Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C522 Savage Village Tyrant

C522 Savage Village Tyrant

After the door was kicked open, a man with a black head and an earthy face barged in with five young men in tattered clothes.    


Liu Hui and her father were frightened by these people and quickly retreated. The two of them hid behind the tables in fear.    


"Old Liu, why did you hide when you saw me?" The dark-faced man shook his arm, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


Liu's father clenched his teeth, pretended to be calm and asked: "Wang Ba, it's so late at night, why did you come to my house?"    


The man called Wang Ba stepped on the table and said impatiently, "This is not nonsense. Of course I'm here to collect my debt."    


"What account?"    


"The fifty thousand that you borrowed from Jin has already been transferred to me. Just return the money to me." After Wang Ba said this, he took out the IOU from his pocket and placed it on the table.    


Mr Liu picked up the slip of paper on the table and looked at it. As expected, it was written by him personally.    


After a slight pause, he hurriedly changed his tone and said, "I don't have any money right now, can you spare me a few days?"    


This man called Wang Ba in front of him was a famous village tyrant. He often did things to help others collect debts.    


This kid had a strong physique. He was very good at fighting, and he could also take a beating. The main problem was that he was quite bold. He had violated the daughter of the village chief and spent several years in jail for doing so.    


After we left the cell, Wang Ba did not restrain himself. He continued to commit heinous crimes in the village, and the villagers all dared to be angry, but none of them dared to say anything.    


"Cut the crap, I have to get the money today." Wang Ba wiped his face and impatiently urged, "Hurry up and prepare the money for me."    


"My son is in university, my daughter is also in high school, the family money has already been paid for school, I really don't have any money right now." Father Liu pretended to be pitiful.    


He was also a cunning old man. In the village, he bullied the weak and feared the powerful. Many villagers were also afraid of this old man.    


However, now that he met a character that was even more ruthless than him, Mr Liu could only admit defeat.    


"If you don't have any money, use your daughter to pay your debt." Wang Ba's greedy gaze fell on Liu Hui. He licked his lips and smiled sinisterly, "Marry your daughter to me. I'll treat this fifty thousand yuan as your betrothal gift."    


"That won't do."    


Liu's father grabbed an axe and protected his daughter behind him. He said with determination, "If you dare to touch my daughter, I'll fight you to the death."    


"You old bones, what are you going to use to fight me?" Wang Ba clenched his fists as he slowly approached his father.    




Seeing that Wang Ba was about to make a move on her father, Liu Hui braced herself and stepped forward. "Wang Ba, I advise you not to be arrogant. Otherwise, my boyfriend will never let you go."    


"Then tell me, who's your boyfriend?" Wang Ba stopped his actions, his face filled with curiosity as he waited for the answer.    


"He's my boyfriend." Liu Hui pointed at Wu Tian who was standing at the doorway and said in a frightened voice, "He just killed a divine beast in the Eight-Diagram Mountain Canyon."    


At the moment, she didn't have a better way. She could only use this kind of stupid method to try to scare away Wang Ba's group.    


No matter how vicious Wang Ba was, he was still afraid of Eight-Diagram Mountain Divine Beasts. When he heard that Wu Tian had beaten a Divine Beast to death, he would definitely be so scared that he would pee his pants.    


But unfortunately, her thoughts were too naive.    


"What? You said that this kid killed the Eight-Diagram Mountain Divine Beast?" Wang Ba walked over and circled Wu Tian.    


"Right, Wu Tian first blinded the divine beast's right eye with his dagger, then he killed it with his bare hands." Liu Hui spoke with a serious tone, trying to make the lie sound flawless.    


How could Wang Ba believe such nonsense? It was as if he had heard a huge joke and couldn't help but laugh out loud when he looked up.    


Don't say that he didn't believe her, no one present believed her words. The followers behind him could not help but laugh.    


Who in the village hadn't heard of a divine beast? That was a demonic existence. When it came to divine beasts, everyone was terrified upon hearing them.    


It was said that God Beasts were invulnerable and had killed many World level masters. There was no one who wasn't afraid of God Beasts.    


Naturally, no one believed that the weak and foolish boy in front of them could kill a Divine Beast. This was simply an international joke.    


After laughing for a long time, Wang Ba then said to Wu Tian, "I heard that you killed a Divine Beast. You must be a brave warrior. How about we compare notes?"    




Before Wu Tian could reply, Liu Hui hurriedly retorted, "Wu Tian had already expended all of his strength to kill the divine beast before. Isn't it unfair for you to attack him now?"    


She was just finding an excuse to scare Wang Ba and purposely stalling for time. She didn't want to see Wang Ba and Wu Tian really fight.    


With Wu Tian's delicate body, how could he be Wang Ba's opponent? He would probably be tortured to death.    


She just wanted to find an excuse to suppress Wang Ba, but she didn't want Wu Tian to be beaten up for nothing. After all, this was the guy she liked.    


"Shut up!"    


Wang Ba glared at Liu Hui and continued to provoke Wu Tian, "You little rascal, do you dare to compete with me?"    


"I don't want to fight you, so I urge you to leave quickly with your men." Wu Tian waved his hand impatiently and advised.    


"Brat, you can even kill a Divine Beast, could it be that you're afraid of a living person like me?"    


"Sorry, I've never treated you as a human. In my eyes, you're worse than a beast."    


"You …" The corner of Wang Ba's mouth twitched in anger. He gnashed his teeth and said, "Brat, don't be crazy. I'll make you suffer a fate worse than death later on."    


After saying that, he raised his right hand and ordered his subordinates behind him, "All of you attack him together and beat him to death."    


"Yes sir!"    


After the five of them received their orders, they immediately threw themselves at Wu Tian.    


Blanche knew Wu Tian's capabilities, so she was not anxious at all. She stood behind him as if she was watching a good show.    


Liu Hui, on the other hand, started to worry when she saw so many hoodlums rushing towards Wu Tian.    


If so many ruffians attacked together, even if Wu Tian wasn't beaten to death, he would have his flesh torn and mangled.    


Other than being anxious, she had no other choice but to pray silently in her heart, hoping that no one would die.    


However, she quickly discovered that this worry was unnecessary. Not only did Wu Tian not dodge, he also took the initiative to pounce towards the five ruffians.    


After that, he swung his fist and viciously punched those five ruffians, one by one. In just a few seconds, all five of them were sent flying by Wu Tian, falling outside as they wailed in pain.    


Seeing the scene before her eyes, Liu Hui was stupefied. She did not expect the strength of this delicate and tender looking boy to be so astonishing. He used his fist to completely overturn all five of the ruffians.    


She had never seen a fist as strong as an ox before, but this time, she was truly amazed.    


Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought that not only would the boy in front of her be handsome, but he was also so powerful that she became even more obsessed with him.    


Liu Hui just stood there dumbly like that, staring at Wu Tian in a daze like a fanatic. She couldn't help but let her thoughts run wild.    


Liu Hui's father looked at Wu Tian in surprise. He also didn't think that the kid in front of him would have such extraordinary skills. This caused him to be scared witless.    


He originally thought this brat was a weakling that couldn't stand the wind. However, after seeing Wu Tian's true strength, he could not help but have a whole new level of respect for this kid.    


He had lived for dozens of years, but he had never seen such a powerful expert.    


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