Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C519 Stunning Power

C519 Stunning Power

"Alright, I'll give it a try." Wu Tian felt that he had no energy left, so he took the opportunity to vent it out.    


He walked up to the tree. Without any preparation, he raised his hand and gently punched at it, not using much strength.    


With an astonishing sound, the small tree was directly broken into two pieces and fell to the ground.    


Blanche's eyes were wide open as she couldn't help but exclaim, "I didn't expect your strength to be so great after you recovered from your injuries."    


"I only used a tiny bit of strength." Wu Tian looked at his fist and muttered to himself: "I don't even know how much power is in my body right now."    


"Then try that tree again." Blanche was also very curious. She also wanted to know how strong Wu Tian was.    


"Alright, I'll try."    


Wu Tian walked up to the big tree and stared at it a few times. Then, he suddenly threw a punch at it.    


With an astonishing explosion, the tree fell down and the entire tree was smashed into pieces.    


Blanche screamed exaggeratedly as she saw the scene before her. "I never imagined that you would be so strong now."    


Just by swinging his fist, he was able to knock down a large tree. The strength behind his fist was at least several thousand jin. Just thinking about it made him feel terrified.    


"I really didn't expect my strength to be so astonishing." Wu Tian couldn't help but exclaim as he looked at his fist.    


"You should be the fiercest man in the world now."    


"The effects of the Blood Ganoderma Herba are indeed miraculous. I never thought that it would be able to make me so strong in such a short period of time. Right now, my strength is truly as great as an ox." After Wu Tian said this, he swung his fist towards the bigger tree again.    


With this punch of his, the tree was once again smashed to the ground. The entire tree trunk was shattered into pieces, and broken pieces of wood littered the ground.    


If he hadn't experienced it for himself, he would never have dared to believe that there was such a miraculous tonic in the world. To be able to make him strong like this in such a short period of time, his strength was simply as great as an ox.    


"Even if that beast comes out now, I think you can probably beat it to death." Seeing that Wu Tian was so strong, Blanche no longer had to fear wild beasts.    


"Yeah, even if I can't kill the beast, I can scare it away."    


"That's great. We don't need to be afraid of wild beasts anymore."    


"Let's go, continue looking for the exit." After Wu Tian said this, he pulled Blanche's arm and walked towards the tunnel on the stone wall.    


After consuming the Blood Ganoderma Herba, his entire body was full of energy, his legs were strong and tenacious, and every step he took was like flying arrows.    


Blanche glanced at her arm that was being held, but she didn't pull it away. Instead, she felt an inexplicable sweetness in her heart.    


The two searched along the biggest tunnel and very quickly reached the end. They discovered that this was a dead tunnel.    


They could only withdraw from the tunnel and continue to search for an exit in the tunnel next door.    


Most of these tunnel had no entrance, and after walking for a short while, the two people had already reached the end, and could only exit to search for the next tunnel.    


Just like that, they continuously searched for two days, even searching through the entire tunnel. In the end, they were still unable to find the exit, and it was quite disappointing.    


"Are we really going to die here?" Blanche's eyes were filled with despair as she looked at the clear sky outside the canyon.    


There weren't many fruit trees here, and the only things they could eat were apples. These apples could only support them for half a month's rations.    


If they couldn't find an exit, they would starve to death sooner or later.    


"Don't be depressed, we'll definitely find the exit." Wu Tian rubbed Blanche's shoulder and comforted her with a smile.    


"But, we have already found all the tunnel that we could find …"    


"Wait!" Wu Tian seemed to have thought of something and interrupted Blanche, "I think we still have one more cave that we haven't went to."    


"Which cave?"    


"The cave." Wu Tian raised his hand and pointed at the cave behind him. This was the biggest cave in the entire canyon, which was also where the wild beasts hid.    


They had entered this cave before, and when they were halfway there, they met a wild beast, which scared them so much that they escaped again.    


"You mean the exit could be in this cave where the beasts are hiding?" Blanche questioned with a frown.    


"Very likely."    


"But …"    


"Don't worry. Now that I have divine power, I don't need to be afraid of wild beasts." Wu Tian waved his fist and comforted him with a smile.    


"Alright, then I'll go with you and find the exit." Seeing Wu Tian's confident smile, Blanche felt an indescribable sense of security.    


Now that Wu Tian had consumed the Blood Ganoderma Herba, he had a mysterious power, so he didn't need to be afraid of that wild beast at all. Furthermore, the wild beast's right eye was injured and it had become blind.    


"Come, let's go investigate." Wu Tian held Blanche's arm and waited for her to walk towards the largest cave.    


In this pitch-black cave, the two of them walked very slowly and were extremely vigilant, as they were afraid that wild beasts would suddenly appear.    


Although Wu Tian had miraculous power, that wild beast was not weak either. It had an invulnerable body, so it would be impossible for him to say that it wasn't afraid at all.    


The two of them continued to walk deeper into the tunnel with lingering fear, and at the same time, raised their vigilance in their hearts.    


They walked along the tunnel and only saw the light after nearly an hour had passed. The two of them sped up their pace and walked out of the tunnel.    


Although this canyon was not big, it was filled with towering trees. Under the trees, there were many weird-looking little mushrooms, and there were all kinds of looks.    


Moreover, many of these mushrooms had been eaten by animals, leaving behind a lot of round animal feces.    


Seeing these poop, Wu Tian immediately raised his vigilance: "If I'm not wrong, the wild beast's lair is nearby."    


"That's right!"    


Blanche nodded her head in agreement and glanced at the situation in the canyon. "There is a lot of faeces and animal hair. It should be the lair of the wild beasts."    


"Perhaps the wild beasts rely on those mushrooms for a living." Wu Tian looked at the mushrooms that had been gnawed on, and analyzed: "Maybe it's because they ate those mushrooms, that's why their skin is so hard, it's invulnerable."    


"Then tell me, where is the beast now?"    


"Maybe the beast is hiding behind the boulder." Wu Tian scanned the surroundings and slowly looked at the huge rock.    


Blanche also followed Wu Tian's gaze and nodded in agreement: "That's right, the giant rock was worn very smooth by the wild beast, and there are also traces of hair and footprints left behind by the wild beast. The wild beast should be hiding behind the giant rock."    


"I'll go take a look."    


"Wait." Blanche was not at ease and pulled Wu Tian's arm, "It's too dangerous, it's better if you don't go!"    


"It's fine, I'm confident I can kill it." Wu Tian waved his fist, dropped a confident smile on his face, and carefully walked closer to the boulder.    


He hesitated for a few seconds behind the boulder and then rushed up to it as fast as he could. He discovered that behind the boulder was a deep pit where the wild beasts were hiding.    


The beast let out a few hisses and pounced towards Wu Tian.    


After the beast's right eye had been pierced, it became a mess of flesh and blood. Its entire eye had been frozen by dried blood stains.    


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