Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C4267 Deciding to Confess

C4267 Deciding to Confess

As soon as Jiang Mengshuang returned to her room, she threw herself onto the soft bed.    


Her mind was always in a mess even though she wanted to relax.    


Gao Feifei's words, Jiang Guwei's words, and Xia Xiyue's words were all interwoven in her mind.    


"So annoying. " Clenching her fist and pounding her soft pillow, Jiang Mengshuang got up from the bed and took her phone to edit the message.    


After deleting it dozens of times, Jiang Mengshuang finally edited a message and sent it over.    


[Uncle, are you busy?]    


Holding her phone, Jiang Mengshuang sighed.    


She was used to being swift and decisive, and the way she learned made her logic clearer and her thinking more rigorous.    


However, once she encountered the matter of the Martial Uncle, Jiang Mengshuang always felt that her entire person was in a mess.    


With a buzz, Jiang Mengshuang immediately picked up her phone. It was Uncle Wu who sent her a message back.    


[Busy, 10 minutes. ]    


Jiang Mengshuang knew what Uncle Wuzi meant, so she held her phone and waited for 10 minutes. Once the 10 minutes were up, Uncle Wuzi called.    


"Hello?" Jiang Mengshuang picked up the phone and pressed the phone to her ear. "Uncle?"    


"What's the matter?" Uncle Wu held the phone in one hand and looked at the information on the phone in the other.    


Although the serial murder case from two years ago had been solved, there seemed to be a replicating criminal recently. The method was extremely similar to the one from two years ago.    


This made the higher-ups take it very seriously.    


"Uncle, are you very busy?" Jiang Mengshuang asked.    


"I'm fine. " Uncle Wu answered, "There is a case that is more troublesome. "    


"Then why don't you work first?" Jiang Mengshuang mustered her courage with great difficulty, but when she heard Uncle Wu's voice, she backed out a little.    


"I'm fine. " When Wu Zibo heard Jiang Mengshuang's strange voice, he put down the documents in his hands and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"Actually it's nothing. " Jiang Mengshuang said, "It's just that I heard that you are going on a blind date recently, so I want to cheer you up. "    


"Huh. " Hearing Jiang Mengshuang's words, Uncle Wu laughed softly.    


How could this kind of thing be useful just by cheering?    


However, after so many years, he was also a little tired. He even thought that as long as the other party did not dislike him being crippled and wanted to live with him, he would just agree and forget about it.    


Otherwise, if the blind date continued like this, when would it end?    


"Uncle, when are you going on the blind date?" Jiang Mengshuang asked.    


"Tonight. " Uncle Wu replied.    


"Tonight!" Jiang Mengshuang's heart skipped a beat. "So anxious?"    


"The other party is more anxious. She still has a mission to attend to. She can have a simple meal with a bowl of noodles. " Wu Zibo said: "We've known each other before. If we can succeed, if we can't succeed, then let's talk about old times"    


"What do you mean if she can succeed?" Jiang Mengshuang's heart went up to her throat. In her eyes, "Uncle, you. . . You like her?"    


"It's not that I don't like her. " Uncle Wu had an impression of this old comrade. She was a very experienced and refreshing girl. She liked to smile very much without putting on an act. "I don't hate it. "    


Jiang Mengshuang completely panicked when she heard Uncle Wu's words. "Then, Uncle, what are you going to wear?"    


"Wear what?" Uncle Wu thought for a moment and said, "Let's wear the clothes from the blind date last time. "    


That suit was custom-made, and he only wore it once.    


"No way!" Jiang Mengshuang said, "Uncle, this is your 99th blind date, and it is very likely your last one. Such a memorable blind date, how can you wear the 98th one?! Even if you don't order it, you still have to buy a new suit! "    


. . . "" Uncle Wu heard Jiang Mengshuang say so much and could only smile helplessly.    


What 98 times, 99 times? This little guy really counted for him again and again?    


Was it so serious?    


Why did it feel like Jiang Mengshuang was even more serious than him in his blind date?    


"Anyway, you can't wear that suit. " Jiang Mengshuang's beautiful eyes turned and said, " Uncle, are you going to get off work soon?"    


"Yes. " Uncle Wu looked at the time on his watch.    


He should have worked overtime tonight. However, the higher-ups knew that he was going on a blind date today, so they told him to go back earlier.    


"Then let's meet in the city, okay?" Jiang Mengshuang said, "In the mall near the restaurant where you went on the blind date last time, I will accompany you to buy a new suit over there. "    


"Is there a need to go through so much trouble?" Uncle Wu asked helplessly.    


"Of course!" Jiang Mengshuang said, "I will leave now. We will meet at that time!"    


"Oh. . . " Uncle Wu did not want to cause trouble.    


"Uncle ~" Jiang Mengshuang heard Uncle Wu's voice was somewhat forced and said coquettishly, "Good uncle ~"    


"Alright then. " Uncle Wu could only sigh and agree. He said, "You must pay attention to your safety. "    


"Okay, see you!" Jiang Mengshuang answered and immediately hung up the phone. She opened the closet and carefully chose the suitable clothes.    


She had already decided that tonight she would confess to her big uncle.    


No matter what the outcome of the matter was, this was her last chance.    


Thinking like this, what would she wear tonight? The kind of makeup she would put on seemed especially important.    


With this thought, Jiang Mengshuang's fingertips drew a row of neat clothes and finally chose a floral dress.    


This skirt was newly bought by her. The style was the latest and the color was also the most fashionable this year. It was paired with a pair of high heels that were tied together. She put on an exquisite makeup and tidied her hair before walking out of the bedroom.    


"Shuangshuang, where are you going?" Jiang Guwei saw her dressing up and became suspicious.    


"Tonight, Fei Fei will treat us to a song. " Jiang Mengshuang casually made up an excuse and said, "I will go first. It is not good to make them anxious. "    


"Singing? Singing and wearing such beautiful clothes?" Jiang Guwei asked suspiciously.    


"I'm born with a natural beauty. I'm beautiful no matter what I wear. " Jiang Mengshuang laughed and said, "I'm not coming back for dinner tonight. Tell mom not to wait for me. "    


"Pay attention to your safety. " Jiang Guwei reminded.    


"Okay," Jiang Guwei said. Jiang Mengshuang answered and then left quickly.    


"Why do I feel strange?" Jiang Guwei muttered in his heart.    


On the other side, Jiang Mengshuang immediately asked the driver to send her to the business circle she had agreed on with Wu Zibo the moment she stepped out of the house.    


After arriving at the business circle, Jiang Mengshuang let the driver go back first, while she stood at the entrance of the shopping mall and waited for Wu Zibo.    


Jiang Mengshuang's facial features were beautiful, especially her almond eyes. She was extremely charming when she glanced at her.    


Now, she had shed her previous tender age, but she had not even reached the age of blooming. She was like a delicate flower that was about to bloom. From head to toe, every part of her was filled with alluring beauty.    


"Jiang Mengshuang?" A voice sounded from Jiang Mengshuang's side, carrying uncertainty and a touch of surprise.    


Jiang Mengshuang heard the voice and looked at the other person. She recognized that this was the boy who had confessed to her before. "What's the matter?"    


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