Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C518 Sanguinarum Fructus

C518 Sanguinarum Fructus

After thinking for a moment, Wu Tian suggested, "I think the exit is in one of these caves. Why don't we start with the big one and find one in the same order every day?"    


"I agree with your proposal." Blanche nodded in agreement. There seemed to be no better solution.    


"Right, there are beasts lurking in the cave, let's not go in yet." Wu Tian pointed at the cave opposite them and said.    


Just a few days ago, it was precisely because they rushed into that cave that led the wild beasts out and almost lost their lives in the canyon.    


"Then are there any wild beasts in the other caves?" Blanche couldn't help but ask about the suspicions in her heart.    


If they encountered any other beasts, they would be finished. They wouldn't have the strength to fight them again.    


"Probably not." Wu Tian rubbed his chin and said, "After so many days, if there were any wild beasts, they would have come out to hunt for food. When they smelled the blood, they came out a long time ago."    


"What you said makes sense."    


"In addition, I don't see much animal excrement and hair in the canyon. I don't think there are any other beasts."    


"That's good." Blanche relaxed a lot after hearing this.    


"Let's go to that cave to find the exit." Wu Tian pointed at the big cave on the right side and took the lead walking towards that direction.    


Before he could reach the entrance of the cave, his head sank and his body fell heavily onto the ground like a log.    


Blanche was so scared that she immediately ran over, hugged Wu Tian's arm and asked: "What's wrong? What's the matter with you? "    


"I'm so cold." Wu Tian felt his body turn cold. In an instant, he felt as if he was frozen, and his frozen body was about to lose all sensation.    


"Maybe the Blood Ganoderma Herba's medicinal properties are acting up." Seeing this symptom, Blanche explained: "After the Blood Ganoderma Herba's medicinal properties take effect, it will cause side effects to the human body."    


"I'm too cold." Wu Tian's body twitched and his teeth had already started chattering.    


His body instantly turned cold. That feeling was really unpleasant. It was a hundred times more painful than the night in the valley.    


"I should feel better if I were to hug you." Seeing Wu Tian in such pain, Blanche opened her arms and hugged the man in front of her tightly.    


After these few days of intimacy, she wasn't as shy as before, and she was even more relaxed in front of Wu Tian now.    


"No, it's hot, it's so hot." Not long after, Wu Tian felt his body heat up like a burning stove.    


Blanche quickly let go of Wu Tian and pointed at the river beside them. "Hurry, go into the river to cool down."    


After saying that, she supported Wu Tian and ran into the river.    


After staying in the river for less than three minutes, Wu Tian felt cold again. He quickly got up from the river and hugged Blanche tightly.    


He tossed and turned for more than half an hour before everything returned to normal.    


Blanche put her hand on Wu Tian's face and asked with concern, "How do you feel now?"    


"Much better." Wu Tian let out a long breath. The symptoms of alternating hot and cold was too uncomfortable and almost tortured him to death.    


"It's good that you're fine." Blanche wiped off the sweat on Wu Tian's forehead and instructed him softly, "You sit here for a while. I'll go and pick some fruits for you to replenish your energy."    


She trotted toward the grove.    


As soon as Blanche left, Wu Tian felt an excruciating pain in his head, as if it was about to explode.    


Not only was his head in pain, even his eyes were in pain. His vision was blurry, and he couldn't see anything clearly.    


As the pain multiplied, his head swelled with gratitude, as if someone had stuffed a lot of things into it.    


The swelling pain lasted for more than two minutes. Finally, Wu Tian's head suddenly lowered and he fainted on the ground.    


When Blanche returned with the apple in her arms, she saw Wu Tian unconscious on the riverside. Her heart ached and she quickly threw away the fruit and rushed over, "Wu, wake up, don't scare me. Wu, wake up quickly …"    


She shouted for a long time, but there was no sound. Then, she moved her mouth over to do artificial respiration for Wu Tian. After a long time, she still couldn't wake Wu Tian up.    


She had no choice but to stay by Wu Tian's side and wait for this man to wake up.    


She didn't know how long she waited, but perhaps she was too sleepy, she fell asleep in Wu Tian's arms.    


When she woke up again, she felt someone touching her face. When she opened her eyes, she found that Wu Tian had woken up and was staring at her unblinkingly.    


"You're finally awake." Blanche was overjoyed. She climbed up from Wu Tian's embrace and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"    


"It's fine, I feel energetic. My entire body is brimming with energy." Wu Tian stood up from the ground. He felt as if he had been reborn and his body was filled with endless strength.    


He didn't know why, but he felt a warm and cold feeling alternating within his body when he woke up. It slowly flowed from top to bottom.    


This flow of air made him feel joyful both physically and mentally. His entire being felt extremely relaxed.    


"Wu, you …" "You …" Blanche's eyes were wide open as she looked at Wu Tian in shock. She stuttered for a long time without being able to say anything.    


"What's wrong?"    


Wu Tian touched his own face, feeling extremely uncomfortable under her gaze.    


"Your entire being has changed." Blanche swallowed her saliva and couldn't help but exclaim, "Your skin is even more exquisite than before, and your eyes are even brighter. Your entire temperament has undergone a complete transformation."    


"Is that so?"    


"Right, your current appearance is even more handsome and charming than before. Truly perfect." Blanche was surprised and happy at the same time. She did not expect Wu Tian to become like this after falling asleep.    


"How could this be? Could it be that the Blood Ganoderma Herba was in effect?"    


"Yes, it must be the Blood Ganoderma Herba. Not only does the Blood Ganoderma Herba have the ability to strengthen the body, it also has the miraculous effect of beauty and beauty."    


"That powerful?"    


"The Blood Ganoderma Herba is much more mysterious than you think." Blanche then asked, "By the way, how do you feel now?"    


"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that I was hurt." Wu Tian touched his body and said with a look of surprise, "My internal injury has completely healed and I don't feel any pain. The wound on my back also doesn't hurt anymore."    


"Quick, let me see your back."    


"Alright." Wu Tian immediately took off his clothes that had been bitten by a wild beast, revealing his back to Blanche.    


"Okay, it's really healed." Seeing Wu Tian's back, Blanche was pleasantly surprised, "The wound on your back has already scabbed over and over. It will soon heal."    


"That's great." Hearing this, Wu Tian was especially surprised and could not help but sigh: "Blood Ganoderma Herba is indeed the world's most magical medicinal herb."    


Before, he still had doubts about the effects of the Blood Ganoderma Herba, but only now did he believe that the Blood Ganoderma Herba was indeed mystical.    


"I heard that Blood Ganoderma Herba can strengthen the body, do you feel that your body is especially strong now?"    


"I do feel energetic."    


"Try hitting this tree." Blanche pointed at the small tree beside her and said to Wu Tian.    


She couldn't wait to see Wu Tian's amazing strength after consuming the Blood Ganoderma Herba.    


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