CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C22 A Box of Chocolate

C22 A Box of Chocolate

Jian Haixi's mood did not ease up even when she returned home. The two children knew that she was in a bad mood, so they stayed by her side. Jian Rui hugged her and coaxed, "Mommy, don't be sad. I can kiss you."    


Jian Haixi hugged Jian Rui and forcefully pulled the corner of her mouth.    


Jian Yi thought about it and took out a way to contact her. "Mommy, this is the contact number of a friend I know. She works in an e-commerce company called Ru. I've already made an appointment for you to meet tomorrow. You can talk to her about your proposal. "    


Jian Haixi took the business card in surprise. She looked at Jian Yi and asked, "Yi, how do you have these connections?"    


Jian Yi touched his nose and said coldly, "Mommy, don't always think of me as a child. I have grown up."    


Jian Haixi looked at him with a complicated expression.    


Jian Yi looked at her eyes and immediately frowned, saying, "I will grow taller very soon."    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly, "You are a big boy. I am proud of you!"    


"By the way, Mommy, remember to say that I am your younger brother when you go tomorrow."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. "Why?"    


Jian Yi coughed a little embarrassedly and said, "Don't ask. Just do as you are told."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi smiled helplessly and nodded.    


Jian Rui at the side giggled and said, "Big Brother is the best! I am also proud of Big Brother!"    


"You are everywhere!" Jian Haixi smiled and poked her forehead.    


The little girl pouted and said, "I'm telling the truth. Brother got first place in the entire grade in this exam. The teachers all like him!"    


Jian Haixi was stunned. "Test? When did the test come? Why didn't I know? The two of you are not telling me about the exam now."    


Jian Rui immediately covered her mouth when she heard that and shook her head, "There is no exam."    


Jian Haixi blinked and looked at her. Jian Yi rolled his eyes and said, "I did not slip up this time."    


"What exactly happened?" Jian Haixi looked at Jian Rui.    


Jian Rui lowered her head in depression and honestly explained the "crime."    


It turned out that their school had indeed taken the exam, but unlike her brother's best grades in the school, Jian Rui's grades were also very interesting. She was the last in the exam and had two titles of first in the exam and Jian Yi respectively.    


Jian Haixi was somewhat unable to believe it, "Rui, I remember that your results were not bad."    




Jian Rui stammered and said, "On the day of the exam, I sneaked to the back mountain of the school with a little kid to catch sparrows... That's why I told brother not to tell you."    


Jian Haixi did not know whether to laugh or cry. She originally wanted to hide it, but in the end she exposed herself.    


Jian Rui was about to cry and said pitifully, "Mommy, don't be angry. I promise that I will never catch sparrows again."    


"Really?" Jian Haixi pretended to be serious and asked.    


"Really." Jian Rui quickly nodded her head and pouted. "Actually, it's not that I want to go. It's all Gu Ruanruan's fault. He told me that the sparrows at the back of the mountain are very beautiful and insisted on dragging me there. In the end, I scored 0 points in the exam and didn't catch any sparrows... "    


As she spoke, Jian Rui sniffled and said with grievance," I will never play with Gu Ruanruan again! "    


The more she spoke, the more aggrieved she became. In the end, Jian Rui simply curled her lips and ran away while crying.    


Jian Haixi sighed and turned to ask Jian Yi, "Who is Gu Ruanruan?"    


"Rui's deskmate." As if recalling Gu Ruanruan's solicitous attitude towards his sister, Jian Yi frowned and said, "A very talkative little fatty. His name is Gu Xiaomian, not Gu Ruanruan. That was the nickname Rui gave him. "    


Jian Haixi held her forehead and sighed. Why were her two children on two extremes?    


She really wanted to cry.    


Just as she was smiling bitterly, Jian Haixi's phone rang. It was a message from the school teacher, asking her to go to school tomorrow after school.    


Jian Haixi sighed and said, "Even if you guys want to hide it from me, the teacher will still find me."    


Jian Yi also saw the message. He twitched his mouth and said, "Mommy, the reason why the teacher wants to see you is definitely not because of me."    


Jian Haixi was speechless again.    


The next day, Jian Haixi sent the two children to the school gate and repeatedly asked them to guarantee to her, "Rui, you cannot skip class. Yi, you have to keep an eye on your younger sister, okay?"    


"I know, Mommy." Jian Yi and Jian Rui said at the same time.    


Jian Haixi was actually quite relieved about the two children. She knew that as long as it was something she had instructed them to do, the two of them would usually do it. So after seeing Jian Yi and Jian Rui holding hands and entering the school, Jian Haixi also quickly returned to the company.    


Vice President Lin Dong heard that she was going to Ru and could not help looking at her in surprise, "Ru is not that easy to enter. Are you confident?"    


Jian Haixi nodded and said, "I will need to go personally to know the specifics. Vice President, can I borrow Xie Nuan for a while? I want her to accompany me."    


"Of course. Not to mention Xie Nuan, as long as you can get this business, I can also go with you." Lin Dong said with a smile.    


Jian Haixi brought Xie Nuan to the Ru. Because they had made an appointment, they met the friend Jian Yi mentioned as soon as they arrived.    


Jian Haixi looked at the person in front of her and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch. Yesterday, her son clearly said that person was a small employee, but this person was clearly the product Development Department's director.    


The RU's director was called Yang Yaru. Her skin was white and beautiful and she had a noble temperament. Even with Jian Yi's relationship, Jian Haixi could still feel the high and cold aura coming from her body. Her and her son's temperament were quite similar.    


Yang Yaru shook hands with Jian Haixi and said bluntly, "I only agreed to meet you because you are Jian Yi's elder sister. I really like Yi. This meeting was also to give face to Yi. It could be considered as a small gift to him."    


"Yi..." Jian Haixi was still shocked by the way" Yi "was addressed. She heard Yang Yaru say," But when we meet, it is one thing. If your plan is not good, it is not reasonable. I will not agree either."    


Jian Haixi touched the sweat on her head and nodded in agreement.    


She kept reminding her in her heart not to fuss about it.    


When Xie Nuan heard these words, she almost laughed out loud. She hurriedly pretended to drink coffee and blocked the wild laughter at the corner of her mouth.    


After a simple round of small talk, Jian Haixi hurriedly handed over her plan.    


Yang Yaru roughly flipped it over and then looked up at Jian Haixi and said, "Our company can receive dozens of plans like yours a day. They are all handed over by famous real estate companies. If that is all, then I can only apologize to you."    


Jian Haixi was not flustered. She calmly took out the investigation and sorting documents that she had prepared, as well as the name and reputation of the Maiteng, and explained them in detail one by one.    


Yang Yaru did not interrupt her at the first moment, nor did she say that the plan was not good. She only questioned, "There are so many big companies and so many good plans. Why did I choose you? After all, in my opinion, you lack status and experience."    


Jian Haixi said, "I just returned to the country and indeed do not have any status in the country. I am just an employee who just joined the company. But I did similar projects overseas, but that was to open up the China market. This time, I did it to open up the international market. I have done a lot of research and research, and I have also considered these things over and over again. I'm confident that I can do it well."    


Yang Yaru did not speak and Jian Haixi continued, "I do not need you to make a decision immediately. I only hope that you can find time to look at my proposal and information in your busy schedule. I believe that you will have a different opinion."    


Yang Yaru pinched the thickness of the leather bag and looked at Jian Haixi with raised eyebrows, "Just this proposal is worth you to do so much information?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Preparations must be done well."    


Xie Nuan at the side said, "Director Yang, Hai Yue has worked hard because this plan was prepared for a few days and in the end, it was almost snatched away."    




Jian Haixi quickly pulled her along. This kind of thing was needless to say in front of outsiders. After all, they represented the image of Maiteng.    


Yang Yaru was not surprised. She nodded and said, "It's normal. This kind of situation occurs in every company. I will look at your information. I will give you an answer later. I will not send you out if I have other matters to attend to."    


She got up and was about to leave when Jian Haixi hurriedly said, "I will help you send the information over. They are quite heavy."    


Yang Yaru looked at her in surprise and shook her head. "No need. It is not like I cannot take it away."    


Jian Haixi was stunned and Yang Yaru continued, "If your plan is good enough, our cooperation will only benefit each other. Between you and me, there is no need to flatter each other. If your proposal is not good, I will not side with you just because you helped me deliver the information."    


Jian Haixi heaved a sigh of relief and sighed in her heart that Yang Yaru was really righteous. They had been to many companies these few days but they had seen all kinds of people. Suddenly meeting a very righteous person, it was them who were not used to it.    


"I also want to ask a personal question. I hope that it will not be rude."    


Jian Haixi hesitated and asked, "How did you and Jian Yi know each other?"    


Yang Yaru did not hide anything. After all, Jian Haixi was Jian Yi's sister. She did not want to offend either. "We met in the chatroom of the business management course on the Internet. Yi is very powerful. He always gives me professional suggestions."    


"Ah... If that's the case..."    


Jian Haixi was dumbstruck and Xie Nuan who was standing by the side had a hard time holding back her laughter.    


After Yang Yaru left, Xie Nuan came up and gulped down a mouthful of water, "If I did not guess wrong, Jian Yi's information in the chat room is definitely not six years old, right?"    


"I also do not know." Jian Haixi smiled bitterly.    


Xie Nuan looked at Yang Yaru's back and pouted. "I think Miss Yang has a crush on Jian Yi! Jian Yi was indeed very charming. Even someone as old as him was conquered by him! "    


Jian Haixi did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Don't say anymore. I am a little lacking in oxygen."    


Both children made her worry. Jian Haixi felt that her heart was very tired.    


When she returned to the company, Jian Haixi sent an email to Ning Jiwei to report the progress of the plan. After sending it, she still felt that her heart was quite strange and could not help but complain about today's matter to Lin Xiaodou on WeChat.    


In the end, she received Lin Xiaodou's heartless laughter.    


Jian Haixi was so angry that she called to complain.    


"Lin Xiaodou, are you still my friend? I'm so depressed, but you're still laughing?"    


Lin Xiaodou obviously had not stopped laughing. She was also laughing when she answered the phone.    


"What is there to be depressed about? Jian Yi's actions were really too fierce! If Miss Yang finds out the truth in the future, I don't know what kind of expression she will have. Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it! "    


" Don't look forward to it. Just thinking about it makes me break out in cold sweat. It's too scary. " Jian Haixi smiled bitterly.    


Lin Xiaodou smiled and said, "What's there to be afraid of? Hai Yue, I really admire you. You have taught the two children so successfully. You see, not only is Yi very charming, but he is also very charming. Rui is so young and already has someone who likes her. She has quite the style of you back then!"    


Jian Haixi went crazy. She felt that if she continued to talk to Lin Xiaodou, she would not be able to hold back her anger, so she angrily hung up the phone.    


After that... Not long after, she saw Lin Xiaodou post on her WeChat Moments: My godson is a Goddess Reaper, and my goddaughter is a Prince Charming Reaper. Is there any other six year old child more powerful than these two?    


Immediately, there were comments below: Looks like you are going to be a mother-in-law this year!    


Lin Xiaodou replied with a series of laughs.    


Jian Haixi also posted on her WeChat Moments - What if the child is in a relationship at a young age? Anxiety, wait online!    


Not long after, there were also many people who commented on her, but it was probably a problem.    


"Hai Yue, I remember that your child is not even six years old, right? They're in a relationship so early?"    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly. When she thought of the children's problems, she felt depressed in her heart.    


At this time, Ning Jiwei replied to the email. The content was very simple. It was to praise her for doing well. He knew that RU was the top in the domestic e-commerce industry.    


Finally getting a little praise, Jian Haixi's mood finally did not become so depressed.    


After work, Jian Haixi went to the school to pick up the children and went to see the teachers.    


The teacher brought Jian Haixi to the office and sighed and asked, "Miss Jian, I am also quite curious about how you raised the children. Why are the two children clearly twins, but their personalities are so different? One is so outstanding, the other is so..."    


The teacher did not finish her sentence, but her expression had already tactfully expressed her unfinished words. Jian Haixi helplessly said, "Sorry teacher, Rui's character is more lively. I have already told her about this matter. In the future, I will also let her brother look favorably on her."    


"This matter is not a big deal."    


The teacher waved his hand and said, "It is not a big deal that Jian Rui has a lively personality. She is just a child. It is quite good. I just feel that I should remind you. When facing two children of the same age, your parents must be fair when educating them. Don't be biased, otherwise it will cause severe psychological trauma to one of them. Although Jian Yi and Jian Rui did not have this problem at the moment, it could be seen that you usually treat them well. It's just that I think it's necessary to tell you. This is also my duty as a teacher."    


When Jian Haixi heard this, she said solemnly, "I understand. I will also pay attention to it in the future. Thank you."    


After seeing the teacher, Jian Haixi brought the two children home and met a boy of the same size at the school gate.    


Before Jian Haixi could react, she saw the child put a box of chocolates into Jian Rui's arms.    


Jian Yi quickly pulled Jian Rui over and vigilantly stared at the little fatty in front of her who wore a suit and tie and told Jian Haixi at the same time.    


"Mommy, he is Gu Xiaomian, the Gu Xiaomian who brought Rui to the back mountain to catch sparrows."    


Jian Haixi was a bit confused about the situation in front of her.    


"Gu Ruanruan!" Jian Rui angrily stuck her head out from behind Jian Yi and shouted.    


"Rui, I already said that I am not Gu Ruanruan."    


When Gu Xiaomian heard Jian Rui call him Gu Ruanruan, his eyes widened and he patted his chest and said, "I am really hard!"    


Jian Haixi was speechless. These words sounded very ambiguous.    


Also, she looked at the little fatty's actions and was really afraid that he would slap himself in pain.    


But just as this idea popped up in her mind, she heard Gu Xiaomian cough. He even coughed as he said, "Rui, I'm called Gu Xiaomian. Why can't you remember?"    


Jian Rui coldly snorted and raised her chin to look at him. "Are you saying that I'm stupid?"    


"No, no." Gu Xiaomian hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head. "Why would I say that you're stupid? Rui, you are so smart. You are much smarter than me."    


Jian Rui expressed her disdain, but the corner of her mouth raised.    


Jian Haixi looked at the three children and felt that it was time for her to speak, but Gu Xiaomian did not wait for her to ask and took the initiative to admit his mistake.    


"Hello Auntie. My name is Gu Xiaomian. I am Rui's deskmate. Sorry, I was the one who told Rui that the sparrows in the back mountain are very easy to play with, but we did not catch them that day."    


The corner of Jian Haixi's mouth twitched. Child, did you skip the question?    


Jian Yi rolled his eyes at him. He really could not stand it anymore. "Fatty, get to the point."    


" Oh. "    


Gu Xiaomian reacted. He scratched his head and said to Jian Haixi, "Well, Auntie, let's continue talking..."    


The corner of Jian Haixi's mouth twitched again. I did not want to hear you continue!    


However, Gu Xiaomian still said, "Sorry Auntie, I caused Rui to score 0 points. But don't worry. One person takes responsibility for what he did. I will definitely compensate for the mistakes I made. I will definitely be responsible for Rui in the future! "    


Jian Haixi asked, "You are responsible for Rui?"    


"Yes!" Gu Xiaomian nodded and promised, "In the future, I will give Rui chocolate every day until Rui does not score 0 points next time."    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly, "You are too honest."    


"Thank you for your compliment. This is what I should do." Gu Xiaomian scratched his head again and said.    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly.    


Jian Yi did not speak so tactfully. He directly rolled his eyes at him and said, "Are you going to feed my sister like a pig?"    


Jian Rui was unhappy when she heard this. "Brother, I like eating chocolate. I will not become a pig!"    


The words of the three children made Jian Haixi speechless. She felt that she could not handle it.    


At this moment, a stretched Lincoln on the roadside honked. Gu Xiaomian said to Jian Haixi, "Auntie, my family is calling me. Bye, Auntie."    


"Bye." Jian Haixi said goodbye with mixed feelings. She turned around and saw him running to her daughter. He took advantage of Jian Yi not noticing and hugged Jian Rui.    


"Rui, don't worry. I will bring you chocolate tomorrow. My name is Gu Xiaomian. Remember it."    


Before Jian Rui could react, Jian Yi was so angry that he raised his fist to punch Gu Xiaomian. Luckily Jian Haixi stopped him in time.    


Before Gu Xiaomian left, he bowed to Jian Haixi again and said, "Auntie, don't worry. I will take good care of Rui in the future."    


Jian Haixi heard that these words were getting more and more wrong. She quickly waved her hand and said, "No, it is not like that..."    


Before she finished speaking, she saw Gu Xiaomian run away eagerly.    


Jian Haixi let out a long sigh and felt that she still had to start with her daughter. But when she turned around, she saw that Jian Rui had already plucked a chocolate and put it into her mouth.    


Seeing her look over, she smiled and stretched out her hand to give her a piece. "Mommy, do you want to eat it? The chocolate is very sweet!"    


Jian Haixi was speechless and shook her head weakly. "Forget it. I won't eat it. You can keep it for yourself."    


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