CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C209 Janira Is Missing

C209 Janira Is Missing

When they thought about it, they were all shocked.    


"Could it be that we thought too much?" Mo Tong hesitated and said, "Uncle Luo might still follow the route we thought before. It's just that we haven't found him yet."    


Qin Zhixu looked at him and sighed. "It has been so long, do you think we can still think that way?"    


Mo Tong did not say anything. He also knew that the situation might be in a bad direction, but...    


"But if that's really the case, we have to send someone to find it." Dou Ming frowned and said, "It's not possible to search from such a long distance."    


"But what we lack the most is manpower." Qin Zhixu spread out his hands and said, "Now Haixi only has Dou Ge on her side. It is obvious that they cannot leave. We have more people on our side, but there are also many injured and children. "    


Jian Yi looked at Dou Ming and said, "You go with Luo Er."    


Dou Ming was stunned. "Then what do you guys do?"    


Qin Zhixu also did not agree and said, "Yi, I know you want to find Luo Meng very badly, but you have to consider the actual situation."    


There was only one person here who could fight, Dou Ming, even though there were more than ten people from the Dou Family protecting him. However, if Dou Ming wanted to find Luo Meng, he would have to send someone over as well. At that time, there would only be a three-legged Qin Zhixu left. The only person he needed to protect was Jian Yi, who was in a wheelchair. There was also Zhang Haoyang, who was paralyzed in bed.    


If this courtyard was exposed, they would be finished.    


Jian Yi lowered his head and said nothing.    


Qin Zhixu was a little irritated, "Do you think the Suen Family won't be able to find a single person? I can't help them find their whereabouts, but I have to rescue them myself."    


Jian Yi frowned, "Don't say that."    


"Then what should we say?" Qin Zhixu said angrily, "I know you two have a deep relationship with Luo Er and Luo Meng. But Yi, from Iceland to here, you have done a lot of things for the Suen Family, right? Don't think that I don't know about it. When we were in Iceland, You are the one in charge of the defense system of the Spring of Ice Hospital. Now, Haixi is still risking her life to live in the Suen Family. Rui doesn't even have a reliable adult to take care of her. Do you know that something might happen to the mother and daughter at any time? "    


Jian Yi did not speak, and Dou Ming also lowered his head.    


Qin Zhixu continued, "Now you want to push yourself into the pit again. Originally, we were already very passive after receiving Zhang Haoyang. Dou Ming will take his men and leave. What should we do? If I had Dou Ge and Dou Ming's skills, I would dare to let them leave even without you telling me. But I don't have the key. I don't have the confidence to protect all of you if anything happens. If something happens, how am I going to explain it to your parents? "    


At the end of his words, Qin Zhixu was so anxious that his eyes turned red.    


It was not that he was afraid of death. From the moment he decided to find out the truth about Qin Tian's death, he had already put his life on the line.    


But now, it concerned not only his personal safety.    


Although Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi hadn't told him about it, Qin Zhixu knew that the two of them had given Jian Yi and Mo Tong to him.    


If something were to happen here, he wouldn't be able to compensate them even if he died a hundred times.    


Seeing Qin Zhixu walk out in frustration, Mo Tong looked at Jian Yi hesitantly and said, "Yi... Why don't you ask Uncle Ning?"    


Jian Yi pursed his lips. If he asked Ning Jiwei, Ning Jiwei would definitely think of a way to send people over.    


But wouldn't Mo Family be in danger?    


If Ning Jiwei could send someone over, he would have sent someone on his first day here. He wouldn't have repeatedly confirmed whether the people of the Dou Family were enough for him.    


The discussion was fruitless. Dou Ming thought of Luo Er and was in a dilemma.    


Jian Yi said, "Dou Ming, tell Luo Er about the current situation first. I will think of a way."    


Dou Ming was stunned and nodded. "Okay."    


In the villa in the suburbs.    


Luo Er was playing with Jian Rui when she suddenly received news from Dou Ming. She knew that there was basically Luo Meng's whereabouts and immediately called him excitedly.    


"Dou Ming, did you find any clues?"    


Dou Ming hesitated and said, "Yes... I have a direction."    


"What direction? Quickly tell me." Luo Er urged.    


Jian Rui sat beside her and quietly supported her cheeks as she stared at her on the phone.    


Dou Ming was silent for a long time before he said with difficulty, "We speculate that since Uncle Luo did not have any news for such a long time, it is very likely that the direction we are looking for is wrong. He might not be able to go so smoothly..."    


Luo Er was stunned when she heard Dou Ming's words. She was two seconds late before she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She said, "Continue."    


Dou Ming said, "Under such circumstances, it is impossible to rely on remote control to find clues about Uncle Luo and bring him back. We must go and find him ourselves. This way, we can guarantee that we can save him as soon as possible without alerting the enemy."    


After a pause, Dou Ming added, "We originally wanted to go with you."    


After Luo Er heard that, she did not hesitate to say," Okay, let's go. When are we leaving? I will go and pack my things now."    


Dou Ming was silent for a moment and said tactfully, "Luo Er, we do not have enough people here..."    


Luo Er paused and sat back down. "Then what should we do now?"    


"I don't know." Dou Ming said, "Jian Yi is thinking of a way."    


"No..." Luo Er licked her dry lips and turned to look at Jian Rui, who was staring at her. She took her phone back to her room and continued, "Can't you look for Ning Jiwei?"    


Luo Er regretted when she said that. Dou Ming opposite her was silent for a long time before he said, "Luo Er, if Ning Jiwei has a way, there will not only be me and Dou Family here."    


Luo Er lowered her head in shame, "I know, sorry."    


Dou Ming heard the disappointment in Luo Er's voice and could not help but comfort her, "Don't worry. Maybe Jian Yi can think of a way."    


"Okay." Luo Er nodded and said, "Then remember to send me the address you found."    


After hanging up the phone, Luo Er looked at the email that Dou Ming sent her and the place marked with red. She bit her lips and quickly packed up a few clothes and her computer.    


Before Luo Er finished packing, the door was suddenly kicked open by a violent force. Dou Ge walked in and coldly stared at Luo Er and asked, "Where do you want to go?"    


Luo Er pursed her lips and said, "It's none of your business."    


"Huh." Dou Ge sneered and turned around to close the door. He took two steps forward and unceremoniously poured out all of Luo Er's things.    


"What are you doing?" Luo Er said angrily, "Dou Ge, don't think you can do whatever you want because I can't beat you."    


"I do whatever I want?" Dou Ge sneered, "That's better than the people of Suen Family. At least I won't take other people's lives lightly."    


"What do you mean?" Luo Er was extremely angry, "Dou Ge, you better make it clear to me today. Otherwise, I won't let you off!"    


"What do I mean?" Dou Ge took a step closer and looked at Luo Er with disdain and asked, "Let me ask you, you plan to leave, right?"    


"So what if I am?" Luo Er said angrily, "Is it wrong for me to want to save my father when he is in danger?"    


"That's right." Dou Ge sneered, "Then what do you plan to do with Rui?"    


"Rui..." Luo Er was stunned for a moment and frowned but did not reply.    


Dou Ge said, "Did you tell Haixi to come back to take care of her daughter?"    


"No, no," Luo Er said. "Ms Haixi is still helping my mother take care of Suen Ping."    


As she finished speaking, Luo Er realized how big of a mistake she had made.    


Dou Ge did not show any mercy and said, "So you want me to take care of Rui? Even though Rui was young, she was already a girl of six or seven years old. I can still take care of her when she is eating, when she is sleeping, when she is taking a shower and changing her clothes. How do you want me to solve this? Even if I can solve it, how can I take care of Haixi's side when I take care of Rui? "    


" I... "Luo Er was scolded until she had nothing to say.    


Dou Ge did not let her go and threw out moral problems one after another. "You owe Jian Yi a favor, so Haixi's family will always agree to your family's requests. Even though Haixi knew that her life would be in danger if she lived in your family, she still stayed behind. Jian Yi's body had not recovered yet, but he only needed time every day. He would use it all to find Luo Meng's whereabouts. Ning Jiwei was in the vortex of the Mo Family, and he was like a clay Buddha crossing the river. He needed help to organize the Clothing Design Contest, but even so, He still helped the company of the Suen Family."    


After a pause, Dou Ge said coldly," Luo Er, you have to have a conscience. You saved Jian Yi's life, but Haixi and her family are also paying you back with their lives. I think that no matter how big of a favor I owe you, it should be over by now. "    


"I, I didn't think..." Luo Er opened her mouth and wanted to explain, but her voice was choked with sobs.    


Dou Ge said, "You did not want Haixi and the others to repay you with their lives, but your request made them unable to refuse and could only do so. Did you think that once you left with Dou Ming, there would be no one to take care of Jian Rui here? Jian Yi of Xiang City also became a target. There were two children and one paralyzed patient there, and that Zhang Haoyang always needed someone to go out and buy medicine for him. If their whereabouts were exposed, did you consider their safety? Do you think you can protect so many people with just Qin Zhixu? "    


Luo Er took two steps back and fell onto the bed. She covered her face and cried, "Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. I... I didn't think so much, I'm sorry... "    


Seeing Luo Er like this, Dou Ge sighed and said, "I know you are worried about Luo Meng. As long as there are enough people, I will not stop you. But Luo Er, you cannot not see the life and death of others in your eyes. Jian Yi treated you as a close friend, that's why he left his mother and sister here. You can't be so selfish."    


As the two of them were talking, no one noticed that there was a little person standing outside the door. At this moment, he was lowering his head sadly.    




Jian Haixi was sitting in the room, playing with a sweater.    


The autumn wind gradually cooled down. She wanted to take advantage of these two days of free time to weave two thin knitted shirts for the children.    


Jian Haixi thought about the cute appearance of the three children when they were wearing the same type of sweater. She lowered her head and knitted the wool. Suddenly, the sweater needle cut her finger and scratched the skin.    


Jian Haixi looked at the scratch on her finger and frowned slightly.    


For some reason, a bad premonition suddenly arose in her heart.    


She put down half of her sweater and got up to walk to the window. She looked at the small garden outside the window and kept praying in her heart, hoping that the people she cared about would be safe and sound.    


"Beep, beep, beep..."    


Jian Haixi was lost in her thoughts when the phone on the table suddenly rang. In the quiet room, it was especially abrupt.    


Jian Haixi jumped in fright. She slowed down for two seconds before quickly grabbing the phone in front of her.    


It was Dou Ge's phone.    


Jian Haixi took a deep breath and calmed herself down. She picked up the phone and asked, "Dou Ge, what's wrong?"    


"I'll be at Suen Family soon. Come out now." Dou Ge said.    


"Go out?" Jian Haixi was puzzled. "Why? Did something happen?"    


Dou Ge was silent for half a second and said, "Rui is gone."    




With a "Pa," the sound of the phone falling to the ground was heard.    


Jian Haixi stood there in a daze, as if she was responding to what Dou Ge just said.    




Suen Yuqin looked at Jian Haixi through the crack of the door, puzzled, "What happened to you?"    


Her shout woke Jian Haixi up as if she had been hit on the head.    


Jian Haixi did not have time to say anything. She only lowered her head and picked up the phone that had been turned off and rushed out.    


"Haixi, Haixi!" Suen Yuqin chased behind and shouted worriedly.    


Jian Haixi rushed out of the door and saw Dou Ge's car had stopped at the door. She ran over without saying anything.    


"Ms Haixi..." Luo Er got out of the car and cried as she apologized, "Sorry, Ms Haixi, it's all my fault..."    


"Where is Rui?" Jian Haixi interrupted Luo Er and asked, "What happened? Why did she not see her?"    


Dou Ge opened the door of the passenger seat and said, "Let's get on the car first. We will talk as we walk."    


Jian Haixi nodded and sat in the car. Dou Ge drove the car away and Luo Er did not get in the car again.    


After Suen Yuqin chased out, she saw her daughter standing by the side of the road crying. She could not help but ask anxiously, "Luo Er, what happened? I just saw Haixi run out. Why are you crying too?"    


Luo Er hugged Suen Yuqin and buried her head on her shoulder as she cried, "Mommy, I lost Rui..."    


" What? " Suen Yuqin was shocked.    


Luo Er choked and said, "How did I become so bad? I really hate myself like this. If something happens to Rui, I, what should I do..."    


"It's fine. Don't cry or not cry." Suen Yuqin patted her daughter's back in pain and comforted, "Let's go home first. You can slowly tell mom what happened."    


The mother and daughter did not notice that after they left, a figure flashed across the grass and quickly ran towards Suen Ping's house.    




On the way back to the villa, Dou Ge told Jian Haixi about what happened.    


After Jian Haixi heard him, she kept frowning and did not say anything.    


Dou Ge looked at her expression and thought for a while before saying, "I originally thought Rui would come and find you, so I called you while looking over here, but I did not find her along the way."    


Jian Haixi shook her head, "Rui will not come to find me. She knows that my side is very dangerous. If she appears, it will very likely become my burden, so she will not come..."    


At the end of her words, Jian Haixi's voice gradually became dry.    


It was precisely because she knew that her daughter was sensible that Jian Haixi felt even more uncomfortable in her heart.    


Jian Haixi hoped that this child would not be so sensible and quickly came to find her.    


Seeing Jian Haixi like this, Dou Ge's heart ached. He reached out and patted Jian Haixi's arm and said, "Don't worry first. Maybe she just ran out to play. Let's look again."    


"Rui will not run out to play without telling anyone." Jian Haixi shook her head and picked up her phone to call Jian Yi.    


"Mommy?" Jian Yi picked up the phone. He had some doubts in his heart. Could it be that Luo Er had already told Jian Haixi about Luo Meng?    


Before he could ask, Jian Haixi had already said, "Rui is missing. She might have heard Dou Ge and Luo Er talking about finding Luo Meng, so she secretly ran away."    


"What?" Jian Yi was shocked and asked, "When did this happen?"    


"Half an hour ago." Jian Haixi said, "Yi, I suspect Rui might go to find you. Check the surveillance cameras here and see if you can find any clues about Rui."    


"Okay, I will look for her immediately." Jian Yi said as he said, "Mommy, don't worry. I will get everyone to help look for her immediately."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi took a deep breath and nodded. "I will wait for your news."    


After hanging up the phone, Jian Haixi and Dou Ge returned to the villa together.    


"I have searched everywhere. I did not find Rui and did not see any news that she left behind." Yes, Dou Ge said.    


Jian Haixi nodded, but her subordinates did not stop searching. "I know. I just want to search again."    




In the courtyard, when Qin Zhixu heard the news of Jian Rui's disappearance, he was so angry that he cursed, "F * ck! They don't know if she has a child, right? Can't they even speak softly?"    


Dou Ming lowered his head and was silent, but in his heart he was blaming himself. If it was not for him not stabilizing Luo Er, Jian Rui would not have been in trouble.    


Jian Yi did not say much. He just immediately joined forces with Dou Ming, Qin Zhixu, and others to start searching all the cameras from the villa to the dock.    


Not long after, Jian Yi found a clue. In a few nearby surveillance cameras, he clearly saw Jian Rui's little figure go in the direction of the dock.    


Looking at that familiar little figure, Qin Zhixu and the others felt their hearts tighten.    


Jian Rui really came to Xiang City?    


But why didn't she tell them in advance?    


Yes, because if she said in advance, they would definitely not allow her to come.    


Thinking of this, Jian Yi's heart ached. He picked up his phone and called Jian Haixi.    


When he received Jian Yi's call, Jian Haixi was already on her way to the pier.    


Jian Haixi and Dou Ge looked around the villa but could not find any news left by Jian Rui. They already guessed that their daughter might have gone to Xiang City.    


So while waiting for Jian Yi's news, Jian Haixi asked Dou Ge to send her to the dock.    


After receiving Jian Yi's call and confirming Jian Rui's whereabouts, Jian Haixi did not dare to delay any longer and boarded the boat.    


Dou Ge frowned and said, "I will go with you."    


Jian Haixi shook her head, "You go and contact Luo Er. She might need help over here."    


"What do you care about her at this time?" Dou Ge said angrily, "If it wasn't for them, how could so many things have happened?"    


Jian Haixi sighed and said, "Do as I say. I will call you after I find Rui."    


Seeing Jian Haixi insist, Dou Ge could only nod and agree.    


The ship set sail. Jian Haixi stood on the deck and looked at the Xiang City across the river, her heart filled with worry.    


Jian Rui had never left a place where she had gone alone. She was alone, and the place she had gone to was still the dangerous city in Xiang City.    


Shaking her head to get rid of the random thoughts in her mind, Jian Haixi grabbed the railing tightly and kept praying in her heart.    


Rui, nothing must happen to you!    


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