Super Dragon Cultivation System

C2308 Telling zhang the crime with qianyu

C2308 Telling zhang the crime with qianyu

When the Human King heard Zhang Xing's words, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion. What Zhang Xing had done was exactly what all the previous Human Kings wanted to do but were unable to accomplish.    


However, with just a single person, perhaps ?    


Human King sighed in his heart, he was just about to speak up and advise Zhang Xing, but the following words from Zhang Xing caused him to be stunned for a moment.    


"Predecessor the Human King, the current three heavens' west, southwest, south and southeast demi-human race are all very friendly.    


They agreed to escort all the Homo sapiens in the territory to the west side to settle down.    


The east, the north-east, and the north and north-west are not yet agreed upon.    


But I've already sent someone to coordinate with them. "    


"What?" Such a thing actually happened? demi-human race suddenly had a benevolent heart, and became more accommodating and open-minded? "    


Hearing Zhang Xing's words, Human King was stunned, and could not help but mumble.    


Even the other three kings did not believe it, much less the Human King.    


"Is the manager of the southeast here?"    


Demonic King's expression turned cold as he looked at all the other demi-human race s with unfriendly eyes.    


"Bi Lingtian is here!"    


Bi Lingtian braced himself and walked out.    


"Speak, what happened?"    


Demonic King's sharp gaze made Bi Ling tremble involuntarily as he kneeled down with a plop.    


"Return to the Demonic King, Zhang ? Master is right, we are very, very friendly! "    


"Bullshit!" Do you want to die? Do you still want to lie in front of This King? "    


Hearing Bi Lingtian's stuttering words, the Demonic King did not need to guess to know that it was a lie.    


However, just as Bi Lingtian was about to speak, Qian Yu ran out.    


Pointing at Bi Lingtian, he scolded him on the spot, "You traitor of demi-human race!"    


Immediately after, he kneeled down with a plop, and his face became incomparably bitter and aggrieved.    


"Master Demonic King, you have to seek justice for us!"    


As he spoke, Qian Yu started to cry with tears and snot all over her face ?    


With the sound of his weeping, a large number of God Realm demi-human race from all directions kneeled down behind him, expressing their support.    


A few minutes later, Demonic King's expression became extremely ugly, as though a child had died in anger!    


The Demon Lord and Asura King revealed looks of surprise, as well as a trace of schadenfreude.    


The old bark-like face of the human king was completely frozen. His two eyes flickered, and not only was he shocked, he was also pleasantly surprised!    


Is this true? How was this possible?    


The world was full of wonders, and as he listened to Qian Yu's heart-wrenching pain, Zhang Xing's crimes were brought out one after another.    


At the very end, there were actually 380 of them!    


Almost all of the crimes had been attributed to Zhang Xing.    


Even the Human King believed for a moment that Zhang Xing was the unpardonable Homo sapiens!    


However, he immediately laughed happily, causing his beard to tremble and his bark like face to radiate with the light of youth.    


Good kill!    


It had been a long time since the Human King was this happy.    


He finally understood why countless demi-human race were standing so far away from Zhang Xing.    


So it was because he was afraid of Zhang Xing!    


At this point, with Qianyu embellishing the details of Zhang Xing's crime, his performance had gained the support of all the demi-human race present.    


Demonic King's face was completely expressionless.    


He knew that what Zhan Qianyu said was most likely true, and Zhang Xing had almost unified the entire three heavens.    


This time, if not for the abnormal phenomenon, Zhang Xing's climate had already changed.    


"A bunch of trash!"    


The Demonic King's gaze swept across all the demi-human race s, and finally landed on Zhang Xing's face, which was standing there indifferently.    


He had to be eliminated, even if it meant that he had to fight the Human King to the bitter end!    


Immediately afterwards, the Demonic King's gaze turned towards the Demon Lord and Asura King.    


The three kings simultaneously gave an undetectable nod.    


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