Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2183 Confluence

C2183 Confluence

Just when everyone thought that Qian Jiayi would definitely hit Lin Long with her saber, Qian Jiayi's hand trembled. The dagger in her hand unexpectedly slashed towards the other side as Lin Long managed to escape death this way.    


No way, with Qian Jiayi's skill, how could she have made such a mistake at such a crucial moment?    


Could it be that Qian Jiayi was not affected by the illusion at this critical moment?    


Such a thought flashed across everyone's mind. At the same time, they all stared at Qian Jiayi with wide eyes.    


Soon, they understood why. After Qian Jiayi swung her short blade in that direction, she activated the Ice Magic Talisman paper in her hand and attacked that direction.    


At the same time, she muttered, "Flaming Winged Bird, hurry up and f * ck off!"    


Looking at this scene, how could everyone not know that Qian Jiayi was attacking the other side due to the illusion?    


Unexpectedly, Lin Long was injured by the illusion, and in the end, he was saved by the illusion! Everyone couldn't help but have such a thought.    


"F * ck, isn't Lin Long too lucky?" The Emperor, Grandmaster Zong and the others all spoke out in unison.    


"Don't worry everyone. No matter how lucky that kid is, he will eventually be trapped by this illusion. He might even die in the hands of Qian Jiayi and the others …" Don't worry! " At this time, Grandmaster Zong spoke.    


"Grandmaster Zong is right."    


Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.    


Although Lin Long seemed to have escaped death, they knew that as long as this continued, Lin Long would only have two choices. One was to become their prisoner, and the other was to lose his life in this illusion.    


"Alright, let's just continue watching the show!" Grandmaster Zong said again.    


"En!" Everyone nodded their heads and then once again focused their attention on the illusion.    


However, at this time, another unexpected event occurred in the illusion. It was the expression of determination suddenly appearing on Lin Long's originally confused face.    


His line of sight had previously wandered around, but now it was fixed on Qian Jiayi.    


"Could it be that this boy isn't affected by the illusion again?" An elder beside Grandmaster Zong could not help but call out.    


Master Zong did not say anything. He frowned slightly as he stared at Lin Long in the illusion.    


With his strength, how could he not see the change in Lin Long?    


Seeing that Master Zong did not make a sound, the others turned their eyes back to the illusion.    


At this moment, Qian Jiayi, who was originally attacking to the side, suddenly changed her direction and triggered the cold air to attack Lin Long.    




Seeing this scene, all the people within the Imperial City started to shout out in joy.    


But at the next moment, their voices suddenly stopped because Lin Long, who originally seemed to be motionless, suddenly activated the Ice Magic Talisman paper in his hand.    


It was obvious that he was a little late, but the speed at which he activated the cold energy was much faster than Qian Jiayi. Before Qian Jiayi could trigger the cold energy, Qian Jiayi was already surrounded by it.    


In the blink of an eye, Qian Jiayi was controlled by Lin Long.    


"Great!" This situation caused the few people in the illusion to heave a sigh of relief.    


They really didn't expect Lin Long to suddenly return to control Qian Jiayi.    


"Lin Gongzi, you're really amazing. We thought you were enchanted by the illusion!" One of them couldn't help but cry out.    


"Lin Gongzi, you have to hold on. As long as you can hold on for a little longer, we will definitely be saved!" Another person said.    


"This won't do. I can't hold on any longer. I've only managed to turn the situation around a bit. After a while, I'll be completely trapped by this illusion." Lin Long suddenly said seriously.    


"It can't be, Lin Gongzi. How can it be? You've been able to hold on for so long, why are you still not able to?"    


Those people all exclaimed in such a manner. They had just caught their breath, but who would have thought that Lin Long would say such a thing?    


They could tell that Lin Long wasn't joking.    


"Is that kid joking?"    


"How is this a joke? He looks like he's really going to meet his end!"    


"Maybe not. Maybe he just lied to us."    


Hearing Lin Long's words, the people in the Royal City started to discuss.    


At the same time, most of them shifted their gazes towards Grandmaster Zong, waiting to see how he would judge.    


"Don't worry, you all can stop worrying. Like I said, this kid will definitely not be able to resist this illusion!" Grandmaster Zong said without changing his expression.    


Next, the group of people focused their gazes on Lin Long in the illusion again.    


At this time, Lin Long tied Qian Jiayi's hands and feet with a rope, then he sat down at his original place again.    


Very quickly, a perplexed expression appeared on his face once again.    


"Great, this kid can't take it again!"    


His situation naturally made those outside the illusionary world extremely excited.    


Unexpectedly, after a few breaths of time, Lin Long suddenly stood up. He triggered the cold qi in his hands, but the target of his attack was actually himself.    


What is Lin Long doing? Lin Long's actions stunned the people outside of the illusion.    


In just a short period of time, Lin Long was frozen by his own cold energy.    


"Could it be that Lin Long was surprised that the cold energy was able to control him and prevent him from being affected by the illusion?" An old man beside Grandmaster Zong could not help but ask.    


"Is that even possible?" The Emperor couldn't help but ask. The target of his question was naturally the Grandmaster Zong.    


"Your Majesty, your subordinate doesn't know either." Grandmaster Zong shook his head.    


There was clearly a hint of worry on his face. He was worried because Lin Long seemed to have regained some of his consciousness the moment he was frozen.    


Fortunately, Lin Long soon had a confused look on his face, which made him feel relieved.    


In the illusion world, Lin Long was completely immersed in his own illusion. However, unlike Qian Jiayi and the others, he didn't have any images of the Flaming Winged Bird, the altar or the other masters.    


At this moment, he had actually sunk into his own past images. It was as if he had returned to the Chaotic Continent, to the place he had went before, and even the image of the upper realm appeared in his mind.    


The most unusual thing was that Lin Long didn't attack him, nor did he attack the people around him. He just froze quietly like that, with the exception of the confused look on his face.    


"Why didn't that kid attack others or himself?" This sort of situation naturally made those people outside the illusion somewhat anxious.    


Luckily, they were relieved when they thought that Lin Long couldn't get out of this illusion no matter what.    


In the illusion world, Lin Long tried to recall everything that happened to him in the past half day. Then, to his surprise, he started to think about the dantian and Qi tornado in his body.    


If it were in reality, he would never have done this. However, in the illusions, because of the guidance of the illusions, he had done something that he would never have done before.    


Because with his knowledge and experience, he felt that he would never be able to master these two methods.    


But on this day, in this illusion, this kind of accident made him realize that there was a common connection between the two.    


Initially, he could not use his knowledge and experience to explain the connection, but as he mastered it, he quickly understood the link.    


That was, the Qi tornado was supposed to revolve around the Dantian. The Qi tornado was supposed to wrap around the Dantian. Once it did this, not only the Dantian would become bigger, the Qi tornado would become stronger because of the existence of the Dantian.    


In other words, Exemplary Mastery wasn't as simple as one plus one equals two, but it was an incomparably strong inner core.    


In the illusion, Lin Long's face revealed incomparable excitement. At this moment, there was no longer any confusion on his face.    


This change of his caused Master Zong and the others outside the illusion to worry.    


However, they couldn't do anything now, so they could only look at Lin Long inside obediently.    


Of course, they were just a little worried. They weren't worried that Lin Long would be able to escape from the illusion.    


In the illusion world, after mastering those knowledge, Lin Long started to try to fuse the Qi Vortex with his Dantian.    


Although this was happening in an illusion, his actions were real. If anything happened to him, his body would explode and he would die.    


Of course, Lin Long didn't realize this. He didn't know that he was in an illusion.    


The process was extremely long. It took a whole eight days. On the eighth day, Lin Long's expression became more and more unsightly. His originally pale face had actually turned purplish black.    


"What is this kid doing?" Why is he like this? "    


"No matter what, this will not end well. He will definitely die from internal injuries!"    


"I didn't think that this kid would actually suffocate himself to death!"    


Everyone at the scene was naturally discussing amongst himself.    


Those who were still awake within the illusion world were naturally incomparably worried. However, they could only watch helplessly as they found that they couldn't help at all.    


Unknowingly, another half a day had passed. At this moment, Lin Long's face had turned pitch black.    


"This kid is dead for sure!"    


This situation made Grandmaster Zong and company burst out in laughter.    


Before their smiles could completely disappear, Lin Long suddenly shouted. After such an explosive shout, his mouth opened wide and waves of powerful aura was ejected out from him.    


This kind of aura formed a powerful energy, this energy ruthlessly struck the surrounding Symbol Grammar Array. What made the people outside shocked, was that this collision actually caused the entire Symbol Grammar Array to tremble non-stop.    


"No way, what kind of energy is this? It's actually this strong?" The people outside were shocked.    


Even Grandmaster Zong was shocked. He knew that if he stood in front of Lin Long, there was only one ending, and that was to be submerged by this energy.    


At the same time that they were shocked, they shifted their gaze onto Lin Long. At this time, they were surprised once again because they discovered that the deathly aura on Lin Long's face had disappeared.    


After that, Lin Long, who had been sitting, opened his eyes and revealed a relaxed smile.    


The perplexity that had always existed had disappeared without a trace.    


"Grandmaster Zong, the Emperor, he has made you two wait for a long time!" Looking at Grandmaster Zong and the others outside, Lin Long said with a smile.    


"This can't be true, right? This boy isn't affected by the illusions anymore?"    


The people outside were all shocked, because Lin Long was clearly not affected by the illusion at all.    


One had to know that the current illusion was definitely at its strongest state.    


Lin Long was still unaffected by the strongest state. It could only be said that this illusion could no longer trap Lin Long.    


"Kid, just who are you to be able to resist this illusion!" Grandmaster Zong could not help but shout.    


"We are actually of a different race." Lin Long smiled.    


As he said that, Lin Long took off his mask, exposing his different ears.    


"Oh my god, he's a mutant, he's actually a mutant!"    


At this moment, everyone stared at Lin Long in shock and shouted.    


It wasn't just the grandmasters outside, but even the people inside the hall were staring with wide eyes. They didn't expect that the people they were relying on were from a different race, a race they had never seen before.    


"Where did you come from? Why did you come to our world?" The emperor could not help but shout.    


"No reason, I'm just trapped in your world. I've always wanted to leave, but you guys stopped me." Lin Long said plainly.    


"Hehe, do you think you can leave after your identity is exposed?" Master Zong sneered.    


"I might have let you live, but since you're from a different race, then I can only let you die!" The Emperor sneered.    


"Do you think you can deal with me now?" Lin Long said.    


"Why not? "Brat, don't be so naive, you are still trapped in the illusion. Although the illusion cannot do anything to you, once it disappears, we can rush in to deal with you. With our strength, even if there are ten of you, you are still not our match!" Master Zong said coldly.    


"Really? Then you can try." Lin Long said casually.    


"Good, then we will wait for the illusion to disappear. Then, we will go in and teach you a lesson. We will let you know just how powerful we are!" Grandmaster Zong said in a deep voice.    


"No need, I can leave now." Lin Long said.    


"You can come out? Don't joke around, although this illusion can't trap you, it's impossible for you to break through it! " Grandmaster Zong sneered.    


"You're wrong!" Lin Long shook his head and then directly took out his rune sword and attacked forward with his sword.    


In the next moment, what happened left Grandmaster Zong and the others dumbstruck.    


Because, although it was formless, they could feel an energy that directly attacked the Symbol Grammar Array in front of them.    


"Boom …"    


With an explosive sound, the energy struck the Symbol Grammar Array.    


In the next moment, they were even more dumbstruck, because the Symbol Grammar Array was actually unable to withstand the energy attack.    


With a series of violent vibrations, the entire Symbol Grammar Array actually vanished into thin air.    


"No way!"    


They opened their mouths wide, they did not expect Lin Long's casual attack to be this powerful.    


"Is this the power of a foreign race?" This is the power of a foreign race? Quite a few people couldn't help but shout out.    


"Hehe, no matter how strong he is, he won't be our opponent. Surround him!" Master Zong said coldly.    


Before he finished his sentence, he was already rushing towards Lin Long. The powerhouses who could activate the level 6 Ice Talisman Paper were behind him.    


In a short period of time, all of them had surrounded Lin Long.    


At the same time they were surrounding him, they had already taken out their rank 6 Ice Talisman Paper and tightly gripped it in their fingers.    


Although Master Zong said that they could deal with Lin Long, Lin Long's sword attack just now made them feel fear.    


"You are too weak." Lin Long shook his head.    


Lin Long dared to say this because he had fused the cyclone and Dantian together. After such a fusion, he directly ignored the rules of this world, allowing him to use powers that far exceeded his own.    


His current strength could be said to be more than ten times stronger than before.    


that was ten times more, what kind of concept was that, it was completely capable of running rampant across different worlds. Even the strongest expert of the upper echelons of Chaotic Continent could only watch him tremble in fear.    


The reason why he did this was because Lin Long had fused the cyclone with his Dantian. He had done something that no one else could do.    


"Weak?" Now, let me show you our strength! " Grandmaster Zong laughed coldly.    


With his order, the people surrounding Lin Long all activated the Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper in their hands.    


Even though Lin Long was big, the surrounding emperors still felt that Master Zong and his men could take down Lin Long, so they weren't too worried.    


However, what happened next caused the corners of their mouths to twitch.    


In a short period of time, a strong ice-cold aura enveloped Lin Long from all directions.    


Even though they were all in the vicinity, the Emperor and the others could still feel the frightfulness of the ice-cold qi. In fact, those who were near to them were so frightened that they had to step back in fear.    


"Lin Long, you're dead meat!" Grandmaster Zong said ferociously.    


In his voice, Lin Long, who was standing in the middle, was frozen into a thick layer of ice.    


The entire process was incomparably easy.    


It was so easy that even Grandmaster Zong and the others were stunned.    


"I was wondering how powerful he was, how could he be so weak!"    


"This is too embarrassing for the non-humankind. If I see them again in the future, I will definitely use this matter to ridicule them."    


The people around the Emperor started to laugh.    


However, the smiles on their faces quickly froze, because in the next moment, with a "bang", the ice on Lin Long's body exploded and Lin Long's figure appeared.    


Most importantly, Lin Long did not look hurt at all. There was even a faint smile on his face.    


"This is too strong!" The surrounding people couldn't help but cry out in alarm.    


It was because these were a group of powerhouses that could activate the level 6 Ice Talisman Paper. Who would have thought that they were not even able to harm a hair on Lin Long.    


"Alright, now I can let you guys test my strength!" Lin Long said calmly.    


With that, he casually waved his hand towards the sect masters and the rest.    


However, such a casual palm strike had triggered a powerful force.    


"This is bad!" Grandmaster Zong exclaimed.    


He instinctively wanted to turn around and retreat, but before he could turn around, a powerful energy had already struck his body and sent him flying.    


As for the others, they were sent flying without even saying a word.    


Just like that, in just the blink of an eye, the evil looking people surrounding Lin Long were all sent flying.    


The heck, he's too strong!    


The Emperor and the others couldn't help but wipe off their cold sweat.    


At this moment, Lin Long's gaze shifted to the emperor's face.    


"What are you guys doing, hurry up and surround him!" A high-ranking officer beside the emperor quickly shouted.    


However, his words were useless. No one dared to surround Lin Long.    


The reason was very simple, even with so many masters of the Zong Clan there was no use, how would they dare to go up?    


"Whoever doesn't go, die!"    


The high-ranking officer shouted again.    


It was only with this kind of angry shout that quite a few people surrounded him.    


"Emperor, don't let them die." Lin Long said.    


"You … What do you want? " The Emperor's voice trembled.    


"I want you dead." Lin Long said plainly.    


"Quick, quickly go up and kill him!" Hearing Lin Long's voice, the emperor panicked even more.    


Under his command, quite a few people surrounded him.    


"They can't withstand a single blow." Lin Long said.    


Ye Zichen walked towards Lin Long as he said that.    


Lin Long didn't have any deep grudges with the emperor. However, the people beside him had their families destroyed because of the emperor, so the emperor had to kill them.    


Lin Long had only taken a few steps when more than a dozen people rushed up from the surroundings. The cold talisman paper in their hands was activated.    


However, even Grandmaster Zong and the rest couldn't do anything to Lin Long, what use did they have.    


Lin Long only gently waved his hand and these people were sent flying like masters.    


This scene caused the others to retreat in shock. No matter how the high-ranking officer roared at them, they still retreated.    


"Your Majesty, run!"    


The people who reacted quickly said to the emperor.    


The emperor had just thought of this, so he turned around and dashed backward.    


However, how could Lin Long give him the chance to escape? The moment he turned around, a strong wave of energy attacked him from behind.    


Lin Long not only became stronger, his control over energy was also many times stronger than before.    


With a plop, the emperor fell to the ground and bit off a mouthful of sand.    


However, due to Lin Long's strong control, he wasn't injured.    


Although he was not injured, the emperor was even more terrified. He could tell how powerful Lin Long was.    


Therefore, after standing up, he directly kneeled on the ground and begged Lin Long, "Lin Gongzi, let me go."    


It can't be, the emperor is actually kneeling to this alien! Everyone was shocked.    


Even though Lin Long was big, they had never thought that the Emperor would kneel like this.    


"It's impossible for me to let you off, but I can let the rest of you off. However, in the future, you all must listen to the orders of Lady Qian Jiayi and the others. Otherwise, I don't mind destroying your entire country!" Lin Long said coldly.    


"Yes, yes. We will definitely listen to Miss Qian's orders." Under Lin Long's coercion, many people had given in.    


"Can you let me go?" The emperor continued to plead.    


Lin Long did not say anything else. Instead, he raised his hand and struck. The next moment, the emperor's corpse was lying horizontally in front of him.    


Lin Long ignored them and walked back to Qian Jiayi and the rest.    


Due to the fact that the illusion was broken, these people had long woken up. Seeing Lin Long come over, they all praised him in surprise, "Lin Gongzi, you're really amazing!"    


They were shocked because Lin Long was an outsider, but no matter what, the outsider Lin Long was thinking for their sake, so why would they reject Lin Long?    


"Miss Qian, you're doing quite well. From now on, this country is under your control." Lin Long said to Qian Jiayi.    


"Lin Gongzi, this, I can't afford it." Qian Jiayi said with a surprised expression.    


"There's nothing you can't afford, it's just strength. As long as I teach you how to control the level nine Ice Magic Talisman, not just this country, even this world will not be able to escape from your grasp." Lin Long smiled calmly.    


"Level 9 Ice Talisman Paper?" Qian Jiayi and the others shouted in surprise.    


"That's right, I will now teach you how to control the level nine Ice Magic Talisman." Lin Long nodded.    


Previously, when he was in the illusion world, he had already grasped the trick of the Ice Magic Talisman paper, which was why he dared to say such words.    


It could be said that this illusion gave him a lot of benefits. Of course, no matter what he gained, it wouldn't be as big as the fusion of his dantian and Qi Vortex.    


"But, young master, didn't you only activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper before?" Zhou Yingxue whispered at the side.    


"Because while I was in the illusion world, I had already completely mastered the Ice Magic Talisman paper." Lin Long laughed, "Alright, let's not talk about that anymore. You two come together, I'll teach you guys together."    


Zhou Yingxue and Qian Jiayi gathered around Lin Long. As for Lin Long, he began to explain to them.    


Half a day passed in the blink of an eye. The two girls were extremely excited as they realized that they really knew how to master a level nine Ice Talisman Paper.    


This was actually because Lin Long had grasped the trick behind it. Of course, it was due to Lin Long's experience. Otherwise, no matter how outstanding he was, he wouldn't be able to do it.    


Now that he knew the trick to it, teaching the two girls was much easier.    


Of course, only Qian Jiayi was able to master the level nine Ice Talisman paper. Zhou Yingxue's talent was too weak, so she was able to grasp the level seven Ice Talisman paper tightly.    


Of course, if she worked hard in the future, she would be able to master the Level 9 Ice Talisman, but Lin Long had already given this mission to Qian Jiayi.    


It wasn't enough to master a level nine Ice Talisman Paper, but a level nine Ice Talisman Paper was impossible to make with the abilities of the two girls. Lin Long had no choice but to make one himself.    


Very quickly, he was able to produce rank 7 to 9 Ice Talisman Paper. He had created a huge pile, which was enough for the two girls to use for many years.    


Taking the cold talisman paper from Lin Long, the two girls started to ponder. Not long later, the two of them were able to excite them.    


Previously, Everyone at the scene didn't believe it, but after seeing the power of the Ice Talisman paper that the two girls activated, they were completely shocked. They opened their mouths and closed them for half a day.    


This was too amazing! Where did these people come from?! They all exclaimed in their hearts.    


Originally, some people were still unwilling to accept this outcome, but after witnessing this scene, they were completely convinced.    


"All of you should know how powerful Miss Qian and the others are. Is there anyone else who is unconvinced?" After that, Lin Long looked at Everyone at the scene and said.    


"We are convinced, we are convinced." All of them said this.    


Even the heavily injured Grandmaster Zong and the others kneeled on the ground as they spoke.    


Lin Long was relieved to see them like this. Of course, the most important thing was that Qian Jiayi and the rest had become stronger. They were not afraid of these people rebelling at all.    


Then, Lin Long looked at Qian Jiayi and the others and said, "I'm leaving."    


With the current strength of Qian Jiayi and her group, the Flaming Winged Bird wouldn't pose any threat to them. Therefore, Lin Long didn't want to waste any more time here.    


"Young master, are you leaving?" Qian Jiayi and the others were a little disappointed.    


"Yes, I still have too many things to take care of." Lin Long said.    


"Young Master, would you like to stay another night?" After a while, Qian Jiayi said with a determined face.    


"That's right, Young Master. Stay one more night." Zhou Yingxue also said.    


"I know what the two ladies are thinking about. However, time waits for no one. Don't worry, I will contact you two after I finish my task." Lin Long laughed.    


"Young master, have a safe trip." Qian Jiayi bit her lips.    


"Yes." Lin Long nodded.    


With that, Lin Long turned around and walked down the altar.    


"Young master, we'll send you off!" Zhou Yingxue quickly chased after her.    


Qian Jiayi also followed behind him.    


The others didn't follow him.    


Soon, the three of them arrived in front of the three spatial rifts.    


Lin Long's strength had increased dramatically, so he didn't need any other means to break the space crack in front of him, so there was no need for him to do all those troublesome things.    


As expected, Lin Long casually slapped away the crack in space.    


"Gongzi, take care!"    


With the two girls' reluctance, Lin Long's figure disappeared into the crack in space.    


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