Ultimate Martial Divine King

C1472 Resuscitation

C1472 Resuscitation

Darkness shrouded the area, and all life returned to silence.    


His spirit energy had dried up and the world had dried up.    


There was no life in the endless darkness.    


There was no color, no light.    


All the life seemed to have vanished.    




Suddenly, in the darkness, there seemed to be a tiny fiber optic fiber that vibrated.    


In this endless darkness, the fleeting rhythm created an extremely minute ripple.    


Soon after, a gentle Qi pattern was formed.    


A tiny dot of light appeared out of nowhere in this dark world.    


Like a firefly lost in the night.    


The dot of light floated back and forth in the darkness.    


It was pitifully weak, shrouded in darkness.    


It couldn't illuminate any small corner at all.    


Following that, another light spot appeared. The two light spots were like fireflies meeting in the wrong places, quickly touching each other.    


However, their radiance was still negligible.    


But then, the third, fourth, and fifth stars began to appear, as if they were adding a ray of light to the world shrouded in darkness.    


Just like a red halo around the moon, the dense cluster of stars and light began to converge together.    


Thousands and thousands of threads of weak auras intertwined together and a gradually stronger energy rhythm slowly intertwined.    




A beam of light pierced through the darkness, and a soft light drove out the cold.    


The extinguished candle flame lit up again.    


Spiritual Spring spilled out of the dried up riverbed.    


Under the withering of the petals, another emerald green sprout appeared.    


Heavenly Shifting Holy Heart Arts!    


A type of Occult Arts that the caster condenses and provides to others to absorb!    


Furthermore, it was an ancient Occult Arts that sacrificed itself for nothing.    


It was precisely because this Occult Arts only cared about other people, that it almost had no benefits to him at all.    


Therefore, although this technique had been circulating in the Baiguo State for a long time, very few people would cultivate it.    


Even though it possessed the divine power to revive the dead, no one was willing to come into contact with it.    




Xi Lan found it especially hard to believe that Xi Lan had actually mastered this "Heavenly Shifting Holy Heart Arts" that no one else would ever look at with contempt. She even more so did not expect that she had trained this technique to the highest level, and even more so did not expect that she would use it without hesitation.    


Perhaps the crowd didn't know.    


Back then, when's Holy Star Dynasty was still there, he had once used the "Heavenly Shifting Holy Heart Arts" on Chu Hen. However, at that time, he had only helped Chu Hen to raise his Cultivation, and break through a higher level of cultivation.    


The current situation was completely different from before.    


Mu Feng no longer dared to look any further.    


He had no idea what was going to happen next.    


Its eyes reddened and it couldn't help but cry.    


He wanted Xi Lan to stop.    


However, when the words were about to reach his mouth, he couldn't say it.    


Because he knew, no matter how much he advised, Xi Lan would not listen to him.    




Abruptly, a gentle mountain stream blew past, and an unbelievable thing happened. The light emitted from Chu Hen's body became extremely strong, and the spirit tattoos that interweaved with his body also began to radiate a dazzling color.    


It was as if a clear spring had once again emerged from the dried up well.    


Chu Hen's lifeless source of life was actually revived once again.    


A wave of life force that gradually grew stronger started to emit from his body. The most astonishing thing was that the shattered True Essence Holy Soul also slowly gathered from all directions, changing into countless threads of illusory light beams which poured into Chu Hen's Dantian.    


"This is …"    


Ye Yao, who was carrying Chu Hen, was both surprised and happy.    


Qiao Xiaowan, Han Yiquan, and Mouse also revealed a happy expression.    


Only Long Xuanshuang and Mu Feng looked extremely uneasy.    


The scattered life source gathered together at an extremely quick pace. The wound on Chu Hen's heart and abdomen seemed to have been nourished by the Immortal Spring Liquid as it healed at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.    


The blurry wound quickly produced new flesh.    


Countless soft golden Light Pattern s filled up Chu Hen's heart with light spots.    


Clang clang clang clang … The eye-catching pieces of flesh and blood merged together, the heart that was pierced through seemed to be bathed in holy spring water under the soft Holy Light.    


Soon, the two fatal wounds on his body closed.    


"Putong." A slight touch was transmitted from Chu Hen's chest, and his dead heart actually started beating once again in an incomparably shocking and miraculous manner.    


"Big Brother Chu Hen is alive! He's alive!" Ye Yao was overjoyed as she shouted out with incomparable happiness.    


The crowd behind Liu Ming were equally excited.    


"Instructor Xi Lan, big brother Chu Hen is still alive, thank you."    


Then, before Ye Yao could finish speaking, her voice suddenly stopped. She looked at the beautiful woman in front of her with an expression of shock.    


Qiao Xiaowan, Han Yiquan, and Mouse's expressions all changed.    


Long Xuanshuang's body trembled, and she opened her eyes wide.    


Xi Lan subconsciously turned her body around while simultaneously taking away the hands on Chu Hen's chest. Just a moment ago, a pair of jade white hands were wrinkled as if they were the hands of an old man.    


Mu Feng clenched his teeth, his brows tightly knitted. He turned around, and loudly shouted to the few people beside him, "All of you, turn your heads!"    


As he spoke, two streams of tears flowed down his cheeks.    


He clenched his hands together and made a gurgling sound, trying his best to not let himself cry out loud.    


Everyone immediately turned around and dug their fingernails into their palms.    


Is this the price for using "Heavenly Shifting Holy Heart Arts"?    


So huge!    


So arduous!    


It was especially heavy!    


Heavy, unbearable!    


"Tell him to stop looking for me!"    


Xi Lan's somewhat hoarse voice came from behind them.    


Everyone wanted to turn back, but they held back.    


Beneath her purple hair, her eyes were still clear as ever as she looked at Chu Hen's calm and serene face, after which her face couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile.    


"In the end, I still managed to keep you alive for me."    


After he finished speaking, Xi Lan turned around and left without looking back.    


They were all crying.    


Mu Feng closed his eyes deeply, and shouted towards the sky, "Student Mu Feng, respectfully greets Instructor Xi Lan!"    


"Student Zhou Hao, respectfully send Teacher Xi Lan off!"    


"Long Xuanshuang, respectfully send Teacher Xi Lan off!"    


"Ye Yao, respectfully send Teacher Xi Lan off!"    


"Qiao Xiaowan!"    


"Han Yiquan greets Instructor Xi Lan."    


The heavy voice echoed into the depths of the forest, but Xi Lan still did not turn his head back.    




It was her last day in Paddy City.    


Perhaps it was fated.    


Or perhaps it was the will of the heavens that played with people.    


The original intention of Xi Lan cultivating the "Heavenly Shifting Holy Heart Arts" was for her only brother, Xi Chen.    


However, when Xi Chen died, she was unable to cultivate the "Heavenly Shifting Holy Heart Arts" to the highest level.    


She could only watch helplessly as her own kin fell in front of her.    


After that, Chu Hen's appearance had gradually brought her out of this section of the shadow.    


That youth was too similar to Xi Chen.    


In the beginning, she treated Chu Hen as her little brother, but slowly, Xi Lan started to be unable to differentiate his own heart.    


She began to be confused.    


He began to be confused.    


He began to feel conflicted.    


Therefore, in the midst of conflict, Xi Lan chose to leave the Dongsheng State alone.    


However, she didn't expect that after two years of peace, the man that made her feel at a loss would once again appear in front of her.    


It was the same as before, he couldn't tell what he was thinking.    


But what he could be sure of, was that the moment he saw him again, Xi Lan's heart was filled with joy.    


Because of this joy.    


She promised to leave with him.    


Leaving this heart that had been at peace for two years.    


No matter where he would be in the future!    


However, on this last day, Xi Lan made a choice that would follow his heart.    


He was especially decisive.    


He was incomparably resolute.    


It was, she swore, the first choice she had ever made.    




It was her last day in Paddy City!    


A choice that would not be regretted.    


It was hazy and hazy.    


The overlapping spaces were like pieces of crushed memory that were being pieced together.    




It was like being dragged back from the endless abyss of darkness.    


The dream-like scene constantly flashed in the dark night.    


In the long tunnel, Chu Hen felt like he had passed through many corridors.    


The scene overlapped, and the end of the corridor was suddenly pulled close.    




Under the starry night sky and the bright and clear moonlight, a beautiful and refined figure was dancing under the moonlight.    


Her graceful movements were like that of a Spiritual Butterfly shuttling between flowers. Her long purple hair and exquisite facial features were like that of a spirit forgotten in the mortal world.    


"Instructor …" Chu Hen gently called out.    


"Goodbye!" She gave a faint smile, like a cherry blossom blossoming at the foot of a snowy mountain.    


"Goodbye?" Why say goodbye? Where are you going? " Chu Hen asked suspiciously.    


The other side did not answer, her delicate dancing slowly fading into the dreamy night.    


"If there's a next time, then finish a complete dance for you!"    


After he finished speaking, he slowly retreated backwards.    


Chu Hen panicked. He did not know what happened as he directly rushed forward, opening his arms and throwing himself at the opponent.    


"Instructor, wait for me …"    


Chu Hen sprung up, and was about to grab onto his opponent, but in the next instant, a thirty thousand meters deep cliff appeared beneath him.    






In an instant, Chu Hen fiercely opened his eyes and directly sat up from the bed.    


The pain in his chest immediately followed. Chu Hen covered his chest with one hand and could not help but "hiss".    


"Big brother Chu Hen, you're awake!" Immediately, Ye Yao's joyful voice came out.    


In a spacious and bright room.    


Ye Yao guarded the bedside alone.    


"Where is this place?" What happened? " Chu Hen asked.    


"We are still at Big Brother Chu Hen's side. You have been unconscious for many days."    


As he said that, Chu Hen used one hand to cover his aching head, while at the same time, memories from before he passed out surged in.    


"I actually didn't die!" The corner of Chu Hen's eyes trembled, and at the same time, he recalled the scene of being besieged by three Great Saint King Stage experts from the God of War Palace.    


At the same time, Mu Feng, Long Xuanshuang and the rest who heard the commotion also rushed into the house.    


Seeing that Chu Hen had woken up, everyone was extremely excited.    


Chu Hen's eyes swept across the few of them.    


Then he asked, "What about the instructor? "Where is she?"    


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