The Slum Girl and Her Billionaire Husband



His heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest. Xie Jingzhen did not look at him. He looked in front of him with an unnatural expression. However, Nan Xingchuan was calm and did not look at her.    


Nan Xingchuan had been holding her hand the whole time, and hadn't let go of her.    


After getting into the car, Nanxing Chuan clicked on the GPS, entered the address, and occasionally tilted his head to chat with her, asking her what happened today.    


The car drove forward at a slow speed. Xie Zhen sat in the front passenger seat and told her about the interesting things that happened today with his roommates and the food in the canteen.    


It was a very boring daily routine, but Nanxing Chuan listened carefully.    


As Xie Jingzhen spoke, a fresh yellow and white color appeared in front of her eyes.    


"I bought it on the way." Nanxing Chuan drove the car and looked straight ahead. Suddenly, he handed her a bunch of flowers.    


After handing it over, he didn't leave her out of the corner of his eye.    


Xie ___ was stunned. He took it over. In his impression, this was the first time he had given her flowers.    


It was a bouquet of jasmine flowers, with a few bunches of daisies on the side.    


Xie Jingxuan took it over, lowered her head and touched it with the tip of her nose.    


She liked Jasmine very much.    


"Thank you."    


Girls were the happiest when they received flowers. No matter who the person who sent flowers was, flowers had a magical charm that instinctively pleased people.    


Seeing the girl smile and bend her eyes, Nanxing Chuan couldn't help but soften his eyes.    


It seemed that Liang Rui was right sometimes. How could there be a girl who did not like flowers?    


The car headed west, and the surrounding scenery gradually became unfamiliar.    


"Where to?" Xie Jingzhen asked.    


"To see the stars." Nanxing Chuan placed his palm on the steering wheel and said.    


Hearing this, Xie Jingzhen remembered that the weather station seemed to have said that there would be a Leo Meteor Shower today?    


She had even forwarded this post on her WeChat Moments before.    


Xie Jingzhen was stunned. She secretly glanced at the man beside her who was driving seriously.    


Although he was not smiling, he had always been considerate.    


Moreover, she seemed to know why Nanxing Chuan understood her preferences so well.    


This man must have seen all of her WeChat Moments.    


Xie Jingzhen couldn't help but smile.    


The car drove halfway up the mountain. Xie Jingzhen had just gotten out of the car when a mountain breeze blew over. Nanxing Chuan walked over with wide strides. He held a blanket in his hand and stretched it out, like he was wrapping a small animal around her chest. He was not very familiar with it.    


The faint smell of tobacco on his body drifted over. His fingers occasionally touched her neck, carrying a slight trembling feeling. He looked up and saw that Nanxing Chuan was lowering his head to look at her.    


It was as if there was an electric current.    


Xie Zhen's ears turned red. He turned his face away and took the lead to look away.    


Nan Xingchuan laughed in a low voice. He did not care about the little girl's shyness and held her hand as he walked forward.    


When they were about to reach the observatory in ten minutes, a muffled thunder suddenly rolled down from the sky.    


The sky, which had been dimly lit a moment ago, was now as black as ink.    


Caught off guard, the rainstorm came crashing down, and the pedestrians who came and went ran back.    


Nanxing Chuan immediately wanted to take off his coat, but Xie Zhen stopped him and said, "There's a small blanket."    


As soon as he finished speaking, the rain became even heavier. When it hit people's bodies, it was cold and icy. Nan Xingchuan saw this and immediately pulled Xie Jingxuan back into the car.    


On the way, the rain was getting heavier and heavier. The wet clothes on his body were like a sponge that had been sucked in water, gradually becoming heavier and heavier.    


When they returned to the car, the two of them were more or less drenched. Because Nan Xingchuan was hugging her, the entire jacket was wet.    


He simply took off his jacket and drove the heating in the car to the maximum. He bent down and took out a clean towel from the back seat of the car and handed it to Xie Zhen.    


Xie Jingzhen's shoulders, hair, were all wet. There was a strand of hair dripping down from her chest.    


The rain was getting heavier and heavier. They could not leave in a short period of time, so they just sat there and waited for the rain to stop.    


Nan Xingchuan took out a tissue and wiped the water on his face. He shook the water droplets on his hair and glanced at Xie Jingxuan. She was still holding the bouquet of jasmine flowers, and the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously.    


Xie Jingzhen was happily looking at her flowers when a hand with clear joints reached over and snatched the flower from her hand.    


Nanxing Chuan took the dry towel from her hand and came over, earnestly wiping Xie Jingzhen's hair.    


The rain was getting heavier and heavier. The wind hit the window, and the beads that were like broken strings fell down from the window.    


The two of them were very close, and Nanxing Chuan smelled the faint scent of milk unique to her body.    


The water droplets on Xie Jingzhen's hair dripped onto his wrist, and the water flowed backward, flowing into his chest along his tight arm.    


It was a cold and stimulating feeling.    


Xie Jingxuan looked up and found that the water on Nanxing Chuan's brow bone had not been wiped clean. It was the same on her face.    


Thus, she could not help but raise her hand to support his cheek, to his nose, and then slowly to his tall eyebrow bone, slowly wiping away the rain droplets.    


It was a very soft touch.    


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