Love Never Ends

C224 Chapter 224

C224 Chapter 224

Zhixin hurriedly shook her head in denial. "I just hope that you can go back and rest as soon as possible."    


"The whole night's activity was interrupted by you!" Xi Shenyuan said dejectedly. He waved his hand and walked out of the ward, "I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first."    


With that, his back completely disappeared from the ward's door.    


Zhixin was the only one left in the ward.    


It was as if that special aura of his still lingered in the air, lingering on for a long time. It lingered on Zhixin's breath, making her feel inexplicably frustrated.    


He said he was interfering with his activities.    


What event? At that time, he was together with Lv Chun. This should have been an activity between the two of them!    


Zhixin quickly shook her head to stop herself from thinking about those useless things.    


Anyway, those things had nothing to do with her, did they?    


Zhixin heaved a faint sigh. Her right hand subconsciously stroked her flat stomach, which was still faintly hurting.    


Were there really no children here?    


However, why did she feel so strong …    


It was as if a small life was quietly growing there …    


Zhixin fell into a deep sleep as she thought about this.    


Xi Shenyuan drove straight to the police station as soon as he came out of the hospital.    


"Director Lin, it's me."    


While driving, Xi Shenyuan dialed the number of the bureau chief of City A, Lin Gangqiang.    


"I really shouldn't bother you with this matter. However, nephew has his own difficulties and needs your help."    


Xi Shenyuan was gentle and polite on the phone.    


"Aiyo, Yanghong, just look at your words. If there's anything you need Uncle Lin's help with, then Uncle Lin will not hesitate to help."    


Xi Shenyuan smiled, "Uncle Lin, you are being too serious." The fact is, a friend of mine was just robbed by a yellow taxi on Ocean Road. The license number of the taxi was AAS3940, and there were two bandits in it. One of them had a stab wound to his abdomen and eyes, and I thought the robber must have been injured so badly that he had to go to hospital immediately. So I hoped that Uncle Lin would send someone to check all the hospitals and the clinics in A city overnight, not missing a single suspect. Because this matter will cost more manpower and labor, so I can only ask Uncle Lin to step forward and help me. "    


"Yuanshan, your friend Uncle Lin has some responsibility in this matter. Even if security doesn't pass, the police department will still be held responsible!" Besides, this investigation is something that we have to do! "Alright, I will immediately send someone to investigate. We must get to the bottom of this as soon as possible."    


"Thank you, Uncle Lin."    


Lin Gangqiang was once a capable general of his father.    


The last time Zhixin had been locked up, Secretary Li had actually asked him to do it. However, because the matter was rather complicated, he had contacted Lin Gangqiang himself.    


Xi Shenyuan arrived at the police station and sat in the bureau chief's office, waiting for the results of the investigation.    


In the entire police station, only a few officers were left on duty. The others had all been sent to work overtime to investigate the case.    


After a female police officer poured some tea for Xi Shenyuan, she carefully left the bureau chief's office.    


"Oh my god!" The handsome guy sitting inside had a strong aura. He didn't even say a word, but he was like a ferocious cheetah, without anger! It is as if I can swallow you up at any time! " The policewoman exaggeratedly shared her impression of the man inside with her colleagues.    


"I don't know who that person is either. I heard that not only has everyone from the headquarters been dispatched, even the people from the other branches have set up an inescapable net to hunt down those two robbers."    


"It's that exaggerated?" It seemed like he really had some sort of background! Even our bureau chief has to look at his face, tsk tsk … "    




At three in the morning —    


The two suspects were picked up in a small clinic in the suburbs.    


The police station instantly became lively.    


Xi Shenyuan's tall and straight black figure stood in front of the two suspects. His cold aura enveloped them.    


The ruthless aura surrounding him was shocking, like a bloodthirsty cheetah ready to tear the two bandits in front of him to shreds at any moment.    


"Big Brother, do you mind accompanying A-Long to record his statement?"    


Commissioner Lin asked Xi Shenyuan while patting his shoulder.    


Xi Shenyuan's cold lips pulled up into a benevolent smile, "Of course I don't mind."    


He was simply asking for it!    


Of course, he also knew that this was an opportunity for Lin Gangqiang to give him a chance to retaliate.    


The red hair looked at the cold smile on Xi Shenyuan's lips and, inexplicably, completely panicked for a moment …    


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