Super Dragon Cultivation System

C538 I'll Borrow Your Valley for a Pill

C538 I'll Borrow Your Valley for a Pill

Borrowing your valley for a pill.    


After everything settled down, Master Kaitylla personally accompanied Zhang Xing and invited him to a banquet.    


"Zhang Mayor, this is a small matter. Please do not decline."    


Halfway through the banquet, Hall Master took out a Storage Ring. He originally intended to give it to Dr. Bulvo.    


"Hall Master, what are you doing? We are friends of Friends. Why are you following me? Hurry up and take it back. Do you think I'm an outsider? I'm going to get angry! "    


Zhang Xing's expression was serious, and he looked very serious.    


"This..." Kai Qila looked at You Se, who was standing next to him, puzzled.    


The situation was not right. It did not match what You Se had said. Didn't he say that this kid was greedy? His personality had changed?    


No, that's not right. The moment he opened his mouth, he said that he was friends with me, Friends. There must be something fishy going on! I can't be fooled!    


"macrosoman, don't reject it. If you don't accept it, you will treat me as an outsider."    


As he spoke, he pushed the ring over.    


Zhang Xing did not decline this time, but he did not accept it either. Instead, he changed the topic.    


"Hall main adult, I see that the scenery in this valley is not bad. I plan to stay here for a few more days."    


En? Kai Qila became alert. Where did the scenery in the valley come from? There were all kinds of beast cages. What did he want to do?    


But he couldn't just reject it. He was the Mystical Shadow Beast's saviour! He was the person who had made a huge contribution to the Beast Hall! If he didn't even agree to such a small request, would he still be a human?    


It was better to use his tone first.    


"macrosoman, the valley is dirty and messy. I'm afraid it will affect your mood. Why don't you stay in the headquarters of the Beast Hall for a few more days? I'll ask You Se to entertain you the whole time."    


"Oh, Hall main adult, don't worry. Didn't I just accept a mission? I want to participate in the Third-class States, magic, and the new Exchange Conference. I want to use your Devil Beast as an experiment. "    


Zhang Xing explained.    


This was also a sudden thought that came to his mind just now. He could not take out the Bloodline Pill, but he could research other innovative Pills.    


It was specifically used for Devil Beast purposes. The Devil Beast sea of the Beast Hall was gone, and he could use it as a lab rat to experiment.    




Kai Qila and You Se both heaved a sigh of relief. So that was how it was. It was just a small matter.    


"No problem. Macrosoman can stay as long as he wants. You can choose the Devil Beast here."    


"If macrosoman comes up with any new Pills, he must give it to our Beast Hall first!"    


He knew that this new Exchange Conference was not only available for the magician to participate, but also for the disciples of the Beast Hall, the Pharmacist Association, and the Formation Masters Guild.    


Every batch of Exchange Conference, there would be disciples of the Beast Hall who would shine brilliantly. These outstanding disciples were basically all equipped with unique skills, and all of them had multiple identities, such as Medicine Master and Formation Master.    


"Thank you very much, Hall main adult. It's just that this period of time is a little long, and there are still seven months left until the social meeting..."    


Zhang Xing looked hesitant and embarrassed.    


"It's fine. Macrosoman can go and experiment with it. I will make the side hall next to the Mystical Shadow Beast your laboratory. The most high-end room in the headquarters is for you to rest. I will send someone to serve you the entire time."    


Master Kaitylla agreed readily. Refining a Mystical Shadow Beast was just an experiment. Nothing could affect him. He even closed the distance between him and Zhang Xing. This was a good deal.    


"Hall main adult is straightforward. I will not accept this gift. We are all friends of Friends. If we continue to make these mundane things, it will be somewhat different."    


Zhang Xing smiled and pushed the Storage Ring back.    


So this little fox is waiting for me here. So she won't let you experiment and take the gift before leaving, right? I don't think anyone is more realistic than you.    


Kai Qila laughed out loud. He didn't go and receive the Storage Ring, but he was still friends with Friends. Who is your friend, Friends?!    


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