CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C401 Meeting

C401 Meeting

At the same time, the sound of footsteps could be heard coming from outside the door. It could be heard that a large group of people were rushing over.    


Dou Ming had already raised his hand, thinking that if Shui Bingling was still in a daze and refused to leave with them, then he would slap her unconscious and forcefully carry her away.    


Otherwise, with the disturbance tonight, it would be inconvenient for them to come and save people in the future.    


While Dou Ming was thinking about this, Shui Bingling had already carefully confirmed the shape and details of the turtle.    


After confirming that it was indeed the work of Mike, Shui Bingling looked at Dou Ming as if she had seen her family.    


"It was really Mike who asked you to come!"    


"Nonsense!" Dou Ming gritted his teeth, wishing he could slap this woman unconscious right now.    


Shui Bingling smiled happily. There was no need for Dou Ming to tell her what to do next. She rolled off the bed herself, put on her shoes, and said to Dou Ming and Mo Feng, "You should have told me earlier. I thought there were bad people who wanted to kidnap me."    


Dou Ming rolled his eyes and ignored her.    


Shui Bingling put on her shoes and looked at Dou Ming and Mo Feng who were still standing there. "Let's go! What are you waiting for? Hurry up, they will break in soon!"    


Dou Ming and Mo Feng were speechless."    


Fortunately, after Shui Bingling was willing to cooperate, the pressure on them also lessened a lot.    


Dou Ming carried Shui Bingling out of the window and ran out of the villa without stopping.    


Shui Bingling saw that Mo Feng did not follow up and could not help asking worriedly, "Hero, where is your brother?"    


Dou Ming snorted unhappily, "Thanks to you, he is now covering our retreat."    


" Oh. " Shui Bingling nodded and said, "I also did not know that you are one of us. You did not even make it clear, how would I know? I am just a little girl. When I see a man in black in the middle of the night, of course I will be scared and scream... "    


Dou Ming shouted, "Stop talking. We will lure him over later."    


"Oh, oh." Shui Bingling quickly covered her mouth. She thought for a while and then whispered, "Don't worry. Davis and his wife are very good. They will not make things difficult for your brother."    


Dou Ming,... "" Where did Mike find such a weirdo to be a treasure?    


After running out of the villa, Dou Ming took Shui Bingling to the corner of the street. He stuffed her into the car and drove out.    


After they rushed out a few hundred meters, a figure suddenly flashed by.    


"Ah!" Shui Bingling screamed in fear. By the time she reacted, Mo Feng had already jumped into the passenger seat through the window.    


Shui Bingling looked at Mo Feng in surprise. After a long time, she gave him a thumbs up and said, "D * mn, brother, your kung fu is really good!"    


Mo Feng,... ""    


Anyway, after this trip, Dou Ming and Mo Feng did not want to say a word to Shui Bingling.    


The two of them drove around a few times and only returned to Mi Kai's residence after making sure that they left Davis' family behind.    


It was already half an hour later.    


Shui Bingling got off the car and saw Mike waiting for her at the door.    


"Ah, Mike, you are really here!"    


Shui Bingling jumped off the car happily and ran to Mike's side with a smile.    


However, Mike looked at her skirt with a complicated expression.    




Shui Bingling reacted and touched her neck and probed, "That... If I say that I am actually a bisexual and women turn back into men during the day at night, would you believe me?"    


Mike's mouth twitched. He raised his hand and patted Shui Bingling's head. He said unhappily, "I believe you, my ass!"    


"Haha, hehe..." Shui Bingling scratched her head in embarrassment and said, "Well, gender is not important. As long as you are willing, we will still be brothers in the future."    


Mike snorted and grabbed her arm to enter the house. "Let's go."    


" Oh. " Shui Bingling nodded. After taking two steps, she turned around and waved at Dou Ming and Mo Feng. "Heroes, thank you!"    


Dou Ming and Mo Feng shook their heads and waved. "No need to thank me. As long as there is no next time."    


Mike looked at the two of them and turned to look at Shui Bingling. "What did you do again?"    


The word "again" showed Shui Bingling's character.    


Shui Bingling blinked innocently and said, "I didn't do anything."    


Mike rolled his eyes, indicating that he did not believe it at all.    


Shui Bingling originally thought that this was Mike's house. She did not expect that after entering the house, she would see Jian Haixi who just came down from upstairs.    


"She has been brought back." Jian Haixi smiled and said.    


Dou Ming nodded and said, "He alerted Davis and his wife. I think there will be trouble in the future."    


Jian Haixi said, "We will talk about it in the future. It has been hard on you guys tonight. Go and rest first. Yi is already helping you guys deal with the traffic records."    


Dou Ming and Mo Feng did not push the blame. Originally, this trip, with their ability to bear it, would not be hard at all.    


But thanks to Shui Bingling, they had a good time tonight.    


After Dou Ming and Mo Feng left, Jian Haixi turned her head to look at Shui Bingling. Seeing that she was still looking at her, she could not help but feel that this girl was a little cute. So she walked in front of her and asked with a smile, "Why are you looking at me?"    


"You... are so beautiful!" Shui Bingling said in a daze.    


A person who could live in Mike's house and order two "heroes," and who was so beautiful...    


Without Jian Haixi and Mike's introduction, Shui Bingling had already imagined an idol drama of handsome men and beautiful women.    


Seeing Shui Bingling's conflicted little face, Jian Haixi asked in amusement, "Don't tell me you misunderstood something? Let me introduce myself. My name is Jian Haixi, and I am Mike's good friend."    


"Jian Haixi?" Shui Bingling was stunned. She looked at Jian Haixi and said, "You are Jian Haixi?"    


"You know me?"    


"I know, I know! " Shui Bingling nodded and said, "Mike told me many times that you are the most powerful woman he has ever seen, and you also have two cute children."    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am Jian Haixi."    


Mike glared at Shui Bingling and said, "What are you thinking about again?"    


Jian Haixi awkwardly touched her nose and said, "I saw that she was so pretty and you all live here, so..."    


Mike knocked on one of her chestnuts and said, "With your brain working, it would be a waste not to write a novel."    


Shui Bingling covered her head and laughed without getting angry.    


Seeing the smile on her face, Mike suddenly paused and then turned his gaze awkwardly.    


Jian Haixi keenly noticed that the tip of Mike's ear had turned red.    


Jian Haixi did not say it out loud and only said to Shui Bingling, "Your name is Bing Ling, right? You must be exhausted from this night's torment. I have already tidied up the guest room for you. You go and rest first. If there is anything, we will talk about it tomorrow."    


"Ah, okay. Thank you." Shui Bingling looked at Jian Haixi and said, "You call me Bing Ling. Then I will call you Haixi, okay?"    


"Of course." Jian Haixi smiled and turned to Mike and said, "Take Bing Ling back to his room. I still need to go and see Yi."    


"Huh? I..." Mike was a little conflicted. He still did not know how to face Shui Bingling, who was a girl.    


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