Super Dragon Cultivation System

C2418 Who Is the Robber

C2418 Who Is the Robber

Two months later, Zhang Xing and Hua Rong appeared at the harbor.    


"Flying over the New Oceans and passing through the Hell Mountain Range is the north. It's only two days away from the Secret Mountain Sect."    


Zhang Xing calculated in his heart. He had to get to the north within 25 days. Otherwise, if something unexpected happened, his trip would be in vain.    


"Brothers who are going to adventure in the New Oceanic Sea, please come over. There are only two more people left. Hurry up!"    


"Brothers who are going to search for opportunities in the New Oddity Sea and the Hell Mountain Range, hurry up and come over. There are only three more people left to fill up..."    


From time to time, the sounds of unaffiliated people forming teams could be heard from the pier.    


The New Oddity Sea and the Hell Mountain were adventurers' paradise. The number of rare herbs there was considerable, and there were also quite a number of refining materials.    


However, the danger level was also very high. These rare materials were protected by powerful Demonic Beast. They could only gain something by teaming up.    


Zhang Xing had recovered his strength in the transfer array and airship for the past few days. He did not stop at the dock. He took Hua Rong and flew into the sky, heading towards the other side of the New Ocean.Edited by: Lifer, fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio    


At this time, there were already adventure squads on warships or other magic treasures looking for opportunities on the vast ocean.    


Zhang Xing ignored them. His right hand tore open the space, and his figure flashed. He quickly traveled two hundred thousand miles.    


However, when Zhang Xing saw the misty air, he couldn't tell the direction anymore.    


He stopped, and cried out in his heart.    


He could no longer fly around randomly. He had to find someone to ask for directions.    


Those adventure squads must have some sort of treasure or method to identify directions.    


Zhang Xing spread out his Divine Sense, searching while flying.    


An hour later, he saw a small island that looked like a five finger mountain. There were two groups of adventure teams carefully searching for herbs on the island.    


Suddenly, a red light came from a finger mountain in the middle of the island.    


The light was especially conspicuous in the thick fog. It was like a high-intensity light beam, and the Red light shot into the sky.    


"The Fire Dao Flower has appeared!"    


A voice filled with shock and surprise rang out from the two teams.    


In an instant, the two teams charged forward like crazy.    


But at this moment, a huge rooster-like Demonic Beast suddenly drilled out from the rock underneath the Fire Dao Flower.    


He was seventy to eighty feet tall, wearing a fiery red feather, a fiery red chicken crown on his head, a black eagle beak, and two frog-like eyes. Two steel-like claw were deeply embedded in the rock.    


He kept letting out low and deep gurgling sounds, glaring at the two groups of people who were rushing over.    


"Everyone be careful, it's the Fire Crown Demon!"    


"Although this Demon is a Mid Divine Fifth Rank, his strength has probably reached the Late Divine stage. Let's not hold anything back. If we kill him, we'll take the Fire Crown Demon and leave."    


"That's right. This deal is enough to cover our expenses for a year!"    


The two teams quickly reached a agreement. One by one, they took out their divine weapons and magical treasures and killed the Fire Crown Demon in less than five minutes.    


The strengths of these people were ordinary, and most of them were at the initial-stage and intermediate-stage of the Godrank Realm. But they were well-prepared.    


The divine weapons they used were all long-range attacks, as well as ice system and divine weapons that countered fire. The number of people was exactly sixty, so it wasn't difficult to take down the Fire Crown Demon.    


"Haha! Fire Crown Demon and Fire Dao Flower will definitely be able to sell for a good price. Our luck is really too good!"    


More than sixty people's eyes lit up, as if they could see a large amount of High Level divine crystal waving at them.    


The captains of the two teams flew to the mountainside at the same time, planning to pick the Fire Dao Flower. The rest of them were waiting at the foot of the mountain.    


However, just as the two captains were about to reach the mountainside, a figure suddenly flashed next to the Fire Path Flower, and two young men, a man and a woman, appeared.    


Zhang Xing casually plucked the fiery flower, took out a jade box, and placed it in the storage room of Dragon Island.    


"How dare you! Hand over the Fire Dao Flower!"    


"Hand it over!"    


The faces of the two captains darkened. Their eyes were filled with fury as they pointed their swords at Zhang Xing.    


They had been wandering in the ocean for more than two months and finally found a valuable treasure. However, just as they were about to get their hands on it, they were snatched away by someone else without any effort.    


The two of them were so angry that their lungs almost exploded.    


"It's impossible to hand it over. Whoever gets it will have it.    


If you want the Fire Path Flower, you can exchange it with something. "    


Zhang Xing smiled faintly.    


"Exchange? Kid, you stole our things, and you still want to trade with us? You have no problem with that, right? "    


One of the captains said fiercely.    


"Kid, what do you want?" Another shifty-eyed captain asked with a sinister and cunning gaze.    


"It's very simple. Use the array disk to identify directions or other tools."    


Zhang Xing said.    


"You just want the array disk?" The shifty-eyed captain was stunned for a moment. "It is indeed very simple."    


"Kid, you must have gotten lost. There's no need to run so far away to be intimate with your lover."    


"Haha, that's right. When you find your way home, perhaps your child will grow up!"    


"Hand over the Fire Dao Flower first. We each have an array disk that can identify the direction. It doesn't matter if we send you two."    


"Yes, hand over the Fire Dao Flower first!"    


The two captains sang in unison.    


"How can that be? You have more people than me, what if you don't give me the array disk?"    


Zhang Xing shook his head and said.    


Zhang Xing did not have any reaction when he heard the other party's mockery, but Hua Rong and Princess could not accept it.    


She wanted to give Zhang Xing two children, but Zhang Xing did not like her.    


This was the most painful part of her heart. Once someone touched her, her anger would burn.    


"All of you can go to hell. Even if you die, you won't be able to get the Fire Dao Flower!"    


Hua Rong still hadn't gotten the Dao Thunder Fruit that he wanted. Zhang Xing still had more than a dozen of them.    


He would rather give Ge Song a dozen or so before he left than give her a single one. This made her hate him even more.    


Therefore, the expression and tone of her gritted teeth made the faces of the two captains turn ugly.    


"Shut up! You wretched girl! Curse us? "    


The worst taboo for adventurers was death. No one in the sea or in the mountains would say this word.    


Of course, this was referring to their own people. There was no taboo when scolding others.    


"Enough, stop wasting time with them. Kill them, take the Fire Dao Flower and leave!"    


At this time, the people from both teams surrounded them.    


Sixty early and intermediate stage God Realm friar each had a grade five divine weapon. With Zhang Xing's current strength at the early stage of the fifth god realm, there was no way he could win.    


Before he advanced to the fifth level God Realm, he thought that his strength could fight a late stage or even peak fifth level God Realm friar.    


However, after he broke through to the next level, he suddenly felt that it was not what he had imagined.    


Now that he felt the Aura of these sixty people, Zhang Xing knew that his feeling was right.    


The higher the cultivation level, the lower his ability to jump ranks to challenge others.    


Furthermore, he had only just reached the Fifth Heavenly Layer, and had yet to cultivate in this environment.    


His cultivation techniques and techniques were still stuck at Level Four of the Deity Realm.    


If you used the power of Level Five of the Deity Realm to use a Level Four cultivation technique, although the power was dozens of times stronger than before, it was ultimately not compatible and could not unleash the power of Level Five of the Deity Realm at all.    


Zhang Xing's original intention was to use the Fire Dao Flower to exchange for it. He did not have the time to fight with these people here.    


But Hua Rong's one sentence ruined his plan.    


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