Super Dragon Cultivation System

C2546 Returning to the Same Place

C2546 Returning to the Same Place

"It's Lord Sect Master, he's back!"    


The farmer saw Zhang Xing's face and was overjoyed. He kneeled down.    


Then, xiu Wuxiang and the others also knelt down.    


They looked at Zhang Xing with excitement and forgot to speak for a moment. They just stared at Zhang Xing with their eyes full of respect.    


Many disciples who were familiar with Zhang Xing also knelt down with excitement. Their eyes were filled with respect. They couldn't be themselves.    


The disciples who came later were puzzled for a moment. Then, they understood what was going on. Great enlightenment. A person who could make the ten great elders of the sect and other experts respect him so much. There was no other person besides Master.    


All of them knelt down respectfully as well.    


"Zhang Xing, who has disappeared for more than 500 years, has returned!"    


Master, who had been invited to watch the competition, trembled at the same time. He immediately stood up and bowed respectfully.    


Zhang Xing was not only the legend of the Fifth Heavenly Layer, he was also the legend of the other Heavenly Layers.    


It could be said that the strongest sect under the Sixth Heavenly Layer was the Heavenly Dragon Sect that he founded.    


Although he had disappeared for five hundred years, the remaining power could still be maintained for ten thousand years. Unless there was a stronger force or news of Zhang Xing's death, the Heavenly Dragon Sect would never fall.    


"I'm very happy to see that everyone is doing well. This time, I'm here to visit all of you!"    


Zhang Xing said with a faint smile.    


"Greetings, Lord Sect Master. May Lord Sect Master live as long as the heavens, and awe the heavens!"    


At this moment, the other disciples of Tian Long Sect officially greeted Zhang Xing.    


"Hehe, I don't know about Tian Qi and Tian Qi, but it's still possible to shock the heavens!"    


Zhang Xing took a step forward and arrived in front of everyone in an instant.    


"It's time for your cultivation level to break through!"    


Zhang Xing's eyes swept across the farmer and company and he pointed out with his finger.    


Boom! The sound of the Great Dao surrounded the entire Heavenly Dragon Sect, passed through their bodies, and came out from the farmer's body.    


More than a dozen people's bodies shook at the same time. The cultivation level instantly broke through from the half-step sixth stage to the sixth stage.    


The other people in the sect who had reached the bottleneck of the First Rank also had different degrees of breakthroughs.    


One finger had allowed the entire sect to raise the cultivation level at the same time. This had shocked Shen Baiyi and the others so much that they had forgotten the joy of breaking through.    


What kind of strength was this?    


Perhaps even those at the peak of the ninth rank wouldn't be able to do this!    


Zhang Xing didn't explain nor could he explain. None of them could understand what he was saying. This was the power of rules. In this starry sky, Zhang Xing was a true god who could control all rules.    


"Alright, all of you, get up. Nong Big Brother, come with me!"    


Zhang Xing waved his hand, and everyone in the sect stood up.    


"Master Sect Master Xie, take care!"    


Everyone bowed and expressed their gratitude amidst their excitement and dullness.    


The farmer followed Zhang Xing into the room. Zhang Xing took out the pink crystal that stored Hua Rong's divine soul.    


"Big Brother, I promised you that once you have the strength, you will revive Hua Rong. Now, I will return a complete Hua Rong to you! "    


After saying that, the Rule Force floated from Zhang Xing's hand to the crystal.    




The pink crystal shattered with a sound, and a weak and dazed divine soul appeared in the air.    


Immediately following that, an endless power of the Law of Life descended from the sky, enveloping Hua Rong's divine soul.    


Hua Rong's body instantly condensed, returning to the state before his death. Even the clothes on his body were exactly the same as before.    


The farmer was stunned as he looked at the living Hua Rong in disbelief.    


The dazed Hua Rong seemed to have a huge dream as he absentmindedly checked his own body.    


After a long time, hua Rong's memories of her past life and after her death were all arranged in her mind. She understood everything.    


With a puff, hua Rong knelt down in front of Zhang Xing.    


"Thank you, zhang... Master, for saving my life. Hua Rong... knows his mistake..."    


As he spoke, tears that contained all sorts of complicated emotions flowed down Hua Rong's face!    


"I hope you can take care of yourself. This life and death experience will allow you to reap endless benefits!"    


Zhang Xing nodded and did not say anything else.    




The farmer wanted to say something to express his gratitude, but was interrupted by Zhang Xing with a wave of his hand.    


"Big Brother, there is no need for formalities between us. This is the promise I have promised you."    


The farmer still nodded gratefully at Zhang Xing.    


"Master, where have you been all these years? I heard that the ancient path to the Seventh Heaven has disappeared..."    


"That's right. It took me and my brothers five hundred years to reach the Seventh Heaven. I didn't expect to encounter the invasion of the ancient god race's World of Gods..."    


Zhang Xing briefly explained the situation over the years.    


However, he didn't say that he had already reached the Divine King Realm, nor did he say that subduing the Ancient God Race was the result of the joint efforts of the Ninth Heaven's various races.    


This wasn't an exaggeration. If they didn't use wisdom to struggle and couldn't last that long, they would have been destroyed by the Ancient God Race long ago.    


Of course, without Zhang Xing, the outcome wouldn't have changed.    


At this time, Zhang Xing didn't need any unparalleled contribution. In his eyes, these battles were nothing more than a small battle.    


After that, Zhang Xing didn't stay any longer. He told them that if they had the chance to go to the Ninth Heaven, they would go and find the Human Ancestor or the Dragon King. These two clans would definitely take care of them.    


After that, he left the Fifth Heaven and returned to the Holy Dragon Continent. He didn't show himself in the Fourth, third, second, and First Heavens.    


The mountains and rivers of the Holy Dragon Continent were still the same. Things were different, people were different. In the Wan Wu City of the Western Continent, Master Pratt looked at his granddaughter in the crystal coffin with a pained expression. Tears trickled down his old face.    


His granddaughter, Nuo Bao, had cultivated to the Half God Realm 400 years ago, and was planning to break through to the God Realm in one go. Then, she would follow Zhang Xing's footsteps and meet her beloved whom she had been thinking about day and night.    


She didn't expect that she would fall into a deep sleep overnight. Although she seemed to have lost her breath, she was still alive, and her skin was still rosy. All these years, she had searched all the famous doctors, but she was still unable to find the reason for her fake death.    


In the blink of an eye, 400 years had passed, but Nuo Bao still didn't wake up. Master Pratt was depressed all day long. He was thin and only had a layer of skin and bones left. If it wasn't for the various spiritual pills and immortal grasses that Zhang Xing had left behind, he would have died due to exhaustion.    


Now, Fei Er, Xue Er, Kai Erduo and the others had already cultivated to the ninth level of the sage realm. They were the cream of the crop amongst the strongest group of people on this continent.    


With their protection, the Prat family was still the strongest Family in the Wan Wu City. No one would dare to provoke them.    


This also allowed Nuo Bao to safely stay in the crystal coffin for 400 years.    


They were all looking forward to the return of one person. Perhaps only that person could wake Nuo Bao up!    


However, 400 years had passed, and there was still no news of him. Prat could not help but fall into a dispirited life of disappointment.    


Unknowingly, proult's eyes fell into confusion again. It was as if he saw Zhang Xing return.    


In the past, Zhang Xing had personally treated Nuo Bao's unknown illness. After Zhang Xing's painstaking treatment, Nuo Bao woke up and everyone was happy.    


But this time, the illusion seemed to be different!    


Zhang Xing just stood quietly in front of the crystal coffin and stared at it for a long time. He did not treat Nuo Bao!    


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