Merit System: Billionaire’s Reborn Cute Wife

C1735 Great Splendor

C1735 Great Splendor

After all, there were quite a few visitors.    


Zhang Zhen arrived earlier than the appointment time. He really couldn't stay here any longer, all he wanted to do was to see that doctor.    


He hoped that after he explained the situation to the other party, he would be able to get the Lu Clan to withdraw their ban.    


This time, it could be said that Feng Qianlang was completely out of the question.    


He didn't do anything, but he was hurt like this by this unknown fan.    


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but curse Zhao Qing for being brainless in his heart.    


Is a normal person allowed to casually attend a banquet?    


Cursing at such an occasion, no one would do such a thing even if they were brainless!    


It was all his fault.    


Seeing that the other side was the daughter of the Zhao family, he wanted to use her as a reserve and use her as a fan manager.    


While allowing her to approach Feng Qianlang, it also caused her mental state to swell up, which was why this matter had occurred.    


I really can't be greedy of this kind of cheap stuff in the future.    


While he was lost in his thoughts, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared at the door.    


Zhang Zhen had never seen a real person before, but the intuition in his heart told him that this was the young girl.    


His looks and temperament were too outstanding.    


Based on her appearance, Zhao Qing must have had her brain blocked by a door, thus she dared to go up and pick on her. Battle.    


Thinking back to yesterday, ever since he knew that Zhang Xuan would come to apologize, that child Lu Xun had sent him countless messages that belittled the 'if'. It really made him speechless.    


Just how strong were the coloured glasses in order to make this girl become a useless trash in her mouth?    


Zhang Zhen cast aside the chaotic thoughts in his mind and walked up to welcome her with the gift in his hand.    


"Like a doctor?" He carefully tested the waters.    


If you stop and look at the people who come.    


He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, giving off the grandeur of an elite in society.    


She couldn't remember where she saw him, and looking at the things in his hands, they should be here for a visit.    


"Hello, are you here to visit? Which family's patient is it? " If she smiled gently, "It's not good to visit too early. The patient should rest more, preferably after 10 o'clock …"    


Zhang Zhen saw the smile on the young girl's face and could not help but be distracted.    


This child's outer conditions are too outstanding. If he were to enter the entertainment circle, he would definitely shine, right?    


No, she could also shine in the medical world.    


Pan Yan's throat had been sentenced to death by many doctors abroad, and HS was ready to disband, but she brought the dead back to life.    


With this medical skill, it should be hard for him to not become outstanding, right?    


Pulling himself together, Zhang Zhen gave a simple self-introduction, "I'm Feng Qianlang's manager. My name is Zhang Zhen."    


If he said "oh" and lowered his head to look at his wristwatch, "It's only nine."    


Yesterday, Tan Dongwen told her it was ten o'clock.    


Zhang Zhen had long since been mentally prepared that he would be in trouble, which was why he came early. He could only hope that his long wait would calm the other party down.    


He was ready for the day.    


Unexpectedly, he heard the other party say, "Alright, come with me."    


He was stunned for a moment. Was this what it meant to talk to him?    


When he sat down in the living room, he still didn't feel real.    


Seeing that he would be able to put down a cup of tea in front of him, Zhang Zhen hurriedly stood up and thanked him before handing over the prepared gift.    


"I know that if the doctor were to suffer a great loss to his reputation in this matter, I would come here on behalf of Feng Qianlang to apologize to you. We can make up for any grievances we have …"    


If she raised her hand to indicate that he should stop talking, she would only say slowly when he stopped, "No need to apologize, nor need to apologize. I know that this matter has nothing to do with Feng Qianlang and the other HS members."    


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