CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C301 It's a Bit of a Misunderstanding

C301 It's a Bit of a Misunderstanding

"Why are you here?" Jian Haixi hung up the phone and looked back at George.    


"That..." George scratched his head and said, "I heard that you were on the phone with Jian Chenrann, so I came to find you."    


It sounded like...    


Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is there something you need from me?"    


"There is one thing." George touched his nose and said a little diffidently, "There is one thing that I have never said. Now I feel that I have to tell you."    


"What is it? Why is it so serious?" Jian Haixi asked with a smile.    


"Ahem ~" George's face turned red for some reason. "That... In the past, there was a misunderstanding between Jian Chenrann and me..."    


"Misunderstanding? You and my brother?" Jian Haixi was even more puzzled. "You probably don't know each other, right?"    


George said, "I don't know him, but I found out about him through you, so... I wanted to see what kind of person he is, so..."    


"So... how is it?" Jian Haixi's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly had an ominous feeling.    


Sure enough, George muttered, "So one night, I went to beat up Jian Chenrann."    


Jian Haixi,... ""    


"Cough cough..." George quickly explained, "I know I was very impulsive at that time. Don't worry, I really didn't do anything else. I just punched him twice."    


Jian Haixi narrowed her eyes and stared at George and asked, "Was Lin Xiaodou also there that night?"    


"Lin Xiaodou?" George thought for a moment and said, "There was indeed a woman beside Jian Chenrann. That woman even blocked it for Jian Chenrann."    


Jian Haixi sighed and waved her hand. "I cannot make the decision on this matter. You have to tell my brother and Xiaodou personally."    


George was stunned and only heard Jian Haixi say, "If it is only you beating him up so easily, I think no matter if it is my brother or me, I will not mind."    


George was even more confused. "But I didn't do anything else."    


Jian Haixi looked at him and sighed. "That night, my brother and Xiaodou broke up. That was why Xiaodou didn't tell my brother about the pregnancy and also refused to go to Iceland with my brother."    


George was stunned. He didn't think that there was such a thing.    


Jian Haixi frowned and said, "Later... Mo Sheng's Hongye brought people to Lin Family and threatened them to tell them our position in Iceland..."    


Without Jian Haixi saying anything further, George already knew how big the matter was.    


Even if it was not for the incident where he beat up Jian Chenrann, Hongye would most likely have gone to the Lin Family. But after all, he had opened the fuse.    


Thinking of this, George nodded and said, "I understand. I will personally make a trip to see them."    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and shook her head. "You don't have to..."    


"This is what I should do." George looked at Jian Haixi and said, "It is also what I owe them. Since we are family in the future, I must eliminate this misunderstanding with my own hands."    


Jian Haixi looked at the seriousness on George's face and nodded. "Okay."    


While the two were talking, Qiao Lei came over and shouted, "Brother, uh..."    


Looking at Jian Haixi, he did not think of how to address her, so he paused and said with a red face, "Grandpa is awake."    


Jian Haixi and George looked at each other and quickly followed.    


In the ward, Qiao Qinghee looked at the worried expression on his son and daughter-in-law's face. He waved his hand and said, "I already said that there was nothing wrong. Don't you know my own body? Hurry up and go through the discharge procedures for me. I don't want to stay here. There's still a cat waiting for me at home... "    


Before he could finish speaking, George and Jian Haixi had already entered the ward.    


Qiao Qinghee saw George and quickly said, "Zhi, if your father doesn't help me with the discharge procedures, you should hurry up and go..."    


Qiao Qinghee was just about to let George go through the discharge procedures when he saw Jian Haixi following behind George in the next second.    


He was stunned and looked at Jian Haixi with a trembling gaze. "You, you..."    


He wanted to ask "who are you" but looking at Jian Haixi's face, Qiao Qinghee seemed to be frozen. After a long time, he trembled and reached out his hand to Jian Haixi and said in a hoarse voice, "Waner, is it you?"    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She knew that he was calling Qiao Sui's name. She thought for a while and took a few steps forward. She stood beside Qiao Qinghee's bed and looked at him. She shook her head and said, "I am not Qiao Sui."    


Qiao Qinghee froze and said awkwardly, "Sorry, I... got the wrong person."    


Jian Haixi looked at the poor old man and could not help but feel moved in her heart.    


"I am Qiao Sui's daughter." Jian Haixi said so.    


"Wh, what?" Qiao Qinghee suddenly raised his head and looked at Jian Haixi with his eyes wide open. "You, you are Ying-er's daughter?"    


"Yes, my name is Jian Haixi." Jian Haixi said.    


"You, that Valencia..." Qiao Qinghee hurriedly looked outside the ward. Since Pear's daughter was here, then...    


"I'm sorry." Jian Haixi saw the anticipation in Qiao Qinghee's eyes. She gritted her teeth and said, "My mother has passed away."    


"What? Valencia has..."    


After a few twists and turns, Qiao Qinghee's vision darkened and he almost fainted again.    


George and Qiao Lei quickly went forward to support Qiao Qinghee. Qiao Zhen also said, "Dad, what do you want to do now? I'll go and call a doctor right away."    


"No, there is no need for a doctor. I don't want a doctor." Qiao Qinghee pointed at Jian Haixi and said, "You, come here."    


Jian Haixi obediently went forward.    


Qiao Qinghee's hand kept pointing in Jian Haixi's direction. He stretched his hand in the air and did not put it down.    


Jian Haixi could see that his wrinkled fingers were violently trembling.    


"Haixi." George looked at Jian Haixi pleadingly.    


Jian Haixi pursed her lips and reached out to grab her hand. She sat down beside the bed.    


Qiao Qinghee looked at Jian Haixi without blinking. There was both light and tears in his eyes. "What's your name?"    


"Jian Haixi." Jian Haixi smiled.    


"Jian Haixi, Haixi..." As he muttered Jian Haixi's name, Qiao Qinghee nodded and said, "It is a good name. Then who else... is there in your family?"    


Jian Haixi blinked and said, "My parents have passed away. I still have a brother called Jian Chenrann. Now he is with my sister-in-law and will not be able to see you for the time being."    


Qiao Qinghee nodded and asked, "What about you? Your brother is married. Are you married?"    


Jian Haixi paused. Before she could reply, Qiao Jing answered on her behalf, "Dad, Haixi is Ning Jiwei's wife."    


"Ning Jiwei?" Qiao Qinghee frowned and turned to look at Qiao Jing and George. His narrowed eyes suddenly burst with anger. "So, you already knew?"    


"Er..." Qiao Jing quickly covered his mouth.    


Oh no, I spilled it!    


Jian Haixi smiled and said to Qiao Qinghee, "Don't blame George and the others. I... encountered some trouble some time ago, so I didn't come to see you."    


Qiao Qinghee snorted and glared at George. He turned to Jian Haixi and said, "Girl, you don't have to say good things for them. I still don't know what they are thinking."    


Although he said that, his tone was not angry at all.    


George and Qiao Jing looked at each other and thought to themselves that Jian Haixi was indeed Qiao Qinghee's miracle medicine.    


Not only was it a miracle medicine, it was also a fire extinguishing divine weapon!    


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