Love Never Ends

C69 Chapter 69

C69 Chapter 69

Xi Shenyuan gritted his teeth and continued. At this moment, blood had already seeped out from the place where his finger was bitten.    


Zhixin had no choice but to persuade the patient. She didn't know if he could hear her, "Mister, do you have a conscience? Dr. Xi was trying to save your life. How can you be so vicious when you're biting him! Let go! "Hurry up!"    


The patient, Yang Chen, seemed to have not heard anything as he bit into Xi Shenyuan's lips, not letting go at all.    


"Relax!" Zhixin panicked.    


"Get out of the way!" I'll vomit all over you later! " Xi Shenyuan frowned and said impatiently to Zhixin.    


Zhixin tilted her body to the side to give him some space.    


"Ugh –    


As soon as she stepped aside, the patient vomited as well.    


His injured finger was still covered in dirt, but he didn't even frown. He was relieved for a moment, and turned around to wash his hands at the sink, while instructing Zhixin, "Hurry and get two nurses from the nurses' station. The patient needs to be sent to the gastric lavatory immediately."    


"Yes, yes..."    


Zhixin rushed out of the ward and returned very quickly with two nurses.    


"Hurry, send it to the gastric lavatory!" Xi Shenyuan ordered the nurse.    


"Yes, yes!"    


As the nurse answered, Xi Shenyuan pushed the patient out of the ward and ran straight for the gastric lavatory. Zhixin was worried, so she followed him.    


An hour later, after everything was settled, he finally managed to pull his life back from Lord Yama.    


The two slumped on the bench, exhausted, panting.    


"Is your hand okay?"    


Zhixin laid her head on the back of the chair and looked at him weakly.    


Xi Shenyuan lowered his head and looked at his finger, then said indifferently, "This is not worth a question."    


Zhixin frowned, "It's already bleeding. It's not worth it!" Do you think you're made of steel! "    


She straightened up. "You go ahead and change out of your dirty clothes. I'll go downstairs."    


As Zhixin spoke, she got up and walked straight to the elevator.    


Xi Shenyuan rested for a few minutes before he also stood up and walked towards the Office of Brain Surgery.    


Zhixin went to the pharmacy to buy medicine, and when she returned to his office to find him, he happened to come out of the bathroom after having ordered a bath.    


A brown woolen sweater wrapped around his muscular physique, and a pair of well-cut dark pants. He looked casual, but his lazy aura made people unable to look away.    


He took a dry towel and nonchalantly rubbed his wet short hair. When his gaze fell on Zhixin's face, he frowned and threw the towel in his hand onto her face. He snapped, "Wipe the saliva out of your mouth for me!"    




Zhixin grudgingly grabbed the towel and glared at him. "I've never seen such a narcissistic man before!"    


"Seems like a bunch of infatuated women like you!" Xi Shenyuan did not show any weakness as he hit back at her.    


"The prince is sick!" Zhixin tossed the medicine on the table and added, "It's still the same perilous type."    


"What is this?"    


Xi Shenyuan rummaged through the bag of pills.    


"Ointment, remember to put it on."    


"There's no need for that. It's just two drops of blood, why are you being so hypocritical?" He tossed the ointment onto the table.    


Looking at his pointless attitude, Zhixin got angry for no reason. "Are you asking about two drops of blood?" "Xi Shenyuan, you are a doctor yourself, you should know how many bacteria and viruses are left in the place where you were just bitten. If this patient has any infectious diseases, you will have to suffer as well!"    


"Is that so? "That would really disappoint Miss Shen."    


As he spoke, he unscrewed the lid of the ointment, and skillfully opened the bucket with the cap. He passed it to Zhixin, then handed her a cotton swab. By the time you disinfect me, I'll be dead sick! Before the patient had a gastric lavage, a nurse had already given me an emergency treatment! If you don't even have this kind of common sense, then it would be a waste of my time as a doctor.    


Hearing his words, Zhixin let out a sigh of relief. "Why didn't you say so earlier?"    


Xi Shenyuan sat down beside her, "Thanks for what happened today."    


Zhixin tilted her head and looked at him, puckering her lips into a smile. "It's rare to hear such nice words from your mouth."    


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