Spoiled Wife

C130 squat point

C130 squat point

He was currently in a state of anxiety and was unable to find any clues regarding the wangfei at this time. He had also prepared for the worst case scenario, which was that he would be on time in two days' time, even if he had to risk his life to get back the wangfei's life.    


However, An Kang's words caught his attention. The seemingly unrelated items were the favorite ones of the wangfei. He also knew that wangfei had the habit of tirelessly eating anything she liked.    


Not only that, she would also share it with others. She always felt that if she liked it, others would like it as well, so she always took these things to entertain the people she thought were more important, based on the principle of sharing them with others.    


For example, she would often buy these for the children on the outskirts of the city as a toothpick.    


However, if you didn't say it, such small details would very likely be overlooked by others. Who would go and look for other people to buy things when they had nothing to do? Furthermore, regardless of whether it was the Drunken Sky Tower, Thoughtful Wine House or Hundred Flowers Hall, they were all Mo Bei's most famous shops. The number of people going there to buy things were countless.    


As a result, people were even less likely to associate this with anything else, but these children noticed. Whether or not it was true, Duke Xian felt a pleasant surprise, and immediately wanted them to explain it in detail.    


They were a little afraid of Wang Ankang, especially when he was looking at them anxiously with that cold expression of his. They didn't know what to do.    


However, since An Kang thought that there might be more dangers for the princess, he didn't care about being afraid. He bravely stepped forward, stuck out his chest and raised his head as he replied, "In reply to the king, I have unintentionally discovered them. Because the princess often brings us these things, we have unintentionally paid attention to them."    


"Shanzi found it." As he said this, he pushed out one of them, a skinny guy with fair skin and big eyes.    


Shanzi was scared at first, but when he saw that Brother Ankang was so brave, he wasn't scared anymore. He nodded and said, "Hmm, I didn't know if it was true from the start. I just thought that those who like these things like Princess Ankang must be good people. I was curious so I kept observing them." As he spoke, he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.    


"But then I realized that these people were really alike. Although they weren't the same person and their clothes were also ordinary people, I always felt that the smell on their bodies was really similar. Then, I told Brother Ankang."    


An Kang nodded his head affirmatively, "My lord, Xiaosi is very powerful, his senses are always accurate. Moreover, we have always been following those people to see where they are going, but we have always lost them in the blink of an eye. Several times, it has been like this, so we think that there must be something wrong with them."    


If it was really someone from the King Rui, then it would mean that the princess had been living a good life. At the very least, she had not been treated so harshly, and not only that, she had also been treated quite courteously. This made him feel slightly more at ease, but as long as one day did not come to find her, he would not be able to rest at ease for a day.    


"When was the last time you saw these people?" He could tell that this group of children was led by An Kang. He had also learned of this child from his wife, so he was quite satisfied with his performance.    


"It was the day before yesterday. We waited for a whole day and still haven't seen him." Ankang replied without hesitation. He had been worrying about the wangfei all this while, so he had been paying attention to these people.    


"Do you mean to say that they will come back in the next two days?"    


Ankang nodded. "Definitely. However, we are still too weak. We are simply no match for them. We can't find where they are." As he spoke, he was somewhat vexed, upset that he wasn't strong enough to protect his wangfei.    


Of course, King Xian could see his unwillingness. However, wasn't he the same as well?    


He waved and called Yan Yi over, "Immediately send people to squat there, be careful, you must not let anyone discover any clues." He was afraid that if he was discovered, it would affect the safety of the princess.    


Yan Yi did not ask further, cupped his fists and greeted: "This subordinate will do as you command!" With that, he went out to assign the tasks, not delaying at all.    


Xiao Mo and Situ Ye had an inconceivable look on their faces at this time. However, when the prince was in a bad mood, it was best not to retort. Thus, they cleverly shut their mouths.    


Although Shen Qi seemed to be indifferent when she was walking these past two days, she had actually been secretly observing them, looking for opportunities to take advantage of, including the special terrain, and the time and pattern of how the guards would change shifts.    


The closer they got to the appointed day, the more she needed to calm down. Fortunately, this pregnancy didn't torment her at all, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to do anything at all even if she wanted.    


Mo Jingyu would often come over to chat with her, and sometimes he would even tell her some of the things that happened outside. He didn't know what his goal was, but he was rather impatient.    


For example, he would tell her about how many men Duanren Emperor had sent out to investigate them, but to no avail. He would always talk about it with a proud expression on his face, as if finding out how much pride he was able to hide.    


Shen Qi was always speechless.    


Mo Jingyu also didn't need others to say anything in agreement; he just wanted to say it to his heart's content.    


"King Xian has never cared about anything. His face was cold all day long, but I've never seen him change his expression because of anything." As he spoke, he stroked his chin with a look of yearning on his face. "I really want to see how he changes his expression. It must be very fun!" His attitude was extremely vile.    


Shen Qi:... This was a pervert. If he didn't bother with him, she would give herself another psychological hint each time.    


Seeing that Shen Qi did not say anything, he did not mind, but continued to smile evilly. "Princess Consort is indeed worthy of being a consort, to actually be able to make the usually cold-blooded and heartless King Duanren go so far for you, and send out his most trusted subordinate to look for you, is truly not simple!"    


Shen Qi:... Shouldn't she feel honored at this moment? But why did she sound so resentful? Could it be that the King Rui loves King Duanren? So the reason why he was so against him was actually because he wanted to attract his attention?    


Shen Qi was instantly amused by her own imagination, and then, she looked at Mo Jingyu with a strange gaze. To be honest, Mo Jingyu really had the temperament of someone who had suffered a small loss, and that was definitely something a queen would suffer!    


Seeing that there was something wrong with the way Shen Qi was looking at him, Mo Jingyu felt disheartened all over, what kind of gaze was that? Why is it so strange?    


However, he couldn't bear to see the imperial concubine act this way. Her appearance was strangely similar to King Duanren's, but it was the same kind of appearance that would cause others to want to destroy her!    


Thus, his eyes looked at Shen Qi's abdomen, and laughed extremely badly, "Do you think that Duke Xian is this nervous because you have more children in your stomach, or for you?"    


Shen Qi:... Shouldn't they be cooperating with him at this moment to show an expression of doubt? And then she foolishly believed that the prince had come for her, so when the results came out, she was disappointed, and then she was heartbroken. When she was sad and desperate, she would live and die because of love?    


She felt that her brain power had been too strong recently, something didn't seem right. Could it be that she had been lonely for too long? To be able to come up with such a stupid plot story, he was indeed strong.    


In the end, Shen Qi could no longer hold it in and asked: "What kind of expression do you want me to show?"    


Mo Jingyu froze for a moment, as if he did not expect her to ask so directly, and then laughed out loud, "Interesting, you are really interesting!" Finally, he left with a smile.    


Shen Qi watched him leave with a baffled expression. Was King Rui insane? Or is there something wrong with my head? A perverted mind is different from others.    


The three day agreement had arrived in the blink of an eye. No matter how Shen Qi had thought about it before, at this moment, she couldn't help but start to get nervous.    


She didn't even dare to imagine the consequences.    


Looking at Mo Jingyu's actions, he knew that Mo Jingyu could do anything. At this time, he could only place his hopes on tonight, after all tomorrow was the promised time.    


Even with the news brought by An Kang and the others, finding the hiding place of the King Rui wasn't an easy matter. Everyone in the capital knew that the way the King Rui acted was strange and it never made sense, so if he wanted to make sure no one else found out, it would be an extremely simple matter.    


The reason why King Duanren and the crown prince had gathered so many ministers was also because of this. Most of the ministers felt that it would be a disaster for the unruly emperor if they were to take up an important task, but the late emperor was extremely fond of him.    


The late emperor believed that this was his true nature, and that he wasn't like the other princes who kept on fawning over him and putting on an act.    


The King Rui Courtyard was completely silent. Shen Qi sat in her room and looked through the window at the sky which was filled with star light, which was strangely beautiful. The courtyard looked calm on the surface, but Shen Qi knew what kind of murderous intent was hidden behind the tranquility.    


Sighing, tonight was destined to be a sleepless night!    


Pregnant women were always prone to getting sleepy. At this point, she felt a little overwhelmed. Normally, she would have already fallen asleep by this time, but today she was especially energetic. She laid down on the bed and closed her eyes, unable to muster up even the slightest bit of sleepiness.    


He quietly listened to the sounds of the maidservants and guards outside as they walked, the sound of crickets chirping, and the sound of the wind blowing on the leaves. It gave off an impression of peace and harmony.    


In the midst of her half a dream, Shen Qi felt someone pushing her. She suddenly woke up, her entire body tensed up, but she did not immediately get up. She casually turned her body, adjusted her breathing and pretended that she was still asleep.    


His hands were covered in sweat. He held the hairpin tightly, his heart thumping fast.    


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