Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C531 Husband and Wife Quarrel

C531 Husband and Wife Quarrel

"I can't accept this." Bai Sha quickly waved his hand and refused: "It's my honor to be able to do something for you."    


"Cut the crap. If I tell you to take it, then take it." Wu Tian shouted loudly and forcefully stuffed the cheque into Bai Sha's hand.    


"Thank you, brother."    


Bai Sha could only take the cheque. When he saw the sum, he was shocked: "20 million."    


Although Bai Shatang wasn't short of money and he had several hundred million in assets, those were the money his brothers earned by risking their lives.    


However, he never would have thought that Wu Tian would be so generous. Just because he helped Wu Tian, Wu Tian directly gave him 20 million.    


"Don't be happy too early, I still have things that I need you to do for me." Wu Tian walked over, patted Bai Sha's shoulder and said with a smile.    


"Brother Wu, if there's anything you need, feel free to tell me." Bai Sha put the cheque away and said with a smile.    


Even if Wu Tian didn't give him any money, he was still willing to work for Wu Tian, not to mention that Brother Wu was so generous.    


"Take a seat!"    


Wu Tian walked over and sat down, then pointed at the sofa opposite him, "Sit down and we'll talk."    


"Alright." Bai Sha sat down on the sofa and said in a loud voice, "If there's anything you need, just tell me. No matter how dangerous it is, I won't refuse."    


"It's not that serious."    


Wu Tian took out a cigarette and lit it up. He then took out two cigarettes and passed them to Liu Jun and Bai Sha, "Come, you two smoke a cigarette first."    


"Thank you, brother." Bai Sha took the cigarette and lit it up.    


"Pavilion Master Bai, have you heard of Huang Jinzhou?"    


"Of course I've heard of him." Bai Sha exhaled a breath of smoke, then laughed and said: "He is the Jinzhou Group's boss, Luzhou's number one real estate agent."    


"What I told you to do has to do with him."    


"Could it be that you want me to kidnap him?"    


"No, I never do anything illegal." Wu Tian shook the ash from his cigarette and warned him in a deep voice, "You have to abide by the law when you work with me."    


"I understand."    


"Huang Jinzhou has more than ten projects on his hands, I want you to send someone to create some trouble for his site."    


"Causing trouble?"    


"Right, you should think of a way to disrupt their work and make it difficult for them to carry out their work. Let Huang Jinzhou be troubled by trivial matters."    


"I understand. Simply put, it is to create all kinds of troubles for Huang Jinzhou and Jinzhou Group."    


"Yes, that's what I meant." Wu Tian nodded. Then, he changed his tone and instructed again, "I only want you to cause damage, but you must not do anything illegal. You must not touch the matters of murder, arson, and robbery."    


"Don't worry, I understand."    


"That's good. After you succeed, I will give you all some benefits."    


"Then I'll thank you, brother."    


"Alright, you guys go back to your work first. I'll wait for your good news." With that, Wu Tian extinguished the cigarette in his hand.    


"Don't worry, I won't let you down. Goodbye." Bai Sha took the last drag from his cigarette, then turned around and left with his people.    


After Bai Sha left, Liu Jun couldn't help but give Sun Tie a thumbs up. "Tian, let Wu Tie Hall deal with Huang Jinzhou — this move is indeed a brilliant one."    


"This is called returning a tooth for a tooth."    


Wu Tian stood up from the sofa and walked to the window. He looked at the construction site downstairs and said as if to himself, "Huang Jinzhou brought thugs to destroy our construction site, so I will do the same thing and hinder all of their projects at the same time."    


"I'm afraid that Shengshi Group will encounter big trouble like this, and Huang Jinzhou will also be very troubled."    


"I just want Huang Jinzhou to be exhausted, then we can hurt their core project."    


"Tian, it seems like you have already thought of a plan to deal with Huang Jinzhou."    


"I'll go all out." Wu Tian coldly spat out two words, turned around and faced Liu Jun, "Uncle Liu, right now you are in charge of the Fragrant Honey Lake project, you cannot make any mistakes. I will handle the matter regarding Huang Jinzhou."    


"Alright, I promise that nothing will happen to the Fragrant Honey Lake."    


"That's good." Wu Tian once again turned his head to look out the window, then looked up at the black cloud, "It's time to remove the tumor called Jinzhou Group."    


If he wanted to completely eliminate Shengshi Group, he had to cut off the branches of Shengshi Group. This time, he chose to start from Jinzhou Group.    


He believed that it wouldn't be long before he would be able to eliminate Jinzhou Group — Luzhou's number one real estate company.    


It was already eight o'clock when he walked out of the Fragrant Honey Lake Project Department.    


Wu Tian got on a car and rushed to school as fast as he could. However, he was still half an hour late. Teacher Mu Ran was still in class.    


He had expected Teacher Mu to scold him a few times, but contrary to his expectations, Teacher Mu didn't scold him. Instead, she showed him a gentle smile.    


Wu Tian returned a smile and quickly returned to his seat.    


He was very serious during the morning classes. He was called out of the classroom by Teacher Mu after school at noon.    


"Tian, you drank a lot last night. Are you alright?" Mu Ran asked in a caring tone that she had never used before.    


"I'm fine."    


"I told you to drink less yesterday, but you didn't listen to me. Do you feel dizzy today?"    


"Thank you for Teacher Mu's concern. I'm fine." Hearing such a gentle voice, Wu Tian felt extremely warm.    


Speaking of yesterday's meeting at Aifei Castle, he did indeed drink quite a bit, with a total of one and a half kilograms of white wine, and even drank a few cups of red wine.    


If it was in normal times, he would probably get drunk after drinking so much. He would inevitably have a headache and a dizzy spell the next day.    


However, this time was different. After drinking the wine, he felt that nothing had happened after he had slept. His spirit was still exceptionally good, and his physical strength was also exceptionally vigorous.    


Maybe this had something to do with the Blood Ganoderma Herba. After consuming the Blood Ganoderma Herba, his body had become stronger and his energy had improved. Even if he was drunk, he would be able to quickly wake up.    


"Come, let's go to my apartment. I'll cook some sobering soup for you and help you with your supplementary lessons." Having said so, Mu Ran carried her textbook down the stairs.    


"Then I'll be troubling Teacher Mu." Wu Tian smiled sweetly and followed closely behind Teacher Mu as they walked down the stairs.    


They went up to the apartment building. Before they entered, Mu Ran couldn't help but suddenly ask, "Oh right, have you done some external maintenance recently? Your skin and aura has improved a lot compared to before."    


"Did Teacher Mu think I was more handsome than before?"    


"Something like that!" Mu Ran nodded.    


Mu Ran had not seen Wu Tian for more than ten days. This time, she felt that Wu Tian's skin was more exquisite and his temperament had changed. He was more charming than before.    


Yesterday, when she saw Wu Tian at the Aifei Castle entrance, she couldn't help but be attracted by his face and was slightly entranced at the time.    


"Teacher Mu is really amazing. I have been doing external care abroad recently. It's a kind of medical treatment." Wu Tian lied immediately.    


In fact, the reason for the change in his expression and temperament was because he had consumed the Blood Ganoderma Herba, which had nothing to do with medicinal treatment.    


"Medicine treatment?"    




"That powerful?"    


"Yeah, does Teacher Mu want to try?"    


"Forget it, I don't have time for external maintenance." Mu Ran opened the door and made a welcoming gesture. "You can go in first. I'll make you some sobering wine."    


Having said so, she went to the bedroom to change clothes, then went into the kitchen to start cooking the soup.    


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