CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C292 Counterattack

C292 Counterattack

Shee Qiang looked at the whole process in shock. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong.    


Worried that Lee Loong would be bullied by Tong Si, Shee Qiang originally wanted to go out and speak for Lee Loong. At least he would be a witness or something.    


But on second thought, if he went out, not only would Tong Si not calm down, she would also punish him and Lee Loong. At that time, they would not even have a place to reason.    


Although Ning Jiwei helped them out last time, it did not mean that Ning Jiwei would stand on their side every time.    


The thought of a superior person was something they could not figure out.    


After hesitating for a while, Shee Qiang finally thought of a clever idea.    


Video recording!    


He immediately took out his phone and recorded the conversation between Tong Si and Lee Loong.    


However, because they were quite far away, they could not record the conversation between the two. Even Shee Qiang did not hear what Tong Si was "threatening" Lee Loong about.    


Shee Qiang patiently waited for Tong Si to leave before he ran over to find Lee Loong.    


"Mr Loong!" Shee Qiang patted Lee Loong's shoulder. This was their usual way of greeting, but this time Lee Loong's reaction was a little too big.    


Almost as soon as Shee Qiang's voice was heard and his hand touched Lee Loong's shoulder, Lee Loong took a few steps back. "Who is it?"    


Shee Qiang did not expect Lee Loong to have such a big reaction. He scratched his head and smiled. "Sorry, Mr Loong. Did I scare you?"    


Shee Qiang felt guilty in his heart. He knew that Tong Si had just "bullied" Lee Loong, but he still used this kind of method to scare her. It was too much.    


Seeing that it was Shee Qiang, Lee Loong heaved a sigh of relief. He took a tissue to wipe the sweat on his forehead and said, "It's you. What's the matter?"    


"Mr Loong, what's wrong with you?" Shee Qiang was stunned. He frowned and said, "Did Tong Si bully you again?"    


Lee Loong was stunned and shook his head with a bitter smile. "No, it's nothing. Miss Tong... very well, she did not bully me."    


"Mr Loong, don't be afraid." Shee Qiang went forward and put his hand on Lee Loong's shoulder." If she bullies you, tell me. Let's go find Mr. Ning together. Mr. Ning is a good person. He will definitely make the decision for us. "    


"Mr. Ning..." Lee Loong's heart loosened a little, but he quickly ruled out this idea.    


He could not use his wife and child to bet on Ning Jiwei's benevolence.    


If Ning Jiwei did not stand on their side this time, it would be the same as offending Ning Jiwei after offending Tong Si. What would happen to his wife's illness then? What about his son's studies?    


Furthermore, if he offended Ning Jiwei and Tong Family, who would dare to use him in Xiang City in the future?    


Lee Loong's heart was filled with bitterness. This risk was too great. He really didn't dare to take it.    


"Mr Loong, Mr Loong?" Seeing Lee Loong keeping his head down and not saying anything, Shee Qiang waved his hand in front of his eyes and said, "Mr Loong, what are you thinking about?"    


Lee Loong shook his head and smiled at Shee Qiang. "I'm fine, Qiang Zi. Don't think too much. Miss Tong really did not bully me this time. I was... willing to do it."    


"What do you mean willing?" The more Shee Qiang heard, the more confused he became. "Mr Loong, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"    


Lee Loong shook his head and took a deep breath. He smiled at Shee Qiang and said, "It's nothing. Go to work."    


"But Mr Loong..."    


Shee Qiang wanted to say he saw it. He saw Tong Si seemed to be "threatening" him, but just as he started to speak, Lee Loong waved his hand and said, "Qiang Zi, don't say anything. Everyone has to walk a different path. You are a blessed person. Mr Loong, I... naturally have my own path. Don't ask so much. Focus on your work."    


Shee Qiang was stunned. He looked at Lee Loong's back as he walked away. He didn't know what else he could say.    


After this incident, Shee Qiang observed for a long time. He also found several other opportunities to ask Lee Loong what had happened.    


However, Lee Loong always shook his head. At first, he was perfunctory to him, but later, he simply avoided him.    


For the whole afternoon, the more Lee Loong behaved like this, the more Shee Qiang felt that he must have been threatened by Tong Si.    


After thinking about it, Shee Qiang still felt that it could not be like this.    


Although Ning Jiwei might not stand on their side, if he did not try, then Ning Jiwei would definitely not be able to help them.    


Finally, they got off work in the afternoon. After Shee Qiang returned home, he thought about it and found the number Ning Jiwei gave him. He hesitated and dialed it.    


The other side thought for a long time before picking it up.    


"Hello, who is it? "Ning Jiwei's cold voice came from the earpiece.    


Shee Qiang stuttered, "Hello, Mr. Ning. I... I am Shee Qiang. I had a conflict with Miss Tong at the venue last time. It was you who helped me... You also gave me a call, saying that I can look for you if I need anything... "    


Shee Qiang was afraid that Ning Jiwei did not remember who he was, so he stammered a lot and almost told him the details of the weather and what clothes he wore.    


But he was obviously worried, because Ning Jiwei quickly answered, "I remember you, Shee Qiang. Is there anything you need from me? Did something happen at the venue or did you encounter difficulties in your life?"    


Shee Qiang was stunned. He did not expect Ning Jiwei to remember him, and his tone did not reject anyone.    


Ning Jiwei's attitude and words gave Shee Qiang the confidence to continue speaking. He took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Ning, I... I have something to tell you."    


"Yes, you tell me." Ning Jiwei answered his words while he was still operating the computer. Shee Qiang could clearly hear the sound of keyboard pressing from the other side.    


"I..." Shee Qiang hesitated and said, "Mr. Ning, you are a good person, right?"    


"Huh?" Ning Jiwei's hand, which was pressing the keyboard, paused. Shee Qiang's question made him acutely aware that he might have encountered some trouble.    


"Mr. Ning, I'm sorry. I'm not doubting you. I'm just... I'm just worried that you will not help us like them..." At the end of the matter, Shee Qiang hesitated again. He was worried that Ning Jiwei would go back on his word. What should he do?    


Ning Jiwei frowned slightly and said, "I don't know who you are talking about, but if it is reasonable and legal, I will stand on the side of justice. If you are righteous, I will help you. Similarly, if you did something wrong and tried to ask me for a favor, I'm afraid I can't help you either."    


Shee Qiang was stunned for a moment, then he nodded his head stiffly and said, "That's good, that's good."    


Ning Jiwei knew that Shee Qiang must have encountered something, or perhaps he knew something.    


After thinking for a while, Ning Jiwei said, "Shee Qiang, you have to know that in Xiang City, if I don't manage your affairs... Then almost nobody can control it. I don't know what happened to you, so I can't promise you anything before you speak. Even if I did promise, you probably wouldn't dare to believe it. I can only say, you can either gamble with me. Bet that I'm not the good person you speak of. Or, just keep quiet, but what kind of consequences will your silence bring? And you'll have to bear it yourself. At that time, even if I want to help you, it will be very limited."    


"I, I know..." Shee Qiang listened to Ning Jiwei's words. After hesitating for two minutes, he took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Ning, I have decided to trust you."    


Just like what Ning Jiwei said, in this Xiang City, the only one who could help them should be Ning Jiwei.    


"I, I saw Miss Tong... It was Tong Si. She seemed to be threatening Mr Loong..." Shee Qiang slowly told Ning Jiwei what he saw.    


After Ning Jiwei heard what Shee Qiang said, he suddenly stood up from his chair.    


Dou Ming and Jian Yi who were next to him saw this and looked at him at the same time.    


"Mr. Ning, I don't know the details of their conversation. This may be just my guess, but..." Shee Qiang said, "But I'm afraid that if I don't say it out loud, my guess might be right. When the time comes, things will be even more serious. So, so..."    


"I understand." Ning Jiwei said coldly, "I will send someone to investigate this matter. Before I find out, Shee Qiang, remember, no one can say anything about this matter. Don't ask about Lee Loong anymore, understand? "    


" Why? Why? " Shee Qiang asked curiously.    


Ning Jiwei said, "There is no evidence. If you speak rashly, it will only cause Lee Loong to have rebellious thoughts. If Tong Si finds out, then she will sue you for slander. I cannot help you."    


"I..." Shee Qiang was stunned. Only then did he remember that what he said was only what he saw and guessed. If nothing happened, then he was slandering Tong Si.    


If Tong Si knew, then Tong Si would definitely not let him go.    


Thinking of this, Shee Qiang suddenly shook and said, "I, I promise I will not say anything."    


"Yes." Ning Jiwei exhorted, "From now on, you have to keep silent and pretend that you don't know anything. I will contact you if there is anything. "    


"Okay, okay, thank you, Mr. Ning..."    


After the call with Shee Qiang, Ning Jiwei stood in the room with a frightening air pressure.    


"Daddy, what happened?" Jian Yi asked.    


Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Tong Family might betray us."    


Jian Yi and Dou Ming were stunned at the same time. Tong Family was a shareholder of Mofu. Everyone had the same interests, although they were not considered their internal comrades. However, they had never set up any defenses against the Tong Family. When they were investigating the matter, they had subconsciously excluded the Tong Family.    


If the Tong Family rebelled, then...    


Ning Jiwei almost immediately called Gu Chenyi and Qin Zhixu, telling them to stop sharing all business information about the Tong Family.    


After Gu Chenyi finished his meeting on the same day, he was about to ask someone to inform Tong Si about the details of the finals.    


After receiving Ning Jiwei's call, Gu Chenyi changed the procedure without saying anything.    


Similarly, when Qin Zhixu received Ning Jiwei's call, not only did he make a backup copy of all the commercial secrets, he also prepared a fake data document.    


The entire document was 70% real and 30% fake. No one would be able to tell.    


Wan Yuqing saw that Qin Zhixu, who originally wanted to go back from work, stayed in the office and buried his head in the documents. She could not help feeling heartache and said, "Mr Qin, can't you bring it back to do it?"    


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