CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C224 Something Happened to Jian Haixi

C224 Something Happened to Jian Haixi

"Attacking Nanny Liu's family?" Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and then her brows knitted tightly. "What do you mean by this? When did I make a move on Nanny Liu's family?"    


"You still don't want to admit it?"    


Suen Yuqin looked at Jian Haixi in disbelief, "Jian Haixi, I thought that although you are ruthless and decisive for others, But at least you dare to take the blame. Nanny Liu already told me that the person who took action said that he wanted to seek justice for you. You actually refuse to admit it? "    




Hearing Suen Yuqin's words, Jian Haixi smiled coldly and stretched out her hand to stroke her long hair. Relaxing her body, she leaned against the wall, "Ruthless? Determination? I didn't know that in Mrs. Suen's eyes, I was... I can't believe it's such a person."    


Suen Yuqin was stunned for a moment and looked at Jian Haixi in front of her. Although she was smiling, her entire person seemed to be isolated from the outside and the alienation and politeness made people afraid.    


"Haixi, I, I did not mean that..."    


"These few days I have been living here and I think that I have indeed disturbed you." Jian Haixi said to Suen Yuqin, "Goodbye."    


Finishing, Jian Haixi did not stay for a moment and only brought her bag and walked out.    


It was also at this time that Suen Yuqin was surprised to find that Jian Haixi did not bring any luggage. These few days, she had been like an ascetic and did not go out. She did not make friends and did not have any entertainment.    


All of her time was spent helping Suen Family deal with Suen Ping.    


"I..." Suen Yuqin opened her mouth and suddenly felt that she had gone too far. However, since she had already said it, it would be extremely difficult to redeem it.    


Jian Haixi walked to the door and paused but did not look back. She said, "Mrs. Suen, don't worry. We will do what we promised the Suen Family to the end. Furthermore, the debt that we owe the Suen Family will be paid off."    


After saying this, Jian Haixi did not hesitate anymore and walked out of the door.    


Seeing Jian Haixi's figure leaving, Suen Yuqin was stunned. At that moment, she had a very strong feeling that Jian Haixi would not come here again in the future.    


She still remembered that at noon, they were still like good sisters, talking about being as close as a family. But after a few hours, things were already different.    


Suen Yuqin bit her lips and lifted her foot to chase after him, but just as her feet moved, she could not take that step.    


Even if she chased after them, what could she say?    


Could it be that he wanted her to apologize to Jian Haixi?    


During this period of time, she seemed to have apologized several times. Even if the previous few times were her fault, this time it was clearly Jian Haixi who promised not to pursue Nanny Liu. But then she acted afterwards. This was originally Jian Haixi's fault. Why couldn't she even say a few words of responsibility?    


Thinking of this, Suen Yuqin hesitated and sat down on the chair. She only quietly watched Jian Haixi walk away and did not chase after her.    


If Luo Er was here at this time, she would definitely stop Jian Haixi without saying anything and then apologize again and again to save the relationship.    


But Luo Er was not here and Luo Meng was also not there. Hence, the knot in her heart was settled and there was no way to undo it.    


Jian Haixi was actually a person with a very soft heart and a very low bottom line. So whether it was Lin Xiaodou's matter or the two things that Suen Yuqin and Luo Er did previously, she could forgive.    


But this did not mean that she did not have principles. She put her boundary at the lowest and used her most kind heart to treat the people around her. But once someone stepped over this boundary, there was no possibility of repairing it.    


Furthermore, even if Jian Haixi was willing to resolve this matter in the future, it would not make sense for Jian Yi to do it.    


That was his most important mommy. He would not forgive anyone who hurt Jian Haixi.    


Unfortunately, Suen Yuqin did not know how big of a mistake she had made. Again! She had missed an important opportunity, which led to the decline of the Suen Family a few years later. No matter how hard Luo Er and Dou Ming tried to hold on, Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi never reached out their hands again. Not only them, even the simple Qiao Family Mo Family of Gu Industries chose to turn a blind eye to it.    


It was not that Jian Haixi did not want them to help, but Jian Haixi had tried to persuade them. Those who cared about her would eventually take her grievances as their grievance. They would feel sorry for her because of what she had suffered. Not taking revenge was already the greatest forgiveness for the Suen Family.    


At that time, Suen Yuqin had already regretted what she had done, but she could only regret it.    




Jian Haixi walked out of Suen Yuqin's house and stood by the side of the road to look back at the house behind her. She suddenly laughed at herself and then shook her head.    


The sky gradually became dark and thunder came from behind the dark clouds. Jian Haixi looked at the sky and raised her hand to call a taxi. Just as she raised her hand, she saw a car stop in front of her.    


The window rolled down and Suen Ping's face was revealed. That smile on his face was like a bee that could only sting people. If he was not careful, he would be injured.    


"What a coincidence. Where are we going... Miss Jian." Suen Ping said with a smile.    


Jian Haixi narrowed her eyes and smiled. "You don't have to worry about where we are going."    


"That won't do." Suen Ping said, "It looks like it is going to rain. Miss Jian is so beautiful and beautiful. If I leave you by the side of the road, wouldn't it be too inhumane?"    


Jian Haixi laughed sarcastically, "If you really have human nature, why don't you just leave me here."    


Suen Ping's face stiffened and his smile could no longer be maintained. He coldly snorted and said, "Jian Haixi, don't beat around the bush with me. Get in the car."    


Jian Haixi rolled her eyes. She was not a retard. How could she possibly get into Suen Ping's car?    


"Tsk." Suen Ping spat and took out the black object in front of the car. He pointed it at Jian Haixi and said, "Luckily I brought this before I went out. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to take you away quietly."    


Jian Haixi narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "Suen Ping, since you know who I am, then you should know. If you attack me, you won't have any good consequences."    


"That may not be the case." Suen Ping said with a sinister smile, "I know that your man is very powerful, but unfortunately, he has enough enemies. I only released a little bit of information and got a very generous help."    


Jian Haixi's face darkened. It seemed that the matter was still exposed. She did not know who Suen Ping was looking for. If it was Mo Sheng, their situation would be dangerous.    


"I will say it again. Get in the car!" Suen Ping said impatiently, "Don't try to buy time. It does not work on me."    


As he spoke, there was a bang. In an instant, although Jian Haixi had tried her best to dodge, there was still blood on her waist.    


"This is the last time. Get in the car!" Suen Ping said coldly.    


At the same time, two men came down from the backseat of the car. One on the left and the other on the right grabbed Jian Haixi's arm.    


Jian Haixi pursed her lips and was pulled into the car.    


The car door closed and the car drove away.    


A few minutes later, a heavy rain fell from the sky and the few drops of red on the ground were easily washed clean by the rain.    


Half an hour later, an inconspicuous black business car sped over and stopped in front of Suen Yuqin's house after making an ear-piercing rubbing sound.    


Dou Ge strode down and lifted his foot to walk towards the door. He only took two steps before suddenly stopping. After that, he suddenly turned around and stared at the ground behind him.    


There was an unassuming black hair clip lying there, and it was silently shouting under the rain.    


Dou Ge stared at the hair clip and was stunned. He squatted down and held it in his hand.    


He had seen Jian Haixi wear this hair clip before!    


Dou Ge's hand that was holding the hairpin trembled slightly. Then he clenched it into a fist and got up and walked towards Suen Yuqin's house with big steps.    


Suen Yuqin was sitting by the window and looking at the heavy rain outside. She was worried about Luo Meng and Luo Er in her heart. Occasionally she would think of Jian Haixi but quickly dismissed this thought.    


At this time, she only thought that since Jian Haixi had already left, then she must have gone back to the villa in the suburbs.    


So naturally, she did not think of telling Luo Er or Dou Ge about this matter.    


If she told Luo Er about this matter in time, then everything that happened afterwards might not have happened.    


Of course, this was all after the matter.    


At this moment, Suen Yuqin was sitting in a quiet room and listening to the rain through the window when she suddenly heard the noise outside. Before she could react, the door was kicked open with a bang.    


"Who is it?" Suen Yuqin was shocked. She stood up from the chair and looked in the direction of the door.    


Dou Ge stood at the door and looked at Suen Yuqin. He asked sternly, "Where is Jian Haixi?"    


Suen Yuqin was shocked by the killing intent around Dou Ge and then reacted to his question. She frowned and said, "Jian Haixi? Didn't she go back?"    


Dou Ge gritted his teeth. "If she went back, how could I come to find her? Tell me, where did she go?"    


"I, I don't know..." Suen Yuqin was also anxious. She was a bit angry with Jian Haixi but if something happened to Jian Haixi, she would also feel anxious and uneasy.    


Dou Ge strode forward and took out the hairpin in his hand. He said, "I found Haixi's hairpin at your door. When did she leave? Which direction did she go? What did she say before she left? "    


"I, I..." Suen Yuqin saw Dou Ge approaching and was so scared that she staggered two steps.    


The 1.9m height plus the murderous aura made Suen Yuqin, the noble lady, shiver in fear. "I really don't know. She didn't say anything before she left. She left about... about an hour ago."    


"An hour?" Dou Ge roared angrily, "Why didn't I receive any news after she left for an hour? If it was normal for her to leave, she would have told me in advance. What did you hide from me?"    


"I, I..." Suen Yuqin was so scared that she almost cried, "I really didn't hide anything. I don't know where she went. Could it be... She went to Xiang City to find Ning Jiwei again?"    


"Shut up!" As soon as Suen Yuqin finished speaking, Dou Ge roared, "How could she go to Xiang City for no reason? You know how much she worried about your family, but at this time, how could you use this kind of thought to suspect and insult her?"    


"I didn't, I just..." Suen Yuqin choked and wanted to explain, but Dou Ge was too lazy to listen.    


He called Jian Yi directly. "Haixi is missing. The people I sent here were ambushed. Immediately investigate the surveillance cameras around Suen Yuqin's house!"    


After hanging up the phone, Dou Ge turned his head to look at the pale Suen Yuqin. He stepped forward and grabbed her neck. "If anything happens to Haixi, your Suen Family will be buried with her!"    


After saying this, Dou Ge threw Suen Yuqin to the ground in disgust and strode out.    


Suen Yuqin got up from the ground and coughed violently for a while before she recovered her strength.    


At this time, Dou Ge was already nowhere to be seen. Outside the broken door, the curtain of rain that could be seen with the naked eye was getting bigger and bigger.    


Suen Yuqin's heart trembled. Only then did she finally remember to call her daughter Luo Er.    


Things had already reached this stage. If Jian Haixi really had an accident, then their family...    


"Hello, Mom, what's the matter?" Luo Er's voice came over with a youthful and unique joy, "Mom, I saw that there was a rainstorm at home today. You and Ms Haixi remember not to go out."    


After a pause, Luo Er smiled again and said, "How could I forget? The two of you usually don't go out."    


"Luo Er..." Suen Yuqin's voice was choked with sobs and panic, "Mom seems to have gotten into trouble..."    


"Trouble?" Luo Er said in surprise, "Mom, what kind of trouble can you get into? Besides, no matter what kind of trouble you cause, with Ms Haixi around, it can be settled for you."    


"I, I..." Suen Yuqin's sobbing gradually became louder and only then did Luo Er hear that something was wrong.    


"Mom, what exactly happened? Are you crying? Where's Ms Haixi? "    


" Haixi, she... left... "    


"Leave?" Luo Er was even more confused. "Mom, what exactly happened? Tell me clearly. How could Ms Haixi leave?"    


Suen Yuqin took two deep breaths and forced herself to calm down before saying, "We, we quarreled and then she left."    


"An argument?" The more Luo Er heard, the more confused she became. She could not imagine what Suen Yuqin and Jian Haixi would look like when they quarreled.    


After all, both of their personalities were relatively calm and calm. They did not look like they could quarrel at all.    


"Mom, don't be anxious first. Tell me what exactly is going on." Luo Er was on the phone when Dou Ming suddenly received a call from Dou Ge.    


He looked at Luo Er and got up to pick up the phone.    




"Bring all your brothers back immediately."    


Dou Ming frowned. "Brother, Luo Er and I have a mission..."    


"I told you to bring everyone back immediately!" Dou Ge said coldly, "This is an order!"    


Dou Ming was stunned. He said with a sunken face, "Brother, I dare not disobey the order of Young Lord of Dou Family, but you should at least let me know the reason."    


Dou Ge said, "Jian Haixi has gone missing. Jian Yi found out that she was injured and taken away by Suen Ping. Currently, she is not in good shape. Our brother was also plotted against. Is this enough reason for you to come back?"    


Dou Ming paused. Before he could say anything, he heard Dou Ge continue, "If it is not enough, then I will tell you again. Jian Haixi went missing because Suen Yuqin protected the nanny who betrayed Jian Haixi. Now, is the reason enough? If these are not enough for you to come back, if you still think it is more important to find her father with Sun Luo Er, I will not force you, but from now on... Don't call me brother anymore. "    


After saying this, Dou Ge hung up the phone.    


Dou Ming lowered his head and looked at the black screen phone in his hand. He pursed his lips with a complicated expression.    


When he walked back to his room with the phone, he heard Luo Er and Suen Yuqin getting anxious.    


"Mom, how can you be like this? That Nanny Liu has already betrayed us, how can you still protect her? Today she betrayed Ms Haixi. What if the person she betrayed was you? Can you go home alive? Can you still forgive her? "    


" I... "Suen Yuqin was stunned for a moment and said," But at that time Jian Haixi promised to let me handle it, but later on... "    


" Can you be sure that it is the person Ms Haixi found? " Luo Er angrily said, "You saw it? Did Ms Haixi admit it? Just based on that nanny's one-sided statement, how could you so easily deny Ms Haixi?"    


Suen Yuqin did not think that her daughter would completely stand on Jian Haixi's side and could not help but be angry.    


" That is because you did not see how scary her appearance was at that time. She actually said that she wanted to use Nanny Liu's family's lives to threaten Nanny Liu. She... "    


"She is doing it for the Suen Family!" Luo Er was so angry that her face turned red. She never thought that her mother would make such a mistake at such a time. Just as she was about to say something else, she saw Dou Ming's hand gesture. She was stunned for a moment before she hung up the phone.    


"You..." Luo Er's expression was a little ugly, "You also know?"    


Dou Ming nodded. "My brother called. Jian Yi found in the surveillance camera at your door that Ms Haixi was injured and taken away by Suen Ping an hour ago."    


"What, what..." Luo Er was stunned. Her legs went weak and she fell onto the sofa.    


Seeing her gradually pale face, Dou Ming could not bear to but still say, "My family's people were also ambushed. My brother ordered me to bring everyone back immediately."    


Luo Er was stunned and took two minutes to figure out what he meant.    


Because of her mother's mistake, it was unknown whether Jian Haixi was alive or dead.    


The people of Dou Family had also been sacrificed. Most likely, it had something to do with her housekeeper.    


Now, Dou Ge wanted Dou Ming to bring his men back, firstly to find Jian Haixi, secondly to take revenge for his brother, and thirdly... He didn't want to help her find Luo Meng's whereabouts anymore.    


"Luo Er, I..." Dou Ming opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he found that there was nothing he could say.    


Luo Er only came back to her senses when she heard his voice. She looked at Dou Ming's complicated and slightly apologetic expression. She forced the corner of her mouth to twitch. "You should go back. At this time, Ms Haixi's safety is the most important. If she... I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."    


Dou Ming looked at Luo Er. He pursed his lips and squatted in front of her. He reached out and held her hand. "I will go back and help find Ms Haixi first. When I find her, I will come back to help you, okay?"    


Luo Er looked at Dou Ming. She did not know when, but her crying face forced a smile and said, "Okay."    


The two of them had a tacit understanding and did not mention another possibility.    


For example, what if they could not find Jian Haixi, or if they found her, but it was already too late, so what?    


Perhaps it was because that possibility was too terrifying, so they did not even dare to think about it.    


On this day, the Yu City and Xiang City were separated by a river. It was raining heavily, and most of them stayed at home, living a peaceful life with the sound of the rain.    


On this day, some unusual things happened one after another under the witness of the storm.    


For example, many people suddenly rushed into Suen Ping's family. For example, a visitor named Qin Zhixu suddenly came to the family of a certain director of Sun Enterprise. For example, a man named Ning Jiwei rushed to the Yu City from the Xiang City while braving the storm and lightning. Along with him was the legendary Shadow Department, who had an extremely powerful combat strength and mysterious movement technique.    


This storm was like a baptism, washing away the calmness and hypocrisy from before. It pulled some of the things that would eventually happen to the stage in front of the screen.    


As for how long this rainstorm would last, after the rainstorm, would it be a new calm or another rainstorm? It was still unknown.    


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