CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C438 The Straight Steel Man Ning Jiwei

C438 The Straight Steel Man Ning Jiwei

When Soong Wei and Soong Lu left the house, Tong Si finally stood in front of Ning Jiwei.    


The Ning Jiwei in front of her was full of male charm as usual, making Tong Si's heart beat faster with just a glance.    


This kind of charm was something that Soong Wei could not imitate no matter how hard he tried.    


Tong Si took a deep breath, straightened her waist, and revealed her most perfect curve and smile without leaving a trace. She said softly, "CEO Ning, we finally meet again."    


Compared to Tong Si's excitement, Ning Jiwei's heart was not affected at all. He only glanced at Tong Si lightly and then looked away.    


That instant of sizing up did not contain any other emotions. It was as if he was just confirming that this person was not Tong Si.    


"Miss Tong, please take a seat. "Yes, ___ said.    


Tong Si's stance stiffened for a moment. She almost subconsciously lowered her head to look at herself.    


Was there anything wrong with her dressing? Clothes, makeup, posture... They were all so perfect, why couldn't Ning Jiwei even attract a single gaze?    


Gu Chenyi, who was sitting at the side, looked at Tong Si's sluggish appearance and a mocking smile appeared on his lips.    


As a good friend, he knew Ning Jiwei very well.    


To this man, other than Jian Haixi, there was only a physical difference between him and other women in the world.    


Ning Jiwei saw that Tong Si did not sit down and asked with raised eyebrows, "Miss Tong likes to stand so much? Why don't I get someone to remove the chair so that you can stand more conveniently?"    


"Pffft ~" Hearing Ning Jiwei's serious nonsense, Gu Chenyi could not help but burst out laughing.    


Tong Si's face turned ugly for a moment, but she quickly recovered. She smiled and said to Ning Jiwei, "No, thank you, CEO Ning. I'm just a little nervous."    


As she said that, Tong Si quickly sat down on the chair. She was afraid that if she sat down two seconds later, Ning Jiwei would really ask someone to move the chair away.    


After Tong Si sat down, Ning Jiwei did not say anything and directly said, "Since Miss Tong is so anxious to see me, then she must have some plans in her heart. I wonder how much Miss Tong knows about Soong Wei and what kind of help can she provide us with?"    


Tong Si was stunned. She did not expect Ning Jiwei to start talking about proper business so quickly.    


She also prepared some opening remarks in her heart, such as "long time no see. I heard you were injured. Have you been better recently?" and "Thank you for saving me so many times. I always wanted to thank you in person."    


However, Ning Jiwei did not give her the chance to say these opening remarks at all.    


Gu Chenyi crossed his legs and sat on the reclining chair. He was enjoying the wine in the cup and watching the show in a very good mood.    


When he was scolded by Ning Jiwei in the past, he only felt angry and depressed. Now, when he stood in the position of watching the show, he realized that watching Ning Jiwei scold someone was actually such a delightful thing.    


Tong Si was still in the depression of not being able to talk to Ning Jiwei when she heard Ning Jiwei coldly say, "Why didn't Miss Tong answer my question? Could it be that Miss Tong did not even think of how to cooperate with us before coming to see me? Was it all just to trick us into saving you?"    


Tong Si was stunned for a moment and quickly shook her head. "It's not like that. Ji Wei, don't misunderstand me. I really want to cooperate with you."    


In a moment of desperation, she did not even call out "CEO Ning."    


Ning Jiwei coldly snorted and said, "Since you are sincerely working with me, then please show your attitude. Otherwise, I really can't trust you with empty words."    


Tong Si bit her lips and was silent.    


At this time, she finally reacted. The Ning Jiwei in front of her was really not attracted by her charm.    


He really only measured her value from a business partnership point of view. If she could not come up with a cooperation plan at this time, Ning Jiwei would probably ask her to leave immediately.    


Thinking of this, Tong Si's hands, which were folded on her knees, could not help but tighten together. She gritted her teeth and said, "I am not saying empty words. I... I have evidence in my hands."    


" Oh?"    


Only after hearing this did Ning Jiwei finally have a trace of interest.    


He turned his head to look at Tong Si and asked with a slight smile, "I don't know what the evidence Miss Tong mentioned is. If it's just the things you sent in the mailbox previously, the value is not too high."    


"Not those." Tong Si looked up at Ning Jiwei and said, "It is other evidence."    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything and just quietly waited for her to continue.    


Tong Si took a deep breath and said, "I have always been on guard against Soong Wei. Every time I am with him, I will try to record some of his evidence as much as possible. I will use it to protect myself at critical moments. Up until now, I have the records of Soong Wei and those people's conversations and conversations. There are videos of him getting a room with another woman, and..."    


Tong Si paused for a moment and looked at Ning Jiwei before continuing, "There is also the records of Soong Wei and Mo Sheng's conversation."    


" Oh?"    


Ning Jiwei and Gu Chenyi were both surprised.    


Gu Chenyi looked at Tong Si and his eyes changed again and again. The corner of his mouth slightly twitched as he said, "Miss Tong is indeed powerful. I reckon Soong Wei would never have thought that you would have such a trump card even if he was beaten to death."    


Tong Si sneered and said, "Since the first time Soong Wei attacked me, I have wished for him to die."    


"Tsk tsk." Gu Chenyi took a sip of red wine and shook his head, "It is indeed the most poisonous woman's heart."    


"You said I am insidious and vicious?"    


Tong Si coldly snorted and said, "I was forced by Soong Wei to do this. If he had even a little bit of humanity, I would not have done this."    


At the end of her words, Tong Si's voice could not help but contain some sobs and hatred.    


She would never forget the humiliation that Soong Wei had brought her. So on the surface, she pretended to be obedient, but on the inside, she had never stopped gathering evidence in order to personally send Soong Wei to hell one day.    


Gu Chenyi looked at Tong Si, and after a long while, he sighed and said, "Regarding Miss Tong's experience, I am very sorry. I also did not say that you were vicious and treacherous towards Soong Wei. He treated you like this, so it is reasonable for you to do what he did."    


Tong Si pursed her lips and ignored Gu Chenyi's words. She turned to look at Ning Jiwei.    


She did not mind Gu Chenyi's attitude, but she wanted to know what Ning Jiwei would think of her.    


Did he think she was vicious, or did he think she was dirty?    


Just when Tong Si thought Ning Jiwei would say something, she did not expect him to only coldly ask, "Where did Miss Tong put the evidence?"    


Tong Si was stunned and did not react to Ning Jiwei's words for a moment.    


He actually did not care about her past?    


Seeing Tong Si suffering a heavy blow, Gu Chenyi could not bear it anymore.    


He turned his head to look at Ning Jiwei and said, "Ji Wei, you are too cold. Didn't you see Miss Tong waiting for you to comfort her? You should at least say something."    


Ning Jiwei gave Gu Chenyi a cold glance and said, "Go and comfort her. I am only here to talk about proper business. If you don't want to talk about proper business and want to talk about other things, then please leave. "    


Gu Chenyi clicked his tongue and said, "How cold. I don't know how our Haixi can bear you."    


" Humph. " Ning Jiwei snorted and said, "You don't need to know. You will never know."    


Jian Haixi belonged to him. How she treated him and how he treated her was their business. Even Gu Chenyi did not want to share it with him.    


Gu Chenyi rolled his eyes speechlessly. "I think you are not even a jealous person. You are simply a jealous person. Forget it. I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You guys can chat. I am leaving. "    


Since he clearly knew Tong Si's purpose of coming here was to see Ning Jiwei, there was no need for him to be the shining light bulb here.    


Anyway, this villa was full of people in the open and in the dark. He was not afraid that Tong Si would bully Ning Jiwei.    


Tong Si had been thinking about how to get Gu Chenyi away. Now that she saw him take the initiative to leave, she could not help but feel happy.    


Gu Chenyi did not miss the obvious joy in her eyes. He sneered in his heart and did not say anything.    


After Gu Chenyi left, she waited for him to leave. Ji Wei, you... You are leaning against me for some time. Will you feel uncomfortable? Let me help you change your position."    


As she said this, Tong Si was about to walk to Ning Jiwei's bedside.    


As long as she pretended to trip accidentally and "coincidentally" fell into Ning Jiwei's arms, and "coincidentally" pressed on her belt, then what happened next would be logical.    


She did not believe that Ning Jiwei would not react at all when he saw her attractive parts.    


However, Tong Si's fantasy quickly fell through, because Ning Jiwei did not give her the chance to get close at all.    


After Tong Si had just asked, Ning Jiwei propped up the bed with one hand and sat up straight. He said coldly, "I don't need your help. I can sit by myself."    


Tong Si was speechless. Didn't Ning Jiwei have injuries on his arms and legs? Why was he so strong with one hand?    


Without an excuse, Tong Si could only stand there awkwardly.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Tong Si and said coldly, "Miss Tong has not answered my question yet."    


"Ah?" Tong Si was stunned. What question? Did Ning Jiwei ask her a question just now?    


Seeing Tong Si so absent-minded, Ning Jiwei finally became somewhat impatient.    


He could tolerate Tong Si standing here for so long because he wanted to get some useful information from her. But after Tong Si came in, she did not just stand there in a daze, but also said some random things. This made his patience quickly run out.    


Tong Si saw Ning Jiwei's annoyed expression and her heart skipped a beat. She finally remembered what the problem Ning Jiwei was talking about.    


Ning Jiwei just asked her where the evidence was.    


She had only been interrupted by Gu Chenyi, and she had been thinking about how to seduce Ning Jiwei. That was why she did not take it to heart.    


Thinking about this, Tong Si quickly said, "I have taken good care of the evidence. Ji Wei, don't worry. As long as you are willing to help me and Tong Family, I will give you the evidence with both hands. Not only that, you can make me do anything you want. "    


Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes and looked at Tong Si. The corner of his mouth revealed a trace of ridicule," I'm afraid Miss Tong has misunderstood. When did I say that I am going to help your Tong Family? "    


Tong Si was stunned for a moment and looked up at Ning Jiwei in surprise, "Ji Wei, what do you mean by this?"    


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