Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C186 Birthday Party

C186 Birthday Party

"F * ck!"    


Wu Tian cursed in his heart. Only now did he understand that he was tricked by those two guys.    


Sunn Xiaohao and Jiang Wan purposely asked him to ask the girl for a phone number, purposely saw him make a fool of himself, and the two of them ran away.    


No wonder he felt something was off about the two of them, and laughed so strangely.    


What dog-shit bro, they're really going too far.    


Wu Tian didn't have the heart to give a practical speech, so he planned to return to the dormitory to find Jiang Wan and Sunn Xiaohao. He had to properly educate them.    


The two of them teaming up to embarrass him was truly too much.    


When he hurried back to the dorm, he found that other than Sunn Xiaohao and Jiang Wan, Mu Ran and Liu Yueyao were also there.    


Before he could react, he heard everyone start to sing together, "Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday …"    


Afterward, everyone brought out the cake, fruit, and champagne. There were even a few colorful balloons.    


Seeing this, Wu Tian instantly understood that Jiang Wan and Sunn Xiaohao had made a joke to him to prepare a surprise for him in this special way.    


His nose twitched, and he felt immensely touched.    


"Thank you for my birthday." Wu Tian bowed deeply towards them to express his joy.    


He hadn't expected Sunn Xiaohao and Jiang Wan to surprise him like this, and he hadn't expected Teacher Mu and Liu Yueyao to come to the dormitory for his birthday.    


"Tian, this is our brother's birthday present for you." After the song was sung, Sunn Xiaohao handed the two gift boxes over.    


"Thank you!"    


Wu Tian reached out to take the gift box. He knew what was inside without looking at it.    


Although it wasn't expensive, the feelings that were contained within it were priceless. No matter how much money you spent, you wouldn't be able to buy it.    


"Tian, it's your birthday. Teacher doesn't have any preparations, so this is for you." Mu Ran took off the pen hanging in front of her chest and handed it to Wu Tian.    


Wu Tian waved his hand and politely declined: "Teacher, you've always been carrying this with you. It must be very expensive, how could I take it!"    


"Take it. You are worth it." Mu Ran forced the pen into Wu Tian's hand and said earnestly, "Teacher hopes that you will always love learning and will always be as diligent as you are now."    


"I will. No matter what, I will study hard and live up to teacher's expectations." Wu Tian promised while holding the pen.    


Mu Ran smiled inwardly and didn't say anything else.    


At this moment, Liu Yueyao handed over a large box, "Tian, this is a gift from me. I wish you a happy birthday."    


"Thank you!"    


Wu Tian thanked him and took the gift box. When he opened it, he found that there was a cup inside.    


This cup was not an ordinary cup, but was specially made from Kunlun Jade. From the looks of it, it was definitely worth a lot.    


He didn't understand why Liu Yueyao gave him the cup. Didn't he understand that the cup implied a relationship between a man and a woman?    


However, he did not say much and kept the cup.    


"Tian, I want to sing a song for you." Liu Yueyao stood up from her chair after giving the gift.    


Even before she started singing, Sunn Xiaohao and Jiang Wan could not help but cheer and clap.    


Liu Yueyao cleared her throat and began to sing her heart's content.    


She had a good throat, but her pitch was a bit poor. She had been out of tune several times.    


However, this did not affect the atmosphere. Overall, it was quite good.    


After the singing, they ate cake and opened champagne.    


Taking advantage of the situation, Wu Tian leaned over and whispered to Sunn Xiaohao, "Xiaohao, why is Teacher Mu here in our dorm for my birthday?"    


"Just now, we ran into Teacher Mu when we were buying the cake. Teacher Mu followed us when she heard it was your birthday." Sunn Xiaohao explained in a low voice.    


"What about Liu Yueyao? How did she know my birthday?"    


"Then I don't know." Sunn Xiaohao shrugged and explained in a daze, "We haven't even gone back to the dorm, and we already saw Liu Yueyao waiting outside with a gift box."    


"Is that so?" Wu Tian's frown deepened his confusion.    


From the looks of it, Liu Yueyao had already known about his birthday and was prepared for it.    


At this moment, Jiang Wan, who was holding a cake, booed, "Teacher Mu, we had a birthday before, cakes are not for eating."    


"What's that for?" Mu Ran was puzzled.    


"The cake is all on the birthday star's face, but since you're here today, we don't dare to be impudent." Jiang Wan scratched his head awkwardly.    


To be honest, he didn't expect Teacher Mu to take the initiative to come and celebrate Wu Tian's birthday.    


She always felt that Teacher Mu took special care of Wu Tian, this made people a little jealous.    


"No problem, just pretend that I don't exist and play as much as you want." Mu Ran pursed her lips and smiled.    


She knew that she shouldn't be too serious in this kind of situation, so that her classmates wouldn't be too reluctant to let her go.    


"Thank you, Teacher Mu." After Jiang Wan thanked him, he bravely wiped the cake onto Wu Tian's face.    


Wu Tian naturally fought back with all of his strength and wiped the cake back without showing any signs of weakness.    


Sunn Xiaohao couldn't let it go at first, but after seeing the two of them having fun, he couldn't help but join in the battle.    


Just like that, the three of them took their cake and started to make a ruckus in the dorm.    


Seeing Wu Tian's face like that, Liu Yueyao covered her mouth and laughed. Even Teacher Mu couldn't help but laugh.    


The three of them played more and more, and finally began to throw the cake.    


Wu Tian originally wanted to smash Jiang Wan with the cake, but this brat quickly dodged and the cake ruthlessly hit Teacher Mu's chest.    


Teacher Mu was wearing a low-necked shirt. After being hit by the cake, she looked a little awkward. Her upper body was covered in cream.    


"Teacher Mu, I'm really sorry. I didn't do it on purpose." Wu Tian apologized and hurried forward to wipe the cake off Teacher Mu's body with his hand.    


"It's fine." Fortunately, Mu Ran wasn't angry.    


However, after her body was touched by Classmate Wu, her face suddenly blushed and she stopped him: "Stop."    


"It doesn't matter, I'll wipe the cream off for you." Wu Tian didn't notice those details at all and continued to wipe the cream off Teacher Mu's body.    


At first, he was only wiping his shoulders, but soon enough, he touched something on the collar of his shirt.    




Mu Ran exclaimed, her face red as she angrily scolded, "Classmate Wu, where are you going?"    


"Right, right... I'm sorry, Teacher Mu, I didn't mean to. " Only then did Wu Tian realize something was wrong. He was so shocked that he quickly retracted his hands.    


Teacher Mu had been too focused on cleaning the dirt on her collar that she didn't think much of it.    


However, he had accidentally committed a grave mistake.    


"Truly shameless." Mu Ran glared angrily at Wu Tian before she got up and walked quickly towards the washroom.    


After being touched by Classmate Wu, his heart thumped like a drum.    


"Teacher Mu, I'll help you wash it."    


Wu Tian wanted to follow in and help, but he was stopped by Mu Ran, "Stand outside, don't come in."    


Then she slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it from the inside.    


Leaning against the door, she felt like there was a calf running inside her heart.    


She knew that it was an accident and knew that Wu Tian did it unintentionally, but she still couldn't help but blush and feel her heart beating faster.    


Thinking about what had just happened, she felt extremely embarrassed.    


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