Godly System Moralizes the World



"Why do you ask Fellow Taoist Xiao when you already know the answer?" Old Immortal Nanhua shook his head and turned around. He stared at Xiao Tian and said in a deep voice, "That disciple of mine came to see Fellow Daoist Xiao Tian, right?"    


Xiao Tian smiled and met Old Immortal Nanhua's gaze. He said lightly, "Zhang Jiao has indeed come looking for me."    


"What did Fellow Taoist Xiao say?" Old Immortal Nanhua walked to the opposite of Xiao Tian and sat down. He picked up a black piece from the board and tapped it on the board with a calm tone.    


"Fellow Taoist Nan Hua can't deduce it?" Xiao Tian looked at Old Immortal Nanhua in surprise.    


Old Immortal Nanhua nodded slightly and said without any hesitation, "The heaven's will is in chaos. Not to mention my disciple showing the Fiend Star, even I am unable to deduce the future of ordinary people."    


"I'll tell him that I don't care about other areas, but the area of the Zhending County City cannot be disturbed for a hundred miles," Xiao Tian said to Old Immortal Nanhua as he pointed at a white piece on the board.    


"So that's how it is." Old Immortal Nanhua nodded and his tone became a lot more relaxed: "In that case, thank you, Fellow Taoist Xiao."    


He was truly afraid that Xiao Tian would suddenly lose his head and stand up for him. With Xiao Tian's abilities, no one in the world could stop him. If Xiao Tianzhen was against Zhang Jiao, then Zhang Jiao would only have to suffer a slaughter.    


As Zhang Jiao's Master, even though he knew that Zhang Jiao was going against the heavens, Old Immortal Nanhua still didn't want to see this scene.    


Now that Xiao Tian had agreed not to interfere, even if Zhang Jiao failed in the end, he had the confidence to save Zhang Jiao!    


"If I'm not mistaken, this Zhang Jiao should be the descendant of Fiend Star?" Xiao Tian looked at Old Immortal Nanhua and said with a smile, "He was the one who faced the tribulation. If Fellow Taoist Nan Hua interfered, it would be against the will of the heavens and the earth, so the heaven and earth would not devour him."    


With Old Immortal Nanhua's strength, he should know the meaning of Zhang Jiao's birth. If Old Immortal Nanhua was really as determined to save Zhang Jiao as to go against the will of the heavens, then the slightest carelessness would lead to a backlash and his death.    


"Thank you for your reminder, Fellow Daoist." Old Immortal Nanhua nodded his head and smiled bitterly, "I have never had a wife or child in my life, and now that the time has come, with only this disciple of mine left, how can I not be worried?"    


Xiao Tian could not help but understand. If that was the case, it would make sense. But soon after, Xiao Tian frowned and looked at Old Immortal Nanhua with a puzzled expression.    


It had to be known that with Old Immortal Nanhua's Celestial Immortal Stage, if he did not take the initiative to seek death, his lifespan would be never-ending, so how could he possibly reach his end?    


Seeming to have noticed Xiao Tian's doubt, Old Immortal Nanhua said with a wry smile, "Fellow Taoist Xiao, I presume you're wondering why my time is up?"    


Xiao Tian nodded and said in a deep voice, "With fellow cultivator's strength, although you may not be immortal, your lifespan is almost endless. Xiao Tian nodded and said in a deep voice," With fellow cultivator's strength, although you may not be immortal, but your lifespan is almost endless.    


"That's why I'm looking for Fellow." Old Immortal Nanhua looked at Xiao Tian and slowly stood up. He turned around and revealed his back in front of Xiao Tian.    


Xiao Tian's eyes narrowed as he cried out involuntarily, "Who did this?!"    


Behind Old Immortal Nanhua's back, a hideous wound extended from his right shoulder to Old Immortal Nanhua's waist. There was black gas curling around the wound, making it look extremely horrifying.    


No one could blame Xiao Tian for losing his composure like this. Although he was confident that he could beat Old Immortal Nanhua, it was only a victory. If he wanted to injure Old Immortal Nanhua, he would have to take advantage of Old Immortal Nanhua being caught off guard.    


However, even in this situation, Old Immortal Nanhua, whose lifespan was almost limitless, had suffered such heavy injuries that he was on the verge of death!    




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