CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C238 The Devilish Brat Is Here

C238 The Devilish Brat Is Here

Mo Xiuyu looked at Jian Rui's bright smile and was stunned. He reached out and rubbed his eyelids with all his strength.    


When he opened his eyes again, Jian Rui was standing at the end of his bed with a smile on her face. She was even stroking First Primary School's hair with her hands.    


"Rui?" Mo Xiuyu still did not dare to believe it.    


"Yes, yes." Jian Rui said, "Small Uncle is so lazy. It is already dawn and he still has not woken up, so Gu Ruanruan and I specially came to wake you up."    


Mo Xiuyu turned his head again to look at Gu Xiaomian who was still sitting on his body. Finally, his soul returned to his body. With a dark face, he said, "You two, stand against the wall!"    


Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian looked at each other, stuck out their tongues, and obediently slipped to the side of the wall to stand.    


"You, you..." Mo Xiuyu pointed at the two of them with trembling fingers.    


"Small Uncle, we were wrong. We will never do it again."    


“ Yes, yes, we won't do it again."    


Without waiting for Mo Xiuyu to reprimand them, Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian immediately apologized obediently.    


That smooth expression and actions, as well as the words that jumped out without thinking, made Mo Xiuyu incomparably suspect that they had already done this countless times.    


"You..." Mo Xiuyu took a deep breath. He did not want to go around the two of them.    


"Small Uncle, Rui, you really know your mistake. Small Uncle, spare me this time."    


" Yes, yes, yes, I was wrong."    


... "" Mo Xiuyu threw his head back and fell onto the bed. He stared at the ceiling, feeling disappointed and frustrated. He felt that there was no hope for him to have a bright future in his life.    


In the past, he only thought that the little girl was quite cute. He never thought that one day, he would become the little girl's "toy."    


However, looking at Jian Rui's little appearance, he really could not bear to scold or scold her.    


"Sigh ~" Mo Xiuyu let out a long sigh. He turned his head to look at the two people still standing by the wall. He waved at Jian Rui and said, "Come here."    


Jian Rui obediently ran to the front of the bed and desperately blinked her innocent big eyes. "Small Uncle."    


"Don't come here." Mo Xiuyu rolled his eyes and raised his hand to lightly knock on her forehead," Do you know if there will be no next time? "    


"I know, I know!" Jian Rui nodded like a chick pecking at rice, but in her heart, she thought that at most, she would not scratch the soles of her feet next time and just wear a ghost mask.    


Mo Xiuyu still did not know that this angel with a devilish face and a devilish head niece in front of him had already prepared a series of waking services for him.    


Later on, Mo Xiuyu even had to lock the door several times when he slept. He also had to specifically instruct the nanny not to let Jian Rui in before she could fall asleep.    


"You came so early. Is there something you need from me?" Mo Xiuyu asked.    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "Small Uncle, we want to find Mo Tong."    


"Hmm?" Mo Xiuyu was puzzled and asked, "Didn't Mo Tong live with you guys?"    


"No, no. Yesterday, the grandma of North Court came over and took Mo Tong away." Jian Rui muttered, "I don't know where she heard it from. We clearly hid the news of Mo Tong's return."    


Mo Xiuyu froze. He instantly recalled Jia Minnzhi's phone call yesterday.    


He came back...    


Who came back?    


Jian Rui did not notice Mo Xiuyu's strange behavior. She just pouted and begged, "Small Uncle, can you take us to Mo Tong? I'm afraid he will be bullied."    


Mo Xiuyu looked at Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian, who were obviously worried. He forced a smile and said, "Okay, Small Uncle will take you there."    


Ten minutes later, in North Court.    


"Mo Tong, Mo Tong! I'm here to find you!"    


Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian's devilish voices resounded throughout the North Court early in the morning.    


Mo Tine got up from under the blanket with a dark face, "This stinky girl really deserves a beating! I'll get someone to kick her out right now."    


A slender arm stretched out from beside her and pulled her back, "Why do you care what she is doing? Just let her do whatever she wants."    


"No way." Mo Tine said in anger, "This is North Court, my territory, not the east courtyard where she can behave atrociously. If I don't care about it, others will think that I am easy to bully!"    


After saying that, Mo Tine got off the bed and walked out in her pajamas.    


After she walked out of the bedroom, Su Daqiang opened his eyes and looked at the hand that held Mo Tine. There was a trace of obvious disdain in his eyes.    


When Mo Tine went downstairs, she saw that Mo Tong had already run to the door and stood by the door to chat with Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian.    


"Mo Tong, let's play together." Jian Rui pulled Mo Tong's hand and said, "Let Small Uncle lead us to form a team."    


"Okay, okay." Mo Tong nodded and said, "Wait for me. I will follow you to the east courtyard..."    




Before Mo Tong could finish, he heard Mo Tine's voice from behind him. "Who allowed you to go out?"    


Mo Tong was stunned. When he saw Mo Tine, he subconsciously lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Mom..."    


Mo Tine coldly snorted. "You even know that I am your mother. I thought you had already forgotten."    


Mo Tong's entire body stiffened and said, "Mo Tong would not dare."    


"Since you don't dare, then get the hell out of here." Mo Tine coldly snorted and scolded, "Don't think that you can forget about your previous homework after running away from home for so many days."    


Mo Tong looked at Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian hesitantly and said, " But... "    


"There are no buts." Mo Tine said without any hesitation," If you still acknowledge me as your mother, then immediately scram back here. Or if you leave this door today, you will never come back again in the future. "    


Mo Tong stiffened. He bit his lips and stood where he was without saying anything.    


Seeing that he did not contradict her, but did not immediately return to the room, a wave of anger suddenly rose in Mo Tine's heart.    


This child actually dared to defy her!    


"Stinking brat, I think you want to go against the law again!"    


Mo Tong lowered his head and stood there silently, using silence as a silent resistance.    


Mo Tine was so angry that she took two steps forward and raised her hand to greet Mo Tong.    


Before she could walk to Mo Tong's side, she suddenly could not move.    


Because her thighs on both sides were hugged.    


Jian Rui hugged Mo Tine's thighs and said with a smile, "Grandma, don't be angry. Being angry will make people grow older faster."    


"You..." Jian Rui's sentence almost made Mo Tine spit out blood. It was "grandma" and "getting old quickly. This lass specially came to anger her to death right?    


Before Mo Xiuyu could react, he saw Jian Rui rushing out. Just as he was about to pull her back, he heard her call Mo Tine" grandma. "    


Although it should be called grandma in terms of seniority, the entire Mo Family did not dare to call Mo Tine that.    


Jian Rui still had an innocent smile on her face and said, "Grandmother, don't be angry. Didn't you just not want Mo Tong to leave this North Court? Then wouldn't it be fine if he doesn't go out?"    


Mo Tine narrowed her eyes and coldly said, "Stinky girl, what do you want to say?"    


"Aunt, don't lower yourself to Rui's level." Mo Xiuyu was afraid that Mo Tine would make a move on Jian Rui and quickly pulled Jian Rui back to his side. He smiled and said, "Rui is just a child. Why are you arguing with her?"    


Mo Tine sneered and did not say anything.    


Jian Rui stuck her head out from behind Mo Xiuyu and said, "Grandma, is your words counted? Didn't you just say that Mo Tong will be fine if he doesn't go out? Don't tell me you are going to cheat again now?"    


Mo Tine said with a dark face," When did I not keep my words? I said that he will not go out today, so naturally he will keep his words. "    


"That is great!" Jian Rui clapped her hands happily and said, "Grandma, then I don't want Mo Tong to go out with us. We can just come to your house to play. He doesn't need to go out. We can just come in!"    


Mo Tine was speechless."    


Mo Xiuyu was speechless."    


Gu Xiaomian heard Jian Rui's words and clapped his hands in surprise. "Wow, Rui, you are so smart. We are just playing with Mo Tong, and we don't have to be in the east courtyard. I'm sick of that old house, so I can play in a different environment. "    


Mo Xiuyu sighed in his heart and quietly pulled the two brats away.    


In the next second, the entire North Court could hear Mo Tine's angry roar. "Get lost, get out of here! What kind of place do you think I am? Do you think you can come and go as you please? Get out of here!"    


As soon as she finished speaking, a female voice came from outside the door," What's wrong with you? Why are you so angry so early in the morning?"    


Everyone looked outside the door and saw Lisa leading the three children over. It was Mo Xiulin, Mo Xiuqian, and Little Sobbing Bao.    


Mo Tine felt a headache when she saw the children, especially when she saw so many children.    


In addition, she had just been angered by Jian Rui and naturally looked at Lisa with an unfriendly expression, "What are you doing here?"    


Lisa said with a smile, "Nothing much. I just heard the voices of the children over here, so I wanted to bring a few of my family members over. They are all children of Mo Family, so of course I should get in touch with them. Don't you think so?"    


The corner of Mo Tine's mouth twitched, could she not say no?    


Everyone knew that in Mo Family, Lisa was Mo Sheng's microphone. She brought the children over because Mo Sheng wanted the children to come over.    


What Mo Sheng meant was that unless it was absolutely necessary, Mo Tine did not want to disobey.    


Therefore, regardless of whether Mo Tine was willing or not, the children of Mo Family finally stayed in North Court.    


Mo Tong first started to practice his calligraphy and read books according to his previous progress. He did not delay any of them. However, because he was worried that Dou Ge would tell him that he had received guidance from Dou Ge, Mo Tong did not display all of his skills.    


Jian Rui did not feel bored. When they were living together in the past, Mo Tong did these things every day.    


So she calmly moved a chair to a cool place in advance and took it. She even "filial" moved a chair for Mo Xiuyu.    


Gu Xiaomian looked at her, feeling wronged. "Rui, I want to sit beside you too."    


"Why do you want to sit?" Jian Rui pushed him to Mo Tong's side and said, "You practice with Mo Tong. You are not allowed to slack off."    


"Huh?" Gu Xiaomian was a little unhappy. He also wanted to rest.    


But when he turned to look at the little mouse on Mo Tong's arm, Gu Xiaomian was a little envious. Finally, he swallowed his saliva and said, "Mo Tong, teach me."    


Mo Tong stopped his practice and turned to look at Gu Xiaomian. He said, "Our foundations are different. You are not suitable for these things that I have practiced."    




Gu Xiaomian was stunned for a moment and then said in surprise, "Then I do not need to practice anymore?"    


Mo Tong naturally saw through his thoughts, and a smile flashed across his eyes. He said, "You can practice what you have learned first. I will take a look."    


Gu Xiaomian was stunned, and the boss unwillingly practiced the horse stance.    


Mo Tong watched from the side and nodded. "You still have some foundation. If you practice diligently like this, you will definitely have some success in the future."    


"How much can it achieve?" Gu Xiaomian hurriedly said, "Can you be as good as me, First Dad, and Uncle Ning?"    


Mo Tong raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "No."    


Gu Xiaomian carefully wiped the dirt off his face and asked, unwilling to give up, "How much worse is it compared to them?"    


Mo Tong said lightly, "The difference is like heaven and earth."    


"Crack, crack, crack, crack ~" Gu Xiaomian's heart was crushed into pieces again.    


Gu Xiaomian said disappointedly, "Then what do I need to practice for? I can't practice it well anyway."    


Mo Tong said, "No one is born with anything good. What you see is the result of everyone's hard work behind their backs."    


Gu Xiaomian was stunned. He saw Mo Tong turn to Mo Xiulin and said, "Brother Xiu Lin, long time no see. How about we spar?"    


Mo Xiulin narrowed his eyes. Mo Tong was a special existence in Mo Family. No one would care about him, and he never cared about anyone else.    


Besides some necessary pleasantries, this was the first time Mo Tong had spoken to Mo Xiulin.    


Mo Xiuqian looked at Mo Tong with disdain and said, "Compared to my brother, you are not worthy."    


As she spoke, she went forward and rolled up her sleeves. "I will fight with you."    


Mo Tong looked at Mo Xiuqian and shook his head. He pushed Gu Xiaomian out and said, "I will not fight with women. If you want to fight, fight with him."    


Mo Xiuqian said, "I don't want to fight with him!"    


Gu Xiaomian said, "Why should I fight with her?"    


Before Mo Tong could say anything, Jian Rui, who had been sitting under the tree to cool down, giggled and opened her mouth. "Gu Ruanruan, go on, hit her! Flowers fell and water flowed! She even bullied me a few days ago!"    


When she said this, Gu Xiaomian's expression immediately changed. He fiercely stared at Mo Xiuqian and said," You dare to bully Rui? "    


"When did I bully her?" Mo Xiuqian was also angry. This bastard actually dared to wrongly accuse this miss. Watch my fist!    


In an instant, the two of them rushed towards each other at the same time.    


Mo Tong and Mo Xiulin stood on each side, paying attention to their moves.    


Jian Rui, on the other hand, leisurely ate her chocolate.    


Mo Xiuyu touched her head in amusement and said, "Why are you so good at playing tricks?"    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue and said, "Gu Ruanruan is too lazy. He needs some stimulation."    


A faint voice came from beside Jian Rui, "It can also stimulate my sister, right?"    


Jian Rui was stunned. She turned her head to look at Mo Xiujin who was biting the lollipop. He did not cry at this time. A pair of fox-like eyes were embedded on his face that was like a child of fortune.    


Jian Rui blinked and suddenly turned her head and shouted, "Gu Ruanruan, this little crying bag also bullied me!"    


Mo Xiulin and Mo Xiujin were speechless."    


On the stage, Gu Xiaomian's eyes were red. He rushed towards Mo Xiuqian without caring about anything. "I let you bully Rui, I let you bully Rui!"    


He did not have as many moves as Mo Xiuqian and did not learn as much as she did. However, he had natural brute force and a fierce force. In a moment of desperation, Mo Xiuqian was barely able to parry.    


Mo Xiulin frowned and took a few steps forward to pull Mo Xiuqian over. He gently raised his hand to stop Gu Xiaomian who was rushing over.    


Gu Xiaomian did not care whether he changed his opponent or not. He continued to punch and punch.    


Mo Xiulin did not attack. He easily defended himself.    


In the end, Gu Xiaomian was tired from hitting. He was pushed hard by Mo Xiulin and fell to the ground.    


He looked up at Mo Xiulin in a daze. His eyes were full of disbelief. He had used all his strength, but he couldn't block Mo Xiulin's attack.    


Mo Xiulin looked at Mo Tong and said, "Now it's our turn."    


Mo Tong nodded. The two of them did not talk much. They were fighting with their fists and legs.    


Gu Xiaomian was close by. He felt the aura around the two of them and watched their fight. His heart could not calm down for a long time.    


Was this Mo Tong's strength?    


Mo Tong, Mo Xiulin... How strong would they become in the future? Jian Rui would have such people by her side. Would there still be a place for him at that time?    


Was he still worthy of standing by her side?    


For the entire morning, Gu Xiaomian lowered his head and did not say a word.    


Jian Rui did not ask him either. Comforting a person was very simple, but to stimulate a person, one could not be soft-hearted at this time.    


"You really don't care about him?" Mo Xiuyu asked.    


Jian Rui shook her head and looked at Gu Xiaomian's silent figure. She thought to herself, Gu Xiaomian, I hope that in the future, the person standing next to me will still be you. So... can you be stronger?    


This day's interaction exceeded everyone's expectations.    


A group of devilish children were together, unexpectedly surprisingly harmonious.    


Learning, learning, and playing games. Other than Jian Rui teasing Mo Xiujin and arguing with Mo Xiuqian, this day could not be any more peaceful.    


As soon as Gu Chenyi got off work, he rushed back home. When he heard that all the children were in North Court and had been there for an entire day, he was shocked and rushed to North Court.    


But when he got there, he almost thought that he was not going to North Court, but to the school gate.    


The children were all very good. There were no injuries or abnormalities, except...    


Gu Chenyi was stunned. He walked to Gu Xiaomian and frowned. He squatted down in front of Gu Xiaomian and asked, "Xiaomian, what happened to you?"    


Gu Xiaomian looked up. His eyes were red. "First Dad, I don't want to be the landlord's silly son anymore."    


Gu Chenyi was stunned. He looked at Mo Xiulin, Mo Tong, and the others thoughtfully.    


Gu Xiaomian clenched his fists and said to Gu Chenyi, "First Dad, can you be more strict with me in the future? I want to become stronger, just like Mo Tong, Mo Xiulin and the others. No, I want to be stronger than them!"    


When he said this, Mo Tong and Mo Xiulin looked at him.    


Gu Chenyi looked at his son, whose eyes were more determined than usual. He smiled slowly and said, "Then you better not cry for me."    


Gu Xiaomian proudly puffed up his chest and said, "He, Gu Xiaomian, is a big man. He will never cry. I am not a crying bag."    


Mo Xiujin, the little crying bag, inexplicably laid down his gun. He stared at Gu Xiaomian's figure and bit the lollipop in his mouth until it made a cracking sound.    


Gu Chenyi touched his head lovingly and nodded. "Okay, First Dad agrees."    


"Thank you, First Dad!" Gu Xiaomian smiled and ran to Jian Rui. He looked at her and said seriously, "Rui, I will be very strong soon. Do you believe me?"    


Jian Rui smiled and raised her hand to put a chocolate into Gu Xiaomian's mouth. She said angrily, "Stupid Gu Ruanruan, of course I believe you."    


Gu Xiaomian held the chocolate in his mouth and felt that it was the sweetest one he had ever eaten.    


Mo Tine walked out with a dark face. She looked at Gu Chenyi, Mo Xiuyu, and Lisa who had arrived later. She said coldly, "Now you can take your child away."    


Putting everything else aside, Gu Chenyi sincerely thanked her today. So he said sincerely, "Thank you for taking care of my child. Xiaomian has improved a lot today. If possible, please make sure that Xiaomian can come and learn with Mo Tong in the future."    


Mo Xiuqian frowned and said, "Me too!"    


Mo Xiujin raised his hand and said, "Jin wants to come too! There are chocolate here!"    


Jian Rui giggled and tilted her head. " In any case, I have to come here every day. Even if I don't want to, I have to come too, grandma ~"    


Mo Tine,... "" She wanted to move!    


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