The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C642 I Don't Think So!

C642 I Don't Think So!

He looked up, saw the ceiling, and the roof was a regular white ceiling, seamlessly hanging a lamp, and it was no problem either.    


On the right side of the wall, there was a shoe cabinet. On the shoe cabinet was a television. In the innermost corner of the wall, there was a wardrobe.    


To the left, there was a bed beside the corpse. There was a nightstand on both sides of the bed, and there was also a fitting rack that was drying a few t-shirts.    


Everything looked normal, and there was nothing special about it.    


Lee Yifann frowned slightly, and muttered in his heart, "That shouldn't be the case. Where exactly is it?"    


His eyes continued to scan the room, searching for something.    


At this moment, Zang Loong went back and forth in the room to examine carefully. First, he rummaged through the cabinet, then checked the ground. No matter how he searched, he could not find any clues. After that, he turned his gaze to the corpse.    


"Looks like I can only find traces from the corpse."    


He took a deep breath and walked to the corpse. He first looked at the corpse. Although the person had died two days ago, it had started to stink. When he came into close contact with the corpse, even a mask could not cover the stench.    


Fortunately, when Zang Loong was a criminal police officer, he often came into contact with corpses, so he could bear the smell.    


He looked back and forth on the body, and then turned the body over. There was nothing wrong with it.    


"How is this possible?" After a round of inspection, there was no result. Zang Loong could not believe it. His expression changed slightly, and he continued to check in disbelief.    


The people at the door looked up and looked at him, who looked like he was checking again and again. They all hoped that he could find the cause of Han Soong's death, but after waiting for a long time, he did not make a sound. They were a little impatient and anxious.    


"Why hasn't the cause of death been found yet?"    


"I'm dying of anxiety. How did he die?"    


If it were not for Zang Loong's authority, they would have raised their doubts a long time ago.    


Half an hour later, Zang Loong still couldn't find anything. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.    


Seeing his expression, everyone became even more anxious. Could it be that he couldn't find anything?    


Finally, Shen Tianfeng couldn't restrain himself and asked, "Detective Zang Shen, how is it? Have you found out the cause of death?"    


"That's right. It has been so long. Have you found out?" The others also urged him.    


"This..." Zang Loong averted his gaze, as if he didn't dare to look at their expressions.    


Han Shaocheng spoke in a deep voice, "Divine Detective Zang, just say what you want to say. We don't blame you for not finding out."    


Although he really hoped that Zang Loong would be able to find out, to be honest, there were so many forensic doctors who couldn't find out, so he really didn't have much hope.    


"I... I can't find out!" Zang Loong lowered his head dejectedly, with a defeated look on his face. Originally, he was full of confidence, thinking that with his many years of experience as a criminal investigator and detective, finding the cause of Han Soong's death should be a piece of cake, but after investigating for a long time, however, he found nothing.    


He felt as if he was slapping himself in the face. He wished he could find a hole to hide in.    




Everyone let out sighs of disappointment.    


"What should we do now? Not even Divine Detective Zang can find out!"    


"Then no one in the world can find out!"    


"It's really too strange!"    


Everyone was wailing. Shen Shaokun's face was also ashen. When he heard about Zang Loong's past achievements, he thought that his past grievances would definitely be washed away, but he did not expect that Zang Loong would not be able to find out about it either!    


"Detective Zang, come out! It's not your fault that you can't find out!" Han Shaocheng sighed helplessly. Actually, when he saw Zang Loong sweating profusely just now, he already had a premonition that he wouldn't be able to find out.    


Zang Loong looked at the corpse unwillingly and retreated to the door. He looked at everyone and said dejectedly, "Sorry! I let you guys down. I did not find out!"    


"It's not your fault! If so many people couldn't find anything, it proved that his cause of death must be very strange," the others couldn't help but comfort him.    


Zang Loong was very upset. "I searched his corpse carefully, but I couldn't find any trace of a wound. Generally speaking, if a person died abnormally, there would definitely be traces left on his body."    


He couldn't understand. Han Soong clearly died abnormally, but there wasn't even a trace of a wound on his body. It didn't make sense.    


"Those forensic doctors said the same thing." Shen Kang sighed.    


"Do we have to dissect the body?" Shen Tianfeng suddenly asked.    


Zang Loong shook his head. "I'm afraid not. Normally, a forensic doctor has to perform an autopsy on the body. It was because the deceased had eaten poisonous food, or there was something hard inside the body. Unknown. Or there were traces of poison on his body, that was why he needed to be dissected. I just checked and found that there was no foreign object in his body. There were no traces of poison on his body either. I'm afraid that even dissecting him would be a waste of effort. "    


" Does that mean that there's no way to prove my innocence? " Shen Shaokun's face turned pale.    


Zang Loong looked at him with sympathy. "Ai! Forgive me for being unable to do anything. If we were to follow the normal law, it is very likely that it was you who caused his death."    


In particular, there were people who saw Shen Shaokun push Han Soong away with their own eyes. This further confirmed the fact that he was the murderer.    


Shen Shaokun had a miserable look on his face. He gritted his teeth unwillingly and said, "I just quarreled with him a little, just because I was in the medical qualification test. He was stolen from the limelight. I just mocked him a little. I wanted to leave, so I pushed him away. Who knew he would fall to his death? Besides, if he fell to his death, shouldn't there be marks of falling injuries on his body? Why did I check that there were no traces at all? I don't believe that he died from that push!"    


His unyielding protest caused everyone to fall silent.    


In fact, they were not stubborn. They could tell whether Shen Shaokun was right or wrong after thinking for a while.    


Generally speaking, they would fall to their deaths because they were pushed down.    


There would definitely be bruises on their bodies when their heads hit the ground or some sharp corners when they fell.    


In the bedroom, although there was a shoe cabinet beside the corpse, there were no signs of it being knocked over. Similarly, there were no signs of it hitting the back of Han Soong's head.    


It could be seen that his death was not because of the fall.    


It was also because of this suspicious point that Han Shaocheng was slightly lenient. On account of his relationship with Shen Kang, he did not severely punish Shen Shaokun.    


Just as everyone was sighing and sighing, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.    


"Is it really impossible to find out? I don't think so!"    


The crowd fell silent. The sighs of the crowd stopped abruptly. All of them turned their heads around and looked at Lee Yifann.    


"Yifann, don't speak nonsense!" Shen Shaokun saw that everyone was looking at him, so he hurriedly pulled his sleeve.    


Lee Yifann spread his hands, "I'm not wrong."    


At this moment, Zang Loong couldn't help but frown and ask, "Kid, who are you?"    


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