CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C208 Strong Enough

C208 Strong Enough

The worker was stunned by her scolding. The man who looked like he was in his forties said with a wronged expression, "Because you're standing in the middle of the road."    


"You!" Tong Si choked and said angrily, "You still have a reason after bumping into someone? So everyone has to give way for you to walk down the road. "    


"I didn't mean that." The worker quickly said, "I also apologized to you, didn't I?"    


"Hehe." Tong Si laughed coldly and said, "Who doesn't know how to say 'sorry' when you bumped into someone?"    


The voices of the two people were not low and very quickly, a group of people surrounded them.    


Ning Jiwei and Lee Loong, the supervisor, came out from the inside and frowned when they saw this scene.    


Lee Loong quickly went forward and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"    


Tong Si saw Lee Loong come over and sneered, "Is your company all these kind of unqualified employees?"    


Lee Loong was stunned and subconsciously frowned even more deeply.    


Tong Si's words had scolded the entire company.    


Ning Jiwei walked over, glanced around and asked, "What happened?"    


"Ji Wei, that person hit me when he walked!" Tong Si complained when she saw Ning Jiwei.    


"I didn't!"    


When the worker saw Tong Si twist black and white, he said, "I didn't do it on purpose. I was not careful..."    


"Incautious?" Tong Si pointed to the side of the road and said, "Such a big road, how careless must you be to bump into me?"    


"I..." The worker was speechless. He could only look at Lee Loong for help and said, "Mr Loong, I really did not."    


Lee Loong sighed and looked at Tong Si. He explained, "Miss Tong, is there a misunderstanding here? This employee is an old employee of our company for more than ten years. His character has never been revealed. He definitely did not do it on purpose."    


Tong Si looked at Lee Loong provocatively and said, "What you mean is that he did not do it on purpose, or I did it on purpose."    


"I did not mean that." Lee Loong quickly said.    


Tong Si sneered, "That's not what I meant? Why don't you just let me do whatever I have free time to deliberately bump into him?"    


"This, Miss Tong, don't misunderstand my meaning." Lee Loong was so anxious that his forehead was covered in sweat." Then what do you want to do with it? "    


Tong Si said coldly, "Deal with it? What else can be dealt with? Apologize publicly and then fire. "    


After a pause, Tong Si looked at the worker and a cruel smile appeared on her lips." We still need him to compensate us. "    


"Compensate? Compensate?" Lee Loong and the others were stunned. "Miss Tong, he only hit you once and he also apologized. No need..."    


"Whether I use it or not is up to me or you to decide?" Tong Si glanced at Lee Loong. "Do you still want to take this list?"    




Lee Loong choked and swallowed his words.    


Of course, within his capabilities, he wanted to protect the old employees of the company, but the prerequisite was that he did not lose his job.    


If he lost the job in his hands, he was afraid that even he would have to follow suit.    


"Mr Loong, Mr Loong..." Seeing Lee Loong become silent, the worker said with tears in his eyes, "Mr Loong, save me. I really didn't hit her on purpose! If she doesn't have a job, what will happen to my family? "    


Lee Loong gritted his teeth and turned his head to place his last hope on Ning Jiwei. "Director, I can guarantee with my life that he really isn't that kind of person. Please investigate right and wrong!"    


Seeing Lee Loong asking Ning Jiwei for help, the worker also grabbed the last straw of hope and knelt down towards Ning Jiwei. "Big Boss, pity me. I really can't not have this job."    


"You, what are you doing?" Tong Si saw him like this and was stunned. She pulled Ning Jiwei and said, "Ji Wei, don't listen to his nonsense."    


Ning Jiwei looked at Tong Si. That glance made Tong Si's heart turn cold. The hand that pulled Ning Jiwei's sleeve also quickly loosened.    


"Big boss, I beg you..." The worker still wanted to kowtow to Ning Jiwei. Before he even kowtowed, he felt a big hand support his arm.    


The worker raised his head and looked at Ning Jiwei, who was holding him.    


"Get up." Ning Jiwei helped him up. "If you didn't do anything wrong, you don't need to apologize, and you don't need to ask for help."    


"But..." The worker looked at Tong Si timidly.    


Ning Jiwei said, "Check the surveillance camera. There must be a surveillance camera here. As long as you check the surveillance, you will know right from wrong."    


The worker and Lee Loong looked at Ning Jiwei in surprise. They did not expect him to say that.    


Of course, they had surveillance cameras here, and they also knew that they could check the surveillance cameras.    


But how could someone offend the collaborator for a worker?    


That was why Lee Loong and the worker never mentioned this plan from the beginning to the end. Tong Si also predicted that they would not dare to check the surveillance cameras, which was why she was so impudent.    


But she did not expect that Ning Jiwei did not give Tong Si any face at all and wanted to check the surveillance camera in front of everyone.    


"Ji Wei..." Tong Si was stunned and immediately panicked in her heart.    


If Ning Jiwei investigated the surveillance camera and found out that she was not going to let him go, her image in Ning Jiwei's heart would be completely destroyed.    


Thinking of this, the corner of Tong Si's mouth tightened and she stared at Lee Loong threateningly.    


Lee Loong subconsciously trembled when she glared at him, but in his heart, he understood what she meant.    


"President Ning, the surveillance... The surveillance is broken..." Lee Loong said with a trembling voice.    


Ning Jiwei glanced at Lee Loong and turned to look at Tong Si.    


Tong Si quickly said, "Ji Wei, forget it. I don't want to delay our matter because of this matter."    


As she spoke, Tong Si pretended to be wronged and said, "It was just that we were hit by someone. I won't pursue this matter anymore. There's no need to trouble you with checking the surveillance or anything else."    


"Are you sure there is no need to investigate?" Ning Jiwei asked in a cold voice.    


"Yes, yes, yes." Tong Si quickly nodded and said, "There's no need to investigate anymore. There's no need to investigate anymore."    


"What about him?" Ning Jiwei pointed at the worker and asked.    


Tong Si looked at the worker who had tears and snot flowing out of his eyes in disgust. She waved her hand and said, "Let him go. Let's forget about this matter."    


Lee Loong saw this and quickly gave the worker a look. "Hurry up and thank President Ning. Thank you, Miss Tong."    


The worker first looked at Ning Jiwei and sincerely thanked him. "Thank you, Big Boss."    


After a pause, the worker turned to look at Tong Si. It was not easy to thank someone who wanted to kill him, but he had no choice. He could only clench his teeth and lowered his head. "Thank you, Miss Tong."    


Tong Si did not want to stay here for long, so she turned to Ning Jiwei and said, "Ji Wei, have you seen everything inside? If there are no problems, let's go first."    


"Wait a moment." Ning Jiwei looked at the worker and asked, "What's your name?"    


"Shee Qiang."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and turned to look at Lee Loong. "Do you have a pen and paper?"    


Lee Loong was stunned. He did not know what he wanted pen and paper for, but he nodded and asked someone to go and prepare. "Yes, please wait a moment."    


Soon, someone brought a pen and paper. Ning Jiwei took it and wrote a number on the paper. He handed it to the worker who ran into Tong Si. "Shee Qiang, if you have any problems in the future, you can call me this number."    


Shee Qiang was stunned. He did not expect Ning Jiwei to give him such an important thing.    


Tong Si did not expect Ning Jiwei to give her such an important thing. She looked at Ning Jiwei blankly and said, "Ji Wei, you..." Were you worried that she would take revenge on him?    


Although she did have such thoughts.    


Seeing that Shee Qiang did not answer the number, Lee Loong hurriedly urged, "Idiot, what are you waiting for? Save it quickly!"    


Only then did Shee Qiang react. He carefully folded the paper that Ning Jiwei handed over and put it away. "Thank you, Big Boss. Thank you, Big Boss!"    


Ning Jiwei nodded slightly and turned to instruct Lee Loong. "Pay attention to the places that I have mentioned. I will get someone to come over and talk to you in detail later."    


"Okay, okay, okay. Don't worry." If Lee Loong had only shown respect to Ning Jiwei politely before, now he respected him. "I will do as you say."    


After giving instructions, Ning Jiwei and Tong Si left the venue.    


When they went back, it was no exception. Tong Si was the driver, and Ning Jiwei was "taking a nap."    


On the other side, at Yang Yaru's residence.    


Yang Yaru finally had a good sleep. When she woke up, the sky was already bright.    


She sniffed and smelled the alluring scent of food.    


Yang Yaru scratched her hair in a daze and walked out in slippers. She saw George sitting around the apron and setting dishes on the dining table.    


Seeing Yang Yaru come out, George raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "You're awake. Are you hungry? Come and eat."    


Yang Yaru walked to the table and looked at George suspiciously. "Did you make these?"    


"Of course..." George made a long sound and added with a smile in Yang Yaru's doubtful eyes, "No!"    


"I knew it. I knew it." Yang Yaru rolled her eyes at him.    


When they had been dating for a week, she could tell that other than being able to eat and eat, this young master did not know anything about housework, let alone cooking.    


George laughed and said, "I asked the most famous restaurant in Xiang City to send it over. Try it. It should suit your taste."    


Yang Yaru did not buy it from him, "I am not from Xiang City. How can I meet up with my taste?"    


George was not angry. He smiled and said, "Not now, but in the future."    


Yang Yaru choked. She glared at him and ran back to her room.    


"Where are you going?" George shouted.    


"Wash your hands!" Yang Yaru shouted.    


During the meal, George attentively picked up food and soup for Yang Yaru and kept asking her if it was delicious.    


Yang Yaru sighed and looked at him and said, "Can you let me concentrate on eating?"    


"I am taking care of you, right?" George was puzzled. "Am I not taking good care of you?"    


"Eating without saying a word, sleeping without saying a word!" Yang Yaru said, "Can you let me eat quietly?"    


"Oh, just say that you don't want to hear me speak." George said, "Don't worry, I promise I won't say anymore."    


But even though he didn't say anything, it still made Yang Yaru unable to concentrate on eating.    


Yang Yaru put down her chopsticks and turned to glare at him. "Can you not look at me like an idiot?"    


George supported his cheeks with both hands and grinned as he asked, "What's wrong? Didn't I not say anything? Don't tell me you won't allow me to see? "    


" No! " Yang Yaru pointed at the door and said," If you have nothing to do, then scram out. I still have to go to work after eating, so I don't have time to argue with you. "    


George was not angry. He smiled and said, "It's okay. I can go to work with you. I don't think Ning Jiwei would chase me out."    


Yang Yaru choked and sighed helplessly. "What exactly do you want?"    


"I want to be with you." George said, "Didn't I tell you yesterday? Did you forget?"    


Yang Yaru's mouth twitched. "I also said that I don't want to be with you."    


"You lied." George stared into her eyes and said, "I know you like me."    


"You..." Yang Yaru choked again and subconsciously wanted to deny it, but looking at George's eyes, she opened her mouth and felt that it was useless even if she denied it.    


George saw that she did not speak and the corner of his mouth curled up. "I know it was my fault in the past, and I do not ask you to accept me now. I only want a chance to start over. If you still think that I can't do it after you try it, then you can dump me when the time comes. I promise I won't pester you anymore."    


Yang Yaru looked at George and tried to figure out whether his words were true or not.    


George looked at her without blinking. He took the opportunity to reach out and hold her hand. "Yaru, give me one chance. Give us another one, okay?"    


Yang Yaru's hand trembled slightly when he held it, but he did not pull it out.    




Suen Family.    


With Jian Haixi's help and suggestions, Suen Yuqin successfully collaborated with a few of the family's business directors and worked together with Sun Zhe to gather evidence on Suen Ping.    


Suen Ping had controlled the family company for so many years. It could be said that his foundation was not solid.    


Originally, it should not have been so easy to get caught on evidence, but the world was always full of coincidences.    


First of all, Suen Ping did not think Suen Yuqin would make a move on him, so he did not think about how clean it would be when he did some private matters.    


Second of all, Sun Zhe wasn't a simple person. With so many people on the board, although there were some who supported him, he still met an opponent in the end.    


Third of all, it was because of Ning Jiwei.    


Because Ning Jiwei had interfered with the Suen Family company's matters, Suen Ping had recently become as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.    


Each hole was bigger than the last. He had made up one more hole, and there was still another. There would always be a time when he miscalculated.    


All of these factors combined gave Suen Yuqin a chance.    


In just two days, the matter of Suen Ping secretly using public funds had already been seized by the board of directors.    


Suen Yuqin did not give Suen Ping any chance to turn the situation around. She and Sun Zhe immediately called for a board of directors to dismiss Suen Ping from his position in the company.    


Suen Ping, who was already frantic to the point of going crazy, was even more furious now. When he returned home, he directly threw everything he could throw.    


Hao Lee looked at the crazy Suen Ping in fear. After thinking for a while, she decided to bring her daughter Suen Yao back to her mother's home.    


After Suen Ping calmed down and could not find Hao Lee and Suen Yao, he immediately exploded again.    


After the night of madness, Suen Ping stared at the picture on the ground that was torn apart by him with bloodshot eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "Luo Sheng!"    




At Suen Yuqin's house.    


Although she had already chased Suen Ping out of the company, Suen Yuqin was still very worried.    


"Haixi, do you think he will just let it go like this?" Thinking of the last look Suen Ping had when he was chased out of the company, Suen Yuqin was so scared that she wanted to tremble.    


Jian Haixi calmly said, "Of course he will not let it go. All those years of planning have gone down the drain just like that. He will definitely take revenge."    


"Ah?" When Suen Yuqin heard the word "revenge," she immediately asked anxiously, "Then what should we do? What should we do to prepare?"    


Seeing that Suen Yuqin had no idea, Jian Haixi patted her shoulder comfortingly and said, "Ms Suen, don't be afraid. What we want now is his revenge."    


" Ah? " Suen Yuqin was even more confused, "I don't understand."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "If he doesn't take revenge, how can we completely pull out all of his power? And destroy them all? If we let him go just like this, he will one day rise again. That's why we have to give him a chance to take revenge. Only then can we eliminate the root of the problem. We'll completely cut off the possibility of him making a comeback."    


Hearing Jian Haixi's words, Suen Yuqin was stunned and a cold air suddenly came out from her back.    


She had always thought that Jian Haixi's family was able to reach where they were today mainly because of Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi.    


But now she realized how stupid her idea was.    


Ever since Jian Haixi lived here, whether it was dealing with Suen Ping's family, giving her suggestions, or advising her and Luo Meng's relationship...    


This kind of thing, although looked trivial, was precisely because it was trivial that a person needed to have extremely sharp insight and a proper way to deal with it.    


And all of these, Jian Haixi perfectly did it!    


Not only that, Jian Haixi had also acted in time when it came to the matter of chasing Suen Ping out of the company.    


Suen Yuqin originally thought that it was already very good that Ning Jiwei was willing to help stop Suen Ping, but she did not expect Jian Haixi to think of using this opportunity to attack Suen Ping in one fell swoop.    


She had even thought of a backup plan a long time ago. For example, right now, she was calmly waiting.    


Waiting for Suen Ping to walk into the trap.    


How could she have a calm mind and meticulous mind to be able to perfectly control everything in such an uncertain chaos?    


Suen Yuqin did not know, but she knew that no matter if it was Luo Er or the entire Suen Family, there would not be a second Jian Haixi.    


At this moment, Suen Yuqin finally knew why Ning Jiwei doted and respected Jian Haixi so much. Why did a genius like Jian Yi dare to haggle with Ning Jiwei, but he didn't dare to contradict Jian Haixi. Why was Iceland so chaotic at that time, but everyone was at ease to let Jian Haixi, a girl, follow Dou Ge and cover the retreat.    


Because this girl in front of them was strong enough!    


It wasn't that she didn't have the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with Ning Jiwei, she just chose to support him from behind.    


If it wasn't for this matter, Suen Yuqin would probably never know Jian Haixi's wisdom hidden under her shallow smile.    


"Ms Suen?"    


Seeing Suen Yuqin staring blankly at her without saying anything, Jian Haixi curiously waved her hand in front of her.    


"Ah." Suen Yuqin reacted and smiled stiffly, "It's nothing. I am just running like a god."    


Jian Haixi slightly raised her brows and did not say anything else.    




In the courtyard house.    


Jian Yi and the others had asked Zhang Haoyang about Luo Meng's whereabouts, but Zhang Haoyang shook his head and said he did not know.    


At that time, in order to ensure his safety, Luo Meng did not even tell him.    


In the past few days, besides eating and sleeping, Jian Yi and the others had spent all their time searching for clues about Luo Meng.    


Even Qin Zhixu and Mo Tong each had a computer, helping to search.    


Qin Zhixu scratched his head in annoyance and said, "Where did this Luo Meng go? How could a living person disappear so cleanly?"    


Dou Ming was also puzzled. "According to our previous analysis, his whereabouts should be very easy to find."    


Jian Yi pondered and said," Unless... our analysis is wrong, or... he encountered the same situation as Zhang Haoyang. "    


"You mean..." Everyone was shocked.    


If Luo Meng and Zhang Haoyang had been targeted, and it had been so many days, then he...    


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