Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2180 Accidental Occurrence

C2180 Accidental Occurrence

Very quickly, Lin Long snuck into the palace. With his strength and his powerful spiritual will, he was able to sneak into the palace without anyone noticing.    


Of course, he was also very careful. He didn't want to encounter Grandmasters Zong, Old He, and other powerhouses that could activate the rank 6 Ice Talisman Paper.    


After entering the palace, Lin Long saw that the people inside were rushing, and they were all heading towards the palace's training grounds.    


Seeing what really happened, Lin Long thought in his heart.    


He did not plan to directly act against the person in front of him, because once he did so, others would definitely notice. When that happened, it would attract the attention of Grandmaster Zong and the rest.    


After a while, when he saw someone was alone and far away from the others, he suddenly appeared in front of them.    


"Who are you?" Seeing that Lin Long was a stranger that suddenly appeared in front of him, and that he was not from the palace, the person in front of him could not help but be stunned.    


Lin Long did not waste any words, he immediately activated the Level 5 Glacial Talisman Paper in his hands, and in that instant, a strong cold Qi swept towards him.    


This person was not strong enough to activate a Level 4 Ice Talisman Paper, so how could he be a match for Lin Long? In such a short period of time, he was frozen to the ground by Lin Long, and did not even have the time to scream.    


Having succeeded in one move, Lin Long could not help but heave a sigh of relief. One had to know that this was within the Imperial Palace;    


When he could not hold on any longer, Lin Long dispelled the cold Qi.    


"You ? Who are you. What are you trying to do? " the man in front of him asked.    


He was currently weak and his voice was extremely low, so Lin Long was not worried that anyone would hear him.    


Furthermore, because Lin Long was wearing another mask, he did not know that the person in front of him was the Lin Long that the Emperor, Grandmaster Zong and the others wanted to apprehend.    


"To tell you the truth, I am the Lin Long that the Emperor wants to apprehend." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


"You are Lin Long? How is that possible? " The man was surprised.    


No wonder he was so surprised, because the palace had a sect master who could activate a level 6 Ice Talisman, if Lin Long really came over like this, wouldn't he be walking right into a trap?    


"If you don't believe me, then I can't do anything." Lin Long spread out his hands, and then asked, "Let me ask you, what is the purpose of these people coming to the training grounds? What happened? "    


"I... Why would I tell you? " The man said.    


From the look on his face, it was obvious that he was worried, but he still said those words.    


"Really? Then it's not up to you." Lin Long smiled indifferently. After he finished speaking, he directly placed a restriction on his opponent.    


He could tell that there was no need to place down any restrictions to threaten Fang Xingjian, so he might as well just say it.    


However, Lin Long did not have the time to waste, hence he directly placed restrictions on it.    


The moment the restriction was activated, the person rolled on the ground in pain.    


What kind of technique is this, to actually be so powerful, in the past, even if my body was pierced by a rune sword, I never felt such pain! Such a thought flashed through the man's mind.    


In the past, when he was in a fierce battle with someone, he had been stabbed in the back with a rune sword.    


He had indeed survived, but at that time, he had suffered quite a bit, especially during the period of healing. He still remembered that period of time vividly.    


However, he did not expect that the pain brought to him by Lin Long's move today was actually far greater than that one strike from before.    


"I say ? I say ?" In the next moment, he started begging.    


As far as he was concerned, he would rather be killed than endure such pain.    


Seeing him act this way, Lin Long removed the restrictions and said indifferently, "Honestly, if you're hiding something, then don't blame me for using this method again!"    


"Young master, don't worry, I will definitely ? I will definitely tell you the truth. " The man said with a sad face.    


After slightly recovering his breath, he continued, "It's like this. His Majesty wants all the experts in the palace to gather together in the training grounds. Although I haven't heard the orders from my own ears, I've heard from others that his majesty is going to reopen the secret realm."    


"Hmm? Why did he want to open the Royal Secret Realm? " Lin Long was shocked, and hurriedly asked.    


"Allegedly, it's to deal with the Flamewing Birds that have emerged one after another recently. Maybe someone guessed that those Flamewing Birds were from the Imperial City Mystic Realm!" The man explained.    


"So that's how it is." Hearing the other party's words, Lin Long immediately understood.    


"Young Master, please let me go. I will definitely not tell this matter to His Majesty, or to Grandmaster Zong!" After that, afraid that Lin Long would kill him, the man quickly begged for mercy.    


Lin Long did not answer, but asked, "I heard that Eunuch Xi has been captured, where is he now?"    


"Eunuch Xi has been captured? Who caught him? I don't know about that. " The other party shook his head.    


Knowing that he could not ask anymore, Lin Long directly knocked him out with a swing of his sword. After pushing him into a storage room, Lin Long left.    


This time, Lin Long headed straight for the palace's training grounds.    


At this moment, in a side hall beside the training grounds, the Emperor, Grandmaster Zong, and Old He were currently interrogating Eunuch Xi, who had been brought back by Old He.    


"Eunuch Xi, tell me, what are you planning to do outside?" Staring at Eunuch Xi, Elder He said coldly.    


"Your Majesty, Grandmaster Zong, this old servant did indeed want to explain some things to my friends. I really didn't want anything else." Eunuch Xi quickly replied.    


He knew that he could not be honest even if the other party would not let him off the hook.    


Of course, he knew that once he got here, he wouldn't be safe.    


"Tsk tsk, Eunuch Xi, you're about to die and yet you're still not being honest!" Old He said with a solemn expression.    


The nearby Grandmaster Zong also added, "Eunuch Xi, quickly tell us honestly, or we won't be courteous anymore!"    


"Grandmaster Zong, what I said is the truth!" Eunuch Xi said with a sullen face.    


"Eunuch Xi, I've always suspected that there is a traitor within the palace. It seems like this traitor is you!" At this time, the Emperor also spoke.    


Eunuch Xi heard the emperor's words and knew that today would be difficult to deal with. The little hope he had was shattered.    


"Your Majesty, there is absolutely nothing wrong, this old servant will definitely not do that!" Eunuch Xi gritted his teeth.    


"Eunuch Xi, since you don't know how to repent, then we really won't hold back!" Grandmaster Zong's face sank, and directly took out his own rune sword.    


"Eunuch Xi, if you still refuse to be honest, I'll cut off your left hand!" Grandmaster Zong threatened.    


"Grandmaster Zong, I'm speaking the truth!" Eunuch Xi shouted.    


"Very good!" The sect master sneered. In the next moment, his rune sword shot towards Eunuch Xi like a cold beam of light.    


Eunuch Xi cried out in pain before fainting.    


How could Grandmaster Zong and the others let him go? They then woke him up and continued to interrogate him, "Eunuch Xi, I ask you again. If you don't answer honestly, then don't use your other hand!"    


"Grandmaster Zong, I'm really speaking the truth!" Eunuch Xi shouted again.    


Seeing that Eunuch Xi didn't seem to be lying, the other person beside him couldn't help but say, "Your Majesty, Grandmaster Zong, Eunuch Xi doesn't seem to be lying at all!"    


"It does look a little bit strange!" Master Zong said with a frown.    


If an ordinary person was threatened like this, they would definitely be scared to the point of peeing before they could answer truthfully. Eunuch Xi, however, always looked like he had been wrongly accused, causing him to be unable to help but to doubt his own conjecture.    


"Perhaps I have wronged him." The Emperor spoke as well.    


How would they know that Eunuch Xi had consumed Lin Long's Listening Pill, so no matter what, he would not betray Lin Long, even if he was threatened with death.    


"Since that's the case, let him go first ? Someone, lock him in the dungeon and deal with him after you understand the secret realm's situation! " The Emperor immediately replied.    


Immediately, eunuchs came in from outside and escorted Eunuch Xi out.    


Eunuch Xi, who had managed to keep his life, heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Your Majesty, we should head to the training grounds!" In the side hall, Grandmaster Zong said to the emperor.    


"Un, let's go. Everyone should be here!" The Emperor nodded.    


Immediately, the few of them left for the training grounds.    


At this time, Lin Long happened to be walking around nearby, so he coincidentally saw Eunuch Xi when he was being escorted out.    


Originally, he was going to the training grounds. However, when he saw that the Emperor and the others had not yet appeared and were already walking around nearby, he did not expect to encounter such a situation.    


Eunuch Xi's entire body was covered in blood, causing Lin Long's expression to turn ugly. One must know that Eunuch Xi was one of his subordinates, and one that had taken the Life Listening Pill before.    


How could he be happy that a person who would never betray him had actually suffered such an injury?    


From the looks of it, Eunuch Xi should have been brought somewhere else. Lin Long thought to himself that he should have first rescued him before anything else.    


As such, he did not continue to stay in the vicinity. Instead, he directly followed Eunuch Xi.    


The people escorting Eunuch Xi did not expect that Lin Long would follow them over.    


When the three of them left the training grounds and came to a secluded place, Lin Long suddenly revealed himself.    


Since the people inside were rushing to the training grounds, there were only the few of them here.    


If he did not cause too much of a commotion, Lin Long was not worried about being discovered at all.    


"Who are you? What are you doing?" Seeing Lin Long suddenly appear, one of the eunuchs could not help but speak coldly.    


Lin Long did not waste time speaking, he immediately activated the Level 5 Glacial Talisman Paper in his hands, and in that moment, a strong cold Qi rushed towards the two eunuchs.    


The two eunuchs' faces changed dramatically as they hurriedly activated their own Ice Talisman paper.    


They were not weak either, and one of them was a Ranker who could activate the Level 5 Cold Talisman, but compared to Lin Long who had fully mastered the Level 5 Cold Talisman, they were still too weak.    


In a short period of time, they were frozen by Lin Long to the point of kneeling on the ground.    


Seeing that the situation was not right, one of them wanted to immediately ask for help, but Lin Long did not give him the chance, just as his mouth was about to open, Lin Long had already sent a sword over.    


Very quickly, both of them were frozen and fell unconscious on the ground.    


"Gongzi, thank you!" At this moment, Eunuch Xi could not help but express his gratitude.    


Although Lin Long was wearing another mask, how could he not see that the person in front of him was Lin Long?    


"Yes." Lin Long nodded, then directly took out a top-grade healing medicine and handed it over.    


Eunuch Xi hurriedly took it and consumed it while bandaging his wound.    


"Eunuch Xi, is it any big deal?" Lin Long asked.    


"Young master, it's nothing serious... However, if His Majesty and the others want to re-enter the Royal Secret Realm, you have to bring the people inside out. Otherwise, they'll be in danger. " Eunuch Xi hastily replied.    


"I already know about this." Lin Long nodded.    


Now that Eunuch Xi had been saved, he had to leave as well. He wanted to bring the people inside out before the emperor and the rest enter the secret realm.    


"There's no time to lose, we have to hurry here!" With that said, Lin Long brought Eunuch Xi and left the place, heading towards the outside of the palace.    


As time was of the essence, he naturally wouldn't watch how the Emperor and the rest entered the secret realm, nor would he think of stopping them. This was because the powers of Grandmaster Zong and the others were too strong.    


Lin Long did not immediately enter the spatial crack in the Royal Secret Realm. Instead, he went back to see Qian Jiayi and the others.    


After all, it was much better to bring Qian Jiayi and the others than to go alone.    


Soon, he brought Eunuch Xi back to his original courtyard. He then saw Qian Jiayi and the rest who were waiting anxiously.    


"Eunuch Xi, what's going on?" Seeing Eunuch Xi's injury, Qian Jiayi and the rest were shocked.    


"Eunuch Xi had been pressured by the Emperor, Grandmaster Zong and the others. However, he did not divulge that we were here, so everyone rest assured." Lin Long immediately replied.    


"That's good." Everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.    


"Right now, we have to rush to the Royal Secret Realm, because the Emperor has already gathered all the experts in the Imperial Palace in the training grounds in order to reopen the secret realm." Lin Long said.    


"Aren't you worried that the Flaming Winged Bird inside would be sealed after it came out? Why did the Emperor want to open it again?" Miao Feng asked curiously.    


"It's because they suspect that the Flaming Winged Bird came out of the secret realm, so they plan to go in again and take a look, even if there's a risk that the Flaming Winged Bird might escape." Lin Long explained.    


"So that's how it is." Everyone nodded.    


"If that's the case, then wouldn't the people inside be in danger?!" Thinking of something, Qian Jiayi's face changed.    


Her father was in the secret plane.    


"Therefore, I want all of you to head to the Royal Secret Realm immediately!" Lin Long reiterated.    


"Then let's hurry over." Everyone said in unison.    


"Yes." Nodding his head, Lin Long brought everyone and left the place, heading towards the spatial crack.    


If so many of them were to leave together, it would surely attract the attention of the Imperial City guards. Thus, they had left the Imperial City in batches.    


After leaving, they didn't immediately gather together, but instead directly headed for the spatial rift.    


Soon, the group arrived in front of the spatial rift.    


"Let's go in!" With that said, Lin Long brought everyone into the spatial crack.    


Once they entered the spatial tear, Lin Long and the others' eyes were focused on the three spatial rifts.    


What made Lin Long heave a sigh of relief was that the other two spatial rifts hadn't made any movements at all. Very clearly, the Flaming Winged Bird that had appeared near the Imperial City recently hadn't left from here.    


To be honest, Lin Long was really a little worried before, worried that the spatial cracks inside were not stable and that the Flaming Winged Bird would be able to escape from this place.    


But now it seems that the flamingos came from somewhere else.    


No matter what, the Emperor and the rest were already coming in, so even if Lin Long saw this, he still had to quickly bring the people inside.    


After confirming that there were no problems, Lin Long and the rest quickly left the place and headed deeper into the secret realm. The people inside were not hiding near the altar.    


Not long after, they arrived at the place where the people inside were hiding.    


Seeing that they arrived here before the emperor, the worry in Lin Long and the others' hearts dropped to the ground.    


When Zhou Yingxue and the rest saw Lin Long and the rest appear, they all revealed doubtful expressions.    


"Young Master, why have all of you come in?" Zhou Yingxue asked.    


"Miss Zhou, it's like this. The Emperor has already sent people into the secret realm. For fear of being discovered by them, we have no choice but to come in and take you away from here!" Lin Long said directly. He did not plan to hide it.    


"Is that so? Then we should leave this place as soon as possible." Zhou Yingxue nodded.    


"Un, I'll leave now!" Lin Long said.    


At this moment, an abnormal sound suddenly rang out in front of them.    


"Could it be that the emperor's men have already entered?!" Dong Luo's expression changed.    


"Miss Qian, bring them away first. I'll take a look over there!" Lin Long said directly.    


"Alright, Young Master, be careful." Qian Jiayi nodded.    


Lin Long did not say anything else, and directly dashed forward.    


As for Qian Jiayi, she brought the others and headed towards the altar.    


Lin Long's speed was extremely fast, and before long, he arrived at the place where the noise was coming from. Here, he discovered a eunuch, and it was very obvious that the emperor's men had already entered the secret realm.    


Seeing that the eunuch was weak, Lin Long naturally wanted to take him down and interrogate him about the situation outside.    


Immediately, he appeared in front of the other party.    


This person clearly didn't know the way, or else he would have long ago arrived at the altar.    


"You are?" Seeing Lin Long, the eunuch was obviously stunned.    


"I am Lin Long." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


"You are Lin Long? Then, those Flamewing Birds really do have something to do with you! " The other party could not help but say so.    


If someone here claimed that he was Lin Long, the eunuch would not suspect at all, because no one else would be able to enter the secret realm.    


"Wrong, they have nothing to do with me. Besides, those flamingos didn't come out of here." Lin Long said.    


"Humph, no matter how much you speak, it won't change this point!" The man said coldly.    


Lin Long was too lazy to argue with him, she directly sent the Level 5 Glacial Talisman in her hands flying.    


This eunuch could also activate a level five Ice Talisman Paper, but he did not have complete control over it, so how could he be a match for Lin Long?    


Seeing that he was unable to hold on any longer, Lin Long dispelled the cold aura, and said coldly, "Are the people outside all coming in, or are you alone at the vanguard?"    


"How could I tell you!" The eunuch gritted his teeth.    


With a frown, Lin Long immediately cast a restriction on his body. The moment the restriction was activated, the eunuch started begging for forgiveness, "I'll say ?"    


Only then did Lin Long remove the restrictions.    


After recovering his breath, the eunuch said honestly, "I'll go in first. The others are still outside."    


Hearing this, Lin Long heaved a sigh of relief, if other people had entered, he might have been able to stop them at the altar, but now that others had not come in, he could let them leave safely.    


"Why did you come in alone? What happened? " In the next moment, Lin Long asked with incomparable curiosity.    


"Because the secret realm was previously sealed, it was not easy to reopen it, so it took me half a day to get in. However, as long as I have some time, people from the outside can come in." The eunuch said.    


"So that's how it is." Hearing his words, Lin Long naturally understood.    


With that, he directly sent the eunuch to the west with a palm strike. Asking what should be asked, this eunuch naturally had no more use.    


Alright, now you dare to go to the altar and bring them away! With that in mind, Lin Long sprinted towards the altar.    


Before he reached the altar, he bumped into Qian Jiayi and the others who had anxious looks on their faces.    


Seeing Qian Jiayi like this, Lin Long quickly asked, "Miss Qian, what's wrong?"    


"When we arrived at the altar, we found out that Miss Zhou Yingxue had disappeared. It was only after asking that we found out that Miss Zhou's two brothers had left the group out of greed for fun. That's why Miss Zhou came looking for them." Qian Jiayi said.    


After a short pause, she added, "It's fine, but the problem is that Miao Feng and Dong Luo, who went to look for Lady Zhou, have not returned yet. Did something happen, or did they run into His Majesty's men who entered the secret realm?"    


"Is that so?" Lin Long's face sunk, he never thought that at this critical juncture, such a thing would actually happen.    


"Those two children weren't young either. Who would have thought that they would create such a situation at such a crucial moment!" Wang Ying Xiang, who was at the side, silently cursed.    


"I'm truly sorry, but the two of them actually caused such a huge commotion." A middle-aged beautiful woman at the side said apologetically.    


This middle-aged beautiful woman was Zhou Yingxue's mother.    


"Auntie, don't blame yourself. This is also our fault. We did not look favorably on them." Qian Jiayi quickly replied.    


"Stop talking, we need to split up and search for them." Lin Long said from the side.    


"All of you better form groups of three. If you discover any danger, immediately sound the alarm!" Lin Long added.    


"Yes." Qian Jiayi and the others nodded.    


After which, they split up and began their search.    


Lin Long did not release the Bamboo Mouse. Although the Bamboo Mouse had remembered the aura on Zhou Yingxue's body, it had long since forgotten about it.    


Unknowingly, the time it took to make a cup of tea had passed. What made Lin Long's face turn ugly was that he still could not find Qian Jiayi and the others.    


Just then, Lin Long suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the luckless land in front of him.    


"Could it be that they are here in this lucky chance zone?" Lin Long was overjoyed.    


Thinking of this, he immediately headed towards this lucky chance.    


Before long, he had arrived outside this land of opportunity and used his spiritual will. He discovered that there was indeed someone inside.    


However, due to the interference of chance and place, he was unable to confirm the strength of the people inside. In other words, he did not know whether the people inside were Zhou Yingxue's group or the Emperor's men.    


Lin Long did not immediately enter, but rather, he sensed his surroundings and after making sure that there were no abnormalities in his surroundings, he entered into the land of opportunity.    


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