CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C4 Big Brother Is so Handsome

C4 Big Brother Is so Handsome

When they reached the supermarket, Jian Haixi took Jian Rui around for more than half an hour. She then bought almost all the things she needed and the two of them carried big and small bags out of the supermarket. But as soon as they got on the car, Jian Haixi remembered that she forgot to buy rice.    


"Mommy..." Jian Rui looked at her and shook her head. "Sure enough, without big brother making a list, you will lose everything."    


Jian Haixi stuck out her tongue awkwardly, "Rui, you cannot tell big brother about what happened today."    


Otherwise, her son would have nagged at her for a few more days!    


It could not be helped. His son did everything in an orderly manner.    


He didn't know who he looked like.    


"Then I want a chocolate." Jian Rui took the opportunity to negotiate.    


"Okay." Jian Haixi nodded helplessly. She could always be controlled by her family's two treasures, but her heart was sweet.    


"You stay here obediently and don't run around, understand?" Jian Haixi worriedly instructed again.    


"I know. You have said it many times." Jian Rui wrinkled her nose and gently pushed Jian Haixi out of the car with her small hands. " Go and buy some rice. I will keep an eye on our things." As she spoke, she patted the plastic bag beside her.    


Jian Haixi shook her head. After making sure Jian Rui was safe and sound, she entered the supermarket again.    


After Jian Haixi left, Jian Rui obediently stayed in the car. When there was no one by the side, she would also be very sensible.    


She had just played with First Primary School's tablet for a while when Jian Rui saw a black car steadily parked in front of her.    


Not only that, the place where the car was parked just happened to block their car in the parking space.    


Jian Rui frowned. How would Mommy drive in a while like this?    


She looked at the man and woman who got out of the car. She pushed open the car door and climbed out.    


Ning Jiwei got out of the car and walked towards the supermarket.    


He had only taken two steps when he felt his sleeves being pulled by someone. He thought it was Sung Lan. Just as he was about to shake her off, he heard a sweet and sticky voice, "Big brother..."    


Ning Jiwei lowered his head and looked at the little girl who was pulling his sleeve. She was wearing a fluffy skirt with her hair tied into a bun. Under her bangs, her big round eyes were intelligent and quick-witted.    


At that moment, her big eyes were staring at him pitifully. "Big brother, your car is blocking my mommy's car. Can I trouble you to move it? It won't delay you for too long, please ~"    


Ning Jiwei saw the little girl pouting and couldn't help but laugh.    


When he had a straight face, he gave off a very low pressure, but at this moment, when he smiled, his sculpted facial features immediately became vivid.    


Jian Rui looked at him blankly. "Big brother, you are so beautiful. You are even more beautiful than Michelangelo's David."    


"Is that so?" Jian Rui's mouth was too sweet. Ning Jiwei was amused by her. He could not help but touch her hair.    


When Sung Lan walked over, she saw Ning Jiwei talking and laughing with a little girl.    


"Ji Wei, what are you doing here?" Sung Lan said and stood beside Ning Jiwei. She automatically ignored Jian Rui's existence.    


"Auntie, I asked Big Brother to move out of the car. Your car is blocking my mommy's car."    


Jian Rui explained.    


"Why is it blocked?"    


Sung Lan was already angry, but when she heard her call Ning Jiwei big brother, Sung Lan was even angrier when she called herself "aunt." Sung Lan glanced at the distance between the two cars. She sneered, "Isn't it parked well? Your mother doesn't know how to drive. Don't tell me that she needs everyone to make way for her to drive?"    


Her words made Ning Jiwei frown.    


"Sung Lan, do you have to be so mean to a child?"    


"Why am I mean?" Sung Lan saw him defending Jian Rui and was so angry that she reached out to push Jian Rui, "You scolded me just because of this girl?"    


In her impression, Ning Jiwei did not like children. Their family's children did not even dare to get close to him. What was the situation now?    


Ning Jiwei squatted down and wrapped Jian Rui around his arm. His eyes coldly swept over Sung Lan. "Move the car."    


Sung Lan belonged to Ning Jiwei. She looked gentle and harmless on the outside, but in fact, she was extremely cold in her heart.    


Once he gave an order with two words, no one would dare to disobey.    


Jian Rui was stunned by this scene for two seconds. Then she reacted and carefully pulled Ning Jiwei's arm. "Big brother, my mommy will be out soon. I won't take up too much of your time."    


"Don't worry."    


Ning Jiwei smiled and touched the hair on her head. In the next second, he turned to look at Sung Lan, but his eyes were as cold as ice.    


Sung Lan stomped her feet angrily, but she was even more afraid that Ning Jiwei would really leave just like that. So she could only take out the key and move the car.    


Seeing the car move properly, Jian Rui happily thanked Ning Jiwei, "Thank you. You are kind and nice. In the future, I will definitely introduce you to a beautiful girlfriend ~"    


Ning Jiwei was amused. He could finally see that this girl's vocabulary was really rich.    


"Then thank you first."    


He got up and sent her back to the door of the car. "You just stay in the car, okay?"    


"Got it. Bye."    


Jian Rui sat up straight on the seat and did not forget to give Ning Jiwei a kiss.    


Ning Jiwei smiled and left.    


Sung Lan parked the car and walked over. She reached out to grab Ning Jiwei's arm, but he dodged her.    


"Ji Wei..."    


"Didn't you want to buy something? Go ahead."    


Sung Lan was speechless.    


So the reason he agreed to accompany her to the supermarket was really just to wait for her at the entrance?    


Sung Lan gritted her teeth in anger, but Ning Jiwei's attitude made her even more afraid to provoke him, so she could only go to the supermarket alone.    


Ning Jiwei stood at the entrance of the supermarket, and his entire person was very cold. It was as if he was isolated from the liveliness of the world.    


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