Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C220 A Ying's Book

C220 A Ying's Book

"A Ying, can you tell me about the Others, the Black Cloud Cave, and the Pearl of the Bright Sun?" Lin Long said as he looked at A Ying.    


"Of course." A Ying said politely.    


"Right." Lin Long nodded.    


"In our world, all the light is being emitted from the Ming Yang Pearl. Once the Ming Yang Pearl is taken away by the foreign races, our tribe will forever fall into darkness. "Since I can remember, I've heard that the Others live in the Black Cloud Cave. However, for hundreds of years, people have only heard of these kinds of people but not seen them. They only know about the existence of the Others from the books left behind by their ancestors."    


"A few months ago, a member of the pagan tribe suddenly appeared. At first, the tribe did not notice it, but when several people mysteriously went missing, they finally discovered the member of the pagan tribe. As a result, the entire tribe began to gather their manpower to deal with the member of the pagan tribe, but they were still able to escape after being encircled and annihilated several times."    


"Until the last time, when we lost more than twenty warriors and finally drove that alien race back to the Black Cloud Cave. After that, they would become so sensitive to the alien race that they would treat them the same way when you appeared."    


"Then, where is the Black Cloud Cave and where is it located?" Lin Long asked.    


"Black Cloud Cave is a huge cave about ten kilometers away from here. Outside the cave, there is a strange array formation left behind by our ancestor, and we only know that the pagan race cannot easily leave the cave after chasing them into the cave. As for what exactly is inside, we do not know. " A Ying said.    


"Didn't any of you go in?" Lin Long could not help but ask.    


"No, the formation outside the cave prevents us from entering." A Ying shook her head.    


"In other words, you don't even know what sort of formation it is?" Lin Long was curious.    


"Exactly. Our ancestor only gave us how to forge iron tools, he didn't give us anything related to those formations. " A Ying replied.    


Having such an ancestor made Lin Long speechless.    


"Yeah, you said yesterday that your ancestors left behind a lot of books, but those words of yours are different from the texts you all use. Can you show those books to me?" Lin Long said.    


Maybe he could find some clues from these books, Lin Long thought.    


"Of course." A Ying nodded her head, then she stood up and walked to the cell door, and spoke to Ah Liang who was leaning on the iron bars of the cell, "Brother Ah Liang, can you help me bring back my books?"    


Originally, he was happy to see A Ying walk over, but when he heard that A Ying wanted those books, he became slightly unhappy, because these books were obviously for Lin Long to see.    


Even though he was unhappy, he still did not dare to reject A Ying, and could only say, "A Ying, wait a moment."    


He then walked out of the cell. Not long after, he brought a large bag of books with him to the outside of the cell.    


At this moment, someone else had brought food to the cell.    


The rice was not rich, the main course was some wild fruits, the only meat was obviously from the murine s, but it was pitifully small, such a small piece was not even enough for Lin Long to fill the gaps of his teeth.    


Seeing Lin Long's frown, A Ying directly stuffed the murine's meat into her bowl, and then said, "Sir, you should eat this meat together with the murine. You're an alien and must not have tasted it before, this meat is very tasty."    


"Aren't you going to eat?" Lin Long asked curiously.    


"I'm not eating." Although A Ying said it like that, it was obvious that Lin Long had seen her swallow her saliva.    


At this time, Ah Liang who was outside shouted, "A Ying, why did you give your meat to this pagan? It's not like you don't know how precious this meat is."    


"I …" A Ying didn't know what to say for a moment.    


Lin Long stood up and walked to the front of Ah Liang. That Ah Liang subconsciously retreated, just like the other person outside, looking at him with a face full of vigilance.    


Lin Long then took out some of the murine's meat.    


Seeing Lin Long take out so much meat as if he was a magician, the two people could not help but to stare with their eyes wide open.    


"So much meat from murine!" The other person couldn't help but cry out.    


A Ying, who was behind Lin Long, also walked over and covered her mouth in shock.    


"Take it, then bring enough meat back to me and A Ying." Lin Long said.    


"How can we use your item so casually? "What if it's poisonous?" Despite the way he had been drooling over the meat, A-Liang's face had hardened.    


"Liang, take it and roast it. Mister won't harm us." Just then, A Ying spoke out.    


Hearing A Ying's words, Ah Liang helplessly said "Oh", and then took the murine's meat and left.    


Lin Long and A Ying returned to the stone bed.    


After sitting down, Lin Long asked, "Is it very difficult for you to kill these murine?"    


"Yes." A Ying nodded her head, "Because these murine are too powerful, and poisonous. If we do not have absolute confidence, we would not dare to kill these murine.    


After he finished speaking, A Ying's expression was somewhat dejected.    


Lin Long was stunned, he never thought that these people could actually hunt these murine to this extent.    


"If our clan could be as powerful as you, Sir, and kill so many murine, how great would that be?" After saying that, A Ying began to look forward to it.    


"I hope so." Lin Long said.    


A Ying then asked, "Sir, is there only this kind of murine in the world outside?"    


"Of course not, there's pigs, dogs, chickens … In short, there are many of them, and they taste really good when cooked." Lin Long said.    


The word "delicious" caused A Ying to look forward to it.    


"Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. How big is this world?" Lin Long asked.    


"Not much, just a few mountains." A Ying said.    


"What about outside these mountains?" Lin Long could not help but ask.    


"Beyond these mountains lies the endless void." A Ying replied.    


"Boundless nothingness?" Lin Long was stunned.    


"I can only describe it this way because no matter what it is, it can't enter that range. I once tried to throw something in, but it just bounced back." A Ying said.    


"Is that so?" Lin Long nodded in understanding.    


Hearing A Ying's words, he had a better understanding of this world.    


"What about the Pearl of the Sun? How could it produce such an effect?" Lin Long asked.    


"I don't know about that. I heard from Grandfather that it has something to do with the formations outside the Black Cloud Cave." A Ying said.    


"Mm, then where does the Pearl of the Bright Sun go?" Lin Long asked again.    


After asking this question, A Ying immediately became somewhat vigilant, and said, "Sir, please forgive me. I cannot tell you this."    


"Okay, I know." Lin Long said helplessly.    


After he finished speaking, Lin Long started to flip through the books that Ah Liang had brought back. These books looked yellowish, it was obvious that it had been countless years, but they were well-maintained, obviously the people who owned these books over the years had been taking good care of them.    


These books were only fifteen of them, of which ten were written in the same language. These were not the language commonly used in the Chaotic Continent, so according to Lin Long's memories, these were probably the words used by the upper echelons of the Chaotic Continent.    


The other five books were actually written in different five different languages. Only one book was written in the language common to Chaotic Continent.    


Fortunately, Lin Long was knowledgeable and was proficient in all these languages, so it would not be difficult for him to understand all these books.    


Only, after skimming through them, Lin Long immediately became speechless, because these five books did not mention anything about the secrets of this world at all. They mostly only mentioned that the outside world was different from this world.    


However, this was of no use to the current him.    


Seeing the disappointed look on Lin Long's face, A Ying could not help but ask, "Sir, are these books useless?"    


"It's no use to me." Lin Long nodded.    


"Then I'm really sorry." A Ying quickly replied.    


She had originally thought that Lin Long would discover something from these books, but who knew that Lin Long would not have discovered anything at all?    


Seeing A Ying like this, Lin Long could not help but ask, "A Ying, what is your biggest wish?"    


"My greatest wish is for my people to live happily in these places described in the book." A Ying said with longing.    


"Isn't this place good?" Lin Long asked.    


"Not good, the food here is too sparse, and the only species of meat that can be eaten, murine, is too hard to catch." A Ying's expression was slightly sad as she said, "And because of this, the number of people that our clan could survive to was pitifully small, and never had there been a time when there were more than a hundred of us."    


"Then I hope your beautiful dream came true." Lin Long said.    


Lin Long wasn't so sure about the answer because he himself was also confused. However, he wasn't as disappointed as A Ying, because in his opinion, the moment he understood the contents of the Pearl of the Bright Sun and the Black Cloud Cave, he would have the chance to leave this place.    


Just as he was thinking, hurried footsteps came from outside. It was Ah Liang who ran in, but he did not bring the grilled murine meat over, but instead anxiously said to A Ying, "Not good, not good, A Ying, his family members were bitten by the murine when they went out to hunt for the murine."    


"Is it serious?" A Ying asked.    


"It's very serious. Aaron's feet are already swollen like a fist, and the other uncles are only slightly better." A-Liang said.    


"What about the powder?" A Ying asked again.    


"There isn't much left of the medicinal powder. Uncle Ah Yu used up most of his medicinal powder last time. The remaining medicinal powder is of no use." A-Liang said.    


"Then what should we do?" Hearing that, A Ying became anxious.    


"Elder, where is the last medicinal herb, to refine it into a medicinal herb, you have to help, A Ying, but at the very most, you can only save one person." A-Liang said.    


"This …" A Ying subconsciously looked at Lin Long who was beside him.    


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