CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C48 I Have to Explain to You.

C48 I Have to Explain to You.

Yang Yaru came over to find Jian Haixi to discuss the start of the project. Although Sung Qin interrupted the meeting, the group meeting was still carried out smoothly.    


Yang Yaru said to Jian Haixi, "I left an office for you at RU. You can come over at any time. This will make it much more convenient for you."    


Jian Haixi was a little surprised, "Wouldn't this be too troublesome for you?"    


Yang Yaru smiled and said, "Don't worry. I have this kind of authority. Furthermore, it was actually Jian Yi who reminded me."    


" Yi? " Jian Haixi was a little surprised.    


Yang Yaru nodded and looked at Jian Haixi enviously, "Ms Haixi, I really envy you for having such an outstanding son like Jian Yi. I am more and more curious about you. You are actually able to nurture such an outstanding Jian Yi. What kind of person are you?    


Jian Haixi was somewhat embarrassed from being praised. She scratched her head and said, "You flatter me too much. I am not as good as you say."    


Yang Yaru smiled and said, "Ms Haixi, we will have a lot of cooperation in the future. I also have a lot of things to learn from you and Jian Yi!"    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "We will learn from each other."    


Jian Haixi distributed the project information to the people in the group. After the group meeting ended, it was already noon.    


Jian Haixi and Xie Nuan went to the company canteen for lunch together. She always felt that the people in the canteen looked at her strangely.    


Jian Haixi was pointed and pointed at along the way. She did not even have the mood to eat.    


She asked Xie Nuan in confusion, "Xie Nuan, did I offend them again? Why do I always feel that their gazes when looking at me are so strange?"    


Xie Nuan also noticed the gazes around her and whispered to Jian Haixi, "I also do not know what is going on. But ever since Sung Qin came, this kind of situation began to appear."    


Jian Haixi frowned as she thought about it.    


Xie Nuan thought about it and said, "Haixi, you should be on guard against Sung Qin. After all, she is Sung Lan's younger sister."    


Jian Haixi remembered that she did not hear much news about Sung Lan recently, "Do you have any news about Sung Lan recently?"    


Xie Nuan shook her head, "No. But you don't have to worry. Anyway, Director will protect you. Sung Lan won't dare to offend you."    


Jian Haixi heard her mention Ning Jiwei and was stunned for a moment. Her face was slightly red but she did not say anything. She tacitly agreed to this matter.    


Xie Nuan at the side smiled and said," It seems that your relationship with Director has progressed quite well recently. "    


"Don't speak nonsense." Jian Haixi said.    


In a dark and small room in the Sung Family's old residence, Sung Lan was lying on a simple and crude bed covered in bruises. She looked out the window blankly.    


She still could not believe that Ning Jiwei would really treat her so cruelly.    


Because she had angered Jian Haixi that day, he actually made those bodyguards use such a cruel method to make her drink medicine. In order to not let her say anything bad about Jian Haixi, he could actually be so cruel to ruin her throat.    


Sung Lan was sad and resentful, but there was nothing she could do.    


At this moment, the door opened from the outside with a creak.    


Sung Lan looked at the delicate woman standing at the door. That was her half-sister, Sung Qin.    


Sung Lan opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but because her throat was injured, she was unable to speak.    


Sung Qin stood at the door and looked at her struggling appearance, but she only smiled and did not intend to help at all.    


Before Jian Haixi got off work, she had already made the content of today's discussion into a project book and sent it to Ning Jiwei, but she did not wait for Ning Jiwei's reply.    


Jian Haixi thought for a while and sent a message to Ning Jiwei. She told him that she had already sent the proposal to him. As long as he agreed, this project could start next Monday. And they had a week's time to prepare for the double eleven event.    


After sending the message, Jian Haixi took a cup and went to make coffee. She was splashed with tea by the person she passed by.    


Jian Haixi exclaimed and looked at the stains on her skirt in a daze. This was the skirt she got at Ning Jiwei's house today, but in less than a day, this skirt was ruined.    


The tea had dirtied the skirt. It was very difficult for the dress to return to its original state.    


Jian Haixi frowned and looked at the person opposite her. She was Hao Yan from the Development Department. Jian Haixi said coldly, "I don't remember offending you in any way."    


Hao Yan did not feel guilty at all and sneered, "I simply cannot bear to see what you have done. I am just trying to uphold justice."    


Jian Haixi narrowed her eyes and asked, "What right do you have to do this?"    


Hao Yan coldly snorted and looked up and down at the branded dress on Jian Haixi's body. The jealousy in her eyes could be seen, "Jian Haixi, what are you pretending for? You know a rich man, so you can afford the branded skirt now."    


More and more people gathered around. After Hao Yan said those words, the surrounding women also looked at Jian Haixi's dress and began to whisper.    


Jian Haixi angrily looked at Hao Yan and asked, "What nonsense are you talking about? What evidence do you have to slander me here?"    


"You are using the word 'slander' to scare me?" Hao Yan twisted her waist and sneered, You can sue me! Everyone will know how disgusting you are."    


Jian Haixi was so angry that her hands were trembling as she held the cup, "Hao Yan, don't slander me here. If you have evidence, prove it to me. "    


Hao Yan laughed in disdain twice and leaned against the wall. She said to Jian Haixi, "Evidence? You are bullying us ordinary people. Sung Qin is a newcomer. As director, you are making things difficult for her."    


"Sung Qin?" When she heard this name again, Jian Haixi frowned. She also did not expect Hao Yan to talk about this matter.    


Jian Haixi coldly said, "I did not make things difficult for her."    


"Don't put on airs here. You order her to tidy up your office every day." Hao Yan mocked.    


Jian Haixi sneered. So she wanted to talk about this matter.    


The more Hao Yan spoke, the more excited she became. She pointed at Jian Haixi and said sarcastically, "How dirty can your small office be? Do you need Sung Qin to clean up the junk for you every day? Are you disabled? "    


Jian Haixi coldly said," I will say it again. I have never done such a thing. "    


Hao Yan disdainfully smiled, "Jian Haixi, you dare not admit your mistake. You are really too shameless!"    


Jian Haixi was so angry that she trembled. The surrounding people also started to point at her and discuss with her.    


"She is too shameless."    


"It is normal for subordinates to tidy up the office for the leader, but she is too harsh."    


"She even scolded Sung Qin! Sung Qin cried sadly. "    


"I thought she was a good person. In the end, not long after she took office, she did such a disgusting thing. "    


Jian Haixi bit her lips in anger and also understood that Sung Qin was the one who framed her from the beginning till the end.    


On the surface, Sung Qin was respectful to her but she spread rumors everywhere. Jian Haixi guessed that this rumor had already been spread for a long time.    


Jian Haixi was angry and speechless, "I am very grateful to Sung Qin for tidying up the office for me, although I have never asked her to do so. But I did not scold her. I did not make her cry. If you have any objections, you can let Sung Qin confront me face to face."    


" Are you joking? "    


Hao Yan laughed mockingly, "You are director. Who would dare to confront you? You are forcing Sung Qin to say something against her heart."    


Jian Haixi was speechless, there was no other way.    


It was already very difficult to clarify rumors.    


"It's time to get off work. What are you guys doing?" Xie Nuan angrily squeezed through the crowd and walked over. "If you guys really feel bored, then go and work overtime!"    


Xie Nuan pulled Jian Haixi and left.    


Those people mocked Jian Haixi a few more times before leaving.    


Jian Haixi followed Xie Nuan and left. She recovered her calm but Xie Nuan was very angry.    


"They are really boring! They always like to cause trouble!"    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly, "I am not angry anymore. Why are you still angry?"    


Xie Nuan looked at her angrily." I'm worried about you. What about your skirt? "    


Jian Haixi shook her head, "I will think of a way. If I can't wash this skirt clean, then I have no other choice."    


Xie Nuan thought of Sung Qin and angrily said, "I have already told you that there is a problem with Sung Qin. She has always caused trouble on the first day. She has spread your scandal everywhere."    


Jian Haixi shook her head and sighed, "In this special period of time, such a thing actually happened."    


Her project was in the critical period of its activation. From Hao Yan's actions today, Jian Haixi was able to know to what extent this rumor had spread to. If this rumor continued to spread, the consequences would be terrible.    


Sure enough, in the next few days, although she had deliberately avoided Sung Qin, Her scandal was spread more widely. Because she had to go out to work frequently, she went to the Maiteng and held meetings with the RU. She did not interact much with the employees, so many people thought that those rumors were true.    


Later on, this matter was almost known by the board of directors.    


Jian Haixi could only frown and sigh. Yang Yaru had already reminded Jian Haixi the first time she saw Sung Qin. At that time, although Jian Haixi also realized that Sung Qin was not a good person, she did not take precautions.    


After understanding everything, Jian Haixi was not in a hurry.    


From now on, she decided not to approach Sung Qin.    


She made her plan with Xie Nuan. Xie Nuan sighed, "At present, there seems to be only one way."    


Other than that, Jian Chenrann's life was also full of twists and turns.    


In the morning, Jian Chenrann was about to go out when he was blocked by Bai Yiyi.    


Bai Yiyi was at the entrance of the community and said, "Chenran, I have something to tell you. Let's talk properly, okay?"    


Jian Chenrann frowned. There was obvious impatience in his eyes. He put down the window and said to Bai Yiyi, "Bai Yiyi, I have nothing to say to you. Move aside. I am going to the company."    


"No!" Bai Yiyi pulled on Jian Chenrann's clothes. Her fair face was full of tears. "Chenran, how can you do this to me? Don't you know how much I love you?"    


Jian Chenrann sneered, "I know this too well. That's why I avoided you."    


" No. "    


Bai Yiyi cried out, "Don't say that. You must have been seduced by Lin Xiaodou, right?"    


"Don't let me hear you say anything disrespectful to Xiaodou again!" Jian Chenrann snapped, "Bai Yiyi, the reason why I can tolerate you and your mother for so long. Just because you didn't hurt the people around me. If the people around me are hurt because of you, I won't be polite to you anymore. "    


" No! Don't close the window, I still have something to tell you" Bai Yiyi looked at the gradually closing window and shook her head as she cried.    


Jian Chenrann ignored her and drove out of the neighborhood.    


It was currently the peak of the morning shift, and there were several cars in the neighborhood that wanted to go out. At this time, they were behind Jian Chenrann's car.    


Because of Bai Yiyi, the owner of the car behind had already pressed the horn a few times.    


Jian Chenrann impatiently closed the window and was about to turn the car around to leave when Bai Yiyi suddenly rushed out from the side.    


This time, she actually directly laid on the ground.    


"Chenran, if you don't see me today, I will always lie here." Bai Yiyi shouted.    


Jian Chenrann angrily opened the car door and walked down. He looked at Bai Yiyi who was lying on the ground and said, "If you continue to be like this, I will call the police."    


Bai Yiyi looked at him and was still somewhat afraid in her heart. But she also knew that this was the only way she could see Jian Chenrann. She moved two steps to the side and hugged Jian Chenrann's thigh tightly. She said, "Chenran, don't chase me away, okay? Even if you call the police, I won't leave. Unless you promise to have a good talk with me. "    


Jian Chenrann gritted his teeth and looked at the community security guards beside him. "Quickly come over and pull her away."    


The community security guards were just about to come over when Bai Yiyi tore off her clothes and exposed her thighs and shoulders. She shouted, "Who dares to come over? Whoever dares to touch me, I will sue him for molestation!"    


The community security guards helplessly spread out their hands towards Jian Chenrann and said, "You handle this yourself."    


The owner of the car behind Jian Chenrann impatiently stuck his head out of the window and shouted, "Are you going to let him go? Don't block the door! "    


Jian Chenrann was very embarrassed. He looked at Bai Yiyi again and could only bring her into the car.    


Bai Yiyi got into Jian Chenrann's car as she wished and immediately smiled, "Chenran!"    


"I will give you a chance." Jian Chenrann looked at her and coldly said, "I'm going to the company now. You can tell me later."    


Bai Yiyi was stunned and nodded obediently.    


When they arrived at the company, Jian Chenrann first let his assistant look after Bai Yiyi. Then he started to deal with the work.    


Jian Chenrann did not have time until noon.    


Bai Yiyi quickly carried a cup of coffee and walked forward with a smile, "Chenran."    


When the assistant heard her call, he immediately left the office.    


Jian Chenrann looked at her. "If you use that voice again, I will get someone to throw you out."    


Bai Yiyi was stunned for a moment and smiled. She held the coffee around the desk and handed it to Jian Chenrann. She touched Jian Chenrann's chest and said in a low voice, "Chenran, don't do this to me."    


"Go away!"    


Jian Chenrann waved his hand impatiently. The coffee and Bai Yiyi were thrown out by him.    


However, his shirt was also dirty by the coffee stains.    




Jian Chenrann looked at her coldly and said, "Are you trying to say this to me?"    


"It's not like that." Bai Yiyi saw that Jian Chenrann was really angry and was a little afraid.    


"You don't have to say anymore." Jian Chenrann did not look at her. He dialed the number of his assistant and said, "Get two bodyguards to come up and drag this woman out. If she comes to the company again, you can call the police."    




"Chenran, don't be like this! " Bai Yiyi panicked and wanted to speak, but the bodyguard had already pulled her out.    


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