Love Never Ends

C327 Chapter 327

C327 Chapter 327

Life, Zhixin thought, always has so many dramatic coincidences.    


On a seat not far away from him, Xi Shenyuan sat there and was elegantly sipping the coffee in his hand.    


Today, he was wearing a light gray suit with a simple white shirt inside. A dark blue tie was tied around the shirt's collar. The elegant and noble attire made him look more like a gentleman than ever before.    


Beside him sat an old man with white hair and dressed like a noble.    


Opposite the two of them sat a girl. Beside the girl was an old man in formal attire.    


Zhixin could only see the side of the girl's face, but from her beautiful side view alone, she was able to guess what kind of beauty she had.    


The girl's gaze was always on Xi Shenyuan's impeccable face. A shy smile was hanging on her lips. She was pure and beautiful, so beautiful that it could move one's heart.    


The two old men seemed to be having a particularly good time talking, always letting out a hearty laugh.    


Zhixin looked at the old man beside Xi Shenyuan and felt a sense of familiarity. After a while, she remembered that he was Xi Shenyuan's mentor, Professor Lin.    


Zhixin didn't even need to look to know that he was just a b * stard … Matchmaking.    


Just as she wanted to look away, Xi Shenyuan suddenly raised his eyes. Coincidentally, his eyes met Zhixin's watery eyes that were sizing them up.    


However, his pair of dark and calm eyes didn't seem to have the slightest trace of shock. He only gave Zhixin a faint, symbolic smile before turning his gaze away and starting to chat with the girl in front of him.    


Zhixin was stunned for half a second before she quickly withdrew her gaze.    


In his heart, it was as if his heart had been turned over. It was not a good feeling at all.    


She lowered her head, took a gulp of the hot drink in her glass, and glanced at her watch. It was already ten past six.    


Zhixin became restless.    


Zhixin felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles when she saw a blind date.    


At this moment, Zhixin's cell phone rang. She took out her cell phone to check the caller ID. It was her client calling her. Speak.    


Zhixin quickly picked it up. "Hello."    


"It's Miss Shen, right? I'm really sorry, it's snowing outside, the car is stuck at the loop, I can't get up! If the snow is too thick, why don't we wait for the weather to get better before coming out again? It's fine to chat online! It's been snowing for so long, I'm sorry about that. You should go back as soon as possible! The snow will be too thick, it will be hard to leave later! "    


The customer was extremely amiable at that end. Even though she missed the appointment, she knew that Xin was still quite comfortable. She didn't blame him in the slightest, "Okay, then you have to be careful while driving."    


The two exchanged a few brief words of greeting before hanging up.    


Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave when the cellphone in her hand rang again.    


This time, it wasn't a phone call, but a text message.    


Zhixin was surprised that the text message was from Xi Shenyuan, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table.    


She hadn't even looked at the contents of the text, but she already felt shocked when she saw the name of the person who sent the letter. She subconsciously turned her head to look at Xi Shenyuan, who was on the side table.    


As for him, he acted like nothing had happened and continued chatting and laughing with the girl in front of him.    


At that moment, Zhixin almost suspected that the person who sent the text message was not him, Xi Shenyuan.    


When Zhixin clicked on the text message, she felt that she had received the wrong message, or he had sent the wrong person!    


The message was very simple, it was only three words, "SOS"    




Urgent cry for help?    




Zhixin gave him a puzzled look.    


Could it be that it was because of the blind date that he needed her help? However, looking at how pleased he was with himself, Zhixin knew she had misunderstood his intentions.    


She stood there and bit her lips, unsure of whether she should make a prompt decision to leave or not.    


Suddenly, Xi Shenyuan called out to her.    


"Xin!" "Over here..."    


Zhixin froze for a moment, then abruptly raised her head and looked at him with a puzzled expression.    


Xi Shenyuan had already stood up and walked towards her with large strides.    


His large hands were unafraid as they directly held onto her waist, leading her to their table. "Master, Grandpa Zhang, I'm really sorry. My girlfriend is usually busy, so she came a bit late."    


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