Love Never Ends

C25 Chapter 25

C25 Chapter 25

Zhixin pointed the mouse to the attributes of the folder, "Before you guys opened this folder, these photos have not been noticed for two years. This proves that the owner of this computer does not value these photos as much as we think. Maybe he just forgot to delete them..."    


Zhixin murmured in a low voice but her tone could not hide the slight loneliness.    


Ms Zhixin, you should take the photo away. My sister is right. Her photo was hidden in a computer by a stranger. It is indeed creepy."    


Was it a stranger? Perhaps she is not that unfamiliar with the owner of this computer.    


"Can I really take it away?"    


"Yes, you can take it away!" Lee Mengyu seemed to have made up his mind.    


Zhixin hesitated for a moment, but in the end, she still took all the photos. "Mengyu, if he really came to find you, you can tell him that I took it by myself. He won't make things difficult for you."    




"Thank you, Mengyu." Zhixin thanked him.    


In the end, she took the photo.    


Zhixin did not know if the photos Qu Mengxi saw on Xi Shenyuan's computer were these. But she knew that her photos were stored in his computer and had no meaning at all.    


The atmosphere in the brain surgery office was extremely cold.    


The chief doctor of Xi Shenyuan, who had never lost his temper before, had lost his temper at his student Yang Zishan. This time, he had never lost his temper before.    


Yang Zishan felt so wronged that she almost cried. "Mr Xi, when I sent the computer over, I really did tell him that he can't lose anything in the computer, especially the things in the F drive. I really did tell him that I will go and find that boss and ask him about it now!"    


Yang Zishan was about to leave when she was stopped by Xi Shenyuan.    


"Forget it. I can't blame you for this. It was my bad tone just now. Don't take it to heart." Xi Shenyuan calmed himself down and apologized to Yang Zishan. In the end, he asked her for Lee Mengyu's number. "Give me his number and address. I can go by myself."    


Yang Zishan quickly gave him Lee Mengyu's contact number.    


The next day, when it was close to noon, Zhixin suddenly received an internal call from Director Li Jiancheng.    


"Zhixin, go to the reception hall on the first floor."    


Zhixin did not understand, "Director, what is it?"    


"Xi Shenyuan this customer is yours, right?" Li Jiancheng's tone was a little serious.    




"He's waiting for you in the reception hall. He said you stole his things."    


"What?" Zhixin could not believe it.    


"Zhixin, I know you are not that kind of person. But when these words came out of the client's mouth, it would damage the company's image. So quickly go and settle this matter! "Whether or not you take their things, you have to explain it clearly to the client." Li Jiancheng was still a reasonable man.    


"Yes, yes, I'll go down now."    


Zhixin hung up the phone and hurried to the elevator.    




Pushing open the door of the reception hall, Zhixin saw Xi Shenyuan with one glance.    


He stood by the window with one hand in his suit pocket out of habit.    


The golden sunlight filtered in from top to bottom through the glass window and sprinkled on his tall and straight body. He stood in the halo, his figure half hidden and half visible, making him seem even more mysterious.    


Zhixin took a deep breath without leaving a trace. Then she asked him, "Are you looking for me?"    


Xi Shenyuan turned around and looked at her.    


His gaze fell on her face, which was pretending to be calm. There was a powerful aura.    


"Where's my photo?"    


He coldly opened his mouth and directly questioned Zhixin.    


Zhixin frowned. She was surprised that he felt that this was a matter of course.    


He moved his legs and approached her step by step.    


In the end, he stopped less than half a step away from Zhixin and looked down on her from above. He forced her, "Return it to me!"    


Zhixin found it difficult to breathe when he approached her.    


"Sorry, that is my photo. I cannot return it."    


She turned around and wanted to escape.    


Unexpectedly, her wrist was tightly held by a large hand. He pulled hard and Zhixin's entire body was pulled and spun around half a circle.    


"What are you doing?!"    


Zhixin was forced to meet Xi Shenyuan's cold eyes again.    


"Shen Zhixin, give me back the photo!" He said each word coldly.    


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