CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C214 Second Uncle Was Still the Adopted Father

C214 Second Uncle Was Still the Adopted Father

The next day.    


Ning Jiwei brought Jian Rui to the company.    


When Yang Yaru arrived at the company, she heard everyone discussing Jian Rui.    


Seeing Yang Yaru's arrival, the people in the department gathered around to inquire, "Director Yang, yesterday you were the one who sent Director's daughter over, right?"    


"Yes, what's wrong?" Yang Yaru was puzzled.    


"Oh my, Director's daughter is so cute!"    


"That's right, that's right. She looks like a doll. She smiles whenever she sees people."    


"That's not all. Especially her mouth. It's like she has put honey on it. She coaxed me to give her all the chocolates I just bought."    


Yang Yaru laughed when she heard that. "You guys always stay here. Aren't you afraid that Director will scold you?"    


"Not afraid." Staff member A mustered up his courage and said, "Our Director is in a good mood today. Just now, someone made a mistake in the simplest report. He didn't even lose his temper."    


"And with Little Princess here, no matter how big of a temper our Director has, we can still tolerate it."    


Yang Yaru looked at the crowd and shook her head helplessly.    


In fact, although Ning Jiwei was a bit cold, he was still very generous to the employees. As long as he did his job well, he would not be able to control himself for the rest of the time.    


But recently, because of the matter of Clothing Design Contest, everyone was very, very busy and tired, so it was not easy for them to relax today. Everyone was very happy.    


Yang Yaru looked at them and said, "Relax, but don't forget what you have in your hands. Otherwise, in the end, Director will scold you all. Don't say that I didn't help."    


"Don't worry, Director Yang. We know what to do."    


"Yeah, don't worry, Sister Yang. I have completed the task ahead of time."    


Yang Yaru smiled. Ever since Ning Jiwei was in charge of Mofu, the atmosphere in the company had gradually changed.    


In the past, everyone was just fooling around. Now that everyone had seen hope, they were willing to follow along and fight.    


After Yang Yaru finished talking to everyone, she went to Ning Jiwei's office.    


As soon as she entered, Yang Yaru saw Jian Rui lying on the small table and playing around.    


Seeing Yang Yaru come in, Jian Rui quickly threw away the Lego in her hands and ran towards her, "Aunt Yaru!"    


"Aiyo, my little sweetheart!" Yang Yaru quickly freed her hands to hug Jian Rui and kissed and coaxed, "Come and let Aunt Yaru take a look. See if our little sweetheart is still crying today?"    


"Of course not." Jian Rui pouted her lips and said, "Aunt Yaru, Rui is very obedient today ~"    


"Is that so?" Yang Yaru smiled as she hugged her and asked, "Is Rui bored here? Do you want me to bring you to the lounge by the side to play for a while?"    


Jian Rui sensibly shook her head and said, "No need. It is good that Rui is here. Auntie Yaru do not need to worry about taking care of her. Don't delay your work."    


Yang Yaru looked at Jian Rui's obedient appearance and her heart softened. She reached out and touched her head and said," Our Rui is really sensible. "    


Ning Jiwei looked at his daughter by the side and smiled as he waved at her. Jian Rui excitedly ran over and sat on his lap, "Daddy ~"    


Ning Jiwei pinched her small face and turned to Yang Yaru and said, "How is the publicity going?"    


When they talked about business, Yang Yaru became serious and reported the progress of the recent promotions to Ning Jiwei in detail.    


After Ning Jiwei heard it, he thought for a while and nodded, "It's about time. We can start preparing."    


"I also think it's about time." Yang Yaru said, "After all, there is not much time left until the one month period. If we continue to delay, it will be detrimental to us."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and pressed the inside line to call Emma. He ordered, "Bring the names of all the candidates for the preliminary election over."    


"Yes." Emma turned around and went to get the names.    


Because Clothing Design Contest only had a month's time, in order to simplify the process of the competition, Ning Jiwei and Catherine discussed and decided to use the preliminary selection, the semi-final, and then the finals.    


"Have you gone to see the venue?" Ning Jiwei asked.    


Yang Yaru nodded. "Yes, I have. It has been completed."    


Ning Jiwei nodded, and his subordinate casually flipped through the works of the preliminary round.    


Yang Yaru asked curiously, "I did not see Miss Tong Family coming over today."    


Ning Jiwei coldly snorted and glanced at her. "Do you dislike it?"    


Yang Yaru laughed and said, "I don't think so. When I went to see the venue, I heard some rumors, so I was curious."    


Ning Jiwei sneered. "It seems that you have been with George for a long time. You have also been influenced by his temperament."    


Hearing Ning Jiwei mention George, Yang Yaru paused for a moment, then her small face turned slightly red.    


She had never thought of hiding it from anyone. It was just that the Qiao Family was one of the major powers in the Xiang City. She didn't know if the matter of the Mo Family would involve the Qiao Family, so Yang Yaru had always been worried.    


Now that Ning Jiwei mentioned it, she took the opportunity to speak. "That... If the Qiao Family..."    


"Don't worry."    


Before she could finish, Ning Jiwei interrupted her and said, "George knows better than you. There won't be such a day. Even if that day comes, you don't have to worry."    


Ning Jiwei's words were obscure. Yang Yaru only felt that there was something in his words, but she could not figure it out for a moment.    


Yang Yaru originally thought that Tong Si would not come to the company again after what happened at the venue.    


But she did not expect Tong Si to come again when it was almost noon.    


Seeing Tong Si, not only Yang Yaru was a little puzzled, Emma was also very confused.    


Tong Si completely ignored their gazes. She only smiled at Ning Jiwei and said, "Ji Wei, I went back last night to think about it. We do not have much time left. If the preparation work is almost done, shouldn't the competition officially begin?"    


Yang Yaru listened from the side and sighed in her heart.    


Although she did not approve of Tong Si's character, she had to admit that as a woman of Tong Family, Tong Si indeed had her unique and sensitive aspects in business.    


They had just discussed the schedule of the competition and Tong Si actually thought of this point.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Tong Si and nodded lightly, "They are already preparing."    


"That is great." Tong Si smiled and said, "I have already made a plan before I came. If you have time, you can take a look. We will discuss if it is not suitable."    


"No need." Ning Jiwei waved his hand and said, "I have already handed this matter to Yaru and Emma. You can look for them."    


Yang Yaru's mouth twitched. At this time, she became Ning Jiwei's shield.    


Tong Si's face stiffened and quickly returned to normal and asked, "Ji Wei, do you have something today?"    




Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "Accompany my daughter."    


Tong Si:... "" What an important matter.    


It was also at this moment that Tong Si shifted her gaze towards Jian Rui.    


Tong Si had heard about Jian Rui's matter yesterday. Furthermore, the moment she entered today, she saw the girl lying on Ning Jiwei's lap. It was just that she pretended not to see it the entire time.    


When Ning Jiwei mentioned it, she finally had to look at Jian Rui.    


She only saw Jian Rui blinking her ignorant eyes, looking at her innocently and innocently.    


Tong Si smiled and said to Ning Jiwei, "Just now I was only talking about the competition and did not see anyone else."    


Yang Yaru's heart was cold. Only a blind person would not be able to see.    


Tong Si smiled gently at Jian Rui and said, "Hello little friend. I am your friend, Daddy. You can call me Aunt Tong Si."    


Jian Rui blinked but did not smile and greet Tong Si like how she treated Yang Yaru and Emma. Instead, she turned her head and laid on Ning Jiwei's neck, only exposing the back of Tong Si's head.    


Seeing Jian Rui like this, Tong Si's face darkened but in front of Ning Jiwei. She could not show it and could only smile stiffly, "Ji Wei, I really like Rui. Why don't we eat together today. I am very familiar with Xiang City so I can bring Rui around. How about it?"    


Before Ning Jiwei could say anything, Jian Rui had already given up. She hugged his neck and said in a pampered manner, "Daddy, didn't you say that you will go home in a while? Small Uncle is still waiting for me."    


"Okay, okay, okay. I will go back now." Ning Jiwei fondly stroked his daughter's hair and said," With Small Uncle, you can throw Daddy aside. "    


After saying that, he did not care that Tong Si was still there and directly stood up with Jian Rui in his arms.    


"Ji Wei, you..." Tong Si saw that he was about to leave and could not help but be stunned.    


Ning Jiwei said coldly, "I will get off work first. Miss Tong has something to discuss with Yaru."    


"I..." Tong Si choked but Ning Jiwei had already carried his daughter away.    


Yang Yaru who was by the side looked at Tong Si whose face turned black and wanted to cry in her heart. Ning Jiwei actually patted his butt and went home to enjoy himself. Leaving her to deal with this kind of plague, she would not be able to have a good time today.    


After a day, it was finally time to get off work.    


George came over to pick Yang Yaru up and saw that Yang Yaru was like a listless eggplant, dejected and almost crying for him to see.    


"What's wrong?" George asked in puzzlement, "Could it be that Ning Jiwei has wronged you?"    


When he thought about it again, he realized that he could not.    


They had just saved Jian Rui. Even if Ning Jiwei had no conscience, he would not treat Yang Yaru unfairly.    


Yang Yaru curled her lips and said, "It's not him, it's Tong Family's first lady."    


"Tong Si?" George was stunned for a moment. After thinking for a while, he understood.    


He could almost guess Tong Si's feelings for Ning Jiwei without thinking. Ning Jiwei would not interact with Tong Si, so this task naturally fell on Yang Yaru.    


Looking at Yang Yaru's tired face, George hugged her with heartache and said, "If you really don't want to deal with her, then I..."    




Yang Yaru did not wait for him to finish speaking and reached out to cover his mouth. She said seriously, "Don't say anything that you will help me solve my problem. Otherwise, I will divorce you."    


"Dispose of me?" George smiled and gently rubbed his fingers that were holding her. "Then you also have to marry first and then divorce."    


Yang Yaru was shyly massaged by him and blushed. She pushed him and was brought into the car by him.    


After a long time, George asked with satisfaction, "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"    


Yang Yaru's small face was bright red. She glared at him and said, "I'm not hungry. I don't want to eat anything."    


"Are you sure?" George looked at her flirtatiously and smiled wickedly. "But why did I feel that you were hungry just now?"    


"You..." Yang Yaru bashfully hit him, "Annoying, I don't want to talk to you anymore!"    


"Alright, alright." George pulled her hand. "I was wrong, alright? I'll send you back first and then order takeout. How about that?"    


Seeing that he was begging for mercy, Yang Yaru did not hold him back. She only glanced at him sideways and nodded with a pout.    


The two of them drove away, but they did not expect that this scene would be seen by the other person.    


Qiao Ya looked at Yang Yaru in the photo and the corner of her lips curled up into a cold smile as she said, "I really did not think that... Any sparrow would want to marry into the Qiao Family, delusional..."    




Mo Family.    


Mo Xiuyu had been busy building blocks for Jian Rui all morning. Jia Minnzhi accidentally saw her son like this and angrily went forward to knock down all the blocks.    


"Mom, what are you doing?" Mo Xiuyu said unhappily.    


"What am I doing? I wanted to ask you what you are doing!" Jia Minnzhi said angrily, "Do you know who that girl is? What are you doing now?"    


Mo Xiuyu said helplessly, "Mom, Rui is just a six or seven-year-old child. It has nothing to do with those messy things."    


" I don't care! " Jia Minnzhi shouted, "She is Ning Jiwei's child, so it has something to do with her!"    


Mo Xiuyu looked at his mother, who looked a little crazy, and felt helpless and hurt in his heart, "Mom, I know you feel wronged, but Rui is just a child..."    


"What child?" Jia Minnzhi interrupted him and said, "Let me tell you, everything related to that slut is our enemy! You being good to your enemy like this is betraying me!"    


Mo Xiuyu was stunned for a moment, and a deep sense of powerlessness slowly surfaced in his eyes.    


After so many years, it had always been like this.    


Jia Minnzhi saw that Mo Xiuyu did not speak and said coldly, "From today onwards, you are not allowed to be intimate with that wretched girl. If you do not wish to stay here, then listen to your Second Uncle's words and go overseas..."    


"Second Uncle?" Mo Xiuyu laughed mockingly, "Mom, are you sure Mo Sheng is my second uncle? Or..."    


After a pause, Mo Xiuyu said sharply, "Or should I call him step-father?"    


"How dare you!"    


Following Jia Minnzhi's loud roar, a loud slap appeared on Mo Xiuyu's face.    


When the slap landed, both of them were stunned for a moment. The sneer on Mo Xiuyu's face became even deeper.    


Jia Minnzhi's palm, which had yet to be put down, trembled slightly. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, she did not say anything. She just turned around and left.    


Mo Xiuyu squatted on the ground dejectedly and picked up the blocks piece by piece. He muttered, "Don't tell me you never thought that I am also innocent..."    


When Ning Jiwei brought Jian Rui back, Mo Xiuyu had already packed everything.    


When Jian Rui came back, she threw herself at Mo Xiuyu. She stretched out her small hands and shouted with a smile, "Small Uncle, Small Uncle!"    


Looking at the small figure running towards him, Mo Xiuyu's eyes finally revealed a trace of genuine smile. He squatted down and stretched out his hands to catch Jian Rui, who was rushing towards him. Unexpectedly, because Jian Rui ran too fast, he was accidentally knocked down by Jian Rui and sat down on the ground.    


"Small Uncle, do you feel pain from the fall?" Jian Rui frowned and wanted to pull Mo Xiuyu up. "Rui didn't do it on purpose. Small Uncle doesn't hurt."    


"Does it hurt?" Mo Xiuyu waved his hand casually and sat on the ground. He pulled Jian Rui and let her sit on his lap. : "It's such a hot day. It's cooler to sit on the ground."    


"Hehe." Jian Rui sat on Mo Xiuyu's lap happily. She hugged his neck and said, "Small Uncle is so good."    


Being praised by his niece, the depression in Mo Xiuyu's heart immediately disappeared.    


"Come, come, come. Let's see Small Uncle give you a pose."    


As he spoke, Mo Xiuyu and Jian Rui played with the blocks.    


Looking at the two people playing on the ground, Ning Jiwei's eyes flashed a trace of relief.    


With Mo Xiuyu around, he could be more at ease.    


Because he brought Jian Rui with him, Ning Jiwei did not go to the company. Instead, he stayed in the study to deal with things. If there was a meeting, he would have a video conference.    


Mo Xiuyu and Jian Rui played in her bedroom for a while. Jian Rui was a little bored, so she pestered Mo Xiuyu and said, "Small Uncle, can we go out for a walk?"    


"You want to go out?" Mo Xiuyu asked.    


Jian Rui nodded. She had not gone out for a stroll ever since she came to Mo Family.    


However, Jian Rui also knew that this was not her former residence, so she did not dare to randomly run around, so she hesitated and said, "If it is not convenient, then forget it. Actually, I do not want to go out too much either..."    


Seeing his niece's yearning and aggrieved look, how could Mo Xiuyu not feel good? After hesitating for a second, he nodded and said, "I will definitely be able to go out. Wait a moment, I will tell you Daddy."    


Jian Rui's eyes lit up, but when she thought of disturbing Ning Jiwei's work, it dimmed down again.    


Mo Xiuyu reached out his hand to touch Jian Rui's head and comforted her, "Don't worry."    


After saying that, he turned around and went to Ning Jiwei's study.    


Ning Jiwei heard a knock on the door and called her in.    


Mo Xiuyu opened the door but did not go in. He just stood at the door and said, "Can I take Rui out for a stroll?"    


Ning Jiwei was stunned for a moment and then he heard Mo Xiuyu continue, "Send someone to follow you. If there is anything..."    


"Ying, you go out with them." Ning Jiwei said.    


Mo Xiuyu did not expect him to agree so easily. He was stunned for a moment and said, "I... I will take good care of Rui."    


Ning Jiwei smiled slightly and nodded to him. "I know, and I believe in you."    


After getting Ning Jiwei's recognition, Mo Xiuyu blushed for some reason. He muttered, "Thank you," then turned and ran.    


Jian Rui did not wait long before she saw Mo Xiuyu turn around and walk out with her in his arms.    


"Small Uncle, Daddy agreed?" Jian Rui asked.    


"Of course." Mo Xiuyu said proudly, "How can you not handle Small Uncle? Let's go. Small Uncle will show you around."    


"Yay! It's going to be windy, "Jian Rui clapped her hands excitedly and cheered.    


Mo Xiuyu brought Jian Rui out of the door and walked slowly. He did not appear, but Mo Xiuyu knew he had been following them.    


Jian Rui looked around curiously. She would ask where they were and see what they were there for a while.    


Mo Xiuyu pulled her along with a good temper. No matter where she wanted to go, he would accompany her.    


Walking to the entrance of North Court, Jian Rui pointed and asked, "Small Uncle, who lives here?"    


Mo Xiuyu said, "This is where grandpa's sister lives. You should call her... grandma?" He was not sure how to address Mo Xiuyu in the end.    


"Grandpa's sister..." Jian Rui was stunned. She blinked and asked, "Is it Mo Tong's mommy?"    


"Oh, right." Speaking of Mo Tong, Mo Xiuyu nodded and looked at Jian Rui. "You know Mo Tong?"    


"I know him." Jian Rui nodded and said, "He is my classmate."    


"Classmate?" Mo Xiuyu frowned and looked at North Court with hostility.    


He had always thought that although North Court was mean, they did not dare to make any big moves. It turned out that was not the case.    


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