CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C39 Her Heart Was in Chaos

C39 Her Heart Was in Chaos

"Ning Jiwei, you have gone too far."    


Xu Hui stood up angrily, "This Ning Family is not up to you to decide!"    


After saying that, Xu Hui said to Butler, "Who do you listen to? I told you to send someone over. Why are you still standing there?"    


Butler paused. He did not move his feet. Instead, he looked at Ning Jiwei with fear.    


Ning Jiwei sneered and did not speak. He only glanced at Butler and then looked at Xu Hui. "I also said that without my order, I want to see who dares to call people out today!"    


"You are too much!"    


Xu Hui pointed at Ning Jiwei and said angrily, "Today you not only need to let Ji Kang come back, but you also need to hand over all the shares of Ning Family in your hands!"    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything, but Sung Lan was shocked.    


This was obviously a scandal that happened overnight, but it suddenly became a matter of shares changing.    


"Auntie, it's not that serious..."    


Xu Hui coldly snorted, "This is the matter of Ning Family. If I say it's that serious, then it's that serious."    


Sung Lan frowned and said angrily, "Auntie, this is too much. How can you ask Ji Wei to hand over the shares just because of this matter? The family business of Ning Family was earned by Ji Wei. You can't let his years of hard work go to waste with just one sentence. I think you are biased towards Ning Jikang. "    


Xu Hui gave her a cold glance," Is there any place for you to speak here? "    




Sung Lan's face turned red in anger but it was indeed as Xu Hui said. There was really no place for her to speak here. She looked at Ning Jiwei with anticipation. She hoped that he could speak up for her, as long as Ning Jiwei agreed. She would be able to speak up for him in a legitimate manner.    


However, Ning Jiwei didn't even look at her.    


Xu Hui looked at Ning Jiwei with disdain. She did not look like a mother at all. "Look at you now. This is the attitude you have when you speak to me? You are disrespectful to me, and you are disloyal to your wife. If an immoral person like you manage the family business of Ning Family, no matter how big the Ning Family is, it will go bankrupt. "    


Ning Jiwei suppressed the anger in his heart when he heard his mother's criticism. He walked to the sofa and sat down with a sneer. He looked at Xu Hui mockingly and said, "If I don't hand over the shares, what are you going to do? Do you want my brother to come back and snatch it? "    


"Nothing is impossible." Xu Hui raised her chin and said shamelessly.    


Ning Jiwei laughed. "Then I'm afraid my brother will disappoint you. You pay so much attention to him. Didn't you take a good look at what he did over there?"    


Xu Hui frowned, "What do you mean?"    


Ning Jiwei laughed coldly and clapped his hands. Lee Fu walked in with a bunch of newspapers and magazines and placed them on the coffee table in front of Xu Hui.    


"Take a good look. This is the 'good thing' your good son has done over the years."    


Xu Hui frowned and looked at Ning Jiwei. She sat back on the sofa with a cold face and picked up the magazines on the coffee table to read.    


Xu Hui did not need to worry. The second page of the magazine was about Ning Jikang. All the photos of him in the nightclub were published on it. The accompanying text was even more straightforward. Xu Hui only took one look and did not have the face to continue reading.    


Xu Hui did not need to think to know that these magazines that Ning Jiwei brought all had this kind of report.    


Ning Jiwei sneered and said, "Other than these, I have more. Ning Jikang's actions did not make any more money for Ning Family. Instead, it kept tarnishing Ning Family's image. If it was not because his status in Ning Family company was not high, Otherwise, these photos would not only appear here. They would appear in the headlines of every major network. My dear mother, you should be glad that your good son isn't valued. It's precisely because of this that these photos didn't cause much of a stir."    


Xu Hui was so angry that her whole body trembled. Of course, she would never be angry with Ning Jikang. She was only angry that Ning Jiwei actually planned to suppress his brother.    


Originally, Xu Hui wanted to use the scandal of Ning Jiwei last night to force him to agree to let Ning Jikang go back. If everything went smoothly, it would be best if she could get some shares from him. But now that she saw Ning Jikang's black material, how could she control Ning Jiwei?    


Ning Jiwei looked at Xu Hui's expression and sneered continuously. When he saw the news, he knew that Xu Hui did not let go of this opportunity, so he asked Lee Fu to prepare these things a long time ago.    


Xu Hui's dark face was silent for a while, and then she looked at Ning Jiwei unwillingly and said, "What can these things represent? If Ji Kang has always been in the country and has our elders watching over him, How can he do these silly things? You were the one who insisted on chasing him away. How lonely and helpless was he alone there? Moreover, he was led astray by foreign customs, which was why these things happened."    


She paused, stared at Ning Jiwei and said," Maybe there are still people who deliberately wanted to frame him, deliberately luring him to make these mistakes. "    


Ning Jiwei sneered and said, "Mother, why don't you just say that I set him up?"    




Xu Hui choked. She thought for a while and decided to be shameless to the end. She stared at Ning Jiwei and threatened, "Anyway, I will leave my words here today. If you don't agree to let Ji Kang return to the country, I will die here today!"    


Finishing, Xu Hui picked up the fruit knife on the coffee table and placed it in front of her neck. She looked like she was not afraid of death.    


However, the knife was clearly far from Xu Hui's neck.    


Ning Jiwei's expression changed slightly. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Ning Fubaang walking over quickly. One. He slapped Xu Hui's face loudly. His strength was so great that Xu Hui immediately fell onto the sofa. The fruit knife in her hand also fell to the ground.    


"What nonsense are you saying?" Ning Fubaang roared angrily.    


"You actually hit me in front of the child!" Xu Hui covered her face and looked at Ning Fubaang in disbelief.    


Ning Fubaang coldly snorted and said, "So you actually know that Ji Wei is your son? Do you know how much you have said just now?"    


Xu Hui was rendered speechless by his words.    


Ning Fubaang was so angry that he trembled. He pointed at Xu Hui and said, "I know you are biased towards Ji Kang. As long as your actions are not that excessive, I will tolerate it. But Xu Hui, do you think you are treating Ji Wei fairly? "    


Xu Hui's face was cold as she lowered her head and did not speak.    


At this moment, Ning Fubaang caught a glimpse of the magazine on the coffee table. A large photo filled the entire page. Ning Fubaang saw it with a glance.    


"Don't look..."    


Xu Hui rushed over and wanted to snatch the magazine, but Ning Fubaang pushed her away.    


Ning Fubaang picked up the magazine and flipped it open. He only read the report roughly once. He was so angry that his blood was boiling. He then looked at the many newspapers and magazines on the coffee table. He gritted his teeth and crudely flipped through them one by one. As expected, there were all kinds of pictures of Ning Jikang.    


Ning Fubaang angrily threw away the newspapers and magazines. He pointed at Xu Hui and was about to speak again when he suddenly stared at Xu Hui and fell to the ground.    




Ning Jiwei was shocked. He immediately went around the tea table and squatted in front of Ning Fubaang to carefully check his situation.    


"It's all because of you. If you didn't bring these things, your dad wouldn't have had high blood pressure." Xu Hui screamed and scolded Ning Jiwei.    


Ning Jiwei pursed his lips and carried Ning Fubaang with a cold face. He walked out and stopped in front of Xu Hui. He looked at her coldly and said, "Mother, I really suspect that I am not your biological child. Or was there a secret that I did not know back then? "    




Xu Hui's face turned pale when she heard Ning Jiwei's words. She even took back her hand that was pointing at Ning Jiwei.    


She was about to say something else when Ning Jiwei did not look at her again. Instead, he carried Ning Fubaang and quickly left Ning Family.    


In one night, all the big magazines and newspapers were filled with the scandal and photos of Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Haixi stayed in the small house by the lake for a long time. She did not wait for Ning Jiwei. She calmed down and returned home.    


She did not need to think to know that Ning Jiwei had a lot of trouble to deal with and she had to face it herself.    


Jian Haixi went home. Jian Yi and Jian Rui had been sent to school by Jian Chenrann. At this time, they had not finished school yet.    


Jian Haixi was more or less relieved that she did not have to face the children. Once she returned home, she first took a shower and changed into her own clothes. Even though she had already taken a shower in the hotel and the clothes on her were brand new, However, she still felt uncomfortable.    


After doing all this, Jian Haixi finally had the courage to turn on her phone. As soon as she turned on her phone, countless messages and missed calls came in.    


Jian Haixi looked at the text messages. They were basically all from Jian Chenrann, Lin Xiaodou and Xie Nuan. She first called Jian Chenrann, saying that she would handle this matter by herself. Now she needed to calm down.    


Fortunately, Jian Chenrann was not the kind of person who would keep asking questions. He knew that Jian Haixi definitely needed time, so he was very considerate and said that he would help to take care of the child and let her ignore those gossips.    


After hanging up the phone, Jian Haixi sent another message to Xie Nuan and Lin Xiaodou. She also said the same thing.    


Lin Xiaodou replied that no matter when, she was always there. Xie Nuan reminded her not to go to the company because there were reporters downstairs.    


Jian Haixi sighed. She did not want these things to affect her work, but the current situation was not normal for her to go to work.    


She opened the company's internal group chat and took a look. There were all kinds of sarcastic remarks inside. Because she usually did not participate in conversations, most people thought that she was not in this group. Their words were direct and hurtful.    


Jian Haixi only saw a few messages and left. After thinking for a while, she sent a message in their group chat. She asked everyone to pack up and come to her house to hold a group meeting. Everyone expressed that there was no problem.    


Very soon, Xie Nuan brought people to Jian Haixi's house. What made Jian Haixi more gratified was that everyone in the group was very good. Lee Ding and Zhang Yuanlei both expressed their trust in Jian Haixi's character. They knew that she accompanied Ning Jiwei to the banquet because of work.    


Without the interference of the company's rumors, the four of them were having a meeting in a quiet home. The atmosphere was very relaxed and happy. At noon, Lee Ding and Zhang Yuanlei were in charge of going out to buy groceries while Jian Haixi and Xie Nuan were in charge of cooking at home.    


Xie Nuan smiled and said, "Haixi, I feel that working at your home is more efficient than working at the company. Why don't we hold more meetings like this in the future?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and cast a sidelong glance at her. "If you wipe your saliva, I might still believe your nonsense."    


Xie Nuan laughed and said, "I just want to take the opportunity to eat more of your food."    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head, "You can come and eat at any time. I will always welcome you."    


Xie Nuan laughed and was satisfied.    


At this time, Jian Haixi's phone rang again. She thought Zhang Yuanlei and the others had forgotten something. She did not expect that it was actually a friend request message.    


Jian Haixi looked at the familiar photo and thought for a while. She realized that it was a stranger who had mysteriously appeared in her friend list a few days ago.    


Jian Haixi frowned and just as she wanted to delete this message, Xie Nuan noticed her movements and walked over.    


Seeing Jian Haixi frown, she thought that Jian Haixi was looking at the various comments on the Internet again and could not help but snatch her phone and say, "Don't look anymore. These people are too boring."    


"No." Jian Haixi shook her head and opened WeChat to show Xie Nuan the friend request, "It is this person who wants to add me as a friend. I am preparing to delete this message."    


Xie Nuan was puzzled, "Then why are you frowning for so long? I thought you were sad about the comments on the Internet."    


Jian Haixi helplessly smiled bitterly. "The comments on the Internet are not things that can be solved just because I am sad. Since... Why should I care about this? I hesitated because this person added me earlier and I asked him a few questions. But he didn't reply me and I don't know who he is either. That's why I deleted him. I didn't expect him to send me a friend request. "    


Xie Nuan looked at the profile picture and frowned. "Why do I feel that this profile picture and the name are so familiar?"    


She opened the company's large group list and indeed saw the identical profile picture and WeChat number.    


"This person is from our company?" Jian Haixi asked doubtfully.    


"This is Director's WeChat number!" Xie Nuan said, "There are thousands of people in the company's large group. This person never speaks. It's just that I occasionally send red packets during the holidays. I have already confirmed with my colleagues. He is our Director! "    


Ning Jiwei...    


When Jian Haixi thought of this person's name, the image of the previous night instantly appeared in her mind. In an instant, her entire face turned red like an apple.    


She really didn't blame Ning Jiwei. Originally, the culprit of this incident was Yang Yuan, Ning Jiwei was the one who saved her, and what happened after that happened because of her initiative.    


Although she didn't blame Ning Jiwei, she still felt awkward. It seemed that after the two of them had sex, everything had changed, and the relationship between them was no longer the same as before.    


Xie Nuan looked at Jian Haixi's phone and guessed, "Haixi, do you think Director really likes you?"    


"Don't talk nonsense."    


Jian Haixi's heart tightened and hurriedly explained, "He must have wanted to contact me because of work matters."    


Xie Nuan looked at Jian Haixi suspiciously, "Then why did you not accept his friend request? If Director came to add me on WeChat, I would be very excited. Do you believe it?"    


Jian Haixi laughed twice. "I was talking to you, so I didn't care about this matter at the moment."    


As Jian Haixi spoke, she reluctantly accepted his friend request.    


At this time, Lee Ding and Zhang Yuanlei, who were buying vegetables, came back. Xie Nuan ran over and knocked on the door. "You guys came back really quickly. We can eat hotpot!"    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei's profile picture in her friend list. She thought for a while and sent a message over. Then she put down her phone and went to prepare the ingredients.    


In the hospital, in the VIP ward, Ning Fubaang was still unconscious.    


Ning Jiwei took his phone and looked at WeChat. It was filled with ridicule from some good friends. He only twitched his mouth and ignored them.    


Ning Jiwei took out Jian Haixi's WeChat profile picture from his friend list. Just as Ning Jiwei sent a message over, he found that the system notified him that he was no longer Jian Haixi's friend.    


Ning Jiwei was stunned and shook his head.    


Last time, he hurriedly added Jian Haixi's WeChat. Later, because Xu Hui and the others came over to find trouble, he did not have the time to send a message to her. He did not expect that she would directly delete him.    


Thinking of this, Ning Jiwei continued to work hard and sent another friend request to her.    


In the end, Ning Jiwei waited for a long time and Jian Haixi did not become his friend either. Ning Jiwei helplessly shook his head. At this time, Ning Fubaang woke up. Ning Jiwei could only put down his phone and walk over.    


Ning Fubaang opened his eyes and looked at Ning Jiwei, who was sitting by the bed. He coughed twice and reached out to him.    


Ning Jiwei held his father's hand and asked with concern, "Dad, how do you feel? Do you want me to call a doctor?"    


Ning Fubaang shook his head. "No need. This is my old problem. I know what to do."    


Ning Fubaang paused and looked at Ning Jiwei guiltily. "Ji Wei, I am sorry..."    


Ning Jiwei paused and comforted him with a smile. "You are not sorry."    


Ning Fubaang sighed. He said, "I am not a good father. All this time, I knew that your mother was biased towards your brother, but I did not protect you..."    




Ning Jiwei quickly said, saying, "Dad, I have always felt that as a father, you are already very qualified. Don't think too much. I have never blamed you. "    


Ning Fubaang once again let out a long sigh. "Your brother really disappointed me. You also didn't tell me about him. I thought your mother loved him so much. She must know his character. But I didn't expect him to do such a thing. "    


Ning Jiwei didn't say anything. Ning Fubaang's old eyes were slightly red. "Ji Kang wasn't that bad when he was young. Why has he become like this now?"    


He paused for a while and said hesitantly, "I know this will make you sad, but Ji Kang is also my son. I can't just watch him get destroyed without doing anything. Ji Wei, do you think it's because Ji Kang has no one to discipline him? Is that why he is like this? If we let him come back, then we will restrain him. Do you think he'll become better?"    


Ning Jiwei's gaze darkened slightly and he did not say anything.    


If Xu Hui had told him this, he could ignore her, but when Ning Fubaang made this request, he could not ignore him.    


Ning Fubaang looked at his face and said, "I know the gap between you two is too big. I didn't expect you to forgive him immediately. But so many years have passed... Ji Wei, even if you still can't forgive him, At least, can you let him come back? He won't enter the company. Just let him stay in this city."    


Ning Jiwei looked at Ning Fubaang's tired face. He was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "Sorry, I can't do this."    


Ning Fubaang was stunned. He did not expect that his words could not make Ning Jiwei soften his heart. He could not help but sigh in disappointment.    


Ning Jiwei could not bear to look at his father's disappointed eyes. He slowly got up and left.    


Ning Jiwei had just walked to the door when the phone in his pocket vibrated. Ning Jiwei took out the phone and saw that Jian Haixi had accepted his friend request and sent a message.    


"Are you alright?"    


Although it was only a few simple words, it made Ning Jiwei read it several times. Looking at Jian Haixi's profile picture, he imagined how she looked when she sent this message. He couldn't help but smile. His heart, which had been frozen by the Ning Family, was slightly warmed.    


The group meeting was over before the children finished school. Xie Nuan joked that they could not disturb Jian Haixi's happy time. Then she pulled Lee Ding and Zhang Yuanlei away from Jian Haixi's home.    


Jian Chenrann sent the children back. When he saw that Jian Haixi had already prepared dinner and was in good condition, he finally let out a sigh of relief in his heart.    


Jian Chenrann used dinner here before he left. Before he left, Jian Haixi sent him out.    


Jian Chenrann touched Jian Haixi's head at the door and said with a smile, "I am not an outsider. Then quickly go back. If you need anything, you can call me at any time."    


Jian Haixi nodded. She was so touched that her eyes warmed up.    


After sending Jian Chenrann away, Jian Haixi had just returned to the house when Jian Rui rushed over, chattering away.    


"Mommy, today's dinner is too delicious!"    


Jian Haixi smiled and hugged her daughter, "When did the food I made not taste good?"    


Jian Rui hugged Jian Haixi's neck tightly and kissed her. She said, "The food you make every day is very delicious. I love eating the food you make the most!"    


Jian Haixi shook her head in amusement. She sat on the sofa and listened to the two children talk about school matters. At the same time, she took out her phone from time to time to take a look.    


Ning Jiwei had yet to reply to her message.    


Did something happen to him?    


Jian Haixi could not help but feel worried. After all, it was such a big matter. If Ning Jiwei did not reply to her, she could not help but let her imagination run wild.    


Furthermore, she did not know how Ning Jiwei wanted to resolve the matter last night.    


What did he mean by saying that he wanted her to be responsible for him?    


Jian Haixi did not consider their future at first. After all, yesterday's matter was special. But Ning Jiwei's words and his attitude towards her always made her not understand his thoughts, so whenever she thought of him, Her heart inevitably became chaotic.    


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