wave from the explosion of the Palace of Nature's Mystery Cannon Tower was especially terrifying. All the strange demons that were hit, exploded into dark green Blood Fog s one after another.    


One aurora after another, such as the meteor Arrow that shot straight to the sky.    


Especially since there were so many and many Vicious Devil, it was quite effective at killing them.    


"Heh …"    


Many Vicious Devil s would not be beaten like targets, and the large group of demons immediately aimed at the Floating Cloud Giant Boat at Palace of Nature's Mystery's side.    


One after another, ferocious looking black figures pounced on the Floating Cloud Giant Boat and started their attacks on the powerful Pattern Master s.    


"Block them …" Mu Fei said solemnly.    


, who was at the side, did not hesitate at all. He immediately rushed forward, and the Strength of Blood Lineage of the Body of Chaos overlapped with each other like a wave, and with a punch, it instantly smashed apart more than ten Vicious Devil s.    


Long Qingyang, Ye Yao, Qiu Xingyi, Li Wushang and the others immediately retreated to Mu Fei's side to defend.    


To prevent the Vicious Devil from climbing up to the top and destroying the turret on top.    




The chaos shook the heavens as blood splashed into the nine heavens.    


As for the Vicious Devil army's disturbance, it was as if Evil God did not see it at all, allowing them to recklessly attack the people from Six Daos Realm.    


Compared to that, the few great emperors of the Holy Clan Alliance had begun to panic.    


The tempo of attacks towards the Great Emperor Rebirth was also increasing.    




At this moment, Chu Hen did not immediately join the battle with the four great emperors to fight against the Great Emperor Rebirth.    


His gaze swept across the six Heart Beast s that were sealed in the sky above him, and a trace of coldness surged out from his deep eyes.    


"Just the two of us are unable to break the Evil God's Seal …" Bai Qianyu said in a serious tone.    


Chu Hen nodded, he naturally understood this point.    


Following that, Chu Hen's gaze swept across the other main battlefield again. The battle between the Demon CLan Emperor Chi Kang and the Rebirth Holy Clan's "Corpse God" Heart Beast had caused the sky and earth to tremble.    


Great Emperor Chi Kang, who had transformed into his original form, looked like a demon from the dark. He looked like a zombie god that had been pulled into an illusion, perfectly holding its opponent down.    


However, the Corpse God was one of the top ten Heart Beast.    


Even though the Demon Emperor Chi Kang held a certain advantage, it could be ignored.    




As for the other side, after losing the Heart Beast 'Heaven Cleaving Candle Cow', the Great Emperor Heaven Burning was obviously at a great disadvantage.    


Great Emperor Chaos along with the power of the Heart Beast 'Thunder Ancestral Lion', firmly suppressed the Great Emperor Heaven Burning.    


The latter obviously wouldn't be able to hold on for long.    




Immediately after, Chu Hen and Zhi Zun looked at each other, their charming purple eyes and sacred golden eyes intersecting, and the two of them seemed to understand each other's thoughts.    


"Do you know what to do?" Chu Hen asked.    


"En!" Bai Qianyu nodded slightly.    






At the same time, the earth-shattering power of the Great Desolation and the scorching tempest of flames suddenly surged out from the heavens and earth.    


It should have been a battle of attrition, but the Great Emperor Heaven Burning didn't manage to stabilize his body at all. A terrifying silver Thunder Column shot down from the sky like a descending Natural Punishment.    




The Divine Lightning split the air and directly exploded in front of Great Emperor Heaven Burning.    


Suddenly, the myriad of lightning pillars blossomed like a silver lotus, the nine heavens lost their color, and a terrifying impact surged onto Great Emperor Heaven Burning's body. The latter was covered in lightning that splashed out, and was directly sent flying backwards.    


Innumerable gusts of wind and lightning surged, annihilating the skies in every direction.    


"Hmph, looks like it's about to end …" The Great Emperor Chaos sneered.    


"In your dreams!" The Great Emperor Heaven Burning shouted in anger, and at the same time, a trickle of blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth.    


"Roar …"    


Without waiting for Great Emperor Heaven Burning to stabilize himself, an enormous creature that could shake the sky suddenly rushed out from the side of the Great Emperor Heaven Burning.    


The endless destructive energy was like a thunderbolt meteorite piercing through the void.    


Especially the Single-Horned on his opponent's forehead; it was as if it was a divine light Voltaic Blade that had cut through the Xinghe Clouds, extremely sharp.    


"Sizzle sizzle."    


An incomparable, manic aura pierced the ears of everyone present. The space around Great Emperor Heaven Burning was warped to the extreme, its pupils contracted to a certain extent as a great amount of panic surged out from its face.    


"Goodbye!" The Great Emperor Chaos seemed to be announcing the end of the battle.    




However, right at this moment of life and death, a "thump …" sound was heard. With an incomparably heavy explosion, the lightning pillar of light that was whizzing towards the Great Emperor Heaven Burning was sliced apart by an extremely sharp Light Blade.    


The tornado tore through the sky, and the chaotic aftershocks crushed the space.    


The purple shadow wings circled around, and a gigantic Dead Devil Spirit wearing a purple light Battle Armor suddenly blocked the front of the Thunder Ancestral Lion.    


"It's Emperor Chu …" Everyone was shocked.    


The Dead Devil Spirit that Chu Hen had transformed into held onto Life Killing Divine Halberd, and like a peerless God of War, it helped the Great Emperor Heaven Burning take on the furious attack of the Thunder Ancestral Lion.    


Immediately after, the wind and rain began to blow again, and purple flames and black light began to rise from the left arm of the Dead Devil Spirit that Chu Hen had transformed into.    


Two different colors of light gathered together to form a mysterious dragon engraving.    


The lifelike Dragon Shadow moved around his left arm.    


It looked like an ancient tattoo carved on his arm.    


"Aooo …"    


The next moment, a draconic roar that shook the whole world resounded.    


A dark and cold light pierced through the clouds, and a gigantic dragon covered with black scales suddenly broke through the sky, bringing a terrifying Heaven Splitting Fury. It pounced towards the Thunder Ancestral Lion in front of it.    




"What's that?"    


"It's the Black Dragon, the Heart Beast of Dragonblood Holy Clan!"    




Regarding the identity of the Black Dragon, it was already confirmed when they were at the Beast Dao Realm back then.    


It was one of the Heart Beast s from the Ten Directions Holy Clan.    


Even though no one knew why the Dragonblood Holy Clan Heart Beast had "revived" after being killed by the Celestial Emperor, and even why Chu Hen had summoned it.    


"Aooo …"    


Without any time to be shocked, the Black Dragon tore through the air with its sharp claws, and Ling Tian leapt up, dashing towards the Thunder Ancestral Lion.    


The latter opened its mouth and spat out a ball of lightning shockwave.    


"Bang, bang …"    


A deafening explosion tore through the nine heavens as the Black Dragon's sharp claws struck the ball of lightning.    


In a split-second, the fully unleashed lightning tore through the sky.    


The middle part of the two seemed to explode into enormous chains of light that shot through the sky.    


The rain of starfire scattered down in all directions, and the Black Dragon seemed to be covered by a gigantic sky curtain lightning web, the lightning web made contact with its body, and exploded into countless flames.    


"Kuchi …"    


Following that, the Single-Horned at the center of the Thunder Ancestral Lion's forehead released another extremely berserk Thunder Column.    


Just like a Natural Punishment in the apocalypse, it struck solidly onto the body of the Black Dragon.    


"Aooo …"    


The Black Dragon howled, its entire body was instantly wrapped up by the violent and terrifying electric arcs, the gigantic Beast Body seemed to have frozen, and was trembling uncontrollably.    




"No, the difference between the strength of Black Dragon and its peak is just too great."    


"Yes, it's completely not a match for the Thunder Ancestral Lion."    




Everyone could see that there was an obvious disparity between the strength of Black Dragon and that of Thunder Ancestral Lion, so much that it was difficult to even get close to it.    


And right at this moment, an earth-shattering aura abruptly rose from the Black Dragon.    


Chu Hen's Dead Devil Spirit appeared in front of the Thunder Ancestral Lion like a God of War.    


"Sizzle sizzle."    


The Purple Voltaic Arc that was exuding a power that could split the heavens surrounded the blade of the Divine Halberd, Chu Hen held onto the halberd with both of his arms, raised the Divine Halberd and chopped towards the Thunder Ancestral Lion.    


The life killing halberd!    


The peerless divine weapon ranked third in Ranking On Divine Artifact.    


It was like a purple pillar that held up the sky as it drew out a crescent moon in the sky above the ninth heaven.    


This arc of light!    


How breathtaking!    


The halberd tip was like a Divine Blade that had broken through the river of stars as it flew towards the Thunder Ancestral Lion's head.    




Looking at this scene!    


Everyone immediately understood that the Black Dragon was just there to cover Chu Hen. The real killing move was Chu Hen who had been storing energy.    


"Roar …"    


Sensing Chu Hen's shocking attack that pierced the nine heavens, the Thunder Ancestral Lion was not afraid. A low roar came from its throat, and it actually raised its head high to meet the attack head on with the dazzling silver Thunder Shine that was in the center of its forehead.    


"Sizzle sizzle."    


The Single-Horned on the forehead of the Thunder Ancestral Lion was similarly shining brilliantly. Its entire body was flowing with a silver divine light, as if it was amassing the world's most powerful lightning divine power.    


Whether or not he could remove the pressure from the Great Emperor Heaven Burning's side, would all depend on him!    


Under countless shocked and frightened gazes, the Purple Lightning Killing Divine Halberd heavily collided with the lightning Single-Horned that was flickering with a silver light.    








The moment the two met, space seemed to shatter as countless purple and silver lightning pillars clashed, transforming into a myriad of dazzling electric arcs.    


The sky was filled with blooming Thunder Column, as if they were divine dragon Giant Claw s tearing through the clouds.    


Witnessing this scene, the eyes of everyone present reflected countless dazzling lights. Under the brilliant rain of light, the Dead Devil Spirit that Chu Hen had transformed into all retreated backwards.    


At the same time the Single-Horned on its forehead lost its light, the deathly halberd in Chu Hen's hand nearly fell out of his hands from the shock.    


The fiery light from their bodies raged wantonly.    


"Roar …"    


Even though the Thunder Ancestral Lion's overflowing aura was unstable, it was still extremely strong. The Single-Horned in the center of its forehead was also accumulating shocking strength once again.    




"It still won't do. The Heart Beast's strength is too strong, Chu Hen can't possibly win in a single blow."    


"What a pity!"    


"If the attack was directed at another place, it might have been effective, but the Thunder Ancestral Lion is the biggest killing weapon."    




"Hmph, with just this bit of ability, wanting to defeat our clan's Heart Beast is simply too naive and laughable." Great Emperor Chaos mocked in disdain.    




However, the moment his voice fell, a unique aura of power that had never appeared before suddenly appeared in the air above him.    


Countless interweaving golden Holy Light were like a complex constellation pattern.    


At the same time, a pair of golden Emperor Divine Eye appeared in the light.    




A loud, deafening sound pierced through the sky.    


Along with the rapidly collapsing space, the space surrounding the two golden Divine Eye began to twist and distort like it was in a dream. Following that, as if the gates of heaven had opened, a huge Devouring Cave vortex was forcefully torn apart.    




Doomsday Crash!    


In a crevice in the void, an enormous silhouette hidden in the endless darkness quietly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.    


A terrifying aura that caused one's heart to tremble enveloped the sky once more.    


And below the mysterious black shadow, Bai Qianyu was standing there like a fairy. She was extraordinary, a golden light that seemed to fly in the sky all around her, especially her pair of golden eyes, which were filled with profound energy and looked noble and mysterious.    


"What's that?"    


"It can't be wrong!"    


"S-the Divine Eye's Holy Clan …" the Heart Beast. "    


"Heavens, all ten great Heart Beast have appeared."    


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