CEO's Substitute Bride

C254 Missing Child

C254 Missing Child

Summer had once again returned to the Shengde Academy. To him, the campus that they had parted ways with for ten years was not unfamiliar, but his mental state was no longer the same as it was before.    


Familiar teachers, familiar classrooms, and all sorts of young yet unfamiliar faces.    


The famous schools of this world did not seem to have changed much over the years.    


According to his memory, he walked through the corridor and headed for Director Ji's office in the Department of Fashion and Design.    


Back then, it was this teacher who had given him the written decision to fire him.    


He really did not expect to see such a scene 10 years from now.    


The world was small, and the hearts of men were small.    


Xia Chen shook his head helplessly and smiled, knowing that he had become the center of attention again. It had obviously been so long, but he still couldn't let it go.    


"Whew ~"    


Summer sighed and knocked on the office door.    


"Hello, Director. This is summer."    


Director Ji raised her head from the desk and looked through her glasses at summer. Her eyes couldn't help but narrow, and the pen in her hand unnaturally slipped down to the ground.    


She had never thought that it would actually be 'Ning Xia'!    


When the principal told him that an older transfer student would come over, she still refused him a little, but when the principal said that this transfer student wasn't an ordinary person, he clearly knew that he couldn't refuse her.    


She thought it would be some kind of relationship between the two of them, but to think that it would actually be a student who was expelled ten years ago!    


It had been a hubbub, and even after ten years, she would not forget it.    


"Director Ji?"    


Xia Zhi tilted his head as he lightly called out. Seeing that her mind had drifted off, the corner of his mouth curled up. It was clear that the other party already knew who he was.    


"Ah …" "Haha …"    


Director Ji nodded awkwardly. "I really didn't expect us to be so fated."    


Xia Chen smiled indifferently, "That's right. Ten years ago, I was your student. I didn't expect that ten years later, I would still be your student. No one could be envious of this fate."    


Talking about what happened ten years ago, Dean Ji felt even more embarrassed. The matter of him being wrongly accused had obviously already been mentioned by the principal.    


But back then, he had hastily decided to punish Ning Xia because he didn't want her influence to expand.    


She had thought that the girl back then was just a little girl without any background or ability. Even if she was expelled, she wouldn't be able to create any waves, which was why she was so fast. However, she didn't expect to appear in front of her again ten years later when she changed her identity.    


This feeling made her feel uncomfortable.    


Even so, she had to suppress her emotions and go through all the school procedures for the summer.    


After thanking him in the summer, Director Ji led him into the classroom. After introducing himself briefly, he sat down next to a window.    


Everyone was clearly uninterested in this woman who was a few years older than them. To them, it was more important to study well in this class.    


The first few essentials were nothing more than a small test for the summer students. After a few lessons, all the students became very interested in this big sister.    


However, it was summer, and they seemed to be able to keep everyone at a distance. This caused them to want to approach him several times, but they were simply unable to do so. They lacked the courage to do so!    


After staying with Pei Yichen for a long time in the summer, when he didn't say anything, Pei Yichen's cold demeanor became more charming, as if it wasn't easy to get close to him.    


Using such an ice-cold appearance in summer to keep people at a distance was extremely peaceful and quiet.    


After a day of classes, he prepared to go home refreshed in the summer.    


After a day of lessons today, she had a few ideas, such as creating a clothing brand of her own.    


There were many excellent designers here. As they had just entered this line of work, they were very persistent about their dreams. At this time, the works they created should be quite good as well.    


However, this was her first time here and she still hadn't figured out how to proceed one step at a time.    


Summer walked as she thought. When she reached the school gates, a car stopped precisely in front of her.    


"Young mistress, the Young Master asked me to come and pick you up."    


Zheng Zheng smiled as he opened the door and invited Xia Chen into the car.    


After getting on the car, Xia Zhi wrinkled his forehead. Didn't he tell Pei Yichen to conceal his identity?    


Zheng Zheng couldn't help but cover his mouth and make an aggrieved expression when he saw that he didn't buy his account in the summer.    


He had come to bring Young Mistress home, but the young master had also said the same thing. How could he not appreciate the young mistress's kindness? If she wasn't happy, would he be able to please the young master?    


Zheng Zheng looked at the summer with a wronged expression. He prayed that she would suddenly be in a good mood, otherwise, he really wouldn't be able to explain himself.    


Xia Tian speechlessly touched his forehead. Why did she suspect that Zheng Zheng was too idle?    


"How is it going with Little Mei?"    


Zheng Zheng was stunned by the summer's question. Somehow, he felt like he shouldn't have come here to run errands. Had he completely pissed off the young mistress?    


"Not bad, not bad. "Um, Young Mistress, if you don't want me as your driver, then drive back yourself. Can I walk by myself?"    


The corner of Summer's mouth twitched. She didn't seem to have any other intentions, right?    


Xia Keke didn't say anything, but reflected on herself seriously. Could it be that Pei Yichen had taken away her temperament recently?    


She was clearly amiable and amiable, alright? Why was it that just saying a few words caused others to be so afraid of her?    


This was completely illogical.    


If they didn't talk during the summer, Zheng Zheng wouldn't dare to talk anymore. After the two of them picked up Xiaoye and Xiao Mi, they headed towards Pei Family Manor.    


"Mommy, why did you pick us up today? Where's Daddy?"    


Xiao Mi clearly had a problem with that.    


Xia Zhi held the little guy in his arms, "What, you don't need a beautiful mother anymore when you have a handsome father?"    


How could the little guy not be close to him? After all, he was the one who brought them up with his own piss and piss. Knowing that he was close to Pei Yichen, it truly broke her old mother's heart.    


"No, Mommy. It's just that, it's just that you're not in a good mood these few days, so I don't want to bother you …"    


Xiaomi pouted her lips in protest. Mummy had been worrying a lot these past few days, so she didn't bother her mommy too much. Why did Mommy have to blame her?    


After hearing the little girl's explanation, Xia Zhi immediately realized her problem.    


These two days, he was in a bad mood and thought that he had disguised himself very well, so that neither the husband nor the child would notice it. However, in reality, Pei Yichen sensed that and so did the child.    


Even though the emotions of her parents were subtle, the children could still feel it. They couldn't do anything, but they would be more obedient and more understanding than usual. It was just that she was immersed in her own world and didn't notice such details.    


Summer held the two children in her arms, her heart already soft.    


"Baby, I'm sorry, Mommy was not in a good mood before because of some personal reasons, but because you were always by her side, Mommy became happy again. In the future, with you all to accompany Mommy, Mommy will always be very happy. "    


After rubbing their heads in the summer, she felt that she was not a good mother. Especially since she had been immersed in her own world for the past few days and had neglected her children.    


"Mommy, you're the best mommy ~"    


Xiaomi stretched out her two short arms and threw herself into Summer's embrace, rubbing her face against Mommy as she acted coquettishly like a kitten.    


Xiaoye also laughed while holding the arm of summer. A child's sensitive heart most needs the care of a mother's love.    


Now that they had Mommy's promise, they would forget all their previous unhappiness and cherish their current life.    


"You're back? Are you hungry? "    


When Xia Xia walked in with the two little guys, they immediately smelled the fragrance from the kitchen. The little guy ran to Pei Yichen's side and hugged his thighs.    


Summer laughed as she hugged Pei Yichen from behind, "Aiyee, I wonder what Chef Pei is cooking today?"    


Surrounded by love, Pei Yichen couldn't help but curl his lips and reveal a beautiful smile, "Wash your hands, finish your homework, and then prepare to eat!"    


After receiving his father's order, Little Mi and Xiaoye immediately obediently went to the small study room to do their homework.    


Summer just turned her body and rinsed her hands with the tap, then hugged Pei Yichen. Her wet hands casually wiped Pei Yichen's expensive shirt.    


Pei Yichen lowered his head to look at the small hand that was playing tricks on his waist. He couldn't help but laugh, but he did not expose it, "How was class today?"    


Suddenly, there was a university student's wife beside him. Pei Yichen felt that it was really funny for a moment. Life was indeed full of surprises. It was just like how he never would have thought that he would start a family with a student's sister.    


"Not bad." "Actually, I'm pretty good with my freshmen knowledge, so I don't think it's difficult at all. It's just that I feel that my enrollment time is a bit too hasty, and now that winter vacation is about to come, don't you think I should take the final exam next month? I'll take the exam the moment I start school!"    


This was not a good omen. He was actually faced with such a situation in the exam. If his grades were not good enough, perhaps he would be unhappy during the new year.    


"Don't you think that there is no problem with the knowledge points? "Why would he even worry about the results?"    


Pei Yichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Now, he somehow felt like he had a daughter, and he had to worry about the score with her!    


Summer couldn't help but laugh. This kind of feeling was as if he was reporting his studies to his parents, "Actually it's not a big deal. It's just that I'm worried. Theory and practice are still somewhat different after all."    


Actually, there was no actual operation in his freshman year. He was just recognizing the fabric and analyzing the design concepts of various famous brands. Summer was already a rather famous designer. No matter what, she was still better than those students he had just met.    


Pei Yichen smacked away the claw that was stealing the Holy Maiden Fruit, while teasing, "Why do I have a type of bag now?" Raised a woman. Greater. How do you feel about students? "    


Err …    


The heck!    


Summer suddenly felt speechless, Pei Yichen's absurd idea simply didn't know what to say.    


"Then so be it. Anyway, I'm the only one accompanying you."    


Xia Zhi said with a frown and started laughing. He suddenly felt like he was the wife of Pei Yichen.    


She was clearly an old couple, yet after this, she even felt a little new. What's wrong with that?    


His back trembled as he pursed his lips in the summer, changing the angle to pick up the Saintess' Fruit, "But Chen, you don't have to arrange for people to pick me up in the future. You don't know, when your luxurious car appeared in front of the school today, many people were watching me get on the car, so you don't know how embarrassed I am!"    


It made her feel like a monkey being watched. That feeling was very real! No! Good!    


Pei Yichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he listened to someone's resentful words. Was he asking someone to pick him up or was he in the wrong?    


After all, he couldn't really just let the subway squeeze the bus all by himself in the summer. He couldn't bear to have his treasures squeezed by someone else.    


"I'll pick you up in an unremarkable car."    


Pei Yichen made up his mind that it would be better to pick them up personally in the future. Today, the meeting was late so he asked Zheng Zheng to come over. That brat must be too respectful to bring trouble to summer!    


Pei Yichen had unscrupulously blamed Zheng Zheng for all his wrongdoings.    


"No need, you should just pick up the child. I'm so busy every day, so don't run back and forth. It's not like I can't find my way home with my age. There's no need to be so delicate."    


Xia Chen deeply felt that ever since she lived together with Pei Yichen, she had become more and more expensive. She didn't have to worry about meals, had a driver and even had a warm bed at night. Such a rich wife's life really made her feel like a princess!    


Pei Yichen put down the kitchen knife, turned around and looked down at Xia Keke condescendingly, "My woman, I'm willing to pamper her, you can't have any objections!"    


Facing his irrefutable gaze, the corners of his mouth twitched. Damn, did I tell you that your tyrannical appearance is really too cool?!    


Xia Chen cursed in his heart, but his body reacted first. He stood on his tiptoes and bit Pei Yichen's chin, "What if you spoil me?"    


Pei Yichen hugged her tightly in his arms, "It's okay, I will accept your bad temper without any shame."    


Xia Xia Zhi pursed his lips, aiyaya, he was really touched by the sweet words. Why was this person so good at talking, how could he coax girls to be happy? Hee hee ~    


"But if you pick me up every day, you can't do it every day. What about the child? You promised to pick them up every day. "    


Summer frowned, aware of the point.    


Pei Yichen raised his eyebrows and ignored everything, "Missing a child is nothing, as long as I can coax my wife to be happy, it's more important than anything!"    


Sending his wife away was, of course, much more important to him than sending off his children!    


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