Ultimate Martial Divine King

C1728 The Tenth Heart Beast

C1728 The Tenth Heart Beast



Above the nine heavens, thunder was gathering!    


Above the rapidly collapsing sky, a Terrifying Aura surged downwards, causing people to tremble with fear.    


Amongst the Devouring Hole of Space s that were being torn apart, that enormous illusory figure seemed to be a gigantic nightmare that came from the endless abyss of darkness.    


"What's that?"    


"Divine Eye Holy Clan, Heart Beast."    


"T-ten great Heart Beast, all of them have appeared."    






A loud and passionate long roar resounded throughout the world, both inside and outside the Heavenly Dao Realm.    




The biting cold wind roared in all directions, the wind surged, Bai Qianyu's long hair danced gently in the sky, her eyes were like the stars, and a golden halo of light swirled around her.    


A pair of golden Divine Eye gave off a supreme divine aura.    


Under countless shocked gazes, the huge black figure behind Bai Qianyu revealed the outline of a bird.    


"It can't be wrong …"    


Looking at the mysterious object appearing in the crack in the darkness, everyone no longer had any doubt in their hearts.    


"It's him!"    


"The tenth Heart Beast, the Twin Birds of Light."    






An absolute tremble!    


After refining the Star Dragon Bat, Sky Cracking Cow, Thunder Ancestral Lion, Forest Ghosts, Heaven Swallowing Turtle, eight Desolate Snakes, Fierce-Star Nine-Winged Hou, Corpse God, and Black Dragon, the tenth Heart Beast, the Twin Soul Heavy Ming bird, was finally unable to be absent from this stunning battle.    


He thought that the ten great Heart Beast would not be able to come together.    


The appearance of the Fierce-Star Nine-Winged Hou was shocking enough.    


Furthermore, the Black Dragon's "revival" was even more surprising.    


After all, compared to the other great emperors, Chu Hen was an extremely special existence.    


As for Bai Qianyu, before this, no one could believe that she could reach the level to summon a Heart Beast.    




"Oh my god!"    


"As expected of the 'Twin Emperors' of the White Emperor and the Great Emperor Nine Netherworld. This talent is simply extremely frightening."    


"However, it seems like I can't summon the Twin Moon Bird."    






Everyone present was stunned again.    


They immediately discovered that the Heart Beast s in the Divine Eye s Holy Clan had not been completely displayed, and this scene seemed to be similar.    


"So that's how it is …" The corner of Master of Palace of Nature's Mystery Mu Fei's eyes slightly congealed as he softly muttered.    




Without waiting for everyone to react from the shock, the Divine Eye s and Holy Clan that were located in the large spacial rifts suddenly revealed an endless amount of power that overflowed the heavens.    


In the trembling and twisting void, four pairs of strange eyes actually appeared silently in the darkness.    


A terrifying cold light shot out.    


Accompanying the extremely powerful Terrifying Aura, Bai Qianyu, who was in the air above, clasped her hands together and formed a seal with her ten fingers.    


"Two souls, the Unbroken Seal …"    


Limitless Seal!    




In that instant, the nine heavens trembled incessantly, as the Heart Beast s hidden in the depths of the crevices burst forth with an incomparably brilliant light.    


Under Bai Qianyu's control, the innumerable light feathers, for example, fell into a meteor shower, and millions of light feathers quickly converged to form an illusory, sky-piercing Giant Blade.    


A golden light that spread out in all directions spread in the sky above the nine heavens.    


Under the bewildered gazes of everyone present, the sky piercing Giant Blade charged straight at the middle of the back bone of the Chaos Holy Clan Heart Beast "Thunder Ancestral Lion" with lightning speed.    


"Thump …"    


In the next moment, with Thunder Ancestral Lion at the center, an incomparably spectacular Heaven's Curtain Giant Net exploded in the sky.    


The beam of light that engulfed the area traveled in all directions, and the extremely intimidating Heaven Piercing Giant Blade was like a pillar of light that struck the inside of the Thunder Ancestral Lion.    


The latter's body caved in an arc.    


"Roar …"    


At the same time, the Thunder Ancestral Lion that had used all of Chu Hen's energy to fight had clearly lost some of its energy. Before it could even store up more energy, it was struck by the Heart Beast s of Bai Qianyu and the Divine Eye's Holy Clan.    


Immediately after, the Nine Stars in the depths of Bai Qianyu's holy eyes turned.    




Along with an extraordinary majestic aura, Bai Qianyu's red lips slightly moved as she coldly said, "Seal!"    




Immediately after, the golden Light Pattern s that were surrounding the Thunder Ancestral Lion started to return in reverse. They were like a net made of light, and when they moved, they intertwined with each other and formed many light beams and arrows.    








The light beams shot out, piercing through the Thunder Ancestral Lion's body.    


The latter's aura immediately dropped to the bottom of the valley, while mysterious and dazzling golden Rune And Secret Talisman flowed all over her body.    


"Howl …"    


The Thunder Ancestral Lion then let out a strenuous roar as its mountain-like body powerlessly fell from the sky. Finally, with a "boom …" With a loud bang, he smashed into the ground of the Heavenly Dao Realm. Large ridges were broken, and several mountain ranges collapsed.    




At the same time, the Devouring Cave in the sky above the ninth heaven began to quickly close.    


Under the convergence of the storm, the Heart Beast s of the Divine Eye s Holy Clan once again drifted further into the dark abyss, until they completely disappeared.    


What happened in an instant caused countless people to feel a little absent-minded.    


From the unexpected return of the Black Dragon to the short appearance of the Twin Soul Twilight Bird, it was finally the defeat of the Thunder Ancestral Lion … It had happened only a few dozen times before and after.    


Surprised, layer after layer.    


Before anyone could react, the Thunder Ancestral Lion had already been covered with the power of the Seal and dropped to the ground.    


It was only until now did everyone understand that Chu Hen and the Black Dragon were used as cover, and the real finishing move was the Divine Eye s Holy Clan that Bai Qianyu had summoned.    


Although the Twin Moon Bird did not descend to the Heavenly Law Realm like the other Heart Beast, it still did not miss out on the great war between the ten clans.    


For Bai Qianyu to be able to do this, it was even more so in the name of the daughter of the White Emperor.    






But seeing their own Holy Clan's Heart Beast being combined with the Seal by Bai Qianyu, Great Emperor Chaos was extremely furious.    


His eyes were scarlet red, as he looked at Chu Hen who had transformed into the Dead Devil Spirit with extreme fury.    


"Damn thing, it's you who is spoiling my plans again …" "I won't forgive you today …"    


With that, the Emperor's power surged out in all directions like a tsunami.    


"Chaos Jade!"    


"Buzz …"    


An extremely violent cyclone howled through the Nine Clouds Heavenly Vault. Shockingly, a red ball of jade containing an enormous amount of energy condensed in front of Great Emperor Chaos's palm.    


The pure energy was like a hundred rivers gathering together, constantly rushing towards the palm of the Great Emperor Chaos, then condensing to the size of a house.    


The ball jade body did not appear to be a huge body of energy, but it actually contained an astonishing amount of energy.    


"Great Desolate Splitting …" Immediately, the Great Emperor Chaos bellowed once again.    




Space twisted and collapsed. The Chaos Jade was actually split into two, directly splitting into two.    


Then, two into four, four into eight … In the blink of an eye, the eight Chaos Jade actually cracked open again, and their numbers increased to sixteen.    


Sixteen Chaos Jade, their auras were extremely terrifying.    


"Rumble …"    


The Chaos Jade turned quickly, and immediately formed a death forbidden ground that was filled with tornadoes.    


Great Emperor Chaos's face was sinister, his eyes blazing with fire.    


It was as if he was holding the power of exterminating the world.    




With the wave of the Great Emperor Chaos's palm, the 16 Chaos Jade s that contained the power to annihilate the world directly transformed into a dazzling red divine ring that flew towards Chu Hen.    


"Chu Hen, be careful..." Bai Qianyu exclaimed nervously.    


Great Emperor Heaven Burning also shouted in a deep voice, "Chu Hen brat, don't take it head-on …"    


However, in his fury, the Great Emperor Chaos was extremely vicious. The light formed by the sixteen Chaos Jade conjured a destructive storm and swept towards Chu Hen.    


The crimson Light Vortex was breathtaking in the nine heavens.    


The Dead Devil Spirit that Chu Hen had transformed into simply did not have any time to dodge at all. The ring-shaped Chaos Jade was like a string of gigantic star beads, and one of the Chaos Jade smashed solidly onto Chu Hen's body.    


"Boom …"    


The sky exploded, and the Red Shine fell to the ground.    


The terrifying impact landed heavily in front of the Dead Devil Spirit, and the overflowing, multicolored, purple wing armor on the Dead Devil Spirit's surface was subsequently blasted into smithereens.    


The Dead Devil Spirit that Chu Hen had transformed into trembled intensely, and the electrical glow of the Purple Flame that covered his body also dispersed recklessly.    


Without waiting for Chu Hen to stabilize himself, the second Chaos Jade came smashing at him.    


This Chaos Jade struck right at the chest of the Dead Devil Spirit, leaving a huge hole in the armor on its chest.    


"Let's see where you can run to this time …" Great Emperor Chaos shouted angrily as her Single Palm flew out into the air. A formless spatial movement extended out with a strong control over the energy, controlling the remaining Chaos Jade to fly towards Chu Hen.    








Because before this, Chu Hen used all his strength to clash with the Thunder Ancestral Lion. At the same time the Thunder Ancestral Lion's accumulated energy was dispersed, Chu Hen's own "new strength" was similarly in a half-damaged state.    


Furthermore, the boundaries of the Great Desolate Blood Lineage of Holy Body was known as the strongest explosive force among the ten great Holy Clan.    


The sudden rise in attack made it so that no one could react.    


One after another, Chaos Jade that were filled with terrifying power struck Chu Hen's body.    


"Thump …" With an ear-splitting, heavy explosion, the Dead Devil Spirit that had withstood the attacks of around ten Chaos Jade in a row astonishingly shattered into pieces, exploding into pieces of light fragments that filled the sky.    


Above the Heavenly Dao Realm, circle after circle of red light spread out into the sky.    


The remnant shock waves of the chaotic world caused the wind and clouds in the nine heavens to be blown away.    


The instant the Dead Devil Spirit was smashed to pieces, Chu Hen was immediately exposed in the air. Without giving it much time to react, the remaining Chaos Jade smashed down once again.    


"Bang …" The violent vibrations were like the intersection of thunder and mountain. Chu Hen's body shook violently, and was smashed away by the terrifying impact that was comparable to a meteorite.    


"Wow …"    


As he flew backwards, Chu Hen spat out a mouthful of blood.    


"Die!" The Great Emperor Chaos revealed a cold and crafty smile. After he finished speaking, he went back to the events that had transpired.    


"Stop..." "Your opponent is me …" Great Emperor Heaven Burning hurried forward to intercept him.    


But, the Great Emperor Chaos's desire to kill Chu Hen had already been set in stone, how could he care about the Great Emperor Heaven Burning, "Hmph, wait till I kill him before I come to get rid of you."    


A torrential torrent of energy overflowed, crushing everything in its path.    


On the other side, Bai Qianyu's beautiful face slightly changed as the Nine Stars in the depths of her eyes turned.    


"Space, replace …"    




A formless and powerful rhythm surged out from her eyes as ripples seemed to form in the air.    


The space where Chu Hen was standing twisted in a dream-like manner.    


And just as Bai Qianyu was about to teleport Chu Hen out of the attack range of the Great Emperor Chaos, a cold and violent chill was sensed by Bai Qianyu and this unknown mysterious power actually obstructed her spatial transformation.    


What was going on?    


Bai Qianyu was shocked!    


Her gaze quickly moved towards Chu Hen's Rear Area, only to see that in that direction, a giant monument made of Qitian Token was erected right there.    


Just like the "Divine Darkness Plate" erected between heaven and earth, the Qitian Token s released aura that was like the cold currents in the deep sea.    


"How could this be …" Bai Qianyu was in a panic.    


At the same time, the Great Emperor Chaos had already returned in front of Chu Hen and sent another gigantic palm strike at him.    


"Bang …"    


The palm-print that contained an endless primordial power once again struck Chu Hen's body. Chu Hen, whose vital energy and blood were already in turmoil, instantly felt as if all his organs had been moved and his entire body was in severe pain and numbness.    


Chu Hen complained incessantly in his heart, this old dog Great Emperor Chaos really did not hold back at all. If not for the fact that he had two Boundary of Blood Lineage s in his possession, the other party would have been dead for sure.    


Endure the pain, Chu Hen tried his best to control his body.    


However, under the continuous, violent impact, the enormous inertia power directly caused Chu Hen to continuously retreat backwards, and even while moving, Chu Hen vaguely felt that his trajectory was being pulled away by some kind of invisible force.    


"This aura is …"    


Abruptly, Chu Hen was shocked, he turned his head to look, only to see a gigantic evil monument erected behind him.    




Completely without a chance to defend at all, Chu Hen's back heavily struck the giant monument formed by the Qitian Token.    


The violent strike carried an astonishing force of impact.    


The moment the two clashed, the "Dark God's Plate" made from Qitian Token suddenly erupted into a blinding blood-colored light.    


The ancient patterns on the two stone pillars also began to emit a strange energy flow.    


Following that, the Qitian Token s that were covered in red, thousands of strands of light beams flowed like lightning towards Chu Hen's body from all directions.    


"Ah …"    


Chu Hen's eyes were wide opened, his entire being seemed to be immersed in a pool of blood.    


Bai Qianyu, Great Emperor Heaven Burning, Yan Fushu, Mu Fei, Long Qingyang and the others were even more shocked.    


"Chu Hen!"    


"Big Brother Chu Hen?"    




Just at this moment, the hundred million mysterious blood colored Rune spread out the sky, and Chu Hen's entire body seemed to be stuck on the surface of the tablet, unable to move at all.    


Everyone was shocked and confused.    


Even the Imperial Capital s were stunned.    


What was going on?    


Floating under the firmament, the eyes of the Evil God with pitch black pupils revealed a hint of astonishment.    


"Ha ha, so that's how it is …"    


With that said, Evil God held onto the blood red sickle and waved it back.    


"Swish …"    


In that moment, an arc of light pierced through the sky, bringing about a biting cold destructive force as it slashed towards Chu Hen.    


Not good!    


Everyone was shocked!    


However, who could defend against the attacks of the Evil God?    


However, just at this time, the stone tablet formed by the Qitian Token exploded with an endless number of Light Vortex like stars.    


"Thump, thump …" An extremely loud, ear-piercing sound rang out. The moment the blood colored arc blade descended, a ring of beautiful light exploded, causing the heaven and earth to be overturned.    


The mountains and rivers had all collapsed, and the mountain peaks and mountains had all been leveled.    


Chaotic energy wantonly flowed about, and Chu Hen's aura completely disappeared …    


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