Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C252 The Spring Festival Had No Taste

C252 The Spring Festival Had No Taste

New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve.    


For two consecutive days, there was no smell of New Year in Yi's mansion.    


The maids had gone home on vacation. The red window flowers on the window were the biggest irony when compared to the deserted homes.    


Fang Fang and Yi Rui'er had not returned from the hospital. Yi Haofeng and Yi Chengzhi had been staying in Yi Weihai's study. Yi Haoen was also handling work. Yi Lanyou closed herself in the bedroom and lay on her bed, holding her phone and replying to the messages that she forwarded or fabricated for New Year.    


It was not easy to reply to everyone. Yi Lanyou let out a long breath and lay down. Just as she wanted to close her eyes and rest for a while, her phone vibrated in her hand.    


"Hello?" Yi Lanyou placed the phone beside her ear and answered.    


"Happy New Year, Master. "    


"Silly disciple, it's you. " Yi Lanyou opened her eyes. "Happy New Year. What can I do for you? "    


"Here's the thing. I've finished the research you asked me to do. " Han Jinxiang replied, "Do you want to listen to my report?"    


"Yes. " Yi Lanyou paused and said, "But I don't want to hear it on the phone. "    


"What about the video?" Han Jinxiang paused for a moment and asked, "Or see him?"    


"See him. " Yi Lanyou was feeling bored at home so she said, "I will contact Xiaoman. You can contact Zhang Ya and Qiu Wu. Let's meet and chat. "    


"En, where will we meet?" Han Jinxiang asked.    


"The usual place. " Yi Lanyou hung up Han Jinxiang's phone and dialed Wang Xiaoman's number. "Xiaoman, come out and play. "    


"Okay!" After a pause, Wang Xiaoman said happily, "I am so bored at home. Where can I go?"    


"I am going to the Xindong shopping center. It is also open for business today. " Yi Lanyou sat up and said, "Han Jinxiang wants to report on the research results of the gaming market during this holiday. We will study it together. "    


"Okay. " Wang Xiaoman said, saying, "Anyway, there is still a bus. I will be there in an hour. "    


"Yes. " Yi Lanyou said, 'By the way, tell my mother that I will go over to your place tonight. '"    


"Tonight? On the first night of the Lunar New Year? Can your father and the others give way? " Wang Xiaoman was a little suspicious.    


"Why not?" Yi Lanyou smiled and said, "There is no smell of age at home. Anyway, there are not many people. Even if I am missing, there will be a lot. "    


"That's good. I will tell them. " Wang Xiaoman said a few more words to Yi Lanyou before hanging up the phone.    


After hanging up the phone, Yi Lanyou got up to dress up. She was also wearing the clothes that Yuan Hui bought that day. Her shoulder-length hair was combed into a half bun and tied up with a lace ribbon. Her entire body was filled with the youthful campus style and she was much more energetic.    


She carried her favorite leather backpack and put in a wallet, a notebook with a pen and two pens. . . These were essential things. Yi Lanyou got up and prepared to go out. She was thinking about what kind of report Han Jinxiang would have in a while. Thinking about this, she was lost in thought. The moment she opened the door, Yi Lanyou instinctively said, "Dog Two, stay at home and be good. I'll bring you good food when I come back. "    


After she finished speaking, Yi Lanyou's movements stopped. Turning her head to look at the room full of huskys, Yi Lanyou smiled bitterly. That's right. . . Dog Two was no longer there.    


She took a deep breath and closed the door.    


When Yi Lanyou went down the stairs to the living room, she suddenly remembered that all the maids were on vacation. Uncle Yu had also returned to his hometown. Then how was she going to Xindong?    


Standing at the door and looking around, she could see the cars parked neatly. She also knew how to drive. But now, she didn't have a driver's license. . .    


Thinking of this, Yi Lanyou turned around and looked upstairs again. With the mentality of trying, Yi Lanyou went upstairs and knocked on the door of Yi Haoen's study. "Dad, are you there?"    


"Come in. " Yi Haoen nodded.    


"Dad. " Yi Lanyou opened the door and saw Yi Haoen reading the documents attentively.    


When he heard Yi Lanyou entering the room, Yi Haoen looked away from the documents and looked at Yi Lanyou. "What's the matter?"    


"Dad, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. . . Are you doing this?" Yi Lanyou blinked. It was the Lunar New Year and they still did not rest?    


"Yes, I'm used to it. " Yi Haoen smiled and put the documents on the table. He stood up. "What is it?"    


"Oh, I want to go to the Wanshi Shopping Mall in Xindong. I have an appointment with my friend there. After I went downstairs, I remembered that Uncle Yu had a vacation today and went home for the New Year. " Yi Lanyou shrugged. "So I wanted to ask dad if you have time to send me there. "    


"Sure. " Yi Haoen nodded and stood up. "Are we leaving now?"    


"Yes. " Yi Lanyou nodded and said, "Will I disturb you?"    


"It's fine. It's not an important document. " Yi Haoen smiled bitterly. To be precise, he did not know what else he could do besides work.    


"Let's go. " Yi Lanyou smiled. "Yi Rui'er and Auntie are not coming back today?"    


"The doctor said that Rui'er's head was hit and had a slight concussion. Her eyes were a little bloodshot. She will probably be hospitalized until the third day of junior high. " Yi Haoen explained.    


"Oh. . . I see. . . Yi Lanyou rolled her beautiful eyes and said, "Then can I trouble father to pick me up in Xin Dong tonight?" If it is inconvenient, I can take a taxi myself. "    


" It's fine. " Yi Haoen said, "Call me in advance tonight. I'll pick you up. "    


"Okay. " Yi Lanyou smiled and nodded. She nodded. "Dad, let's go quickly. I think they are almost there. "    


"Okay. " He took his coat and left with Yi Lanyou.    


The father and daughter chatted happily as Yi Haofeng appeared on the second floor. He put his arms on the handrails and asked, "Big Brother, Lanyou, where are you going?"    


"Oh, Hao Feng. " Yi Haoen replied, "I will send Lanyou to Xindong's Wanshi Shopping Mall. "    


"Come back early, be careful. " Yi Haofeng looked at Yi Lanyou. He did not know if it was because he was too suspicious, but he felt that Yi Lanyou would cause trouble at any time.    


"En. " Yi Haoen answered and took Yi Lanyou to the car.    


It was a little cold when they got into the car. Luckily, the air conditioner was good. Yi Lanyou felt warm after the car was turned on. There were very few pedestrians on the streets on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and there were only two or three cars. It was rare to see a busy and crowded Z City.    


On both sides of the road, there were red lanterns hanging on the white flower trees. Although it was bleak, it also had a festive atmosphere.    


Yi Lanyou reached out her hand and pressed on the radio. It happened to be a music channel. It was a very nice song, and the sound of the guitar was soothing like flowing water. The singer's deep voice seemed to be a little sad. Yi Lanyou listened to the song and gently nodded her head. She liked this song.    


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