CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C223 Sun Yuqin's Selfishness

C223 Sun Yuqin's Selfishness

Jian Haixi was shocked and immediately got up and ran in the opposite direction.    


She was not stupid. What good would fighting in this place do her?    


Not to mention that she could not win, even if she could win, her identity might be exposed.    


As she ran, Jian Haixi did not forget to shout loudly, "Help! He killed someone!"    


The man behind did not expect Jian Haixi to react so quickly, and even more did not expect her to run not too slow. Every time when he was about to catch her, Jian Haixi would turn like a rabbit and stomp, and then escape from his palm without any danger.    


At the same time, Jian Haixi did not forget to take out her phone to make a call.    


The man behind only heard Jian Haixi shouting, "Yes, Suen Family Garden! Someone wants to kill me, please send someone over quickly!"    


Hearing her voice, the man behind her was stunned. He gritted his teeth and did not continue chasing.    


The order Suen Ping gave him was to bring Jian Haixi over without alerting anyone. But in the current situation, it was clearly impossible to catch Jian Haixi without alerting anyone.    


Looking at the security guards and guards rushing over from afar, the man snorted coldly and turned around to leave quickly.    


After the other party left, Jian Haixi only heaved a sigh of relief and took down the phone.    


The screen of the phone was completely black. In fact, she did not even have the time to dial the number just now.    


Looking at the direction the man left in, Jian Haixi's eyes were deep. She also got up and returned to Suen Yuqin's home.    


Suen Yuqin went out and came back. Seeing that Jian Haixi was not home, she could not help but ask the housekeeper, "Nanny Liu, where is Luo Sheng?"    


"Oh, Luo... Miss Luo went out." Nanny Liu lowered her head and said with a knot on her forehead.    


"He went out?" Suen Yuqin frowned, "Did she say where she went?"    


"No, she didn't say." Nanny Liu shook her head. Her palms, hidden in her sleeves, were already sweating.    


"I didn't say where to go..." Suen Yuqin frowned even more deeply.    


Jian Haixi almost never went out ever since she came home. This time when she came back, it was even more so. She had also repeatedly warned her not to go out alone, so how could Jian Haixi go out alone?    


Could it be that something had happened at the villa?    


Suen Yuqin thought worriedly. She had already taken out her phone and was ready to send a message to the villa.    


Nanny Liu saw her actions and hurriedly asked, "Madam, who do you want to call?"    


Suen Yuqin raised her eyebrows and looked at her, "I will call Luo Sheng."    


"Oh, okay." Nanny Liu muttered and nodded her head.    


Suen Yuqin looked at the somewhat strange Nanny Liu and suddenly remembered Jian Haixi's expression in the living room not long ago.    


At that time, she seemed to be suspecting Nanny Liu...    


Thinking of this, Suen Yuqin's gaze towards Nanny Liu suddenly changed and her voice became cold, "Nanny Liu, where did Luo Sheng go?"    


"I, I really don't know." Nanny Liu suddenly raised her head and that pair of panicked eyes could be seen clearly under Suen Yuqin's gaze.    


"Nanny Liu!" Suen Yuqin sternly said, "If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for being impolite!"    


"I... I really don't know." Nanny Liu shook her head and said, "Madam, I really don't know. Miss Luo Sheng, she... They only asked me to lead her to the small garden..."    




Suen Yuqin was shocked and turned around to walk out. Just as she moved, she heard a voice coming from behind.    


"Are you looking for me?"    


Hearing Jian Haixi's voice, Suen Yuqin suddenly turned her head and Nanny Liu also looked up in shock.    


Jian Haixi stood at the door and smiled as she tilted her head and said, "Ms Suen, I am back."    


"Hai... Little Sheng." Suen Yuqin ran over excitedly and pulled her hand to look left and right. She asked worriedly, "Are you alright?"    


"Don't worry, Ms Suen. I'm fine." Jian Haixi shook her hand to comfort her, "Didn't I come back safe and sound?"    


"It's good that you are fine. It's good that you are fine." Suen Yuqin immediately said.    


"Oh right, Ms Suen." Jian Haixi asked, "Where did you go just now? I came out and could not find you. Nanny Liu told me that you went to the small garden."    


"Small garden?"    


Suen Yuqin was stunned for a moment. She turned around and looked at Nanny Liu angrily, "Nanny Liu, you clearly know that I went to the company. Why did you tell Luo Sheng that I went to the small garden?"    


"I, I..." Nanny Liu was so frightened that she trembled and said, "Madam, I did not do it on purpose. I... I remembered wrongly..."    


"Did I remember wrongly?" Suen Yuqin said sternly, "You clearly told me just now that someone asked you to lead Luo Sheng to the small garden."    


"I, I was scared silly. Nonsense." Nanny Liu's eyes flickered as she said.    


"Nonsense? Nanny Liu, you..." Suen Yuqin was extremely angry as she pointed at Nanny Liu and was so angry that she could not speak.    


"Ms Suen, don't be anxious." Jian Haixi reached out and patted Suen Yuqin's arm," Let me do it. "    


She took a few steps forward and stood in front of Nanny Liu.    


Seeing Jian Haixi approaching, Nanny Liu subconsciously wanted to retreat but when she realized that she actually took two steps back, she quickly stopped.    


It was also strange that Jian Haixi did not use her strict gaze to stare at her but under Jian Haixi's gaze, Nanny Liu felt a kind of fear in her heart and did not dare to raise her head to look at her.    


"Nanny Liu." Jian Haixi slowly opened her mouth, "I do not know if Suen Ping gave you benefits or used some kind of evidence to threaten you, but..."    


Jian Haixi paused and smiled. The words she said were not so friendly anymore.    


"But there is one thing you need to think about. Suen Ping can do it. I can do it too. It doesn't matter if it's those benefits or threats. I can even do more than him. If you want to give it a try, Nanny Liu... I don't mind."    


Nanny Liu shockingly raised her head but met Jian Haixi's gaze. She quickly lowered her head and said with a knot, "I, I don't know what you mean. I don't understand..."    


"Oh, I don't understand." Jian Haixi smiled and said, "It's okay. I will translate it for you. How many benefits did Suen Ping give you? I'll give you ten times more. Or maybe Suen Ping used something to threaten you, such as the lives of you or your family. I can do the same. Before Suen Ping makes his move, let your family leave first."    


When the last sentence came out of her mouth, Jian Haixi still had a gentle smile on her face, as if killing a few people was as simple as stepping on a few ants to her.    


That kind of fierceness and ruthlessness made Suen Yuqin stunned for a long time.    


She had previously seen Jian Haixi's intelligence and decisiveness, but this was the first time she had seen Jian Haixi's ruthlessness.    


Hearing Jian Haixi's words, Nanny Liu was stunned and immediately shook her head and said, "No, you cannot..."    


"Can't what?" Jian Haixi smiled and looked at Nanny Liu. "Looking at your frightened look, Suen Ping should not have given you any benefits, right? That means he used something else to threaten you?"    


Nanny Liu raised her head and looked at Jian Haixi in a daze. She did not expect that in just a few words, Jian Haixi had already seen through all of her thoughts.    


"Madam, I..."    


Nanny Liu turned towards Suen Yuqin and suddenly threw herself onto the ground, kneeling and begging, "Madam, it is all my fault. But seeing that I have been working for your family for so many years, Seeing that Miss Luo Sheng is not injured, please spare me."    


"This..." Suen Yuqin looked at Nanny Liu who was kneeling on the ground and was in a bit of a dilemma.    


It was not that her sacred mother's heart was overflowing, but Nanny Liu was not an unimportant person after all. For so many years, Luo Meng and Luo Er were not at home all year round. To Suen Yuqin, Nanny Liu was like a companion that she was already familiar with. It was a little exaggerated to say that it was her family. But it was more or less the same.    


Now that Nanny Liu betrayed, Suen Yuqin was naturally sad and disappointed but it was also as Nanny Liu said. After all, Jian Haixi was not really injured.    


"This... Little Sheng..." Suen Yuqin looked at Jian Haixi in a difficult position and did not know how to make a decision.    


Jian Haixi's heart was slightly cold and she sneered, "You can do as you wish. If you want her to stay or leave, you can decide by yourself. I am a little tired so I will go upstairs first."    


"Little Sheng..."    


Suen Yuqin wanted to speak again but she saw Jian Haixi had already turned around and went upstairs.    


Jian Haixi was really a little sad. She was even more angry than the previous few times.    


Because of Suen Yuqin's various actions previously, she could still explain that she was worried about Luo Meng. After all, for the people she cared about, everyone could make selfish choices.    


So at that time, Jian Haixi did not blame or hold a grudge in her heart.    


But just now, Suen Yuqin actually wanted her to let Nanny Liu go. Could it be that because she came back alive, the mistakes of those who hurt her could be treated as not having happened?    


Returning to the room, for the first time, Jian Haixi felt tired and tired of the matters of the Suen Family.    


"Beep, beep ~"    


The phone rang. Jian Haixi picked up the call. It was from Jian Yi.    


"Mommy, I found out. There is indeed a problem with Nanny Liu. She..."    


"I know." Jian Haixi said,, "It was all thanks to her today. I almost fell."    


"What?" Jian Yi was stunned and hurriedly asked, "Mommy, are you alright? Are you hurt? Are you still at Auntie Sun's house? "    


"What's wrong?" Qin Zhixu's voice was heard. "How could she be injured? Damn it, is there something wrong with that nanny? I told you that you can't stay in Suen Family..."    


Jian Haixi's heart gradually warmed up when she heard Jian Yi and Qin Zhixu's anxious voices on the other side of the phone.    


This was the reaction of someone who cared about her, and not the first time she thought about how to forgive the other party.    




"I'm fine, I'm fine." Jian Haixi gently said, "Yi, don't worry. Mommy is not hurt."    


"Phew ~" Hearing Jian Haixi's words, Jian Yi and Qin Zhixu both heaved a long sigh of relief.    


Jian Yi asked, "Mommy, then that nanny is now..."    


"I don't know." Jian Haixi said, "You, Auntie Sun, take care of it downstairs. I am a little tired, so I will go back to my room to rest first."    


Jian Yi was stunned and did not say anything.    


Jian Haixi only heard the noise from the First Primary School formation on the other side of the phone, and then the phone seemed to have been snatched by Qin Zhixu.    


"Haixi, tell me the truth. Are you hurt or not?" Qin Zhixu asked sternly.    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "I am really not hurt. It is also my fault that the other party underestimated me and only sent one person over."    


Qin Zhixu frowned and said, "It is good that you are not injured. Let me ask you again. You just said that you do not know how that nanny handled it."    


Jian Haixi pursed her lips, "It literally means that I did not care about this matter."    


Qin Zhixu said in a deep voice, "I don't understand. Isn't there only one way to deal with it? That is to chase that nanny out. Other than that, there are other ways to deal with it. "    


Jian Haixi did not speak. Qin Zhixu was silent for two seconds and asked, "Is it that Suen Yuqin wants to protect her?"    


Otherwise, with his understanding of Jian Haixi, there was no reason for her to not care about the aftermath of this matter.    


An excuse like going upstairs to rest or something like that simply did not exist on Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi did not speak, but her silence was equivalent to acquiescence.    


Qin Zhixu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. "I told you not to stay there, and you still insisted on helping them. What happened in the end? What did she do to you? F * ck, I'm really going to die of anger! "    


Jian Haixi sighed and said," Let's not talk about it for now. I was really a little tired from the fight just now. We'll talk about it later. "    


"Haixi, if you want me to tell you, you should leave now. Anyway, this matter is about to end soon. The Suen Family won't need you to teach them a lesson, right?" Qin Zhixu said.    


This time, Jian Haixi was not in a hurry to deny his opinion. Instead, she nodded and said, "I will think about it carefully."    


After hanging up the phone, Jian Haixi looked at the darkening sky outside the window and sighed slightly.    


Suen Yuqin also did not go upstairs to look for her and Jian Haixi was not surprised by this.    


The previous few small conflicts were also Jian Haixi who took the initiative to look for Suen Yuqin to chat with her and reconcile with her.    


But this time, she was really a little tired.    


Now, Jian Haixi somewhat understood why Luo Meng had been out all these years. After all, it was possible to keep a person warm and active for a short period of time, but if it was to be like this all year round, everyone would be tired.    


On the other side, after hanging up the phone, Qin Zhixu almost went crazy from anger.    


After throwing away the phone, Qin Zhixu walked back and forth angrily. He scratched his pig's ear and said, "Jian Yi, let me tell you, if you still tacitly agree not to deal with this matter, I have to tell your father! I don't believe that his wife can still sit still after suffering such a huge grievance. If he really can, I'll... I'll tell Jian Chenrann!"    


At the end of his words, Qin Zhixu also felt a little helpless.    


On his side, those who were angered to death and anxious to live only stood from the perspective of friends. However, Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi were not anxious, which made Qin Zhixu feel that Jian Haixi was not worth it.    


"Yi, I know you are very grateful to Luo Meng and Luo Er, but can we be one thing? Didn't you hear how sad Haixi was just now?" Qin Zhixu said.    


Jian Yi's face was dark and did not express any opinion. Qin Zhixu looked at him and was about to call Ning Jiwei angrily when he saw Jian Yi also pick up the phone.    


Qin Zhixu's eyes lit up and asked, "Yi, are you going to call your father? I told you that Suen Family would dare to do that. Let's not bother about their business..."    


Before Qin Zhixu could finish speaking, he heard Jian Yi speak. He said to the other end of the phone, "Uncle Dou Ge, I am Jian Yi..."    


At this moment, at Suen Ping's home.    


Suen Ping narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. He said in a deep voice, "Did you fail?"    


"Yes. This subordinate did not expect that Luo Sheng would actually know some fist and leg skills. Furthermore, she was not weak, so..." The man said carefully.    


"It was not your fault." Suen Ping rarely did not pursue the man's mistake and sat down on the sofa with a sneer. He picked up the photo that his subordinate had sent not long ago and looked at the person on it seriously. "I really didn't expect that you would bring me so many surprises and surprises. Luo Sheng? Hehe, perhaps I should call you... Jian Haixi..."    


The man was stunned. He looked at Suen Ping in surprise and asked," CEO Sun, you are saying that she is not Luo Sheng? "    


"Huh, of course she is not Luo Sheng." Suen Ping seemed to be in a good mood. He even showed a smile on his face.    


"I should have thought of this long ago. With Luo Meng's personality, how could a small family like the Luo family have such a girl?" Suen Ping reached out his index finger and touched Jian Haixi in the photo as if he was caressing some precious treasure.    


The man standing next to him was even more confused. "Then who could she be if she wasn't Luo Sheng?"    


Suen Ping smiled, "If I didn't get a little bit of information from my dear sister at the board of directors, I really wouldn't have known that the person who attacked us behind the scenes was Ning Jiwei."    


"Ning Jiwei?" The man was surprised. "Isn't he in Xiang City now?"    


It was impossible for them not to have heard of the huge force of Clothing Design Contest in Xiang City, but how could Ning Jiwei...    


Suen Ping's lips curved up, and he said with a sinister smile, "This is also what I'm curious about. Why would Ning Jiwei let his woman come here and meddle in the Suen Family's business? But this doesn't matter. Since he knew that she was Jian Haixi, Then we can use her to do something..."    


"CEO Sun, do you want to..."    


Suen Ping's fingers, which were pinching the photo, suddenly exerted force. He saw Jian Haixi's cheek was kneaded and broke, then fell to the ground.    


"When the time comes, there will naturally be someone who will help us solve our problem..."    


- -    


At Suen Yuqin's house, Jian Haixi stayed in her room the entire afternoon and did not go out. When it was evening, she suddenly heard a hurried knock on the door.    


"Haixi, open the door!" Suen Yuqin's voice came from outside the door with obvious anger.    


Jian Haixi frowned and got off the bed to open the door. She looked at the angry Suen Yuqin outside and asked doubtfully, "Ms Suen, what is the matter?"    


"What is the matter?" Suen Yuqin looked at Jian Haixi and angrily said, "Haixi, I know that you have a problem with me asking you to forgive Nanny Liu's actions. But if you have a problem with it, you can say it. Is there a need to be like this? Yes, I am sorry about this matter but Nanny Liu has been following an old man for almost ten years. She is like a family to me. I can't ignore her just because of you, right?"    


After a pause, Suen Yuqin stared at Jian Haixi and said," I know that you must be upset with Nanny Liu. So even if my heart cannot bear it, I still gave her a sum of money to let her leave and don't come back for the time being. Isn't that enough? Do you really have to be so ruthless to be satisfied? "    


Jian Haixi was inexplicably scolded by her in front of her face and her expression turned cold.    


No matter who was scolded like this, there would be no reaction. Even if she was a clay figurine, she still had a temper.    


Furthermore, she had never been the Holy Mother and did not have that much sympathy.    


"Ms Suen, I don't know what you mean by saying these words. Even if you want to blame me, please tell me what I did wrong first." Jian Haixi said coldly.    


"You don't know?" The angry Suen Yuqin did not notice the change in Jian Haixi's expression and only said angrily, "Let me ask you, since you said that Nanny Liu's departure and staying are up to me to decide, why did you attack Nanny Liu's family in private?"    


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