Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C442 Sudden Incident of Sales Premises

C442 Sudden Incident of Sales Premises

Liu Jun and Wu Tian hurriedly left the Liu family and took a car to the Fragrant Honey Lake Sales Center.    


The sales center was made up of the original Fengguang Village Committee, which mainly sold the first stage of Fragrant Honey Lake and Fengguang Village building.    


At this moment, the inside and outside of the sales department was completely surrounded by people. Some people were even holding banners, threatening to check out.    


Liu Jun led Wu Tian into the lobby from the back door. It took them a long time to get to the second floor and the office of the person in charge.    


The person in charge of sales was a middle-aged woman in her forties. Her hair was tied behind her ears and she looked somewhat capable.    


"Let me introduce you."    


The moment they entered the office, Liu Jun pointed at the middle-aged woman and introduced her to Wu Tian, "This is the Sales Manager, Jiang Yuan."    


"Hello manager Jiang, my name is Wu Tian and I'm one of the investors in Fragrant Honey Lake." Wu Tian took the initiative to extend his right hand and introduced himself.    


Jiang Yuan only glanced at Wu Tian, but didn't shake hands. She turned around and said to Liu Jun, "Boss Liu, our Sales Department is surrounded by homebuyers, and they all clamored to check out."    


"Why did those people check out?"    


"In the afternoon, someone started spreading rumors that our house had a quality problem."    


"Who spread the rumors?"    


"This …" Jiang Yuan congealed for a few seconds, then tried to guess: "I suspect that it was due to Jinzhou Group, and among these buyers, a portion of them were Jinzhou Group employees. This time, they were the ones who started the trouble. "    


"Jinzhou Group again." After knowing the truth, Liu Jun clenched his fist and looked extremely angry.    


He never thought that the people from the Jinzhou Group would be so shameless, and actually use such underhanded methods to stall their sales. At the same time, their brand image would also be damaged.    


"Boss Liu, what do we do now?" Jiang Yuan gritted her teeth, looking helpless.    


"We have the quality inspection report. We need to get the authorities to help clarify this matter." Liu Jun thought for a moment and instructed Jiang Yuan.    


"Then I'll go now." After Jiang Yuan answered, she prepared to leave the office.    


Just as he walked to the door, he was stopped by Wu Tian: "Manager Jiang, wait a moment"    


"Wait for what?" Jiang Yuan stopped and turned around to look at Wu Tian impatiently.    


Even though she knew that the guy in front of her was an investor in Fragrant Honey Lake, she still did not have any good impression of him, and her attitude was still very cold.    


"Don't worry." Wu Tian smiled and comforted her. He said, "I think the trouble in the Sales Department isn't that big of a deal."    


"Aren't you in a hurry after things have gotten this far?" Jiang Yuan frowned as she retorted coldly.    


Liu Jun coughed dryly, then said to Jiang Yuan while putting on airs: "Manager Jiang, Tian is the investor in Fragrant Honey Lake, so he can be considered your superior. Be a bit more polite when you speak."    


"Yes sir!"    


Jiang Yuan glared viciously at Wu Tian and didn't say anything else. Although she didn't say anything, she was actually very unhappy with this brat in front of her.    


After pacifying Jiang Yuan, Liu Jun couldn't help but ask Wu Tian, "Tian, tell me, what should we do now?"    


"Since these people want to check out, we'll have them check out …"    


"No." Before Wu Tian could finish his sentence, he was interrupted again by Jiang Yuan. "If we agree to check out now, not only will it put tremendous pressure on our performance, but it will also have a well-known impact on our reputation."    


"The results are only temporarily affected. As for the reputation you're worried about, we can use other methods to improve it." Wu Tian analyzed very patiently.    


"You're farting!"    


Jiang Yuan's temper was very bad, so she directly swore. "You don't know a thing about the real estate industry, you're talking nonsense …"    


Liu Jun coughed a few times before interrupting Jiang Yuan. He scolded in a deep voice: "Manager Jiang, why are you talking to Tian like this?"    


"Boss Liu, I …"    


Before Jiang Yuan could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Liu Jun in a low voice, "In the future, be more polite when you speak to Tian. Don't swear again."    


"Yes sir!" After Jiang Yuan answered, she raised her head and glared fiercely at Wu Tian, her eyes filled with resentment.    


"Tian …"    


After reprimanding Jiang Yuan, Liu Jun raised his head and said to Wu Tian: "I feel that Manager Jiang's words make a lot of sense. If we agree to check out now, it will affect our future sales."    


"As I said, the effect is only temporary. As long as the quality of our buildings is good, we can withstand the test." Wu Tian said confidently.    


"Even so, everyone's rumors are bound to have an impact on the house."    


"If we can get the Engineering Quality Award, how much will these rumors affect us?"    


"You mean …"    


"Right." Wu Tian nodded and directly interrupted Liu Jun, "If Uncle Liu trusts me, let me handle this matter."    




After a moment of thought, Liu Jun finally nodded: "Tian, I believe you. I'll leave this matter to you."    


"Thank you, Uncle Liu." After thanking them, Wu Tian turned to Jiang Yuan and instructed, "Manager Jiang, quickly inform the Sales Department to open the refund channel. As long as they are willing to check out, they can withdraw all their deposit."    


Jiang Yuan slapped the table and retorted loudly, "The salesmen worked hard to sell their house, so why should you decide to refund them?"    


"When the house goes back, the sales force's commission and performance won't be lost at all. All losses will be counted as mine."    


"Can you keep your word?"    


"Of course, my words count."    


"That's what you said." Upon hearing this, Jiang Yuan's tone softened a little as she said aggressively, "According to your method, if there is a serious delay in the sale of the building, what should we do?"    


"If the sales are delayed, I'll buy all the housing sources for the first phase of Fragrant Honey Lake from the sales." Wu Tian made this promise boldly.    


"You have no proof, then do you dare to use words as proof?"    


"Of course." Wu Tian picked up a pen and paper from his desk and quickly wrote down the guarantee certificate on it and gave it to Jiang Yuan.    


Jiang Yuan took up the guarantee certificate and looked at it for a while. Then, the corner of her mouth slightly raised, "Boss Wu, I hope you won't go back on your word later."    


"Don't worry, I promise I won't go back on my word." Seeing the woman give in, Wu Tian smiled and asked: "Can you promise to let the buyer check out now?"    


Jiang Yuan humphed coldly, picked up the phone on the table and started to make calls, arranging for the sales to open the channel for the refund.    


This was equivalent to opening a flood relief valve, leaving everything in its way. Everyone was holding a purchase contract and asked to check out.    


Seeing the hard-earned purchase contract was cancelled, the sales staff felt very upset.    


In less than an hour, dozens of houses had been cancelled. They pay up to ten million just to check out.    


After the troublemakers checked out, the Sales Department gradually quieted down.    


The sales center quieted down, but the salespeople inside became restless.    


The salespeople all rushed into the office to ask Jiang Yuan about the situation and why she agreed to check out.    


After Jiang Yuan finished her story, all the sales staff pointed the finger at Wu Tian and questioned him why did he check out? How to calculate the sales staff's performance after checking out? What about everyone's losses in the future?    


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