Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C4296 External Head I like You

C4296 External Head I like You

From afar, he could see Jiang Mengshuang. Li Chao was completely dumbfounded.    


Today, Jiang Mengshuang seemed to be even more beautiful. Her entire temperament seemed to be somewhat different, but. . . Li Chao was unable to tell what was different.    


"Uncle Zi, morning ~"    


Seeing Jiang Mengshuang greeting the security guard with a smile, Li Chao felt a muffled punch on his chest. It was very painful.    


"Look, isn't that the legal department's flower and the security guard on the forum?" A girl who walked beside Li Chao pointed at Jiang Mengshuang and said softly, "They are really talented men and women. They look very pleasing to the eyes. "    


"It looks like she is a perfect match. But this age difference, I can't accept it. " The girl next to him said in a low voice, "My dad might beat me to death. "    


"If I could really be with such a handsome guy, it would be worth it to let my dad beat me up!" The girl sighed and said, "Sure enough, Tiantian's love doesn't belong to me. "    


"Seriously, you. . . The girl beside him shook her head and said, "When you really get beaten up, let's see if you can still think that way. "    


"Hehe. " The girl pursed her lips and smiled. The two of them walked away happily.    


Li Chao's eyes lit up.    


That's right, Jiang Mengshuang's parents definitely did not know that she was in love with such an old man.    


If Jiang Mengshuang's parents knew, they would definitely stop it.    


Thinking up to here, Li Chao had confidence again. He had to tell Jiang Mengshuang's parents about this matter.    


After all, he could not watch Jiang Mengshuang make mistakes again and again!    


A girl like Jiang Mengshuang should not be with a mere security guard. At this age, she was still a security guard. It was obvious what kind of person she was.    


She only had a face to deceive a little girl.    


He would definitely not let it go. After all, he was someone who would walk the path of justice in the future. His pursuit of justice was carved into his flesh and blood.    


That's right!    


He should have done so.    


But. . .    


Li Chao frowned. He had made a mistake.    


How should he contact Jiang Mengshuang's parents?    


Maybe the counselor could ask for Jiang Mengshuang's parents' contact details, but what reason should he use?    


Li Chao felt troubled in his heart.    


He usually disliked those people who fawned over the counselor the most. Now, he actually wanted to ask the counselor for Jiang Mengshuang's family's contact information, but he could not even do it.    


If only he knew IT, knew some hacking skills, and could hack into the school's network.    


Unfortunately, he was not very good at computer technology. At most, he could download some basic PG diagrams.    


It would be great if he knew some expert. . .    


"Sigh. . . " Li Chao sighed heavily and frowned again.    


He did not know if there was any use in putting in effort for this matter.    


On second thought, Li Chao encouraged himself. It was useful. No matter what he did, as long as he worked hard, it would definitely be useful!    


Thinking of this, Li Chao emphasized his point and prepared to continue walking forward, following the flow of people into the school.    


At this time, a hand rested on Li Chao's shoulder, giving him a scare.    


Turning his head, Li Chao saw that the person who patted him was also stunned: "You are. . . Teacher Tong?"    


"Li Chao, long time no see. " The person smiled at Li Chao and said, "You are studying at Beijing University now?"    


"Yes. " Li Chao smiled and said, "I'm now your junior. I remember that Teacher Tong also graduated from Beijing University. "    


"Yeah. " Teacher Tong smiled and said, "Work hard. "    


"Teacher Tong, what are you busy with?" Li Chao asked.    


"I opened an IT company. " Teacher Tong smiled and said, "This time, I have a project to discuss. After passing by, I came to see you. I didn't expect to see you. "    


"What a coincidence. " Li Chao said, "Teacher Tong. Do you still need your phone number? Let's add a way to contact each other? "    


" Sure. " Teacher Tong took out his phone and said, "The previous phone number has been changed due to work. Do you have time for Saturday? Let's have a meal together. "    


"Sure. " Li Chao smiled and said, "See you on Saturday. "    


After exchanging contact information with Teacher Tong, Li Chao waved his hand and said, "I'll be leaving first. There's still class. "    


"Okay, I'll go talk about the project too. See you on Saturday. " Teacher Tong waved his hand and laughed heartily before turning around and leaving.    


Li Chao looked at Teacher Tong's back as his gaze fell on the number on his phone. His lips curved into a subtle smile.    


See, hard work is indeed useful.    


God, they are all helping him!    


Turning around, Li Chao walked towards the direction of the school with his head held high. When he passed by the school gate, Li Chao looked provocatively at Wu Zibo before continuing to walk forward.    


Wu Zibo exchanged glances with Li Chao before shifting his gaze away.    


Why did this Li Chao feel like his brain wasn't normal?    


This kind of person still wanted to chase after Jiang Mengshuang?    


What kind of illness was this?    




On the other side, Jiang Mengshuang returned to the classroom and held her face with both hands in a daze.    


Although she had the courage to chase after her big uncle, she really had no idea what to do exactly.    


How about. . .    


Jiang Mengshuang's beautiful eyes turned, and she took out her phone to look for a method on the Internet.    


"Take the initiative to sacrifice yourself?" Jiang Mengshuang immediately shook her head. "What is this? Isn't this teaching a bad kid?"    


With a tap of her finger, Jiang Mengshuang reported this irresponsible answer. Then, she slid down and saw another answer.    


"Do you like it?" Jiang Mengshuang tilted her head, but Uncle Wu had never been in love before. She also did not know what Uncle Wu liked.    


But no matter how she looked at it, it was more reliable than taking the initiative to give himself up.    


It was finally time for class to end. Jiang Mengshuang invited Lu Xiangyang out and told him what happened last night. Lu Xiangyang was stunned when he heard it.    


"Xiangyang, what do you think of this idea?" Jiang Mengshuang asked.    


"It is not bad. But do you know what uncle likes?" Lu Xiangyang asked.    


"Hmm. . . " Jiang Mengshuang shook her head and replied with a question. "You know?"    


"I don't know either. " Lu Xiangyang said, "You should find more opportunities to get along with Uncle during this period of time. When the time comes, there will always be clues. "    


"Yes. " Jiang Mengshuang nodded when she heard that. "We can only do that. "    


"The bet for a month, you should pray for your own fortune. " Lu Xiangyang patted Jiang Mengshuang's shoulder and said, "If it really doesn't work, I will go overseas to see you. "    


"You don't trust me that much?" Jiang Mengshuang raised her eyebrows and said.    


"Uh. . . " Lu Xiangyang did not want to say anything to dampen Jiang Mengshuang's enthusiasm, but this time was really too short.    


Especially since the other party was a mature and reserved person like Wu Zibo.    


Even if this kind of person really liked someone, if there really was any external reason, he could hold it in for the rest of his life!    


30 days. Just thinking about it made him feel incomparably difficult.    


"You can do it. " At the end, Lu Xiangyang could only laugh dryly.    


"Chi. " Jiang Mengshuang snorted. She was full of confidence.    


She would definitely let Eldest Uncle marry her home.    


It was just to get what he wanted. She was so smart, she would definitely be able to handle it!    


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