Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C217 Hetero

C217 Hetero

As he was walking, a black object in front of him suddenly shot towards Lin Long's face with a swoosh. Lin Long was shocked and hurriedly swept the violet sun sword in his hand.    


But the object was off to the side, and just like that, it dodged Lin Long's sweep of the sword. In his busy state, Lin Long's sword tilted, and once again swept towards the object.    


Although the object was fast, how could it be faster than Lin Long who possessed the body technique?    


With a "shua" sound, the violet sun sword directly split the object into two.    


In an instant, a stream of fresh blood shot out to both sides.    


Although he was shocked, seeing the thing that had dropped to the ground, Lin Long couldn't help but feel somewhat happy in his heart, because the thing that he had cut into two was obviously a mouse that was the size of a fist.    


Clearly, this place had living creatures.    


However, this mouse was clearly different from the other mice he had seen before. Firstly, the fur on its body was extremely tough, especially its tail, which was like a tiny iron whip.    


Secondly, its speed was a few times faster than any of the mice Lin Long had seen previously.    


If it wasn't for his agile reaction, he was afraid that he would have been bitten by this rat just now.    


Lin Long was just about to walk in again and observe the rat carefully, when suddenly, with a * swoosh * sound, ten of these mice came out from the hole.    


The rats were all staring at him with bloodshot eyes. Obviously, his actions of killing that mouse had angered them.    


After staring at Lin Long for a few breaths of time, these rats actually started attacking Lin Long together.    


All of them opened their mouths wide enough for Lin Long to see and feel a little disgust as they bit towards Lin Long.    


The teeth in their open mouths were extremely sharp, and Lin Long did not dare to underestimate them, so he immediately brandished the violet sun sword in his hands.    


After crackling for a while, he killed all the rats.    


In the end, he still frowned slightly, because his arm had been accidentally bitten by a rat, and the place where he had bitten it quickly became red and swollen.    


Not only that, he also felt a wave of dizziness.    


He didn't dare to be careless and quickly took out an antidote pill and swallowed it. This antidote pill could cure a hundred poisons, so it was naturally easy for a mouse to be poisoned.    


In next to no time, he felt his body return to normal.    


Even so, his heart was still palpitating. If he didn't have the antidote pill, he might have fallen into the trap of these rats.    


After carefully inspecting the rats and confirming that the meat on their bodies was not toxic, Lin Long brought them back to the river bank and began to roast them after cleaning and peeling them clean.    


After some hard work, they finally managed to eat the fragrant rat meat.    


The rat's meat was extremely delicious, even Lin Long, who was a former Martial Emperor and had tasted countless delicacies, was filled with praise.    


After eating his fill and placing the remaining mouse meat into the rune space ring, Lin Long then continued to advance forward.    


Since there were so many of these rats, there must be more than a dozen of them. But in the following time, Lin Long did not run into any more of these rats, either because he was shocked or something.    


After passing the original place and walking for another half an incense stick of time, Lin Long's eyebrows suddenly jumped. Having realized that there seemed to be some sort of danger, he immediately turned his body around.    


Just as he turned his body, there was a "sou" sound. An arrow shot out from the front and embedded itself deep into the tree behind him.    


Before he could look towards the direction of the arrow, another one came at him.    


However, this time, the arrow was directly split into two by Lin Long, who was already prepared.    


He looked towards the direction where the arrow had come from and saw a short figure disappearing into the forest.    


With a frown, Lin Long immediately followed.    


Lin Long could tell that the other party was a child, it was just that this child's speed was not slow.    


However, Lin Long was not worried that he would not be able to find the other party, as he was a "Hunter" character, his tracking skills were not weak.    


After some effort, Lin Long finally found some clues left behind by the other party.    


In Lin Long's opinion, the opponent should have slowed down after losing him. But he did not expect that from the beginning to end, the opponent's speed would be very fast, and from the looks of it, the opponent seemed to be in a state of panic.    


However, thinking about how the other party was a child, Lin Long felt relieved.    


However, why did the other side attack him without even greeting him? Lin Long was a little confused.    


After all, this was his first time coming to this strange place. It was impossible for him to offend the people here before meeting them.    


After following the other party for fifteen minutes, the other party's speed had clearly slowed down, and at this time, Lin Long's eyes lit up even more, because there were obvious traces of movement in the surroundings.    


Gradually, Lin Long saw the figure of the other party. It was indeed a boy of about ten years old.    


When he looked carefully, Lin Long could immediately tell that the shorts on his body was made from the fur of those mice.    


Could it be that this was the only beast here? Lin Long couldn't help but have this thought.    


Just as he was thinking, a lot of voices came from in front, Lin Long did not dare follow further, after all, he had lost the protection of his strong Divine Sense, if he was not careful, he would fall into the enemy's encirclement.    


After rolling his eyes, he climbed up a large tree to the side and looked down from above. He discovered that the little boy had already gathered with five or six men.    


These burly men were dressed no differently from little boys. They looked extremely valiant, some holding sabers, others bows and arrows.    


Even though Lin Long trained in the body technique, he didn't dare guarantee that he wouldn't get injured while dealing with these people. Thus, he gave up on the idea of revealing himself.    


The little boy immediately said something to the big sized men. Due to the distance, Lin Long could not hear him clearly.    


After saying that, the big sized men cautiously looked at Lin Long's direction, and then left with the little boy.    


Even so, he had left two people behind to guard the formation and keep an eye on the situation behind him.    


After confirming that these people hadn't discovered him hiding on the tree, and after these people walked a little further, Lin Long immediately followed.    


It was much easier to track them.    


After that, Lin Long followed these people over to their residence. It was at the bottom of a tall mountain peak, and with just a glance, he could see at least a dozen stone houses.    


It seemed like this was a small village.    


The men immediately brought the boy into the village and left the three of them with the two men guarding outside the wall.    


Some of them were looking in the direction where Lin Long was coming from, while the others were holding their own weapons, as if they would kill Lin Long the moment they saw him.    


Why are these people acting as if they were facing a great enemy? Lin Long really couldn't understand.    


Lin Long originally wanted to enter the village right now, but seeing that the sky was gradually getting darker, he decided to give up on that idea for now. He would wait until the sky was completely dark, because it would be even easier to enter the village.    


Even though this place did not have a sun, there still seemed to be days and nights, because after Lin Long had waited for a while, the sky had already completely darkened.    


After it got dark, Lin Long found an opportunity to sneak into the small village.    


After his previous observation, the number of people in the village definitely wasn't more than 100. Among the 100 people, 30% of them were strong men, and the rest were women, children, and the elderly.    


Although he had already lost his movement skills, the body technique could still allow Lin Long to easily sneak into this small village.    


The reason why Lin Long did this was naturally to understand what kind of place it was. Originally, he wanted to personally ask this after seeing the person here, but after encountering that strange little boy, he naturally gave up on that idea.    


After carefully walking around in the village for a while, Lin Long arrived outside a brightly lit house. Looking inside, he saw about thirty people, most of them were sturdy men, and other than the few elderly people, there was a girl who was around nineteen years old and a teenage boy.    


This boy was the one who had shot two arrows at Lin Long today.    


"Ah Long, you said that you met a different race today?" At this time, a dignified looking old man asked the little boy.    


"Yes, elder." The little boy nodded. There was no fear on his face. On the contrary, he looked very excited.    


"Alien?" Ah Long, what's that pagan holding in his hand? " someone asked.    


"Take one." As he said this, the little boy began to draw on the ground. He drew the shape of a sword. Although it was ugly, it was still recognizable as a sword with a single glance.    


When he was done, he pointed at the sword and said, "That's the weapon."    


"Such a weapon?" A lot of people in the surrounding area revealed curious expressions.    


Haven't these people seen a sword before? Lin Long's face could not help but twitch.    


"His weapon is amazing, hacking the murine into two." The little boy said as he imitated Lin Long's actions of hacking away at mice.    


"So you're saying, this alien race has extremely powerful arms, and their weapons are also very sharp?" Some people couldn't help but be surprised.    


They understood murine the best, even if the tribe had the strongest arm, they would not be able to split the murine in half with a single slash.    


"It is well-known that the pagans are powerful. After all, the six strongest warriors of our tribe are not a match for the pagans we met before."    


"Ah Long, is the alien you saw earlier the same one?" the old man from before asked.    


The little boy shook his head firmly. "No."    


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