Super Dragon Cultivation System

C554 Unpopular Zhang Xing

C554 Unpopular Zhang Xing

The morning passed quickly and it was only two in the afternoon when the Wan Wu Kingdom took her turn.    


The two kinds of medicine that Di Nuo brought were liked by the big shots from different countries. This was a profound process based on the original effects of the medicine.    


The results of the experiment also made many people exclaim in admiration.    


The Paralysis Powder and the Painkiller were divided into two types. One was for low level warriors and Magician, and the other was for medium and high level warriors.    


Di Nuo's result was currently ranked ninth, and had basically reached the expected goal.    


The others were all outside of the 30th place. However, the array formations and weapons that they had forged had been ordered by many large clans.    


It could be considered that he had gained something and that his trip here had not been in vain.    


Zhang Xing retracted his consciousness and slowly walked towards the demonstration area.    


"This Awakening Pill is made from hundreds of precious herbs, its function is ?"    


Zhang Xing took out the pellets and explained it according to routine. His calm voice came out from the magical loudspeaker, but it was quickly drowned out by the clamoring noise of the people.    


Most of the people present thought that it was a ten year old youth, but they all showed a look of contempt. Not many people listened to his words, and they were all excitedly discussing who had the hope of getting first place.    


The leaders of the Panellists were all listening with their minds elsewhere.    


Zhang Xing did not mind, as he finished introducing the velociraptor with a few sentences. Then, he summoned the velociraptor of the fifth step which had been raised for a long time.    


That's right, this was the dragon that he had snatched from the young master of Sahir family.    


Today, they were using velociraptor to show everyone the magical abilities of Awakening Pill.    


"Eh, this brat wants to use velociraptor to demonstrate?"    


Quite a number of people in the vice Panellists s seats had noticed Zhang Xing's actions.    


"Interesting, even I don't dare to casually take a dragon and experiment on it. His courage is not small!"    


"Yeah, every dragon is very important, how can they be used for experiments?"    


"It looks like the Awakening Pill he refined isn't any better. Dragons have a very high intelligence to begin with, and some are even smarter than us humans. What kind of spirit awakening do we need?!"    


"That's right, to be able to use an uncultivated magical beast as a demonstration."    




These people scoffed at Zhang Xing, no one favored him, only the corners of Hall Master Kai Qila's lips curled up into a cold smile.    


The eleven big shots sitting in the main evaluation seats all looked at Si Pulasi.    


"Master Si Pulasi, this is a representative from your Wan Wu Kingdom, right? He's very young, and from what I see, he's the youngest among all the participants, so he should be careful!"    


"Can you tell me what he is doing with this velociraptor?"    


"Don't tell me that you want the velociraptor to dance for everyone?"    


"Hahaha ?"    


Faced with the crowd's ridicule, Si Pulasi maintained his indifferent smile from beginning to end, and did not argue.    


Humph! A bunch of frogs at the bottom of a well. I'll show you the most shocking invention in a thousand years.    


On the seating area of the Niu Ke Empire, the level four Alchemist Ku Wei's face was expressionless, but from his eyes, one could see the undisguised mocking look.    


"Master Ku Wei, Wan Wu Kingdom looks like they have declined. Each year is worse than the last, but this time a child is allowed to participate. Truly ?"    


"Sigh!" Don't say it's so unpleasant, the Wan Wu Kingdom is mainly focused on raising the young generation, when this child reaches Master Ku Wei's age, maybe he will become a talent! "    


"Forget it, after this meeting, the five Third-class States s will become four. There's no time to give them a chance to grow."    


"Hmm, you're right. Displaying an invention is just the first appetizer. The remaining few parts are the most exciting ones."    




Obviously, there were too many things that Zhang Xing did not know about, and no one had mentioned it to him before.    


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