CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C228 Fate Played Tricks on People

C228 Fate Played Tricks on People

Xishan Villa.    


Qin Zhixu was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, just like when he was at Suen Lee's house.    


However, Hao Lee and Suen Yao were not as anxious as Suen Lee.    


It was obvious that Suen Lee knew something beforehand, which was why he felt so guilty.    


But Hao Lee and Suen Yao were different. They clearly did not know that Suen Ping had abandoned them and ran away. So they still sat on the sofa proudly and stared at Qin Zhixu. "Director Qin, right? What do you mean by finding this place?"    


Qin Zhixu sighed. He felt pity for the innocence of the mother and daughter.    


He did not say much. He only took out the video of Jian Haixi being kidnapped by Suen Ping at Suen Yuqin's door and showed it to them.    


After watching the video, Hao Lee and Suen Yao were stunned. No matter how stupid they were, they could still react at this moment.    


Suen Ping robbed Jian Haixi. Qin Zhixu came to ask them for help.    


After thinking it through, Hao Lee still said proudly, "I don't know why you showed me this. This was all done by Suen Ping. It has nothing to do with us. If you want to look for Suen Ping, go look for us. It's useless."    


Qin Zhixu narrowed his eyes and a wicked smile appeared on his lips. He looked at Hao Lee and said, "Do you think that I brought so many people here just to ask you a simple question and play with you?"    


Hao Lee was stunned. She was frightened by Qin Zhixu's smile and shrank back.    


Qin Zhixu stared at her and said, "Let me ask you. How much do you know about Suen Ping?"    


"I don't know." Hao Lee quickly shook her head and said, "I don't know anything. He didn't tell me anything."    


Suen Yao at the side also shook her head and said, "I don't know either. My father's matter has always been kept from us. I really don't know anything."    


"Hehe." Qin Zhixu laughed and glanced at Hao Lee and Suen Yao. "It seems that you two really won't shed tears until you see the coffin."    


As he spoke, Qin Zhixu lifted his chin to the person behind him and said, "Take Suen Yao to another room. The two of you will interrogate her alone."    




Immediately, two men answered. They grabbed Suen Yao and brought her to the next room.    


"Mom, Mom, I don't want it. I'm afraid!" Suen Yao struggled violently.    


"Yao Yao!" Hao Lee's expression changed drastically and she stared at Qin Zhixu and said, "Quickly let them let go of my daughter."    


Qin Zhixu shrugged and said, "I don't plan to do anything to her. I just want to ask you a few questions. But..."    


"But what?" Hao Lee asked.    


Qin Zhixu looked at her and then looked at Suen Yao. He smiled and said, "If your answers are different, then you will have to suffer some grievances."    


As he spoke, he gave a signal to the two of them. Suen Yao was immediately brought to the room next door.    




The door closed, isolating all sounds from the inside.    


Hao Lee nervously looked at Qin Zhixu and asked, "What do you want to ask?"    


Qin Zhixu smiled and said, "Tell me what you know first. I want to see if you have any value."    


Hao Lee pursed her lips and did not say anything. If Qin Zhixu used specific questions to ask her, she could still grasp the measurements and think about what she could say, what she could not say, or how much she could say.    


But now, Qin Zhixu did not ask anything and just let her confess. She did not know what to say.    


"You do not know what to say?" Qin Zhixu smiled. "It doesn't matter. We can ask your daughter first."    


"No, no!" Hao Lee heard that Qin Zhixu wanted to interrogate Suen Yao and immediately said, "Don't hurt my daughter. I... I will say it."    


Qin Zhixu crossed his hands and looked at her with raised eyebrows, "Speak."    


Hao Lee swallowed her saliva and said, "Suen Ping, he... Actually, he has been secretly taking over the company's property for so many years."    


"Oh, and?" Qin Zhixu said lightly.    


"That's it. That's all I know." Hao Lee said.    


She thought to herself. Even if she knew Suen Ping had taken over the company's property, Qin Zhixu was not a member of Suen Family. Plus, Jian Haixi had an accident at Suen Yuqin's house. Qin Zhixu and the others might not be willing to help Suen Yuqin.    


Therefore, although the matter of taking over the company's property seemed to be a big one, it was not a big deal to Qin Zhixu.    


"No more?" Qin Zhixu sneered and took the phone. "I heard it. Ask Suen Yao the same question and see what she says."    


Hao Lee's face changed when she heard Qin Zhixu still wanted to ask Suen Yao.    


She wanted to say something but Qin Zhixu did not intend to listen. He only lowered his head and played with the phone.    


Two minutes later, the person in the room replied, "Suen Yao confessed Suen Lee and another director."    


" Oh? " Qin Zhixu looked at Hao Lee with a sneer and said, "Not bad. You are good at hiding things."    


"I, I did not..." Hao Lee still wanted to explain but Qin Zhixu directly ordered the room, "Chop off one of Suen Yao's fingers."    




Hearing his words, Hao Lee's face instantly turned pale, "No, you guys can't!"    


"Why not?" Qin Zhixu smiled coldly. "I already said that I'm not here to spend time with you, but you still don't believe me."    


As he spoke, Suen Yao's miserable scream could be heard from the room.    


Hao Lee heard her daughter's scream and hurriedly said, "I said, I said, Suen Ping colluded with Suen Lee from the board of directors. They were the ones who did all the work in the company."    


" Oh. " Qin Zhixu nodded. "What else?"    


"And, and..." Hao Lee looked at Qin Zhixu in fear. She did not know what to say.    


"Ding ~"    


At this moment, Qin Zhixu suddenly sent an email. He raised his eyebrows and opened it, only to find that it was a list of evidence.    


The email described in detail what Suen Ping and Suen Lee had done in the past ten years, and there was also conclusive evidence.    


Qin Zhixu narrowed his eyes and thought for a while. He could almost guess who it was. He smiled and handed the email to Hao Lee. "Look at this. Just follow the instructions on it."    


Hao Lee took the phone in confusion. When she saw the content, she instantly gasped and wished she could faint immediately.    


"I, I..."    


Hao Lee was about to speak when Qin Zhixu raised his hand and interrupted, "If you want to say you don't know, then please be prepared to lose your daughter. I don't have the patience to waste time with you here."    


Hao Lee's face was stiff. She looked at Qin Zhixu and hesitated how much she should confess in her heart.    


Looking at her expression, Qin Zhixu did not need to guess what she was thinking. He could not help sneering, "Do you think Suen Ping can still come back?"    


"What, what do you mean?" Hao Lee suddenly looked up at Qin Zhixu and asked.    


Qin Zhixu said, "The moment he attacked Haixi, he was finished."    


Pausing, Qin Zhixu stared at Hao Lee and said, "If you and your daughter don't want to spend the rest of your life with him, then you should tell them earlier. If you don't tell them, then it will be easy. I will get someone to hand you and your daughter over with the evidence in this email. At that time, you will have to sit inside for at least three to five years."    


Hao Lee swallowed her saliva and looked at Qin Zhixu without saying anything.    


After a long time, she opened her mouth and said, "I will tell you everything..."    


Next, it was easy. Hao Lee and Suen Yao each told them what they knew. Because they were afraid of getting hurt, no one dared to lie.    


Qin Zhixu had someone record the scene and left two people here to watch them leave with the rest of the people.    




Once Qin Zhixu left, Suen Yao immediately ran out of the house and cried as she threw herself into Hao Lee's arms.    


"Yao Yao, did they do anything to you?" Hao Lee quickly pulled her daughter's hand but saw that the ten fingers on it were still intact and did not suffer any injuries.    


Suen Yao shook her head and said, "They only asked me a question and did not do anything to me."    


Hao Lee was stunned for a moment and looked in the direction Qin Zhixu left in a daze. After a while, she suddenly had tears streaming down her face.    


She had followed Suen Ping for half of her life and mistakenly thought that all the men were demons. Only now did she realize how wrong she was.    


- -    


In an old mud house, Jian Haixi was tied to a pillar. There was an obvious palm print on her face and the corner of her mouth was swollen. Traces of blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth.    


Suen Ping walked in front of Jian Haixi and grabbed her hair. He smiled evilly and said, "Jian Haixi, right? Luo Sheng, right? Playing with your grandpa is quite fun."    


Jian Haixi did not say anything. Since she had already fallen to this stage, there was no use saying anything else. She might as well save some dignity.    


Seeing that she did not speak, Suen Ping coldly snorted and punched Jian Haixi in the stomach.    


"Oh ~" Jian Haixi grunted and frowned in pain.    


"You are quite stubborn." Suen Ping patted Jian Haixi's cheek and said, "Do you think Ning Jiwei will come to save you? Let me tell you, you can give up on this idea now."    


Jian Haixi did not speak. Suen Ping was already used to it and was not angry. Instead, he smiled and said, "Do you know why Ning Jiwei did not come over? Let me tell you, even if he could come here, it would at least take three days. You should really thank God that this heavy rain caused mud to flow down the mountain. Now, the road up the mountain was completely blocked, even if Ning Jiwei used to walk or climb. It will take three days and three nights for him to get here."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She looked up at the heavy rain outside the door and a trace of despair flashed across her eyes.    


Could it be... that she can only stop here?    


"Brother Ping, this thing is amazing." A man with a buzz cut walked over, holding the weapon Dou Ge gave Jian Haixi.    


After Jian Haixi was pulled into the car by them, they searched it.    


Suen Ping glanced at the thing in his hand and asked, "Do you know how to use it?"    


The man shook his head. "I don't dare to use it. I'm afraid I'll hurt myself."    


Suen Ping nodded and said, "It's right that I don't dare to use it. It's not like I didn't give it to you. Throw this thing away. Who knows what poison it contains?"    


"Alright, Brother Ping, I'll listen to you." The man with the buzz cut smiled and threw the thing into the corner.    


Jian Haixi lowered her head and did not look or say anything.    


Her wet hair was stuck to her shoulder. When she lowered her head, her snow white neck was perfectly exposed.    


"Brother Ping..." The buzz cut man swallowed his saliva and said, "This woman is so beautiful."    


"Hehe." Suen Ping narrowed his eyes and looked at Jian Haixi. He turned his head and said earnestly to the man, "Liu Er, remember, the more beautiful a woman is, the more vicious she is."    


Liu Er...    


When Jian Haixi heard the name of the big man with the buzz cut, the tip of Jian Haixi's ear moved slightly and she suddenly raised her head.    


Liu Er was not prepared for her to suddenly raise her head. When her large eyes stared at her, she was instantly nailed to the spot.    


"You, why are you looking at me?" Liu Er became nervous and even the dialect of her hometown burst out.    


"Liu Er?"    


"Yes, my name is Liu Er." Liu Er scratched her head and asked, "Beauty, why are you asking for my name? Do you think I am good-looking?"    


Jian Haixi narrowed her eyes and asked coldly, "Who is Nanny Liu to you?"    


"Nanny Liu?" Liu Er was stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "You are talking about my mother. Why do you know her?"    


Suen Ping heard Jian Haixi's words and smiled to confirm her guess. "How is it? I did not think that you would fall into Nanny Liu's hands in the end, right?"    


Jian Haixi's face was dark and did not say anything.    


Suen Ping kindly explained, "What about me? I didn't think that your skills were quite good at the beginning. So I only let Nanny Liu lead you to the garden. I didn't expect you to run away. Fortunately, you didn't disappoint me. Nanny Liu told me that you and my sister had an argument. Later on, your people actually went to Nanny Liu's house and faced Great Grandmother. Your people could not continue fighting, so they only threatened her a few times before leaving. "    


After a pause, Suen Ping continued, "The moment he left, Nanny Liu came looking for me. Only then did he come up with a series of plans. I reckon that you and my sister will be able to fight a second time because of Nanny Liu. With my sister's temper, I'm not afraid that you won't leave. Even if you really stay there and don't leave, I have ways to make you fight a third one. Every time you think about it, there will always be a time when you leave. As long as you leave, my chance will come."    


Jian Haixi looked at Suen Ping and asked, "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"    


"The consequences?" Suen Ping smiled and said, "It's just that your man found and killed him, but the prerequisite is that he has to find me. We will leave the country early tomorrow morning. When the time comes, I want to see where he will find me at the end of the world. "    


Jian Haixi pursed her lips and did not say anything.    


Suen Ping dared to tell her all his plans. It was obvious that he did not intend to let her live.    


"Brother Ping, the meal is ready." Liu Er carried the meal over and said attentively, "Brother Ping, eat more or less. There is nothing delicious here. We can only eat the bento boxes that we brought."    


Suen Ping did not say anything and carried the food to the side to eat.    


Liu Er looked at Jian Haixi and turned around to bring a mantou for her too.    


"You should eat some too."    


Jian Haixi stared coldly at him and did not speak.    


Suen Ping smiled and said, "Liu Er, you are so protective of the fairer sex."    


Liu Er scratched her head and said, "Brother Ping, I am afraid that she will starve to death."    


"She will not starve to death in one night." Suen Ping glanced at Jian Haixi and said to Liu Er, "Hungry for her is to make her lose the strength to cause trouble."    


"Oh, okay." Liu Er nodded her head and took the steamed bun. She turned around and went back to Suen Ping's side.    


Jian Haixi lowered her head and listened to the rain outside the door, which seemed to never stop. She slowly closed her eyes.    


After suffering so much from Suen Ping, plus the rain coming up the mountain, she did not eat or drink until now. She could not take it anymore.    


Fortunately, Suen Ping still let her sleep and could finally recover some strength.    




Jian Haixi did not know what would happen tomorrow. She prayed in her heart, hoping that she could recover some of her strength tomorrow. She hoped that she would still have a chance to live tomorrow.    


Suen Ping and the others had also been struggling for the whole day, so they didn't have the strength to do anything to Jian Haixi at night.    


Because of the mud at the foot of the mountain, Suen Ping was very at ease now. He felt that Ning Jiwei wouldn't be able to rush over no matter what.    


So he only needed to bring Jian Haixi out of the country tomorrow and hand Jian Haixi over to that person.    


This way, the deal between him and that person would be completed. That was a huge sum of money, enough for him to eat and drink overseas for the rest of his life.    


As for Hao Lee and Suen Yao...    


Suen Ping did not think too much about it. As for his wife, it would be fine as long as she was gone.    


As for his daughter, he could just find an opportunity to bring her over in the future.    


In the middle of the night, Jian Haixi suddenly woke up.    


She was not woken up by hunger, nor was she frozen. Instead, she was woken up by someone touching her.    


Just as she opened her eyes, Jian Haixi saw Liu Er squatting in front of him.    


"What are you doing?" All the cells in Jian Haixi's body were frightened by Liu Er and instantly woke up.    


Liu Er was yelled at by her and quickly said, "Shh ~ Beauty, don't shout. Although Brother Ping's room is a little far from here, if you shout too loudly, he can still hear you."    


Pausing, Liu Er thought for a while and scratched her head, "But tonight I should not be able to hear it. It is all thanks to the heavy rain outside."    


As she spoke, Liu Er extended her hand towards Jian Haixi again.    


"Don't touch me!" Jian Haixi shouted sternly.    


Liu Er stared at her and swallowed her saliva, "Beauty, I have never seen such a beautiful person like you in my life. Can you please accompany me for a night?"    


"Get lost!" Jian Haixi roared but her hands and feet were tied. Even if she wanted to struggle, she could not.    


Liu Er stared greedily at Jian Haixi and her trembling hand reached out to touch Jian Haixi's face.    


"Scram!" Jian Haixi shouted.    


"Don't shout, don't be angry." Liu Er said obsessively, "Beauty, look at you. Once you get angry, it won't look good anymore."    


As he spoke, he helped Jian Haixi smooth the messy hair on her face.    


That pious look was like a worshipper facing her own goddess.    


But Jian Haixi was even more afraid.    


Intuition told her that whatever Liu Er said now was useless.    


"Alright, it's all clean." Liu Er approached Jian Haixi and took a deep breath, "It smells so good. Beauty, you smell really good."    


As she spoke, Liu Er licked her cracked lips, "Since you smell so good, you must also taste very good. Let me have a taste."    


Finishing, Liu Er pounced towards Jian Haixi.    


"Scram!" Jian Haixi steeled her heart and the moment he pounced over, she suddenly stretched her head forward and rammed towards him.    


Liu Er was unprepared and was knocked back a few steps by Jian Haixi. She covered her bleeding nose and said with a dizzy head, "Beauty, why are you so ruthless? Sure enough, it is like what Brother Ping said..."    


Before she finished speaking, Liu Er looked up and met Jian Haixi's eyes.    


That pair of eyes were as fierce and crazy as if they did not want to live and it made Liu Er stunned for a moment and did not dare to act rashly again.    


- -    


On the road to the old mountain.    


Ning Jiwei, Dou Ge, the people from the Dou Family, and the Shadow Department drove more than ten cars to the old mountain overnight.    


However, no matter how fast they were, it would still take them one night to reach the old mountain in such a bad weather.    


Ning Jiwei closed his eyes and sat in the backseat of the car. No one could tell what he was thinking.    


Dou Ge lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "I made a weapon for Haixi before, but... Since she asked me to roll it up, I don't think I can keep the weapon."    


Ning Jiwei's eyebrows moved slightly, but he did not open his eyes, nor did he reply.    


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